Management Science
1954 - 2025
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2025, issue 1, vol 71
- The Bullwhip Effect in Servitized Manufacturers pp. 1-20

- Yimeng Niu, Jing Wu, Shenyang Jiang and Zhibin Jiang
- The Impact of Exchange-Traded Fund Index Inclusion on Stock Prices pp. 21-34

- John Duffy, Daniel Friedman, Jean Paul Rabanal and Olga A. Rud
- Distortions Caused by Lending Fee Retention pp. 35-58

- Travis L. Johnson and Gregory Weitzner
- The Financial Consequences of Online Review Aggregators: Evidence from Yelp Ratings and SBA Loans pp. 59-82

- Ruidi Huang
- Traceability Technology Adoption in Supply Chain Networks pp. 83-102

- Philippe Blaettchen, Andre P. Calmon and Georgina Hall
- The Effect of Computer Monitoring on Employees’ Productivity in Telecommuting Arrangements pp. 103-122

- Yea Hee Ko and In Gyun Baek
- Treatment Allocation with Strategic Agents pp. 123-145

- Evan Munro
- Are People Willing to Pay for Reduced Inequality? pp. 146-161

- Brian Hill and Thomas Lloyd
- Intermediary Capital and the Credit Market pp. 162-183

- Milton Harris, Christian C. Opp and Marcus M. Opp
- Market Liquidity and Competition Among Designated Market Makers pp. 184-201

- Mario Bellia, Loriana Pelizzon, Marti G. Subrahmanyam and Darya Yuferova
- Submodular Order Functions and Assortment Optimization pp. 202-218

- Rajan Udwani
- Investor Logins and the Disposition Effect pp. 219-239

- Edika Quispe-Torreblanca, John Gathergood, George Loewenstein and Neil Stewart
- Stepping Sideways to Step up: Lateral Mobility and Career Advancement Inside Organizations pp. 240-261

- Matthew Bidwell and J. R. Keller
- Should Bank Stress Tests Be Fair? pp. 262-278

- Paul Glasserman and Mike Li
- Offline Returns for Online Retailers via Partnership pp. 279-297

- Leela Nageswaran, Elina H. Hwang and Soo-Haeng Cho
- Offline Planning and Online Learning Under Recovering Rewards pp. 298-317

- David Simchi-Levi, Zeyu Zheng and Feng Zhu
- Deferred Tax Asset Revaluations, Costly Information Processing, and Bank Deposits: Evidence from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act pp. 318-346

- Ulf Mohrmann and Jan Riepe
- Effects of Supportive Leadership Behaviors on Employee Satisfaction, Engagement, and Performance: An Experimental Field Investigation pp. 347-365

- Simone Haeckl and Mari Rege
- Exercising Market Power Without Using Prices: Service Time in Online Grocery pp. 366-389

- Itai Ater and Adi Shany
- Reducing Interference Bias in Online Marketplace Experiments Using Cluster Randomization: Evidence from a Pricing Meta-experiment on Airbnb pp. 390-406

- David Holtz, Felipe Lobel, Ruben Lobel, Inessa Liskovich and Sinan Aral
- Measuring Intangible Capital with Market Prices pp. 407-427

- Michael Ewens, Ryan H. Peters and Sean Wang
- Salient Cues and Complexity pp. 428-469

- Markus Dertwinkel-Kalt and Mats Köster
- Communication Within Firms: Evidence from CEO Turnovers pp. 470-487

- Stephen Michael Impink, Andrea Prat and Raffaella Sadun
- Fintech Platforms and Mutual Fund Distribution pp. 488-517

- Claire Yurong Hong, Xiaomeng Lu and Jun Pan
- Liquidity Risk and Currency Premia pp. 518-537

- Paul Söderlind and Fabricius Somogyi
- Social Learning in Prosumption: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment pp. 538-552

- Jaehwuen Jung, Tianshu Sun, Ravi Bapna and Joseph M. Golden
- What Makes HFTs Tick? Tick Size Changes and Information Advantage in a Market with Fast and Slow Traders pp. 553-583

- Alain P. Chaboud, Avery Dao, Clara Vega and Filip Zikes
- Friends with Health Benefits: A Field Experiment pp. 584-594

- Rachel Gershon, Cynthia Cryder and Katherine L. Milkman
- Remote Work and Job Applicant Diversity: Evidence from Technology Startups pp. 595-614

- David H. Hsu and Prasanna B. Tambe
- Debt Derisking pp. 615-634

- Jannic Cutura, Gianpaolo Parise and Andreas Schrimpf
- Site Visits and Corporate Investment Efficiency pp. 635-658

- Sean Shun Cao, Guojin Gong, Yongtae Kim, Hanzhong Shi and Angie Wang
- Understanding Labor Market Discrimination Against Transgender People: Evidence from a Double List Experiment and a Survey pp. 659-677

- Billur Aksoy, Christopher S. Carpenter and Dario Sansone
- Strategy-Proof Multi-Issue Mediation: An Application to Online Dispute Resolution pp. 678-693

- Onur Kesten and Selcuk Ozyurt
- Uncovering Sophisticated Discrimination with the Help of Credence Goods Markups: Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment pp. 694-707

- Jonathan Hall, Rudolf Kerschbamer, Daniel Neururer and Eric Skoog
- Gentrification and Racial Distrust in Communities: Evidence from 911 Calls pp. 708-730

- Uttara M. Ananthakrishnan, Sharique Hasan and Anuj Kumar
- A Better Estimate of Internally Generated Intangible Capital pp. 731-752

- Aneel Iqbal, Shiva Rajgopal, Anup Srivastava and Rong Zhao
- Understanding the Impact of Reviews on Consumer Product Choices Under Negotiated Pricing pp. 753-778

- Jisu Cao and Sha Yang
- Measuring the Quality of Mergers and Acquisitions pp. 779-802

- Atif Ellahie, Shenje Hshieh and Feng Zhang
- Sharpen Your Sword for Litigation: Incumbent Strategic Reaction to the Threat of Entry pp. 803-824

- Annamaria Conti, Leonardo Ortega and Elie Sung
- Online Advertisement Allocation Under Customer Choices and Algorithmic Fairness pp. 825-843

- Xiaolong Li, Ying Rong, Renyu Zhang and Huan Zheng
- On Customer (Dis-)Honesty in Unobservable Queues: The Role of Lying Aversion pp. 844-860

- Arturo Estrada Rodriguez, Rouba Ibrahim and Dongyuan Zhan
- Optimal Contracts for Time-Inconsistent Consumers with Heterogeneous Beliefs pp. 861-878

- Buqu Gao and Liang Guo
- Taylor Approximation of Inventory Policies for One-Warehouse, Multi-Retailer Systems with Demand Feature Information pp. 879-897

- Jingkai Huang, Kevin Shang, Yi Yang, Weihua Zhou and Yuan Li
- Nonperforming Loan Disposals Without Resolution pp. 898-916

- Ben Charoenwong, Meng Miao and Tianyue Ruan
- Earnings Management via Not-Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries pp. 917-941

- Mei Luo, Frank Zhang and Xinyi Zhang
- Can Random Friends Seed More Buzz and Adoption? Leveraging the Friendship Paradox pp. 942-953

- Vineet Kumar and K. Sudhir
2024, issue 12, vol 70
- The Power of Knowing a Woman Is in Charge: Lessons from a Randomized Experiment pp. 8217-8244

- Loretti Dobrescu, Alberto Motta and Akshay Shanker
- Proximate (Co-)Working: Knowledge Spillovers and Social Interactions pp. 8245-8264

- Maria P. Roche, Alexander Oettl and Christian Catalini
- Disruptions, Redundancy Strategies, and Performance of Small Firms: Evidence from Uganda pp. 8265-8283

- Amrita Kundu, Stephen J. Anderson and Kamalini Ramdas
- Dispersion of Beliefs Bounds: Sentimental Recovery pp. 8284-8300

- Altan Pazarbaşı, Paul Schneider and Grigory Vilkov
- Liberalizing Home-Based Business pp. 8301-8321

- Sumit Agarwal, Tien Foo Sing, Changcheng Song and Jian Zhang
- Disclosure, Materiality Thresholds, and the Cost of Capital: Evidence from Federal Open Market Committee Announcements pp. 8322-8343

- Michael Dambra, Mihail Velikov and Joseph Weber
- Do Employee Interests Affect Target Board Decisions About Acquisition Offers? Evidence from Changes in Unemployment Insurance pp. 8344-8365

- Lixiong Guo, Jing Kong and Ronald Masulis
- Climate Regulation and Emissions Abatement: Theory and Evidence from Firms’ Disclosures pp. 8366-8385

- Tarun Ramadorai and Federica Zeni
- Mapping U.S.–China Technology Decoupling: Policies, Innovation, and Firm Performance pp. 8386-8413

- Pengfei Han, Wei Jiang and Danqing Mei
- Are Audit Committees Overloaded? Evidence from the Effect of Financial Risk Management Oversight on Financial Reporting Quality pp. 8414-8447

- Musaib Ashraf, Preeti Choudhary and Jacob Jaggi
- Nontraded Sector Growth Risks and Economic Sizes in International Asset Pricing pp. 8448-8463

- Thuy-Duong Tô and Ngoc-Khanh Tran
- The Value of Regulators as Monitors: Evidence from Banking pp. 8464-8483

- Emilio Bisetti
- Disaster Lending: “Fair” Prices but “Unfair” Access pp. 8484-8505

- Taylor A. Begley, Umit G. Gurun, Amiyatosh Purnanandam and Daniel Weagley
- Optimal Decision Making Under Strategic Behavior pp. 8506-8519

- Stratis Tsirtsis, Behzad Tabibian, Moein Khajehnejad, Adish Singla, Bernhard Schölkopf and Manuel Gomez-Rodriguez
- Organizational and Economic Obstacles to Automation: A Cautionary Tale from AT&T in the Twentieth Century pp. 8520-8540

- James Feigenbaum and Daniel Gross
- The Prediction Order Effect: People Are More Likely to Choose Improbable Outcomes in Later Predictions pp. 8541-8555

- Jackie Silverman and Uri Barnea
- The Real Effects of Shadow Banking: Evidence from China pp. 8556-8582

- Xuan Tian, Guoqian Tu and Yichu Wang
- Inefficient Forecasts at the Sportsbook: An Analysis of Real-Time Betting Line Movement pp. 8583-8611

- Jay Simon
- Managerial Mental Accounting and Downstream Project Decisions pp. 8612-8630

- Manel Baucells, Yael Grushka-Cockayne and Woonam Hwang
- Learning to Order for Inventory Systems with Lost Sales and Uncertain Supplies pp. 8631-8646

- Boxiao Chen, Jiashuo Jiang, Jiawei Zhang and Zhengyuan Zhou
- Too Many Meetings? Scheduling Rules for Team Coordination pp. 8647-8667

- Guillaume Roels and Charles J. Corbett
- Digital Content Creation: An Analysis of the Impact of Recommendation Systems pp. 8668-8684

- Kun Qian and Sanjay Jain
- Prior Information and Consumer Search: Evidence from Eye Tracking pp. 8685-8708

- Raluca Mihaela Ursu, Tülin Erdem, Qingliang Wang and Qianyun Zhang
- Voting with Time Commitment for Decentralized Governance: Bond Voting as a Sybil-Resistant Mechanism pp. 8709-8734

- Vijay Mohan, Peyman Khezr and Chris Berg
- Failures in Forecasting: An Experiment on Interpersonal Projection Bias pp. 8735-8752

- Benjamin Bushong and Tristan Gagnon-Bartsch
- Are Top Management Teams Compensated as Teams? A Structural Modeling Approach pp. 8753-8771

- Chen Li
- Pricing Indefinitely Lived Assets: Experimental Evidence pp. 8772-8790

- John Duffy, Janet Hua Jiang and Huan Xie
- The Cyber Risk Premium pp. 8791-8817

- Hao Jiang, Naveen Khanna, Qian Yang and Jiayu Zhou
- The Spillover Effect of Fraudulent Reviews on Product Recommendations pp. 8818-8832

- Panagiotis (Panos) Adamopoulos
- Costly Information Acquisition in Decentralized Markets: Experimental Evidence pp. 8833-8852

- Elena Asparouhova, Peter Bossaerts and Wenhao Yang
- Maximal Objectives in the Multiarmed Bandit with Applications pp. 8853-8874

- Eren Ozbay and Vijay Kamble
- Direct Evidence of Bitcoin Wash Trading pp. 8875-8921

- Arash Aloosh and Jiasun Li
- Fair Exploration via Axiomatic Bargaining pp. 8922-8939

- Jackie Baek and Vivek F. Farias
- Demand Inertia and the Hidden Impact of Pharmacy Benefit Managers pp. 8940-8961

- Josh Feng and Luca Maini
- How Much Can Machines Learn Finance from Chinese Text Data? pp. 8962-8987

- Yang Zhou, Jianqing Fan and Lirong Xue
- Designing Sparse Graphs for Stochastic Matching with an Application to Middle-Mile Transportation Management pp. 8988-9013

- Yifan Feng, René Caldentey, Linwei Xin, Yuan Zhong, Bing Wang and Haoyuan Hu
- Decisions Under Uncertainty as Bayesian Inference on Choice Options pp. 9014-9030

- Ferdinand M. Vieider
- Smooth Nested Simulation: Bridging Cubic and Square Root Convergence Rates in High Dimensions pp. 9031-9057

- Wenjia Wang, Yanyuan Wang and Xiaowei Zhang
- Management Practices and Resilience to Shocks: Evidence from COVID-19 pp. 9058-9072

- Andrea Lamorgese, Megha Patnaik, Andrea Linarello and Fabiano Schivardi
- Enhancing Customer–Supplier Coordination Through Customer-Managed Inventory pp. 9073-9088

- Shi Chen, Morris A. Cohen and Hau Lee
- The Digital Lives of the Poor: Entertainment Traps and Information Isolation pp. 9089-9100

- Kamalini Ramdas and Alp Sungu
- Large Language Model in Creative Work: The Role of Collaboration Modality and User Expertise pp. 9101-9117

- Zenan Chen and Jason Chan
- Comment on “Salesforce Compensation with Inventory Considerations”: A Rejoinder pp. 9118-9119

- Tinglong Dai and Kinshuk Jerath
2024, issue 11, vol 70
- Helping Small Businesses Become More Data-Driven: A Field Experiment on eBay pp. 7345-7372

- Sagit Bar-Gill, Erik Brynjolfsson and Nir Hak
- How Large are Predefault Costs of Financial Distress? Estimates from a Dynamic Model pp. 7373-7396

- Redouane Elkamhi, Daniel Kim and Marco Salerno
- Treat, Dump, or Export? How Domestic and International Waste Management Policies Shape Waste Chain Outcomes pp. 7397-7421

- Sytske C. Wijnsma, Dominique Olié Lauga and L. Beril Toktay
- Overconfidence in Probability Distributions: People Know They Don’t Know, but They Don’t Know What to Do About It pp. 7422-7442

- Jack B. Soll, Asa B. Palley, Joshua Klayman and Don A. Moore
- Safe Bets, Long Shots, and Toss-Ups: Strategic Engagements Between Activists and Firms pp. 7443-7462

- Guy L. F. Holburn, John W. Maxwell and Jean-Philippe Bonardi
- Erratum on “Demonstrations and Price Competition in New Product Release” pp. 7463-7463

- Zhiqiang Chen, Shengshuo Xu, Fangkezi Zhou and Yongjun Li
- Proximity and Knowledge Spillovers: Evidence from the Introduction of New Airline Routes pp. 7464-7485

- John (Jianqiu) Bai, Wang Jin and Sifan Zhou
- Gender Quotas in Hiring Committees: A Boon or a Bane for Women? pp. 7486-7505

- Pierre Deschamps
- Indication-Based Pricing for Multi-Indication Drugs pp. 7506-7523

- Elodie Adida
- Probabilistic Outcomes Are Valued Less in Expectation, Even Conditional on Their Realization pp. 7524-7536

- Gabriele Paolacci and Quentin André
- Investor Regret and Stock Returns pp. 7537-7558

- Y. Eser Arisoy, Turan G. Bali and Yi Tang
- Customer Preferences for Delivery Service Attributes in Attended Home Delivery pp. 7559-7578

- Pedro Amorim, Nicole DeHoratius, Fredrik Eng-Larsson and Sara Martins
- The Voice of Customers in Customization pp. 7579-7596

- Liang Guo
- Cooperation in Queueing Systems pp. 7597-7616

- Yaroslav Rosokha and Chen Wei
- How Do Consumers Interact with Digital Expert Advice? Experimental Evidence from Health Insurance pp. 7617-7643

- M. Kate Bundorf, Maria Polyakova and Ming Tai-Seale
- The Risk of Expected Utility Under Parameter Uncertainty pp. 7644-7663

- Nathan Lassance, Alberto Martín-Utrera and Majeed Simaan
- A Continuous Time Framework for Sequential Goal-Based Wealth Management pp. 7664-7691

- Agostino Capponi and Yuchong Zhang
- The Spillover Effects of Capacity Pooling in Hospitals pp. 7692-7711

- Jong Myeong Lim, Hummy Song and Julius J. Yang
- Sequential Search with Acquisition Uncertainty pp. 7712-7729

- David B. Brown and Cagin Uru
- Compatibility and Information Asymmetry in Online Matching Platforms pp. 7730-7749

- Amit Basu, Sreekumar Bhaskaran and Rajiv Mukherjee
- The Effects of Betrayal Aversion on Effort Provision When Incentives Are Fragile pp. 7750-7769

- Volker Benndorf, Stephan Müller and Holger A. Rau
- Optimal Discoverability on Platforms pp. 7770-7790

- Andrei Hagiu and Julian Wright
- Understanding Cooperation in an Intertemporal Context pp. 7791-7810

- Felix Kölle and Thomas Lauer
- Trust-and-Evaluate: A Dynamic Nonmonetary Mechanism for Internal Capital Allocation pp. 7811-7828

- Shivam Gupta, Saurabh Bansal, Milind Dawande and Ganesh Janakiraman
- Big Fish in Small Ponds: Human Capital Migration and the Rise of Boutique Banks pp. 7829-7850

- Janet Gao, Wenyu Wang and Xiaoyun Yu
- Do Credit Rating Agencies Learn from the Options Market? pp. 7851-7867

- Paul Brockman, Musa Subasi, Jeff Wang and Eliza Zhang
- Technology and Disintermediation in Online Marketplaces pp. 7868-7891

- Grace Y. Gu
- Preference Externality Estimators: A Comparison of Border Approaches and IVs pp. 7892-7910

- Xing Li, Wesley R. Hartmann and Tomomichi Amano
- Optimal Cross-Sectional Regression pp. 7911-7942

- Zhipeng Liao, Yan Liu and Zhenzhen Xie
- Continuity of Care Increases Physician Productivity in Primary Care pp. 7943-7960

- Harshita Kajaria-Montag, Michael Freeman and Stefan Scholtes
- Participation vs. Effectiveness in Sponsored Tweet Campaigns: A Quality-Quantity Conundrum pp. 7961-7983

- Jing Peng and Christophe Van den Bulte
- Online Advertising, Data Sharing, and Consumer Control pp. 7984-8002

- Justin P. Johnson, Thomas Jungbauer and Marcel Preuss
- Data Deserts and Black Boxes: The Impact of Socio-Economic Status on Consumer Profiling pp. 8003-8029

- Nico Neumann, Catherine E. Tucker, Levi Kaplan, Alan Mislove and Piotr Sapiezynski
- Are Political and Charitable Giving Substitutes? Evidence from the United States pp. 8030-8043

- Pinar Yildirim, Andrei Simonov, Maria Petrova and Ricardo Perez-Truglia
- Retail Buyer and Manufacturer Influence pp. 8044-8066

- Upender Subramanian and Z. John Zhang
- Risk Hedging and Loan Covenants pp. 8067-8095

- Ilona Babenko, Hendrik Bessembinder and Yuri Tserlukevich
- Global Financial Cycle, Household Credit, and Macroprudential Policies pp. 8096-8115

- Mircea Epure, Irina Mihai, Camelia Minoiu and Jose-Luis Peydro
- Takeover Protections and Asset Prices pp. 8116-8133

- Assaf Eisdorfer, Erwan Morellec and Alexei Zhdanov
- Political Influence, Bank Capital, and Credit Allocation pp. 8134-8162

- Sheng Huang and Anjan V. Thakor
- Unifying Procedure-Dependent Preference Reversals: Theory and Experiments pp. 8163-8186

- Liang Guo
- Incentive Auction Design Alternatives: A Simulation Study pp. 8187-8215

- Neil Newman, Kevin Leyton-Brown, Paul Milgrom and Ilya Segal
2024, issue 10, vol 70
- Call for Papers— Management Science Virtual Special Issue on AI for Finance and Business Decisions pp. xi-xii

- Barış Ata, Lin William Cong, Kay Giesecke, Peng Sun and Chung Piaw Teo
- Stockpiling at the Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Empirical Analysis of National Prescription Drug Sales and Prices pp. 6483-6501

- Minje Park, Anita L. Carson, Erin R. Fox and Rena Conti
- Calibrating Sales Forecasts in a Pandemic Using Competitive Online Nonparametric Regression pp. 6502-6518

- David Simchi-Levi, Rui Sun, Michelle Xiao Wu and Ruihao Zhu
- CEO Activism and Firm Value pp. 6519-6549

- Anahit Mkrtchyan, Jason Sandvik and Vivi Z. Zhu
- Let’s Chat… When Communication Promotes Efficiency in Experimental Asset Markets pp. 6550-6568

- Brice Corgnet, Mark DeSantis and David Porter
- Organized Crime and Firms: Evidence from Antimafia Enforcement Actions pp. 6569-6596

- Pablo Slutzky and Stefan Zeume
- Physical Frictions and Digital Banking Adoption pp. 6597-6621

- Hyun-Soo Choi and Roger K. Loh
- An Experiment on Gender Representation in Majoritarian Bargaining pp. 6622-6636

- Andrzej Baranski, Diogo Geraldes, Ada Kovaliukaite and James Tremewan
- A Heuristic for Combining Correlated Experts When There Are Few Data pp. 6637-6668

- David Soule, Yael Grushka-Cockayne and Jason Merrick
- Exposure to the Views of Opposing Others with Latent Cognitive Differences Results in Social Influence—But Only When Those Differences Remain Obscured pp. 6669-6684

- Douglas Guilbeault, Austin van Loon, Katharina Lix, Amir Goldberg and Sameer B. Srivastava
- Behavioral Microfoundations of New Practice Adoption: The Effects of Rewards, Training and Population Dynamics pp. 6685-6703

- Antoine Feylessoufi, Stylianos Kavadias and Daniel Ralph
- An Equivalence Between Fair Division and Wagering Mechanisms pp. 6704-6723

- Rupert Freeman, Jens Witkowski, Jennifer Wortman Vaughan and David M. Pennock
- The Dynamic Informativeness of Scheduled News pp. 6724-6739

- Julio A. Crego and Jasmin Gider
- An fMRI Investigation of the Neurocognitive Processing of Measures and Strategic Objectives pp. 6740-6760

- Paul W. Black, C. Brock Kirwan, Thomas O. Meservy, William B. Tayler and Jeffrey Williams
- Belief Updating Beyond the Two-State Setting pp. 6761-6777

- Hannes Mohrschladt, Maren Baars and Thomas Langer
- Dynamic Persuasion and Strategic Search pp. 6778-6803

- Yunfei (Jesse) Yao
- A Decomposition of Conditional Risk Premia and Implications for Representative Agent Models pp. 6804-6834

- Fousseni Chabi-Yo and Johnathan A. Loudis
- Intraconsumer Price Discrimination with Credit Refund Policies pp. 6835-6851

- Yan Liu and Dan Zhang
- Overconservativeness of Variance-Based Efficiency Criteria and Probabilistic Efficiency in Rare-Event Simulation pp. 6852-6873

- Yuanlu Bai, Zhiyuan Huang, Henry Lam and Ding Zhao
- Financing Innovative Activity and the Endogeneity of Patenting pp. 6874-6896

- Robert Marquez, Thành Nguyen and M. Deniz Yavuz
- Smartphone Trading Technology, Investor Behavior, and Mutual Fund Performance pp. 6897-6916

- Xiao Cen
- Co-Opetition and the Firm’s Information Environment pp. 6917-6941

- Brian J. Bushee, Thomas Keusch and Jessica Kim-Gina
- Not All Shocks Are Created Equal: Assessing Heterogeneity in the Bank Lending Channel pp. 6942-6965

- Gil Nogueira, Luísa Farinha and Laura Blattner
- Inferring Intermediary Risk Exposure from Trade pp. 6966-6982

- Chris Anderson and Weiling Liu
- Choosing to Discover the Unknown: The Effects of Choice on User Attention to Online Video Advertising pp. 6983-7003

- Cheng Luo, Zhenhui (Jack) Jiang, Xiuping Li, Cheng Yi and Catherine Tucker
- The Gender Gap in Meaningful Work pp. 7004-7023

- Vanessa C. Burbano, Olle Folke, Stephan Meier and Johanna Rickne
- Weak Signal Asymptotics for Sequentially Randomized Experiments pp. 7024-7041

- Xu Kuang and Stefan Wager
- Unpacking Overconfident Behavior When Betting on Oneself pp. 7042-7061

- Mohammed Abdellaoui, Han Bleichrodt and Cédric Gutierrez
- The Impact of Family-Based Human Capital on Corporate Innovation: Evidence from Sibling-Chairpersons in China pp. 7062-7089

- Nianhang Xu, Kam C. Chan, Rongrong Xie, Qinyuan Chen and Sumit Agarwal
- Attention and Dread: Experimental Evidence on Preferences for Information pp. 7090-7100

- Armin Falk and Florian Zimmermann
- Attention and Biases: Evidence from Tax-Inattentive Investors pp. 7101-7119

- Justin Birru, Fernando Chague, Rodrigo De-Losso and Bruno Giovannetti
- How APIs Create Growth by Inverting the Firm pp. 7120-7141

- Seth G. Benzell, Jonathan Hersh and Marshall Van Alstyne
- Informal Cross-Border Trade in Africa: Operations, Policy, and Opportunities pp. 7142-7160

- Jimin Park, Michael K. Lim and Karthik Murali
- Quantifying the Impact of Impact Investing pp. 7161-7186

- Andrew W. Lo and Ruixun Zhang
- On the Causal Effect of Fame on Citations pp. 7187-7214

- Jonathan Brogaard, Joseph E. Engelberg, Sapnoti K. Eswar and Edward D. Van Wesep
- Personal Taxes and Firm Skill Hiring: Evidence from 27 Million Job Postings pp. 7215-7241

- Murillo Campello, Janet Gao and Qiping Xu
- A Regularized High-Dimensional Positive Definite Covariance Estimator with High-Frequency Data pp. 7242-7264

- Liyuan Cui, Yongmiao Hong, Yingxing Li and Junhui Wang
- Contest Schemes and Dynamic Incentive Provision pp. 7265-7282

- Qintao Fan and Nicole Johnson
- Sampling Bias in Entrepreneurial Experiments pp. 7283-7307

- Ruiqing Cao, Rembrand Koning and Ramana Nanda
- When Nash Meets Stackelberg pp. 7308-7324

- Margarida Carvalho, Gabriele Dragotto, Felipe Feijoo, Andrea Lodi and Sriram Sankaranarayanan
- Improving the Efficiency of Payments Systems Using Quantum Computing pp. 7325-7341

- Christopher McMahon, Donald McGillivray, Ajit Desai, Francisco Rivadeneyra, Jean-Paul Lam, Thomas Lo, Danica Marsden and Vladimir Skavysh
- Comment on “Salesforce Compensation with Inventory Considerations” pp. 7342-7343

- Fabrizio Rodríguez
2024, issue 9, vol 70
- Impact of Media Ownership on News Coverage pp. 5627-5645

- Simi Kedia and Gunchang Kim
- Housing Cycles and Exchange Rates pp. 5646-5666

- Sai Ma and Shaojun Zhang
- Ambiguous Dynamic Treatment Regimes: A Reinforcement Learning Approach pp. 5667-5690

- Soroush Saghafian
- Debtors at Play: Gaming Behavior and Consumer Credit Risk pp. 5691-5708

- Shuaishuai Gong, Ross Levine, Chen Lin and Wensi Xie
- Breadth of Ownership and the Cross-Section of Corporate Bond Returns pp. 5709-5730

- Jingzhi Huang, Nan Qin and Ying Wang
- Selling Assets: Are Sellers Better Off with Strong Buyers? pp. 5731-5752

- Robert Marquez and Rajdeep Singh
- Friend or Foe? Teaming Between Artificial Intelligence and Workers with Variation in Experience pp. 5753-5775

- Weiguang Wang, Guodong (Gordon) Gao and Ritu Agarwal
- How Do Product Recommendations Help Consumers Search? Evidence from a Field Experiment pp. 5776-5794

- Xiang (Shawn) Wan, Anuj Kumar and Xitong Li
- Current Account Uncertainty and Currency Premia pp. 5795-5815

- Pasquale Della Corte and Aleksejs Krecetovs
- The Editor and the Algorithm: Recommendation Technology in Online News pp. 5816-5831

- Christian Peukert, Ananya Sen and Jörg Claussen
- The Effect of Language on Income Smoothing: Cross-Country Evidence pp. 5832-5852

- Wenjiao Cao, Linda A. Myers and Zhifang Zhang
- The Benefit of the Doubt: Patent Examination Under Strategic Obfuscation pp. 5853-5870

- Nicolás Figueroa and Jorge Lemus
- The Effects of a Short-Term Corporate Social Impact Activity on Employee Turnover: Field Experimental Evidence pp. 5871-5895

- Florencio F. Portocarrero and Vanessa C. Burbano
- Virtual Shareholder Meetings pp. 5896-5930

- Francois Brochet, Roman Chychyla and Fabrizio Ferri
- A Bayesian Hierarchical Model of Crowd Wisdom Based on Predicting Opinions of Others pp. 5931-5948

- John McCoy and Drazen Prelec
- Contrarians, Extrapolators, and Stock Market Momentum and Reversal pp. 5949-5984

- Adem Atmaz, Huseyin Gulen, Stefano Cassella and Fangcheng Ruan
- Dynamic Pricing with External Information and Inventory Constraint pp. 5985-6001

- Xiaocheng Li and Zeyu Zheng
- Spanning Analysis of Stock Market Anomalies Under Prospect Stochastic Dominance pp. 6002-6025

- Stelios Arvanitis, Olivier Scaillet and Nikolas Topaloglou
- Help-and-Haggle: Social Commerce Through Randomized, All-or-Nothing Discounts pp. 6026-6044

- Luyi Yang, Chen Jin and Zhen Shao
- (How) Does User-Generated Content Impact Content Generated by Professionals? Evidence from Local News pp. 6045-6068

- Ananya Sen, Tom Grad, Pedro Ferreira and Jörg Claussen
- Dynamic Information Regimes in Financial Markets pp. 6069-6092

- Paul Glasserman, Harry Mamaysky and Yiwen Shen
- Incentives from Career Concerns in a Contract Package: An Empirical Investigation pp. 6093-6116

- Bicheng Yang, Tat Chan, Hideo Owan and Tsuyoshi Tsuru
- Optimal Portfolio Choice with Unknown Benchmark Efficiency pp. 6117-6138

- Raymond Kan and Xiaolu Wang
- Bandits atop Reinforcement Learning: Tackling Online Inventory Models with Cyclic Demands pp. 6139-6157

- Xiao-Yue Gong and David Simchi-Levi
- Blockchain Adoption in a Supply Chain with Manufacturer Market Power pp. 6158-6178

- Garud Iyengar, Fahad Saleh, Jay Sethuraman and Wenjun Wang
- The Value of Virtual Engagement: Evidence from a Running Platform pp. 6179-6201

- Che-Wei Liu, Weiguang Wang, Guodong (Gordon) Gao and Ritu Agarwal
- Information Technology and Credit: Evidence from Public Guarantees pp. 6202-6219

- Fabrizio Core and Filippo De Marco
- Too Much Information: When Does Additional Testing Benefit Schools? pp. 6220-6233

- Vanitha Virudachalam, Sergei Savin and Matthew P. Steinberg
- When Myopic Managers Must Mark to Market pp. 6234-6254

- Adam Kolasinski and Nan Yang
- Information Reliability and Market Outcomes pp. 6255-6279

- Chihoon Cho, Richard Frankel and Xiumin Martin
- Are Financial Statements More Comparable When GAAP Restricts Managers’ Discretion? pp. 6280-6301

- Spencer Young
- Optimal Accounting Rules, Private Benefits of Control, and Efficient Liquidation pp. 6302-6314

- Xu Jiang and Ming Yang
- The Stickiness of Category Labels: Audience Perception and Evaluation of Producer Repositioning in Creative Markets pp. 6315-6335

- Balázs Kovács, Greta Hsu and Amanda Sharkey
- The Challenge of Understanding What Users Want: Inconsistent Preferences and Engagement Optimization pp. 6336-6355

- Jon Kleinberg, Sendhil Mullainathan and Manish Raghavan
- Are Third-Party Fundamental Valuations Relevant in Public Company Takeovers? pp. 6356-6373

- Matthew Shaffer
- The Global Determinants of International Equity Risk Premiums pp. 6374-6394

- Juan M. Londono and Nancy R. Xu
- When Bonuses Backfire: Evidence from the Workplace pp. 6395-6414

- Jakob Alfitian, Dirk Sliwka and Timo Vogelsang
- Nonregular Employment and Payout Policy: Evidence from the Massachusetts Independent Contractor Law pp. 6415-6437

- JiHoon Hwang and Kathleen M. Kahle
- Inflation, Monetary Policy, and Portfolio Decisions of U.S. Households pp. 6438-6460

- Yosef Bonaparte, George M. Korniotis, Alok Kumar and Melina Vosse
- From Feeds to Inboxes: A Comparative Study of Polarization in Facebook and Email News Sharing pp. 6461-6472

- Hema Yoganarasimhan and Irina Iakovetskaia
- Data-Driven Mergers pp. 6473-6482

- Alexandre de Cornière and Greg Taylor
2024, issue 8, vol 70
- Call for Papers— Management Science Virtual Special Issue on Digital Finance pp. vi-vii

- Lin Cong, Kay Giesecke and Cami Kuhnen
- Leader Signals and “Growth Mindset”: A Natural Field Experiment in Attracting Minorities to High-Profile Positions pp. 4953-4973

- Jeffrey A. Flory, Andreas Leibbrandt, Christina Rott and Olga Stoddard
- Understanding Partnership Formation and Repeated Contributions in Federated Learning: An Analytical Investigation pp. 4974-4994

- Xuan Bi, Alok Gupta and Mochen Yang
- When Bankers Go to Hail: Insights into Fed–Bank Interactions from Taxi Data pp. 4995-5015

- Daniel Bradley, David Andrew Finer, Matthew Gustafson and Jared Williams
- Analyst Coverage Networks and Corporate Financial Policies pp. 5016-5039

- Armando Gomes, Radhakrishnan Gopalan, Mark T. Leary and Francisco Marcet
- Machine Learning for Demand Estimation in Long Tail Markets pp. 5040-5065

- Hammaad Adam, Pu He and Fanyin Zheng
- Replicating and Digesting Anomalies in the Chinese A-Share Market pp. 5066-5090

- Zhibing Li, Laura Xiaolei Liu, Xiaoyu Liu and K. C. John Wei
- Partisan Return Gap: The Polarized Stock Market in the Time of a Pandemic pp. 5091-5114

- Jinfei Sheng, Zheng Sun and Wanyi Wang
- Ensemble Experiments to Optimize Interventions Along the Customer Journey: A Reinforcement Learning Approach pp. 5115-5130

- Yicheng Song and Tianshu Sun
- The SEC’s Short-Sale Experiment: Evidence on Causal Channels and Reassessment of Indirect Effects pp. 5131-5156

- Bernard S. Black, Hemang Desai, Katherine Litvak, Woongsun Yoo and Jeff Yu
- Media Attention and Event-Based Grouping of Stocks: An Examination of Stocks Hyped by Media Outlets as Benefiting from the Olympics pp. 5157-5186

- Patricia Dechow, Alastair Lawrence, Mei Luo and Ventsislav Stamenov
- Equity and Efficiency in Dynamic Matching: Extreme Waitlist Policies pp. 5187-5207

- Afshin Nikzad and Philipp Strack
- Benefit of Consumer Showrooming for a Physical Retailer: A Distribution Channel Perspective pp. 5208-5225

- Lin Hao and Subodha Kumar
- Reaching for Yield and the Cross Section of Bond Returns pp. 5226-5245

- Qianwen Chen and Jaewon Choi
- Washington Policy Analysts and the Propagation of Political Information pp. 5246-5269

- Daniel Bradley, Sinan Gokkaya, Xi Liu and Roni Michaely
- Policy Learning with Adaptively Collected Data pp. 5270-5297

- Ruohan Zhan, Zhimei Ren, Susan Athey and Zhengyuan Zhou
- Managing Volunteers and Paid Workers in a Nonprofit Operation pp. 5298-5316

- Gemma Berenguer, William B. Haskell and Lei Li
- Optimal Experimental Design for Staggered Rollouts pp. 5317-5336

- Ruoxuan Xiong, Susan Athey, Mohsen Bayati and Guido Imbens
- Secretary Problems with Biased Evaluations Using Partial Ordinal Information pp. 5337-5366

- Jad Salem and Swati Gupta
- The Booms and Busts of Beta Arbitrage pp. 5367-5385

- Shiyang Huang, Xin Liu, Dong Lou and Christopher Polk
- Tick Size and Earnings Guidance in Small-Cap Firms: Evidence from the SEC’s Tick Size Pilot Program pp. 5386-5407

- Yangyang Chen, Jeffrey Ng, Emmanuel Ofosu and Xin Yang
- Impact of Physician Payment Scheme on Diagnostic Effort and Testing pp. 5408-5425

- Elodie Adida and Tinglong Dai
- Author Country of Origin and Attention on Open Science Platforms: Evidence from COVID-19 Preprints pp. 5426-5444

- Caroline Fry and Megan MacGarvie
- Blind Dynamic Resource Allocation in Closed Networks via Mirror Backpressure pp. 5445-5462

- Yash Kanoria and Pengyu Qian
- Product Sales Incentive Spillovers to the Lending Market: Evidence from Subprime Auto Loan Defaults pp. 5463-5480

- Mark Jansen, Lamar Pierce, Jason Snyder and Hieu Nguyen
- Tiered Assortment: Optimization and Online Learning pp. 5481-5501

- Junyu Cao and Wei Sun
- Betting on Diversity—Occupational Segregation and Gender Stereotypes pp. 5502-5516

- Urs Fischbacher, Dorothea Kübler and Robert Stüber
- When Beliefs Influence the Perceived Signal Precision: The Impact of News on Reinforcement-Oriented Agents pp. 5517-5539

- Stefanie Schraeder
- Price Delegation with Learning Agents pp. 5540-5556

- Atalay Atasu, Dragos Florin Ciocan and Antoine Désir
- Auditor Tenure and Misreporting: Evidence from a Dynamic Oligopoly Game pp. 5557-5585

- Edwige Cheynel and Frank S. Zhou
- Buy Now Pay (Pain?) Later pp. 5586-5598

- Ed deHaan, Jungbae Kim, Ben Lourie and Chenqi Zhu
- Peg Abandonment and Cross-Currency Contagion pp. 5599-5606

- Florian Balke, Andreas Barth, Arne Reichel and Mark Wahrenburg
- Extrapolative Uncertainty and Household Economic Behavior pp. 5607-5625

- Elyas Fermand, Camelia Kuhnen, Geng Li and Itzhak Ben-David
2024, issue 7, vol 70
- Buying the Verdict pp. 4167-4183

- Lauren H. Cohen and Umit G. Gurun
- Is Personalized Pricing Profitable When Firms Can Differentiate? pp. 4184-4199

- Xi Li, Xin (Shane) Wang and Barrie R. Nault
- Identifying the Bottleneck Unit: Impact of Congestion Spillover in Hospital Inpatient Unit Network pp. 4200-4218

- Song-Hee Kim, Fanyin Zheng and Joan Brown
- Robust Bidding in First-Price Auctions: How to Bid Without Knowing What Others Are Doing pp. 4219-4235

- Bernhard Kasberger and Karl Schlag
- Demographic “Stickiness”: The Demographic Identity of Departing Group Members Influences Who Is Chosen to Replace Them pp. 4236-4259

- Edward H. Chang and Erika L. Kirgios
- Quality Differentiation and Matching Performance in Peer-to-Peer Markets: Evidence from Airbnb Plus pp. 4260-4282

- Hongchang Wang, Benjamin Williams, Karen Xie and Wei Chen
- Acquisitions and Technology Value Revision pp. 4283-4305

- Xiangshang Cai, Amedeo De Cesari, Ning Gao and Ni Peng
- Managing Weather Risk with a Neural Network-Based Index Insurance pp. 4306-4327

- Zhanhui Chen, Yang Lu, Jinggong Zhang and Wenjun Zhu
- Skewness Sentiment and Market Anomalies pp. 4328-4356

- Alok Kumar, Mehrshad Motahari and Richard J. Taffler
- Employee Satisfaction, Labor Market Flexibility, and Stock Returns Around the World pp. 4357-4380

- Alex Edmans, Darcy Pu, Chendi Zhang and Lucius Li
- Equity Market Fragmentation and Capital Investment Efficiency pp. 4381-4406

- Wayne Landsman, Jing Pan and Stephen Stubben
- Fragmented Securities Regulation, Information-Processing Costs, and Insider Trading pp. 4407-4428

- Sehwa Kim and Seil Kim
- Commitment Against Front-Running Attacks pp. 4429-4440

- Andrea Canidio and Vincent Danos
- Ownership Concentration and Firm Value: New Evidence from Owner Stakes in IPOs pp. 4441-4464

- Borja Larrain, Peter Roosenboom, Giorgo Sertsios and Francisco Urzúa I.
- Gift Contagion in Online Groups: Evidence from Virtual Red Packets pp. 4465-4479

- Yuan Yuan, Tracy Xiao Liu, Chenhao Tan, Qian Chen, Alex Sandy Pentland and Jie Tang
- Forget-Me-Not: The Persistent Effect of Information Provision for Adopting Climate-Friendly Goods pp. 4480-4501

- Yu Gao and Massimo Tavoni
- Government Loan Guarantees, Market Liquidity, and Lending Standards pp. 4502-4532

- Toni Ahnert and Martin Kuncl
- Information Provision in Two-Sided Platforms: Optimizing for Supply pp. 4533-4547

- Kostas Bimpikis, Yiangos Papanastasiou and Wenchang Zhang
- Value Uncertainty pp. 4548-4563

- Turan G. Bali, Luca Del Viva, Menatalla El Hefnawy and Lenos Trigeorgis
- Small and Medium Enterprises Amidst the Pandemic and Reopening: Digital Edge and Transformation pp. 4564-4582

- Lin Cong, Xiaohan Yang and Xiaobo Zhang
- Motivated Belief Updating and Rationalization of Information pp. 4583-4592

- Christoph Drobner and Sebastian Goerg
- Carbon Emissions Trading and Environmental Protection: International Evidence pp. 4593-4603

- Jennie Bai and Hong Ru
- Holding Foreign Insiders Accountable pp. 4604-4613

- Robert Jackson, Bradford Lynch-Levy and Daniel Taylor
- Moral Support and Performance pp. 4614-4628

- Fabrizio Colella, Patricio S. Dalton and Giovanni Giusti
- Generalized Stochastic Arbitrage Opportunities pp. 4629-4648

- Stelios Arvanitis and Thierry Post
- Whether to Apply pp. 4649-4669

- Katherine B. Coffman, Manuela R. Collis and Leena Kulkarni
- Debt Contracting When Borrowers Face Transitory Uncertainty: Evidence from U.S. Gubernatorial Elections pp. 4670-4692

- Kirak Kim and Trang Nguyen
- Pick-an-Object Mechanisms pp. 4693-4721

- Inácio Bó and Rustamdjan Hakimov
- Implicit Incentives and Delegation in Teams pp. 4722-4741

- Harvey Upton
- Who Profits from Trading Options? pp. 4742-4761

- Jianfeng Hu, Antonia Kirilova, Seongkyu (Gilbert) Park and Doojin Ryu
- Disclosure Similarity and Future Stock Return Comovement pp. 4762-4780

- Travis A. Dyer, Darren T. Roulstone and Andrew Van Buskirk
- Text-Based Measure of Supply Chain Risk Exposure pp. 4781-4801

- Di (Andrew) Wu
- Mutual Fund Fragility, Dealer Liquidity Provision, and the Pricing of Municipal Bonds pp. 4802-4823

- Yi Li, Maureen O’Hara and Xing (Alex) Zhou
- Go West Young Firm: The Impact of Startup Migration on the Performance of Migrants pp. 4824-4846

- Jorge Guzman
- Market Reaction to CEOs’ Dynamic Hemifacial Asymmetry of Expressions pp. 4847-4874

- Rajiv D. Banker, Hui Ding, Rong Huang and Xiaorong Li
- Privacy-Preserving Personalized Revenue Management pp. 4875-4892

- Yanzhe (Murray) Lei, Sentao Miao and Ruslan Momot
- Hospital-Wide Inpatient Flow Optimization pp. 4893-4911

- Dimitris Bertsimas and Jean Pauphilet
- How Does Risk Hedging Impact Operations? Insights from a Price-Setting Newsvendor Model pp. 4912-4931

- Liao Wang, Jin Yao and Xiaowei Zhang
- Networking Behind the Scenes: Institutional Cross-Industry Holdings and Corporate Loan Markets pp. 4932-4952

- Jie (Jack) He, Lantian Liang, Hui (Grace) Wang and Han Xia
2024, issue 6, vol 70
- Emotional Engagement and Trading Performance pp. 3381-3397

- Peter Bossaerts, Felix Fattinger, Kristian Rotaru and Kaitong Xu
- A Direct Utility Model for Access Costs and Economies of Scope pp. 3398-3416

- Dong Soo Kim, Sanghak Lee, Taegyu Hur, Jaehwan Kim and Greg M. Allenby
- Evaluating the Efficacy of Connected Healthcare: An Empirical Examination of Patient Engagement Approaches and Their Impact on Readmission pp. 3417-3446

- Suparerk Lekwijit, Christian Terwiesch, David A. Asch and Kevin G. Volpp
- Voluntary Disclosure, Moral Hazard, and Default Risk pp. 3447-3469

- Shiming Fu and Giulio Trigilia
- Dynamic Market Timing in Mutual Funds pp. 3470-3492

- Jeffrey A. Busse, Jing Ding, Lei Jiang and Ke Wu
- Intertemporal Correlation Aversion—A Model-Free Measurement pp. 3493-3509

- Kirsten I. M. Rohde and Xiao Yu
- Does Decision Making for Others Close the Gender Gap in Competition? pp. 3510-3526

- John Ifcher and Homa Zarghamee
- Measuring Deterrence Motives in Dynamic Oligopoly Games pp. 3527-3565

- Limin Fang and Nathan Yang
- Cross-Sectional Variation of Option-Implied Volatility Skew pp. 3566-3580

- Liuren Wu and Meng Tian
- The Cost of Clearing Fragmentation pp. 3581-3596

- Evangelos Benos, Wenqian Huang, Albert Menkveld and Michalis Vasios
- The Cost of Exposing Large Institutional Orders to Electronic Liquidity Providers pp. 3597-3618

- Robert Battalio, Brian Hatch and Mehmet Sağlam
- Can Technology Startups Hire Talented Early Employees? Ability, Preferences, and Employee First Job Choice pp. 3619-3644

- Michael Roach and Henry Sauermann
- Inventory as a Financial Instrument: Evidence from China’s Metal Industries pp. 3645-3663

- Vernon Hsu and Jing Wu
- Automotive Procurement Under Opaque Prices: Theory with Evidence from the BMW Supply Chain pp. 3664-3683

- Danko Turcic, Panos Markou, Panos Kouvelis and Daniel Corsten
- On the Other Side of Hedge Fund Equity Trades pp. 3684-3710

- Xinyu Cui, Olga Kolokolova and Jiaguo (George) Wang
- Fast Then Slow: Choice Revisions Drive a Decline in the Attraction Effect pp. 3711-3733

- Paolo Crosetto and Alexia Gaudeul
- A Two-Step Synthetic Control Approach for Estimating Causal Effects of Marketing Events pp. 3734-3747

- Kathleen T. Li and Venkatesh Shankar
- Dynamic Project Expediting: A Stochastic Shortest-Path Approach pp. 3748-3768

- Luca Bertazzi, Riccardo Mogre and Nikolaos Trichakis
- Searching for the Best Yardstick: Cost of Quality Improvements in the U.S. Hospital Industry pp. 3769-3788

- Jong Myeong Lim, Ken Moon and Sergei Savin
- Courier Dispatch in On-Demand Delivery pp. 3789-3807

- Mingliu Chen and Ming Hu
- Counterparty Risk and Counterparty Choice in the Credit Default Swap Market pp. 3808-3826

- Wenxin Du, Salil Gadgil, Michael B. Gordy and Clara Vega
- Lightning Network Economics: Channels pp. 3827-3840

- Paolo Guasoni, Gur Huberman and Clara Shikhelman
- Targeting for Long-Term Outcomes pp. 3841-3855

- Jeremy Yang, Dean Eckles, Paramveer Dhillon and Sinan Aral
- Intergenerational Transmission of Organizational Misconduct: Evidence from the Chicago Police Department pp. 3856-3878

- Justin Frake and Derek Harmon
- The Diversity Heuristic: How Team Demographic Composition Influences Judgments of Team Creativity pp. 3879-3901

- Devon Proudfoot, Zachariah Berry, Edward H. Chang and Min B. Kay
- Genes and Sales pp. 3902-3922

- Shiyang Gong, Qian Li, Song Su and Juanjuan Zhang
- Information Spillovers in Experience Goods Competition pp. 3923-3950

- Zhuoqiong Chen, Christopher Stanton and Catherine Thomas
- Optimal Learning for Structured Bandits pp. 3951-3998

- Bart Van Parys and Negin Golrezaei
- Fair Allocation of Vaccines, Ventilators and Antiviral Treatments: Leaving No Ethical Value Behind in Healthcare Rationing pp. 3999-4036

- Parag A. Pathak, Tayfun Sönmez, Utku Unver and M. Bumin Yenmez
- Network Externalities and Market Dominance pp. 4037-4050

- Robert Akerlof, Richard Holden and Luis Rayo
- High Discounts and Low Fundamental Surplus: An Equivalence Result for Unemployment Fluctuations pp. 4051-4068

- Indrajit Mitra, Taeuk Seo and Yu Xu
- Correlated Cluster-Based Randomized Experiments: Robust Variance Minimization pp. 4069-4086

- Ozan Candogan, Chen Chen and Rad Niazadeh
- Operational Risk Management: Optimal Inspection Policy pp. 4087-4104

- Youngsoo Kim and Yuqian Xu
- Transient Customer Response to Data Breaches of Their Information pp. 4105-4114

- Sumit Agarwal, Pulak Ghosh, Tianyue Ruan and Yunqi Zhang
- Discrimination and Economic Expectations pp. 4115-4131

- William Bazley, Yosef Bonaparte, George Korniotis and Alok Kumar
- Bounds and Heuristics for Multiproduct Pricing pp. 4132-4144

- Guillermo Gallego and Gerardo Berbeglia
- Market Consequences of Sovereign Accounting Errors pp. 4145-4154

- Marion Boisseau-Sierra, Jenny Chu and Shiva Rajgopal
- “Zero Cost” Majority Attacks on Permissionless Proof of Work Blockchains pp. 4155-4165

- Joshua Gans and Hanna Halaburda
2024, issue 5, vol 70
- Common Institutional Ownership and Product Market Threats pp. 2705-2731

- Omesh Kini, Sangho Lee and Mo Shen
- The Governance of Nonprofits and Their Social Impact: Evidence from a Randomized Program in Healthcare in the Democratic Republic of Congo pp. 2732-2755

- Anicet A. Fangwa, Caroline Flammer, Marieke Huysentruyt and Bertrand Quelin
- Little’s Law and Educational Inequality: A Comparative Case Study of Teacher Workaround Productivity pp. 2756-2778

- Samantha M. Keppler
- Offsetable Derivatives and Investor Risk Assessment pp. 2779-2798

- Jed J. Neilson, K. Philip Wang, Christopher D. Williams and Biqin Xie
- Dynamic Matching: Characterizing and Achieving Constant Regret pp. 2799-2822

- Süleyman Kerimov, Itai Ashlagi and Itai Gurvich
- Shipment Consolidation with Multiple Shipping Methods Under Nonlinear Cost Structures pp. 2823-2841

- Zhou Xu, Feng Li and Zhi-Long Chen
- Emergency Preparation and Uncertainty Persistence pp. 2842-2861

- Savitar Sundaresan
- Countercyclical Risks, Consumption, and Portfolio Choice: Theory and Evidence pp. 2862-2881

- Jialu Shen
- Covid-19 Vaccines As a Condition of Employment: Impact on Uptake, Staffing, and Mortality in Elderly Care Homes pp. 2882-2899

- Sourafel Girma and David Paton
- Competitiveness of Entrepreneurs and Salaried Workers pp. 2900-2911

- Loukas Balafoutas, Mongoljin Batsaikhan and Matthias Sutter
- Planned vs. Actual Attention pp. 2912-2933

- Ala Avoyan, Mauricio Ribeiro, Andrew Schotter, Elizabeth R. Schotter, Mehrdad Vaziri and Minghao Zou
- Scheduling with Testing of Heterogeneous Jobs pp. 2934-2953

- Retsef Levi, Thomas Magnanti and Yaron Shaposhnik
- Channel Changes Choice: An Empirical Study About Omnichannel Demand Sensitivity to Fulfillment Lead Time pp. 2954-2975

- Stanley Frederick W. T. Lim, Fei Gao and Tom Fangyun Tan
- Birds of a Feather: Do Hedge Fund Managers Flock Together? pp. 2976-2998

- Marc Gerritzen, Jens Jackwerth and Alberto Plazzi
- Vicarious Learning Without Knowledge Differentials pp. 2999-3019

- Sanghyun Park and Phanish Puranam
- Punish Underperformance with Suspension: Optimal Dynamic Contracts in the Presence of Switching Cost pp. 3020-3037

- Ping Cao, Peng Sun and Feng Tian
- Design of Off-Grid Lighting Business Models to Serve the Poor: Field Experiments and Structural Analysis pp. 3038-3058

- Bhavani Shanker Uppari, Serguei Netessine, Ioana Popescu and Rowan P. Clarke
- The Use of Credit Ratings in the Delegated Management of Fixed Income Assets pp. 3059-3079

- Ramin P. Baghai, Bo Becker and Stefan Pitschner
- What Causes Privatization? Evidence from Import Competition in China pp. 3080-3101

- Qing Hu, Wenjing Li, Chen Lin and Lai Wei
- Managing Multirooming: Why Uniform Price Can Be Optimal for a Monopoly Retailer and Can Be Uniformly Lower pp. 3102-3122

- Yuxin Chen, Yue Dai, Zhe Zhang and Kun Zhang
- Organizing Data Analytics pp. 3123-3143

- Ricardo Alonso and Odilon Câmara
- The Impact of Input and Output Farm Subsidies on Farmer Welfare, Income Disparity, and Consumer Surplus pp. 3144-3161

- Christopher S. Tang, Yulan Wang and Ming Zhao
- Educational Inequality and Reservation Policy in Developing Markets pp. 3162-3181

- Weining Bao, Jian Ni and Shubhranshu Singh
- Only the Ugly Face? A Theoretical Model of Brand Dilution pp. 3182-3199

- Emanuele Bacchiega, Mariachiara Colucci, Vincenzo Denicolò and Marco Magnani
- A Heuristic Approach to Explore: The Value of Perfect Information pp. 3200-3224

- Shervin Shahrokhi Tehrani and Andrew Ching
- To Communicate or Not? Interfirm Communication in Collaborative Projects pp. 3225-3244

- Ruth Beer and Anyan Qi
- Supply Chain Transparency and Blockchain Design pp. 3245-3263

- Yao Cui, Vishal Gaur and Jingchen Liu
- Motivating Experts to Contribute to Digital Public Goods: A Personalized Field Experiment on Wikipedia pp. 3264-3280

- Yan Chen, Rosta Farzan, Robert Kraut, Iman YeckehZaare and Ark Fangzhou Zhang
- Decision-Making Delegation in Banks pp. 3281-3301

- Jennifer Dlugosz, Yong Kyu Gam, Radhakrishnan Gopalan and Janis Skrastins
- The Impact of Government Interventions on COVID-19 Spread and Consumer Spending pp. 3302-3318

- Nan Zhao, Song Yao, Raphael Thomadsen and Chong Bo Wang
- The Distributional Impact of Fatigue on Performance pp. 3319-3337

- Hessam Bavafa and Jónas Oddur Jónasson
- Bank Supervision and Corporate Credit Supply pp. 3338-3361

- Ivan T. Ivanov and James Z. Wang
- Optimal Policies for Dynamic Pricing and Inventory Control with Nonparametric Censored Demands pp. 3362-3380

- Boxiao Chen, Yining Wang and Yuan Zhou
2024, issue 4, vol 70
- Regulating Gender Diversity: Evidence from California Senate Bill 826 pp. 2023-2046

- Abigail Allen and Aida Sijamic Wahid
- Strategic Visual Merchandising of New and Open-Box Products: Evidence from Experiment and Retail Data pp. 2047-2065

- Necati Ertekin, Yuanyuan Ding and Karen Donohue
- Uncovering Retail Trading in Bitcoin: The Impact of COVID-19 Stimulus Checks pp. 2066-2085

- Anantha Divakaruni and Peter Zimmerman
- The Consumption of Advertising in the Digital Age: Attention and Ad Content pp. 2086-2106

- Anthony Dukes and Qihong Liu
- The Value of Observing the Buyers’ Arrival Time in Dynamic Pricing pp. 2107-2121

- José Correa, Dana Pizarro and Gustavo Vulcano
- Financialization and Commodity Markets Serial Dependence pp. 2122-2143

- Zhi Da, Ke Tang, Yubo Tao and Liyan Yang
- Default Risk and Option Returns pp. 2144-2167

- Aurelio Vasquez and Xiao Xiao
- Creative Destruction? Impact of E-Commerce on the Retail Sector pp. 2168-2187

- Sudheer Chava, Alexander Oettl, Manpreet Singh and Linghang Zeng
- A Mean Field Games Model for Cryptocurrency Mining pp. 2188-2208

- Zongxi Li, A. Max Reppen and Ronnie Sircar
- Financial Reform and Public Good Provision: Municipal Bankruptcy Law and the Financing of Hospitals pp. 2209-2235

- Stefano Rossi and Hayong Yun
- Sequential Learning and Economic Benefits from Dynamic Term Structure Models pp. 2236-2254

- Tomasz Dubiel-Teleszynski, Konstantinos Kalogeropoulos and Nikolaos Karouzakis
- Bank Regulatory Capital Arbitrage: Evidence from Housing Overappraisals pp. 2255-2271

- Sergio Mayordomo, Omar Rachedi and Maria Rodriguez-Moreno
- Avoiding Peer Information and Its Effects on Charity Crowdfunding: A Field Experiment pp. 2272-2293

- Tat Y. Chan, Li Liao, Xiumin Martin and Zhengwei Wang
- Work Style Diversity and Diffusion Within and Across Organizations: Evidence from Soviet-Style Hockey pp. 2294-2314

- Francesco Amodio, Sam Hoey and Jeremy Schneider
- Optimal Robust Policy for Feature-Based Newsvendor pp. 2315-2329

- Luhao Zhang, Jincheng Yang and Rui Gao
- The Price of Safety: The Evolution of Municipal Bond Insurance Value pp. 2330-2354

- Kimberly Cornaggia, John Hund and Giang Nguyen
- Effort Peer Effects in Team Production: Evidence from Professional Football pp. 2355-2381

- Danny Cohen-Zada, Itay Dayag and Naomi Gershoni
- Executive Compensation Limits and Executive Turnover pp. 2382-2405

- Vikram Nanda, Sabatino (Dino) Silveri, Kun Wang and Le Zhao
- Does Social Interaction Spread Fear Among Institutional Investors? Evidence from Coronavirus Disease 2019 pp. 2406-2426

- Shiu-Yik Au, Ming Dong and Xinyao Zhou
- Intrafirm Knowledge Sharing in the Investment Research Industry pp. 2427-2446

- Artur Hugon, An-Ping Lin and Stanimir Markov
- The Impact of Financial Stress on Workplace Harassment and Discrimination pp. 2447-2458

- Ayushi Narayan
- Crowd-Judging on Two-Sided Platforms: An Analysis of In-Group Bias pp. 2459-2476

- Alan P. Kwan, S. Alex Yang and Angela Huyue Zhang
- Direct and Spillover Effects of Quality Disclosure Regulation: Evidence from California Hospitals pp. 2477-2496

- Aishwarrya Deore, Martin Holzhacker and Ranjani Krishnan
- Making the Grade (But Not Disclosing It): How Withholding Grades Affects Student Behavior and Employment pp. 2497-2517

- Eric Floyd, Sorabh Tomar and Daniel Lee
- Taxing the Rich to Finance Redistribution: Evidence from a Permanent Tax Increase in Singapore pp. 2518-2548

- Sumit Agarwal, Wenlan Qian, Bernard Yeung and Huanhuan Zheng
- Non-Bayesian Statistical Discrimination pp. 2549-2567

- Pol Campos-Mercade and Friederike Mengel
- Customers as Friendly Shareholders: Uncovering the Complex Mutual Fund-Broker Relationship pp. 2568-2589

- Nitish Kumar, Yuehua Tang and Kelsey D. Wei
- Electronic Payment Technology and Business Finance: A Randomized, Controlled Trial with Mobile Money pp. 2590-2625

- Patricio S. Dalton, Haki Pamuk, Ravindra Ramrattan, Burak Uras and Daan van Soest
- The Irrelevance of Environmental, Social, and Governance Disclosure to Retail Investors pp. 2626-2644

- Austin Moss, James P. Naughton and Clare Wang
- The Value of Personal Data in Internet Commerce: A High-Stakes Field Experiment on Data Regulation Policy pp. 2645-2660

- Tianshu Sun, Zhe Yuan, Chunxiao Li, Kaifu Zhang and Jun Xu
- Robust Combination Testing: Methods and Application to COVID-19 Detection pp. 2661-2681

- Sanjay Jain, Jónas Oddur Jónasson, Jean Pauphilet and Kamalini Ramdas
- Curtailing Bank Loan and Loan Insurance Under Risk Regulations in Supply Chain Finance pp. 2682-2698

- Wenli Wang and Gangshu (George) Cai
2024, issue 2, vol 70
- Learning from Their Daughters: Family Exposure to Gender Disparity and Female Representation in Male-Led Ventures pp. 671-693

- Zhiyan Wu, Lucia Naldi, Karl Wennberg and Timur Uman
- Cashflow Timing vs. Discount-Rate Timing: An Examination of Mutual Fund Market-Timing Skills pp. 694-713

- Chunhua Lan and Russ Wermers
- Deep Learning in Asset Pricing pp. 714-750

- Luyang Chen, Markus Pelger and Jason Zhu
- Do Differences in Analyst Quality Matter for Investors Relying on Consensus Information? pp. 751-772

- Roni Michaely, Amir Rubin, Dan Segal and Alexander Vedrashko
- High-Speed Internet, Financial Technology, and Banking pp. 773-798

- Angelo D’Andrea and Nicola Limodio
- Platform Governance in the Presence of Within-Complementor Interdependencies: Evidence from the Rideshare Industry pp. 799-814

- Hyuck David Chung, Yue Maggie Zhou and Sendil Ethiraj
- The Effect of Managers on Systematic Risk pp. 815-833

- Antoinette Schoar, Kelvin Yeung and Luo Zuo
- Enforcement Waves and Spillovers pp. 834-859

- Hae Mi Choi, Jonathan M. Karpoff, Xiaoxia Lou and Gerald S. Martin
- Financial Covenants and Fire Sales in Closed-End Funds pp. 860-884

- Shohini Kundu
- Labor Unemployment Risk and CEO Incentive Compensation pp. 885-906

- Andrew Ellul, Cong Wang and Kuo Zhang
- How Do Restrictions on High-Skilled Immigration Affect Offshoring? Evidence from the H-1B Program pp. 907-930

- Britta Glennon
- Predicting Bond Return Predictability pp. 931-951

- Daniel Borup, Jonas Nygaard Eriksen, Mads M. Kjær and Martin Thyrsgaard
- Dark Knights: The Rise in Firm Intervention by Credit Default Swap Investors pp. 952-970

- Andras Danis and Andrea Gamba
- The (Limited) Power of Blockchain Networks for Information Provision pp. 971-990

- Benedikt Franke, Qi Gao Fritz and Andre Stenzel
- Superstar Exclusivity in Two-Sided Markets pp. 991-1011

- Elias Carroni, Leonardo Madio and Shiva Shekhar
- Predictive Analytics and Ship-Then-Shop Subscription pp. 1012-1028

- W. Jason Choi, Qihong Liu and Jiwoong Shin
- How Does Competition Affect Exploration vs. Exploitation? A Tale of Two Recommendation Algorithms pp. 1029-1051

- H. Henry Cao, Liye Ma, Z. Eddie Ning and Baohong Sun
- Asymmetric Information and R&D Disclosure: Evidence from Scientific Publications pp. 1052-1069

- Stefano Baruffaldi, Markus Simeth and David Wehrheim
- Ban Targeted Advertising? An Empirical Investigation of the Consequences for App Development pp. 1070-1092

- Tobias Kircher and Jens Foerderer
- Social Media Alleviates Venture Capital Funding Inequality for Women and Less Connected Entrepreneurs pp. 1093-1112

- Xiaoning Wang, Lynn Wu and Lorin M. Hitt
- Lending Relationships and the Pricing of Syndicated Loans pp. 1113-1136

- Donghang Zhang, Yafei Zhang and Yijia (Eddie) Zhao
- Intrachoice Dynamics Shape Social Decisions pp. 1137-1153

- Fadong Chen, Zhi Zhu, Qiang Shen, Ian Krajbich and Todd A. Hare
- On the Nature of (Jump) Skewness Risk Premia pp. 1154-1174

- Piotr Orłowski, Paul Schneider and Fabio Trojani
- Liquidity Requirements and Central Bank Interventions During Banking Crises pp. 1175-1193

- Roberto Robatto
- Tax Planning Knowledge Diffusion via the Labor Market pp. 1194-1215

- John M. Barrios and John Gallemore
- Fiscal Limits and the Pricing of Eurobonds pp. 1216-1237

- Kevin Pallara and Jean-Paul Renne
- Combining Choice and Response Time Data: A Drift-Diffusion Model of Mobile Advertisements pp. 1238-1257

- Khai Xiang Chiong, Matthew Shum, Ryan Webb and Richard Chen
- Human and Machine: The Impact of Machine Input on Decision Making Under Cognitive Limitations pp. 1258-1275

- Tamer Boyacı, Caner Canyakmaz and Francis de Véricourt
- The Value of U.S. College Education in Global Labor Markets: Experimental Evidence from China pp. 1276-1300

- Mingyu Chen
- When Liability Is Not Enough: Regulating Bonus Payments in Markets with Advice pp. 1301-1314

- Jun Honda, Roman Inderst and Marco Ottaviani
- Dynamic Batch Learning in High-Dimensional Sparse Linear Contextual Bandits pp. 1315-1342

- Zhimei Ren and Zhengyuan Zhou
2024, issue 1, vol 70
- Hate Trumps Love: The Impact of Political Polarization on Social Preferences pp. 1-31

- Eugen Dimant
- The Importance of Separating the Probability of Committing and Detecting Misstatements in the Restatement Setting pp. 32-53

- F. Jane Barton, Brian M. Burnett, Katherine Gunny and Brian P. Miller
- Accounting-Driven Bank Monitoring and Firms’ Debt Structure: Evidence from IFRS 9 Adoption pp. 54-77

- Xiao Li, Jeffrey Ng and Walid Saffar
- The Information Value of Distress pp. 78-97

- Christian Hilpert, Stefan Hirth and Alexander Szimayer
- In Art We Trust pp. 98-127

- Yuexin Li, Xiaoyin Ma and Luc Renneboog
- The Ratchet Effect: Theory and Empirical Evidence pp. 128-142

- Michal Matějka, Matthias D. Mahlendorf and Utz Schäffer
- The Beta Anomaly and Mutual Fund Performance pp. 143-163

- Paul Irvine, Jeong Ho (John) Kim and Jue Ren
- The Economics of Security Analysis pp. 164-186

- Kewei Hou, Haitao Mo, Chen Xue and Lu Zhang
- Customer Liquidity Provision: Implications for Corporate Bond Transaction Costs pp. 187-206

- Jaewon Choi, Yesol Huh and Sean Seunghun Shin
- The Utilization Premium pp. 207-224

- Fotis Grigoris and Gill Segal
- Minimum Wage Increases and Employer Performance: Role of Employer Heterogeneity pp. 225-254

- Sumit Agarwal, Meghana Ayyagari and Renáta Kosová
- Recovering Implied Volatility pp. 255-282

- Ohad Kadan, Fang Liu and Xiaoxiao Tang
- The Number of Estimates in Footnotes and Accruals pp. 283-308

- Huafeng (Jason) Chen, Jason Victor Chen and Feng Li
- RegTech Adoption and the Cost of Capital pp. 309-331

- Sandy Lai, Chen Lin and Xiaorong Ma
- Tick Size, Competition for Liquidity Provision, and Price Discovery: Evidence from the U.S. Treasury Market pp. 332-354

- Michael Fleming, Giang Nguyen and Francisco Ruela
- Time Inconsistency and Financial Covenants pp. 355-371

- Haotian Xiang
- Private Debt and the Role of Venture Capital and Private Equity Sponsors pp. 372-395

- Axel Buchner, Susanne Espenlaub, Arif Khurshed and Abdulkadir Mohamed
- Winners from Winners: A Tale of Risk Factors pp. 396-414

- Siddhartha Chib, Lingxiao Zhao and Guofu Zhou
- Search and Predictability of Prices in the Housing Market pp. 415-438

- Stig Vinther Møller, Thomas Pedersen, Erik Christian Schütte and Allan Timmermann
- The Economic Value of Blockchain Applications: Early Evidence from Asset-Backed Securities pp. 439-463

- Xia Chen, Qiang Cheng and Ting Luo
- Dog Eat Dog: Balancing Network Effects and Differentiation in a Digital Platform Merger pp. 464-483

- Chiara Farronato, Jessica Fong and Andrey Fradkin
- Financial Contagion in Network Economies and Asset Prices pp. 484-506

- Andrea Buraschi and Claudio Tebaldi
- Strategic Competition and Self-Confidence pp. 507-525

- Stefanie Brilon, Simona Grassi, Manuel Grieder and Jonathan F. Schulz
- Softening Competition Through Unilateral Sharing of Customer Data pp. 526-543

- Chongwoo Choe, Jiajia Cong and Chengsi Wang
- Fair Value Accounting, Illiquid Assets, and Financial Stability pp. 544-566

- Lucas Mahieux
- Rate This Transaction: Coordinating Mappings in Market Feedback Systems pp. 567-588

- Gary E. Bolton, Alina Ferecatu and David Kusterer
- Ownership Structure, Incentives, and Asset Returns pp. 589-615

- Hae Won (Henny) Jung, Ajay Subramanian and Qi Zeng
- Social Reference Points and Risk Taking pp. 616-632

- Frederik Schwerter
- Charitable Giving by the Poor: A Field Experiment in Kyrgyzstan pp. 633-646

- Maja Adena, Rustamdjan Hakimov and Steffen Huck
- The Composite Overfit Analysis Framework: Assessing the Out-of-Sample Generalizability of Construct-Based Models Using Predictive Deviance, Deviance Trees, and Unstable Paths pp. 647-669

- Nicholas P. Danks, Soumya Ray and Galit Shmueli
- 2023 Information Systems Best AE Award: Management Science pp. 670-670

- David Simchi-Levi
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