Journal of Political Economy
1893 - 2025
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Volume 93, issue 6, 1985
- The Strategic Bequest Motive pp. 1045-76

- B. Douglas Bernheim, Andrei Shleifer and Lawrence H Summers
- Heterogeneity, Aggregation, and Market Wage Functions: An Empirical Model of Self-selection in the Labor Market pp. 1077-1125

- James J Heckman and Guilherme Sedlacek
- Changing World Prices, Women's Wages, and the Fertility Transition: Sweden, 1860-1910 pp. 1126-54

- T Paul Schultz
- The Structure of Corporate Ownership: Causes and Consequences pp. 1155-77

- Harold Demsetz and Kenneth Lehn
- Some Colonial Evidence on Two Theories of Money: Maryland and the Carolinas pp. 1178-1211

- Bruce D Smith
- General Equilibrium Tax Incidence under Imperfect Competition: A Quantity-setting Supergame Analysis pp. 1212-23

- Carl Davidson and Lawrence Martin
- Uncovering Financial Market Expectations of Inflation pp. 1224-41

- James D Hamilton
- Open Market Operations in an Overlapping Generations Model pp. 1242-57

- Douglas G Waldo
- A Model of Declining Health and Retirement pp. 1258-67

- John R Wolfe
- The Case of Erudite Economists pp. 1268-71

- Kamran M Dadkhah
Volume 93, issue 5, 1985
- Patents as Information Transfer Mechanisms: To Patent or (Maybe) Not to Patent pp. 837-58

- Ignatius Horstmann, Glenn MacDonald and Alan Slivinski
- The Financial Firm: Production with Monetary and Nonmonetary Goods pp. 859-80

- Diana Hancock
- Nutrition and the Demand for Tastes pp. 881-900

- Eugene Silberberg
- Motivations to Remit: Evidence from Botswana pp. 901-18

- Robert Lucas and Oded Stark
- Money and Asset Prices in a Cash-in-Advance Economy pp. 919-44

- Lars E O Svensson
- Copying and Indirect Appropriability: Photocopying of Journals pp. 945-57

- Stan Liebowitz
- Competition with Hidden Knowledge pp. 958-76

- John Riley
- The Effect of Professional Advice on the Stability of a Speculative Market pp. 977-93

- Frank Denton
- The Effect of Labor Unions on Investment in Training: A Dynamic Model pp. 994-1007

- Yoram Weiss
- Interest Rate Variability and Economic Performance: Further Evidence [The Effects on Output of Money Growth and Interest Rate Volatility in the United States] pp. 1008-18

- John Tatom
- Official Intervention in the Foreign Exchange Market pp. 1019-24

- Peter D Spencer
- A Critical Appraisal of Hausman's Welfare Cost Estimates pp. 1025-34

- Edgar Browning
Volume 93, issue 4, 1985
- Rationing by Waiting and the Value of Time: Results from a Natural Experiment pp. 627-47

- Robert Deacon and Jon Sonstelie
- Property Tax Incidence with a Public Sector pp. 648-65

- J Vernon Henderson
- Real Wages over the Business Cycle: Evidence from Panel Data pp. 666-89

- Mark Bils
- The Influence of Private Contractual Failure on Regulation: The Case of Oil Field Unitization pp. 690-714

- Gary Libecap and Steven N Wiggins
- Worker Heterogeneity, Job Screening, and Firm Size pp. 715-39

- John E Garen
- Adam Smith in the Customhouse pp. 740-59

- Gary M Anderson, Shughart, William F, and Robert Tollison
- An Equilibrium Queuing Model of Bribery pp. 760-81

- Francis Lui
- A Model of Chinese National Income Determination pp. 782-92

- Gregory Chow
- Transaction Costs and the Interest Parity Theorem pp. 793-99

- Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee and Satya Das
- Beating the Spread: Testing the Efficiency of the Gambling Market for National Football League Games pp. 800-806

- Richard A Zuber, John M Gandar and Benny D Bowers
- Price-conveyed Information versus Observed Insider Behavior: A Note on Rational Expectations Convergence [Efficiency of Experimental Security Markets with Insider Information: An Application of Rational-Expectations Models] pp. 807-15

- Jeffrey Banks
- A Specious Solution to the "Problem" of Procyclical Productivity pp. 816-23

- Raford Boddy
- Karni on Optimal Wage Indexation: A Correction pp. 824-25

- Alvin L Marty
Volume 93, issue 3, 1985
- Optimal Severance Pay with Incomplete Information pp. 435-51

- Charles Kahn
- Testing the Efficiency of Extraction from a Stock Resource pp. 452-87

- Robert Farrow
- Multimarket Oligopoly: Strategic Substitutes and Complements pp. 488-511

- Jeremy I Bulow, John D Geanakoplos and Paul Klemperer
- The Impact of Product Recalls on the Wealth of Sellers pp. 512-36

- Gregg Jarrell and Sam Peltzman
- Inflation and Currency Reform pp. 537-60

- Laura LaHaye
- The Effect of Cohort Size on Earnings Growth: A Reexamination of the Evidence pp. 561-73

- Mark Berger
- The Role of Taxes and Social Security in Determining the Structure of Wages and Pensions pp. 574-85

- Gene E Mumy
- Testing Hypotheses about Firm Behavior in the Cigarette Industry pp. 586-98

- Daniel Sullivan
- Monitoring and Hierarchies: The Marginal Value of Information in a Principal-Agent Model pp. 599-609

- Nirvikar Singh
- The Leontief Paradox: Continued or Resolved? pp. 610-15

- Francois Casas and Eun Choi
Volume 93, issue 2, 1985
- Debt, Deficits, and Finite Horizons pp. 223-47

- Olivier Blanchard
- The Tiebout Model: Bring Back the Entrepreneurs pp. 248-64

- J Vernon Henderson
- Discriminatory, Status-based Wages among Tradition-oriented, Stochastically Trading Coconut Producers pp. 265-76

- George Akerlof
- A Rehabilitation of Absolute Advantage pp. 277-97

- Glenn MacDonald and James Markusen
- Short-run Analysis of Fiscal Policy in a Simple Perfect Foresight Model pp. 298-319

- Kenneth Judd
- In Search of Predatory Pricing pp. 320-45

- R. Isaac and Vernon L Smith
- The Pricing of Forward Contracts for Foreign Exchange pp. 346-68

- Robert Korajczyk
- A Test of the Expected Utility Model: Evidence from Earthquake Risks pp. 369-89

- David Brookshire, Thayer. Mark A, John Tschirhart and William D Schulze
- On Patents, R&D, and the Stock Market Rate of Return pp. 390-409

- Ariel Pakes
- The Social Costs of Monopoly and Regulation: Posner Reconsidered pp. 410-16

- Franklin M Fisher
- Estimates of the Deterrent Effect of Capital Punishment: The Importance of the Researcher's Prior Beliefs pp. 417-25

- Walter McManus
Volume 93, issue 1, 1985
- A Test of the Hotelling Valuation Principle pp. 1-25

- Merton Miller and Charles Upton
- Embargo Threats and the Management of Emergency Reserves pp. 26-42

- Clas Bergstrom, Glenn Loury and Mats Persson
- Current Account Dynamics and the Terms of Trade: Harberger-Laursen-Metzler Two Generations Later pp. 43-65

- Torsten Persson and Lars E O Svensson
- The Information Content of Specialist Pricing pp. 66-83

- John P Gould and Robert E Verrecchia
- On the Economics of Compliance with the Minimum Wage Law pp. 84-91

- Yang-Ming Chang and Isaac Ehrlich
- Information Aggregation, Inflation, and the Pricing of Indexed Bonds pp. 92-114

- Gur Huberman and G William Schwert
- Trade Liberalization and Industrial Organization: Some Estimates for Canada pp. 115-45

- David Cox and Richard Harris
- Transactions Costs and the Optimal Quantity of Money pp. 146-57

- Scott Freeman
- The Economics of Copying pp. 158-74

- William Johnson
- Money Is What Money Does: Monetary Aggregation and the Equation of Exchange pp. 175-204

- Paul A Spindt
- Food Stamps as Money: The Macroeconomics of a Transfer Program pp. 205-13

- Daniel S Hamermesh and James M Johannes
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