Journal of Political Economy
1893 - 2025
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Volume 94, issue 6, 1986
- Unequal English Wealth since 1670 pp. 1127-62

- Peter Lindert
- Implementation Cycles pp. 1163-90

- Andrei Shleifer
- Monetary Analysis, the Equilibrium Method, and Keynes's "General Theory." pp. 1191-1224

- Meir Kohn
- Labor-Management Bargaining: Contract Curves and Slutsky Equations pp. 1225-45

- Hajime Miyazaki
- The Efficiency of Search under Competition and Monopsony pp. 1246-57

- James Albrecht and Boyan Jovanovic
- Seasonal Fluctuations and the Life Cycle-Permanent Income Model of Consumption pp. 1258-79

- Jeffrey Miron
- A Classical Model of the Class Struggle: A Game-Theoretic Approach pp. 1280-1303

- Perry G Mehrling
- Fiscal Illusion and the Grantor Government pp. 1304-18

- Robert R Logan
- Temporary Stabilization: Predetermined Exchange Rates pp. 1319-29

- Guillermo Calvo
- The Fisher Hypothesis and International Capital Markets pp. 1330-37

- Ingemar Hansson and Charles Stuart
Volume 94, issue 5, 1986
- The Bureaucracy of Murder Revisited pp. 905-26

- Albert Breton and Ronald Wintrobe
- Price Destabilizing Speculation pp. 927-52

- Oliver D Hart and David Kreps
- Variance Bounds Tests and Stock Price Valuation Models pp. 953-1001

- Allan W Kleidon
- Increasing Returns and Long-run Growth pp. 1002-37

- Paul Romer
- The Efficiency of the Dollar-Sterling Gold Standard, 1890-1908 pp. 1038-73

- Lawrence Officer
- The Political Economy of Resale Price Maintenance pp. 1074-95

- Howard P Marvel and Stephen McCafferty
- Further Evidence on the Asymmetric Behavior of Economic Time Series over the Business Cycle pp. 1096-1109

- Barry Falk
- The Path of Price Changes in Vertical Integration pp. 1110-19

- Herman C Quirmbach
- The Leontief Paradox, Reconsidered: Correction pp. 1120

- Iraj Heravi
Volume 94, issue 4, 1986
- The Costs and Benefits of Ownership: A Theory of Vertical and Lateral Integration pp. 691-719

- Sanford Grossman and Oliver D Hart
- On Measuring Child Costs: With Applications to Poor Countries pp. 720-44

- Angus Deaton and John Muellbauer
- The Bullionist Controversy Revisited pp. 745-62

- Morris Perlman
- Simple Tests of Distributional Effects on Macroeconomic Equations pp. 763-95

- Thomas M Stoker
- Price and Advertising Signals of Product Quality pp. 796-821

- Paul Milgrom and John Roberts
- Technology Adoption in the Presence of Network Externalities pp. 822-41

- Michael Katz and Carl Shapiro
- Capital Market Equilibrium with Transaction Costs pp. 842-62

- George Constantinides
- Multi-Item Auctions pp. 863-72

- Gabrielle Demange, David Gale and Marilda Sotomayor
- Income Distribution and Sociopolitical Instability as Determinants of Savings: A Cross-sectional Model pp. 873-83

- Yiannis P Venieris and Dipak K Gupta
- Regulatory Policymaking at the Federal Trade Commission: The Extent of Congressional Control pp. 884-89

- Timothy J Muris
- Congress and Regulatory Agency Choice: Reply [Bureaucratic Discretion or Congressional Control? Regulatory Policymaking by the Federal Trade Commission] pp. 890-94

- Barry Weingast and Mark J Moran
- A Confirmation of the Relation between Inflation and Relative Price Variability pp. 895-99

- Constantine Glezakos and Jeffrey Nugent
Volume 94, issue 3, 1986
- Testing between Competing Models of Wage and Employment Determination in Unionized Markets pp. S3-S39

- Thomas E MaCurdy and John Pencavel
- Testing the Efficiency of Employment Contracts pp. S40-S87

- James N Brown and Orley Ashenfelter
- Wages and Job Mobility of Young Workers pp. S88-S110

- Christopher Flinn
- Local Labor Markets pp. S111-43

- Robert Topel
- An Empirical Model of Wage Indexation Provisions in Union Contracts pp. S144-75

- David Card
- Intertemporal Substitution in Labor Supply: Evidence from Micro Data pp. S176-S215

- Joseph Altonji
- Large Shareholders and Corporate Control pp. 461-88

- Andrei Shleifer and Robert Vishny
- What Do We Really Know about Wages? The Importance of Nonreporting and Census Imputation pp. 489-506

- Lee Lillard, James P Smith and Finis Welch
- Cyclical Unemployment: Sectoral Shifts or Aggregate Disturbances? pp. 507-22

- Katharine Abraham and Lawrence Katz
- Induced Bias of Technical Change in Agriculture: The United States and Japan, 1880-1980 pp. 523-44

- Toshihiko Kawagoe, Keijiro Otsuka and Yujiro Hayami
- The Variability of Crop Production in Private and Socialized Agriculture: Evidence from Eastern Europe pp. 545-63

- Josef Brada
- Fiscal Policies in the World Economy pp. 564-94

- Jacob A Frenkel and Assaf Razin
- Ricardo's Volte-Face on Machinery pp. 595-613

- Haim Barkai
- Using Cost Observation to Regulate Firms pp. 614-41

- Jean-Jacques Laffont and Jean Tirole
- The Resource Cost of Irredeemable Paper Money pp. 642-47

- Milton Friedman
- Fiscal versus Traditional Market Variables in Canadian Migration pp. 648-66

- R Paul Shaw
- An Intertemporal Analysis of the Interdependence between Risk Preference, Retirement, and Work Rate Decisions pp. 667-82

- Richard S Dowell and Keith McLaren
Volume 94, issue 2, 1986
- Procurement and Renegotiation pp. 235-59

- Jean Tirole
- Some Anecdotal Evidence Relating to the Legal Restrictions Theory of the Demand for Money pp. 260-65

- Gail E Makinen and G Thomas Woodward
- Predatory Pricing and Acquisition Cost of Competitors pp. 266-96

- Malcolm R Burns
- Does Better Nutrition Raise Farm Productivity? pp. 297-320

- John Strauss
- The Efficiency Effects of Categorical Discrimination in the Insurance Industry pp. 321-44

- Keith J Crocker and Arthur Snow
- Testing for Bubbles in Exchange Markets: A Case of Sparkling Rates? pp. 345-73

- Richard Meese
- A Variance Bounds Test of the Linear Quadratic Inventory Model pp. 374-401

- Kenneth West
- On the Existence of Optimal Stationary Equilibria with a Fixed Supply of Fiat Money: I. The Case of a Single Consumer pp. 402-17

- Lawrence M Benveniste and David Cass
- Price Dispersion in an Automobile Insurance Market pp. 418-38

- Bev Dahlby and Douglas West
- A Note on "Job Search: The Choice of Intensity." pp. 439-42

- Peter B Morgan
- Trade Unions in the Production Process Reconsidered pp. 443-47

- Morgan O Reynolds
Volume 94, issue 1, 1986
- Spurious Volatility in Historical Unemployment Data pp. 1-37

- Christina Romer
- Job Search and Cyclical Unemployment pp. 38-55

- Randall Wright
- The "Starving Artist"-Myth or Reality? Earnings of Artists in the United States pp. 56-75

- Randall Filer
- Interest Rate Seasonals and the Federal Reserve pp. 76-125

- Truman A Clark
- Risk, Return, and Equilibrium: A Revisit pp. 126-47

- Seha Tinic and Richard R West
- Recurrent Devaluation and Speculative Attacks on the Mexican Peso pp. 148-66

- Herminio Blanco and Peter Garber
- Information, Production, and the Term Structure pp. 167-84

- Theodore E Day
- Gresham's Law or Gresham's Fallacy? pp. 185-99

- Arthur J Rolnick and Warren Weber
- The Output-Inflation Trade-off When Prices Are Costly to Change pp. 200-224

- Michael Parkin
- Search in a Known Pattern pp. 225-30

- Motty Perry and Avi Wigderson
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