Journal of Political Economy
1893 - 2025
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Volume 96, issue 6, 1988
- The Case of the Negative Nominal Interest Rates: New Estimates of the Term Structure of Interest Rates during the Great Depression pp. 1111-41

- Stephen Cecchetti
- Welfare Effects of British Free Trade: Debate and Evidence from the 1840s pp. 1142-64

- Douglas Irwin
- Altruism and Time Consistency: The Economics of Fait Accompli pp. 1165-82

- Assar Lindbeck and Jörgen Weibull
- Consumption Technology and the Intrafamily Distribution of Resources pp. 1183-1205

- Reuben Gronau
- Risk, Futures Pricing, and the Organization of Production in Commodity Markets pp. 1206-20

- David Hirshleifer
- The Efficiency of Investment in the Presence of Aggregate Demand Spillovers pp. 1221-31

- Andrei Shleifer and Robert Vishny
- Real Wages over the Business Cycle: Estimating the Impact of Heterogeneity with Micro Data pp. 1232-66

- Michael Keane, Robert Moffitt and David Runkle
- The Structure of Simple General Equilibrium Models with Frictional Unemployment pp. 1267-93

- Carl Davidson, Lawrence Martin and Steven Matusz
- Women's Labor Supply and Marital Choice pp. 1294-1302

- Shoshana Grossbard and Shoshana Neuman
- Price Dispersion and Inflation: Evidence from Israel pp. 1303-14

- Theresa Van Hoomissen
- Is Antitrust Enforcement Effective? Comment pp. 1315-28

- Craig M Newmark
Volume 96, issue 5, 1988
- How Big Is the Random Walk in GNP? pp. 893-920

- John Cochrane
- The Relation between Price and Marginal Cost in U.S. Industry pp. 921-47

- Robert E Hall
- Physicians' Services and the Division of Labor across Local Markets pp. 948-82

- James R Baumgardner
- Are Consumers Ricardian? Evidence for the United States pp. 983-1004

- Paul Evans
- An Analysis of Congressional Voting on Legislation Limiting Congressional Campaign Expenditures pp. 1005-21

- Bruce Bender
- Organized Labor and the Scope of International Specialization pp. 1022-47

- Robert W Staiger
- Balanced Matching and Labor Market Equilibrium pp. 1048-65

- Kenneth Burdett and Tara Vishwanath
- Mr. Smith and the Preachers: The Economics of Religion in the Wealth of Nations pp. 1066-88

- Gary M Anderson
- The Probability of Gross Violations of a Present Value Variance Inequality pp. 1089-92

- Robert J Shiller
- The Probability of Gross Violations of a Present Value Variance Inequality: Reply pp. 1093-96

- Allan W Kleidon
- Urban Commuting Journeys Are Not "Wasteful." pp. 1097-110

- Michelle J White
Volume 96, issue 4, 1988
- A Theory of Rational Addiction pp. 675-700

- Gary Becker and Kevin Murphy
- Learning by Doing and the Introduction of New Goods pp. 701-17

- Nancy L Stokey
- Housing Investment in the United States pp. 718-40

- Robert Topel and Sherwin Rosen
- Innovation and Reputation pp. 741-65

- Robert A Miller
- Unlimited Liability as a Barrier to Entry pp. 766-84

- Jack L Carr and G Frank Mathewson
- High School Graduation, Performance, and Wages pp. 785-820

- Andrew Weiss
- General Equilibrium with Real Time Search in Labor and Product Market s pp. 821-31

- Birger Wernerfelt
- Reputation and Hierarchy in Dynamic Models of Employment pp. 832-54

- W. Bentley Macleod and James Malcomson
- Estimates of the Returns to Quality and Coauthorship in Economic Academia pp. 855-66

- Raymond D Sauer
- Heterogeneity, Tournaments, and Hierarchies pp. 867-81

- Sudipto Bhattacharya and J Luis Guasch
- Arbitrage during the Dollar-Sterling Gold Standard, 1899-1908: An Economic Approach pp. 882-92

- Pablo T Spiller and Robert O Wood
Volume 96, issue 3, 1988
- Incentives in Academics: Why Is There Tenure? pp. 453-72

- Lorne Carmichael
- A Nonuniform Pricing Model of Union Wages and Employment pp. 473-508

- Peter Kuhn
- The Division of Labor, Local Markets, and Worker Organization pp. 509-27

- James R Baumgardner
- Gibson's Paradox and the Gold Standard pp. 528-50

- Robert Barsky and Lawrence H Summers
- The Characteristics Model, Hedonic Prices, and the Clientele Effect pp. 551-67

- Larry Jones
- Distinguishing Panics and Information-Based Bank Runs: Welfare and Policy Implications pp. 568-92

- Charles J Jacklin and Sudipto Bhattacharya
- A Neoclassical Model of Unemployment and the Business Cycle pp. 593-617

- James D Hamilton
- Intergenerational Flows of Time and Goods: Consequences of Slowing Population Growth pp. 618-51

- Ronald Lee and Shelley Lapkoff
- The Institutional Framework and Economic Development pp. 652-62

- Gerald W Scully
- The Impact of Product Recalls on the Wealth of Sellers: A Reexamination pp. 663-70

- George E Hoffer, Stephen Pruitt and Robert Reilly
Volume 96, issue 2, 1988
- Money and the Stock Market pp. 221-45

- Milton Friedman
- Permanent and Temporary Components of Stock Prices pp. 246-73

- Eugene Fama and Kenneth French
- Mathematical Vindication of Ricardo on Machinery pp. 274-82

- Paul A Samuelson
- Plan and Market in China's Agricultural Commerce pp. 283-307

- Terry Sicular
- Is Everything Neutral? pp. 308-38

- B. Douglas Bernheim and Kyle Bagwell
- Intertemporal Substitution in Consumption pp. 339-57

- Robert E Hall
- Transactions Costs and Covered Interest Arbitrage: Theory and Evidence pp. 358-70

- Kevin Clinton
- Why Have Some Farmers Opposed Futures Markets? pp. 371-82

- B Peter Pashigian
- Time and Punishment: An Intertemporal Model of Crime pp. 383-90

- Michael L Davis
- Accounting for Changes in Tastes pp. 391-410

- James Chalfant and Julian Alston
- Compensating Differentials and Self-selection: An Application to Lawyers pp. 411-28

- John Goddeeris
- Pickering's Collected Malthus: A Review Article pp. 429-46

- Peter Groenewegen
Volume 96, issue 1, 1988
- Legal Restrictions, "Sunspots," and Peel's Bank Act: The Real Bills Doctrine versus the Quantity Theory Reconsidered pp. 3-19

- Bruce D Smith
- A General Index of Technical Change pp. 20-41

- Badi Baltagi and James M Griffin
- Employment Contracts, Influence Activities, and Efficient Organization Design pp. 42-60

- Paul Milgrom
- Takeover Threats and Managerial Myopia pp. 61-80

- Jeremy C Stein
- Normal Backwardation and the Inventory Effect pp. 81-99

- Rodney D Fort and James Quirk
- Bilateral Tradings as an Efficient Auction over Time pp. 100-115

- Donald R Deere
- A Capital Asset Pricing Model with Time-Varying Covariances pp. 116-31

- Tim Bollerslev, Robert Engle and Jeffrey Wooldridge
- The Industrial Organization of Congress; or, Why Legislatures, Like Firms, Are Not Organized as Markets pp. 132-63

- Barry Weingast and William J Marshall
- On the Optimal Pricing Policy of a Monopolist pp. 164-76

- Charles A Wilson
- Foresight and Public Utility Regulation pp. 177-88

- Michael Gort and Richard A Wall
- Maximum Hours Legislation and Female Employment: A Reassessment pp. 189-205

- Claudia Goldin
- Hold Your Bets: Another Look at the Efficiency of the Gambling Market for National Football League Games: Comment pp. 206-13

- Raymond D Sauer, Vic Brajer, Stephen P Ferris and M Wayne Marr
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