Journal of Political Economy
1893 - 2025
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Volume 84, issue 6, 1976
- A New and Superior Process for Making Social Choices pp. 1145-59

- T Nicolaus Tideman and Gordon Tullock
- Expectations and Exchange Rate Dynamics pp. 1161-76

- Rüdiger Dornbusch
- An Alternative Approach to the Analysis of Taxation pp. 1177-97

- Yoram Barzel
- The Successes and Failures of Professor Smith pp. 1199-1213

- George J Stigler
- Futures Trading and Market Information pp. 1215-37

- Charles C Cox
- Consequences and Causes of Public Ownership of Urban Transit Facilities pp. 1239-59

- B Peter Pashigian
- The Incidence and Efficiency Effects of Taxes on Income from Capital pp. 1261-83

- John B Shoven
- The Incidence and Efficiency Effects of Taxes on Income from Capital: A Reply pp. 1285-92

- Arnold C Harberger and Neil Bruce
- Optimum Replacement of Capital Goods with Labor-saving Technical Progress: A Comparison of the Early New England and British Textile Firm pp. 1293-1303

- Peter Swan
- Some More Problems with Income-contingent Loans: The Case of Medical Education pp. 1305-11

- Roger Feldman
- Policy Implication of Full-Loss-Offset Capital Gains Tax on Forward Contracts: A Note on Leland's "Optimal Forward Exchange Positions." pp. 1313-18

- Dan Galai
- The Social Costs of Monopoly and Regulation: Some Comments pp. 1319-23

- Goran Skogh
- Distribution, the Aggregate Consumption Function, and the Level of Economic Development: Some Cross-Country Results pp. 1325-34

- Philip A Della Valle and Noriyoshi Oguchi
- Firm Demand for Information about Price and Technology pp. 1335-41

- Richard E Kihlstrom
- The Desirability of Cheating Incentives and Randomness in the Optimal Income Tax pp. 1343-52

- Laurence Weiss
- On the Specification of the Demand for Money: The Real Rate of Return versus the Rate of Inflation pp. 1353-59

- Benjamin Eden
- Vindication of a "Common Mistake" in Welfare Economics pp. 1361-63

- John C Panzar and Robert Willig
- Vindication of a "Common Mistake" in Welfare Economics: Rejoinder pp. 1365-66

- Robert Dorfman
Volume 84, issue 5, 1976
- The Cobb-Douglas Production Function Once Again: Its History, Its Testing, and Some New Empirical Values pp. 903-15

- Paul H Douglas
- A Statistical Theory of Expenditures in Capital Maintenance and Repair pp. 917-36

- George Bitros
- Temporary Layoffs in the Theory of Unemployment pp. 937-57

- Martin Feldstein
- Interfuel Substitution in Steam Electric Power Generation pp. 959-78

- Scott Atkinson and Robert Halvorsen
- Money and Economic Activity in the Open Economy: The United Kingdom, 1880-1970 pp. 979-1012

- Peter D Jonson
- Private Pensions and Saving: New Evidence pp. 1013-32

- Alicia Munnell
- The Economics of Information and Retail Gasoline Price Behavior: An Empirical Analysis pp. 1033-60

- Howard P Marvel
- A Theory of Government Enterprise pp. 1061-77

- Cotton M Lindsay
- Exhaustible Resources and Industrial Structure: A Nash-Cournot Approach to the World Oil Market pp. 1079-93

- Stephen W Salant
- The Effect of Broadcasting on Political Campaign Spending: An Empirical Investigation pp. 1095-1107

- Burton Abrams and Russell F Settle
- Advertising, Concentration, and Price-Cost Margins pp. 1109-21

- Allyn D Strickland and Leonard W Weiss
- Market Organization and the Effect of Import Quotas: Empirical Evidence pp. 1123-31

- Susumu Hondai
- A Purchasing-Power-Parity Application to Demand for Money in Afghanistan pp. 1133-38

- Maxwell J Fry
Volume 84, issue 4, 1976
- H. Gregg Lewis and the Development of Analytical Labor Economics pp. S3-8

- Albert Rees
- A Life-Cycle Model of Earnings, Learning, and Consumption pp. S11-44

- James J Heckman
- A Theory of Life Earnings pp. S45-67

- Sherwin Rosen
- Wages of Very Young Men pp. S69-85

- Zvi Griliches
- Unemployment Effects of Minimum Wages pp. S87-104

- Jacob Mincer
- Employment Quotas for Minorities pp. S105-39

- Finis Welch
- Child Endowments and the Quantity and Quality of Children pp. S143-62

- Gary Becker and Nigel Tomes
- Fertility Response to Child Mortality: Micro Data from Israel pp. S163-78

- Yoram Ben-Porath
- Estimation of a Model of Labor Supply, Fertility, and Wages of Married Women pp. S179-99

- Glen Cain and Martin Dooley
- The Allocation of Time of Israeli Women pp. S201-20

- Reuben Gronau
- Residential Location and Labor Supply pp. S221-38

- Walter Oi
- Economies of Scale in U.S. Electric Power Generation pp. 655-76

- Laurits R Christensen and William Greene
- A Strategic Analysis of Monetary Interdependence pp. 677-700

- Koichi Hamada
- Migration, Age, and Education pp. 701-19

- Aba Schwartz
- Price Dispersion in the Government Securities Market pp. 721-40

- Kenneth Garbade and William L Silber
- Some Quantitative Aspects of the Economics Journal Literature pp. 741-55

- Richard E Quandt
- The Origin and Development of Media of Exchange pp. 757-75

- Robert Jones
- Alternative Stabilization Policies for Less-developed Economies pp. 777-95

- Basant Kapur
- Direct versus Indirect Remedies for Externalities pp. 797-808

- Jerry Green and Eytan Sheshinski
- Technology, Growth, and History pp. 809-20

- Jeffrey Williamson
- The Friedman-Savage Utility Function in Cross-cultural Perspective pp. 821-34

- Frederic L Pryor
- Fertility Interactions and Modernization Turning Points pp. 835-47

- Paul R Gregory and Campbell, John M,
- Testing the Monetary Approach to Devaluation in Developing Countries pp. 849-59

- Michael Connolly and Dean Taylor
- Another Advantage of the Division of Labor pp. 861-68

- Nathan Rosenberg
- Taxes, Spending, and Property Values: A Comment and Further Results pp. 869-80

- George Richard Meadows
- Do Import Levies Matter? The Case of Sweden pp. 881-91

- Gary Sampson and Alexander J Yeats
- Money, Interest, and Prices in Market Disequilibrium: A Comment pp. 893-94

- George H Blackford
Volume 84, issue 3, 1976
- Inflation Uncertainty and Expected Returns on Treasury Bills pp. 427-48

- Eugene Fama
- Human Capital and Labor Supply: A Synthesis pp. 449-72

- Alan Blinder and Yoram Weiss
- An Economic Analysis of Eminent Domain pp. 473-97

- Patricia Munch
- Economically Rational Expectations: Are Innovations in the Rate of Inflation Independent of Innovations in Measures of Monetary and Fiscal Policy? pp. 499-522

- Edgar Feige and Douglas Pearce
- Uncertainty, Waiting Time, and Capacity Utilization: A Stochastic Theory of Product Quality pp. 523-41

- Arthur S De Vany
- Project Evaluation, Shadow Prices, and Trade Policy pp. 543-52

- Ronald Findlay and Stanislaw Wellisz
- National Health Insurance: Some Costs and Effects of Mandated Employee Coverage pp. 553-71

- Bridger M Mitchell and Charles E Phelps
- The New Contractarians pp. 573-90

- Scott Gordon
- The Effect of Unemployment Compensation on a Seasonal Industry: Agriculture pp. 591-602

- Barry Chiswick
- A Dynamic Model of the Firm pp. 603-13

- Arvind Virmani
- Multilateral and Bilateral Measures of Effective Exchange Rates in a World Model of Traded Goods pp. 615-21

- Stanley Black
- Triangular Graphs pp. 623-30

- Joe Latham
- The Observational Equivalence of Natural and Unnatural Rate Theories of Macroeconomics pp. 631-40

- Thomas Sargent
- Measuring Gains and Losses pp. 641-46

- George W McKenzie
- The Effects of Property Taxes and Local Public Spending on Property Values: A Theoretical Comment pp. 647-50

- Bruce W Hamilton
Volume 84, issue 2, 1976
- A Classical Macroeconometric Model for the United States pp. 207-37

- Thomas Sargent
- Economic Development in Communist China pp. 239-64

- Colin Clark
- A Stochastic Model of Applied Research pp. 265-81

- Robert E Evenson and Yoav Kislev
- The Marginal Cost of Public Funds pp. 283-98

- Edgar Browning
- A Model of Optimal Human-Capital Accumulation and the Wages of Young High School Graduates pp. 299-316

- Charles Brown
- Determining Legislative Preferences on the Minimum Wage: An Economic Approach pp. 317-29

- Jonathan I Silberman and Garey Durden
- Perceived Wealth in Bonds and Social Security: A Comment pp. 331-36

- Martin Feldstein
- Barro on the Ricardian Equivalence Theorem pp. 337-42

- James Buchanan
- Reply to "Perceived Wealth in Bonds and Social Security" and "Barro on the Ricardian Equivalence Theorem." pp. 343-49

- Robert Barro
- Earnings and Individual Variations in Postschool Human Investment pp. 351-58

- Charles B Knapp and W Lee Hansen
- The Conundrum of the Low Issue of National Bank Notes pp. 359-67

- John James
- Autocorrelated Growth Rates and the Pareto Law: A Further Analysis pp. 369-80

- Vining, Daniel R,
- It Takes Two to Tango, or Sind "Separable Externalities" Vberhaupt Moglich? pp. 381-87

- William Baumol
- A Note on Tariffs, Nontariff Barriers, and Labor Protection in United States Manufacturing Industries pp. 389-94

- John H Cheh
- Import Instability and Tariffs: Some Welfare Implications of Price Stabilization pp. 395-400

- Toshihisa Toyoda
- The Leff Conjecture: Some Contrary Evidence pp. 401-05

- Hanson, John R,
- A Note on Risk, Return, and Equilibrium: Empirical Tests pp. 407-09

- Menachem Brenner
Volume 84, issue 1, 1976
- Three-and-a-Half Million U.S. Employees Have Been Mislaid: Or, an Explanation of Unemployment, 1934-1941 pp. 1-16

- Michael Darby
- Tariffs and Income Distribution: Some Empirical Evidence for the United States pp. 17-45

- David Burgess
- Age, Experience, Earnings, and Investments in Human Capital pp. 47-72

- N. Anders Klevmarken and John Quigley
- Money Illusion and Balance-of-Payments Adjustment pp. 73-82

- J C Murphy and S K Das
- The Economic Value of Statute Reform: The Case of Liberalized Abortion pp. 83-99

- Timothy A Deyak and V Kerry Smith
- Destabilizing Speculation: A General Equilibrium Approach pp. 101-08

- Harry G Johnson
- Pareto: A View of the Present through the Past pp. 109-22

- Vincent J Tarascio
- Economics in Dialectical Dialect pp. 123-30

- Martin Bronfenbrenner
- Some Evidence on the Factor Content of West Germany's Foreign Trade pp. 131-41

- Robert M Stern
- The Property Rights Theory of the Firm: Empirical Results from a Natural Experiment pp. 143-52

- Harry Frech
- Thornton's Estimates of Efficiency Losses in Soviet Industry: Some Fixed-Point-Method Recalculations pp. 153-59

- John Whalley
- Sharing Risks of Deferred Payment pp. 161-68

- Steven Shavell
- An Inquiry into the Economics of Race-Track Gambling pp. 169-77

- Arthur Gruen
- Currency Denominations and the Price Level pp. 179-83

- Chau-nan Chen
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