Journal of Political Economy
1893 - 2025
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Volume 90, issue 6, 1982
- Price Inertia and Policy Ineffectiveness in the United States, 1890-1980 pp. 1087-1117

- Robert Gordon
- Dividends and Taxes: Some Empirical Evidence pp. 1118-41

- Merton Miller and Myron S Scholes
- Tariffs, Technology Transfer, and Welfare pp. 1142-65

- Robert Feenstra and Kenneth Judd
- Optimal Multiperiod Contracts and the Gain from Enduring Relationships under Private Information pp. 1166-86

- Robert Townsend
- Sticky Prices in the United States pp. 1187-1211

- Julio Rotemberg
- The Real-Bills Doctrine versus the Quantity Theory: A Reconsideration pp. 1212-36

- Thomas Sargent and Neil Wallace
- Adam Smith's Analysis of Joint-Stock Companies pp. 1237-56

- Gary M Anderson and Robert Tollison
- Wages, Rents, and the Quality of Life pp. 1257-78

- Jennifer Roback
- Exploration and Scarcity pp. 1279-90

- Shantayanan Devarajan and Anthony C Fisher
- The Role of the Current Account in Exchange-Rate Determination: A Comment on Rodriguez pp. 1291-94

- Michael Dooley and Peter Isard
- On the U.S. Import Demand Function: A Comment pp. 1295-99

- Paul A Volker
Volume 90, issue 5, 1982
- Aggregate Demand Management in Search Equilibrium pp. 881-94

- Peter Diamond
- The Permanent Income Hypothesis: Estimation and Testing by Instrumental Variables pp. 895-916

- Fumio Hayashi
- Capitalization and the Theory of Local Public Finance pp. 917-43

- John Yinger
- The Effects of General Price Controls in the United States during World War II pp. 944-66

- Paul Evans
- Imperfect Information and Wage Inertia in the Business Cycle pp. 967-87

- Mark Gertler
- Directly Unproductive, Profit-seeking (DUP) Activities pp. 988-1002

- Jagdish N Bhagwati
- Differential Use of Medical Care by Sex pp. 1003-19

- Jody L Sindelar
- Imports, Domestic Production, and Transnational Vertical Integration: A Theoretical Note pp. 1020-34

- Pranab Bardhan
- Wasteful Commuting pp. 1035-51

- Bruce W Hamilton
- Wasteful Commuting: Appendix pp. 1052-53
- Ailsa Roell
- A Theory of Factor Mobility pp. 1054-69

- Gene Grossman and Carl Shapiro
- Optimal Policy in the Presence of Licensed Technology from Abroad pp. 1072-78
- Richard Brecher
Volume 90, issue 4, 1982
- Efficiency of Experimental Security Markets with Insider Information: An Application of Rational-Expectations Models pp. 663-98

- Charles Plott and Shyam Sunder
- Heterogeneous Information and the Theory of the Business Cycle pp. 699-727

- Sanford Grossman and Laurence Weiss
- Dynamics of a Floating Exchange Rate Regime pp. 728-54

- Elhanan Helpman and Assaf Razin
- Cost-Benefit Criteria and the Compensation Principle in Evaluating Small Projects pp. 755-76

- Neil Bruce and Richard G Harris
- Sectoral Shifts and Cyclical Unemployment pp. 777-93

- David M Lilien
- The Welfare Cost of Free Public Schools pp. 794-808

- Jon Sonstelie
- Giffen Goods and the Law of Demand pp. 809-15

- William Dougan
- Politics, Time, and the Laffer Curve pp. 816-19

- James Buchanan and Dwight R Lee
- The Leontief Paradox, Continued pp. 820-23

- Richard Brecher and Ehsan Choudhri
- The Political Economy of Benefits and Costs: A Neoclassical Approach to Distributive Politics-Comment pp. 824-26

- Gordon Tullock
- The Reward for Risk in the Labor Market: Evidence from the United Kingdom and a Reconciliation with Other Studies pp. 827-53

- Alan Marin and George Psacharopoulos
- The Employment-Real Wage Relationship: An International Study pp. 854-71

- Patrick T Geary and John Kennan
Volume 90, issue 3, 1982
- The Economic Impacts of Minimum Wage Laws: A New Look at an Old Question pp. 443-69

- Peter Linneman
- Optimal Patents with Compulsory Licensing pp. 470-86

- Pankaj Tandon
- Dumping pp. 487-506

- Wilfred Ethier
- Estimated Output, Price, Interest Rate, and Exchange Rate Linkages among Countries pp. 507-35

- Ray Fair
- Micro Estimates of Public Spending Demand Functions and Tests of the Tiebout and Median-Voter Hypotheses pp. 536-60

- Edward Gramlich and Daniel L Rubinfeld
- Inflation and Welfare in the Steady State pp. 561-77

- Boyan Jovanovic
- Prices, Technology, and Farm Size pp. 578-95

- Yoav Kislev and Willis Peterson
- Bayesian Information and the Precautionary Demand for Money pp. 596-605

- Bryan E Stanhouse
- Social Security and Private Saving: New Time-Series Evidence pp. 606-29

- Dean R Leimer and Selig D Lesnoy
- Social Security and Private Saving: Reply pp. 630-42

- Martin Feldstein
- Social Security, Preretirement Labor Supply, and Saving: A Confirmation and a Critique pp. 643-46

- Richard Burkhauser and John A Turner
- Macroeconomic Policy and the Optimal Destruction of Vampires pp. 647-55

- Dennis J Snower
Volume 90, issue 2, 1982
- The Choice of Techniques and the Optimality of Market Equilibrium with Rational Expectations pp. 223-46

- David M Newbery and Joseph Stiglitz
- Monetary Policy and the Information Content of Prices pp. 247-79

- Robert King
- Waiting-Line Auctions pp. 280-94

- Charles Holt and Roger Sherman
- Seigniorage and the Case for a National Money pp. 295-313

- Stanley Fischer
- Durable-Goods Monopolists pp. 314-32

- Jeremy I Bulow
- A Neglected Classic in the Theory of Distribution pp. 333-55

- John K Whitaker
- Official Intervention in the Foreign Exchange Market, or, Bet against the Central Bank pp. 356-68

- Dean Taylor
- Unemployment in Interwar Britain: Still Searching for an Explanation [Searching for an Explanation of Unemployment in Interwar Britain] pp. 369-79

- Michael Collins
- How Much Voluntary Unemployment in Interwar Britain? [Searching for an Explanation of Unemployment in Interwar Britain] pp. 380-85

- Rod Cross
- Still Searching for an Explanation of Unemployment in Interwar Britain pp. 386-99

- David Metcalf, Stephen Nickell and Nicos Floros
- Unemployment in Interwar Britain [Searching for an Explanation of Unemployment in Interwar Britain] pp. 400-409

- Paul Ormerod and G D N Worswick
- Unemployment and Unemployment Benefits in Twentieth-Century Britain: A Reply to Our Critics [Searching for an Explanation of Unemployment in Interwar Britain] pp. 410-36

- Daniel Benjamin and Levis A Kochin
Volume 90, issue 1, 1982
- Entrepreneurial Risk Taking, Inequality, and Public Policy: An Application of Inequality Decomposition Analysis to the General Equilibrium Effects of Progressive Taxation pp. 1-21

- Ravi Kanbur
- Does Anticipated Monetary Policy Matter? An Econometric Investigation pp. 22-51

- Frederic Mishkin
- Parental Preferences and Provision for Progeny pp. 52-73

- Jere Behrman, Robert Pollak and Paul Taubman
- A Model of Exchange Rate Dynamics pp. 74-104

- Michael Mussa
- Inequality within and between Families pp. 105-27

- Eytan Sheshinski and Yoram Weiss
- Inequality in the Local Public Sector pp. 128-45

- Sam Bucovetsky
- Relative Price Variability and Nonuniform Inflationary Expectations pp. 146-57

- Alex Cukierman and Paul Wachtel
- PPP Exchange-Rate Rules and Macroeconomic Stability pp. 158-65

- Rüdiger Dornbusch
- Variance Bounds in a Simple Model of Asset Pricing pp. 166-75

- Ronald W Michener
- Monetary Stabilization and the Informational Value of Monetary Aggregates pp. 176-80

- Jeremy J Siegel
- A Note on Uncertain Lifetimes: A Comment pp. 181-83

- Joseph Pelzman and Donald Rousslang
- On Compliance with the Minimum Wage Law pp. 184-87

- Gilles Grenier
- Revenue Seeking: A Generalization of the Theory of Tariffs-A Correction pp. 188-90

- Jagdish N Bhagwati and T N Srinivasan
- The Impact of Proposition 13 on House Prices in Northern California: A Test of the Interjurisdictional Capitalization Hypothesis pp. 191-200

- Kenneth T Rosen
- The Effect of the Term Structure of Interest Rates on the Demand for Money in the United States pp. 201-12

- Milton Friedman and Anna J Schwartz
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