Journal of Political Economy
1893 - 2025
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Volume 79, issue 6, 1971
- Measuring Human Capital Returns pp. 1195-1215

- C M Lindsay
- Economic Stabilization in Wartime: A Comparative Case Study of Korea and Vietnam pp. 1216-43

- G E Makinen
- Do Blacks Pay More for Housing? pp. 1244-57

- Victoria Lapham
- Collusion and Entry pp. 1258-77

- John T Wenders
- Executive Motivations, Earnings, and Consequent Equity Performance pp. 1278-92

- Robert Tempest Masson
- Safety Margins and Profit Maximization in the Theory of the Firm pp. 1293-1301

- Richard H Day, Dennis J Aigner and Kenneth R Smith
- An Economic Model of a Professional Sports League pp. 1302-19

- Mohamed El-Hodiri and James Quirk
- Optimal Replacement of Capital Goods: The Early New England and British Textile Firm pp. 1320-34

- Jeffrey Williamson
- Investment and the Rate of Interest pp. 1335-45

- Agnar Sandmo
- Consumer Discount Rate and the Horizon: New Evidence pp. 1346-59

- Michael Landsberger
- Optimal Commodity and Trade Taxes pp. 1360-68

- Rüdiger Dornbusch
- Marshall and Turvey on Peak Load or Joint Product Pricing pp. 1369-77

- Michael Crew and Paul R Kleindorfer
- Residential Location in a Three-dimensional City pp. 1378-87

- Colin Wright
- Applications of a Theorem by Scarf on Cooperative Solutions to N-Person Games to Problems of Disarmament pp. 1388-96

- Peter Jason Kalman
- The Possibility of a Paretian Liberal: Impossibility Theorems and Cardinal Utility pp. 1397-1402

- Yew-Kwang Ng
- The Impossibility of a Paretian Liberal: Comment by Two Who are Unreconstructed pp. 1403-05

- Claude Hillinger and Victoria Lapham
- The Impossibility of a Paretian Liberal: Reply pp. 1406-07

- Amartya Sen
- The Balanced-Budget Policy and Income Stability pp. 1408-11

- Oystein Pettersen
- Capital Formation by Expenditures on Education in 1960 pp. 1412-17

- Lewis C Solmon
- Cash Reserve Ratios and Banking Reserve Behavior pp. 1418-19

- Phaup, Marvin M,
- Cash Reserves Ratios and Banking Reserves Behavior: A Clarification pp. 1420-21

- J A Galbraith and Anna L Guthrie
Volume 79, issue 5, 1971
- Money, Interest, and Prices in Market Disequilibrium pp. 943-61

- Herschel Grossman
- The Optimal Rate of Secular Inflation pp. 962-82

- Prakash Lohani and Earl A Thompson
- Technological Externalities and Resource Allocation pp. 983-1001

- Lawrence D Schall
- Notes on the Economics of Infinity pp. 1002-11

- Karl Shell
- Migration Flows, Their Determinants and the Effects of Return Migration pp. 1012-31

- John Vanderkamp
- Rates of Amortization of Advertising Expenditures pp. 1032-58

- Yoram Peles
- The Theory of the Multinational Firm: Optimal Behavior under Different Tariff and Tax Rates pp. 1059-72

- Thomas Horst
- A Theory of Risk Preference in Gambling pp. 1073-83

- J C Handa
- Alienation, Freedom, and Economic Organization pp. 1084-94

- Edwin Dolan
- The Square-Root Law of Precautionary Reserves pp. 1095-1104

- Julio H G Olivera
- Ibn Khaldun: A Fourteenth-Century Economist pp. 1105-18

- Jean David C Boulakia
- Joint Products, Collective Goods, and External Effects: Comment pp. 1119-28

- David Bradford
- Joint Products, Collective Goods, and External Effects: Comment pp. 1129-35

- Estelle James
- Joint Products, Collective Goods, and External Effects: Comment pp. 1136-37

- Neil M Singer
- Joint Products, Collective Goods, and External Effects: Comment pp. 1138-40

- J Hayden Boyd
- Joint Products, Collective Goods, and External Effects: Reply pp. 1141-50

- E J Mishan
- Area Employment Conditions and Labor-Force Participation: A Microstudy pp. 1151-60

- Malcolm Cohen, Robert Lerman and Samuel Rea
- The Demand for Money and the Price Level pp. 1161-70

- Dean S Dutton
- A Note on United States Direct Investment and Human Capital pp. 1171-75

- Raymond Lubitz
- The Welfare Implications of Homosexuality pp. 1176-77

- Falero, Frank,
Volume 79, issue 4, 1971
- Evaluation of Life and Limb: A Theoretical Approach pp. 687-705

- E J Mishan
- A Study of the Effects of Competition in the Tax-exempt Bond Market pp. 706-38

- Reuben Kessel
- Short-Term Capital Movements of the United Kingdom, 1963-1967 pp. 739-75

- Zoran Hodjera
- Using a Probabilistic Frontier Production Function to Measure Technical Efficiency pp. 776-94

- Charles Timmer
- Interprovincial Migration in Canada as a Human Capital Decision pp. 795-804

- Gene Laber and Richard X Chase
- Banks' Demand for Excess Reserves pp. 805-25

- Peter A Frost
- Assessing the Dynamic Efficiency of Automatic Stabilizers pp. 826-45

- John Helliwell and Fred Gorbet
- Government Revenue from Inflation pp. 846-56

- Milton Friedman
- The Response of Prices and Income to Monetary Policy: An Analysis Based upon a Differential Phillips Curve pp. 857-66

- David W Peterson, Eugene M Lerner and Edward J Lusk
- Reversals of Assumptions and Implications pp. 867-77

- Louis De Alessi
- Productive Efficiency in the Steam-Electric Generating Industry pp. 878-86

- Wesley D Seitz
- Resource Allocation in Traditional Agriculture: Republican China, 1937-1940 pp. 887-96

- Scott R Dittrich and Ramon H Myers
- The Effect of Minimum Wages on Teenage Unemployment Rates pp. 897-902

- Thomas Gale Moore
- Some Substitution Effects in the Location Decision of a Firm pp. 903-08

- W David C Wright
- The "Bridge Game" Economy: An Example of Indivisibilities pp. 909-12

- Martin Shubik
- Public Decisions as Public Goods pp. 913-18

- Gordon Tullock
- The Contract Curve and the Production Possibility Curve pp. 919-23

- Frank S T Hsiao
- Profitability of Monopolization by Vertical Integration pp. 924-25

- John M Vernon and Daniel A Graham
- A Note on Transport Costs and the Choice of a Tariff Valuation Base pp. 926-28

- Waters, W G,
- Joint Products and On-the-Job Training pp. 929-31

- A G Holtmann
- On the Regulation of Industry: A Correction pp. 932

- Lester G Telser
- The Inverted Tetrahexahedron: A Personal Account of the Discovery of the Strucutre of the ICBM pp. 933-37

- Dudley G Luckett
Volume 79, issue 3, 1971
- A Theory of Foreign Exchange Speculation under Alternative Systems pp. 407-36

- E. Canterbery
- Distortions in Factor Markets and the General Equilibrium Model of Production pp. 437-59

- Ronald Jones
- The Interdependence between Income and Education pp. 460-80

- George S Tolley and E Olson
- An Application of the Shephard Duality Theorem: A Generalized Leontief Production Function pp. 481-507

- Walter Diewert
- Efficiency, Distribution, and the Role of Government in a Market Economy pp. 508-26

- Paul Feldman
- Costs and Benefits of Medical Research: A Case Study of Poliomyelitis pp. 527-44

- Burton A Weisbrod
- Differential Capital Charges and Resource Allocation in Soviet Industry pp. 545-61

- Judith Thornton
- Oskar Lange's Theory of Socialist Planning pp. 562-77

- Paul Craig Roberts
- Uncertainty, Entrepreneurship, and Sharecropping in India pp. 578-95

- C H Hanumantha Rao
- Price Trends, Economic Growth, and the Canadian Balance of Trade: A Three-Country Model pp. 596-613

- Roger A Sedjo
- Effect on Prices of Japan's Entry into World Commerce after 1858 pp. 614-28

- J Richard Huber
- What Went Wrong? pp. 629-41

- Robert Eisner
- Preferences, Separability, and the Patinkin Model pp. 642-51

- Cliff Lloyd
- The Relationship between Permanent Income and Measured Variables pp. 652-60

- M V Arak and Alan Spiro
- American Inventiveness, 1870-1920 pp. 661-67

- Robert Higgs
- On Domestic Demand and Ability to Export pp. 668-72

- Jacob A Frenkel
- On Domestic Demand and Ability to Export: An Additional Comment pp. 673-74

- Giorgio Basevi
- A Simple Macroeconomic Model with a Government Budget Restraint: A Comment pp. 675-79

- Frank G Steindl
- Some Additional Comments on the Effect of Various Marketing Systems of the Prices of Alcoholic Beverages pp. 680-81

- Sidney M Blumner and Ralph B Hutchinson
Volume 79, issue 2, 1971
- Investment, Scale, and Growth pp. 214-31

- Yoram Barzel
- Research and Development in Industrial Growth pp. 232-56

- William N Leonard
- Optimal Forward Exchange Positions pp. 257-69

- Hayne Leland
- The Theory of Asset Choice: Simultaneous Holding of Short and Long Positions in the Futures Market pp. 270-93

- Nicholas W Schrock
- The Effect on White Incomes of Discrimination in Employment pp. 294-313

- Barbara Bergmann
- Effects of Mergers and Acquisitions on Business Firm Concentration pp. 314-22

- Yuji Ijiri and Herbert A Simon
- A Monetary Theory of Nominal Income pp. 323-37

- Milton Friedman
- Women versus the Malthusian Trap: The Cosmetic Motive for Birth Control pp. 338-44

- Martin Gerhard Giesbrecht
- Interindustry Flows and Meade's Second-Best Index pp. 345-50

- Jaroslav Vanek
- Futures Markets and Buffer Stocks: A Reply to William Poole pp. 351-55

- Ronald McKinnon
- On the Regulation of Industry: A Reply pp. 356-63

- Harold Demsetz
- On the Regulation of Industry: Rejoinder pp. 364-65

- Lester G Telser
- Comment on Returns to Scale and Growth pp. 366-67

- Thomas J Finn and Koteswara Rao Kadiyala
- A Note on the Houthakker-Taylor Demand Analysis pp. 368-71

- John W L Winder
- 'Forced Saving' and the Rate of Interest pp. 372-75

- Morris Perlman
Volume 79, issue 1, 1971
- A Bargaining Model of the Pure Theory of Public Expenditure pp. 1-29

- Hirofumi Shibata
- Risk, Return, and Equilibrium pp. 30-55

- Eugene Fama
- The Demand for Leisure pp. 56-76

- John D Owen
- The Adjustment of the Economy to Monetary Changes pp. 77-96

- Burton Zwick
- Capacity and Market Structure pp. 97-113

- S Sankar Sengupta
- On Optimizing 'Gains' from Pakistan's Export Bonus Scheme pp. 114-27

- Syed Nawab Haider Naqvi
- The Use of Effective Tariffs pp. 128-41

- Benjamin I Cohen
- The Analysis of Public Policy in Dynamic Urban Models pp. 142-53

- Wallace Oates, E Philip Howrey and William Baumol
- Patterns of Hospital Use: An Analysis of Short-Run Variations pp. 154-65

- John A Rafferty
- Some Theorems in the Theory of Efficient Transfers pp. 166-76

- Edgar Olsen
- Measuring the Permanent Income of a Household: An Experiment in Methodology pp. 177-85

- R Ramanathan
- Hyperinflation and the Dynamics of the Demand for Money in China, 1945-1949 pp. 186-95

- Teh-wei Hu
- "Drewnowski's Economic Theory of Socialism," by Paul Craig Roberts: A Reply pp. 196-99

- Jan Drewnowski
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