Journal of Political Economy
1893 - 2025
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Volume 77, issue 6, 1969
- Measuring Equilibrium in the Balance of Payments pp. 873-91

- Charles P Kindleberger
- Savings Deposits in the Definition of Money pp. 892-96

- Gurcharan S Laumas
- Adam Smith's Theory of Inquiry pp. 897-915

- J Ralph Lindgren
- Investing and Protesting pp. 916-20

- Anthony Scott
- On the Long-Run and Short-Run Demand for Money: Some Further Evidence pp. 921-31

- V Karuppan Chetty
- Reply: A Note on the Estimation of Long-Run Relationships in Stock Adjustment Models pp. 932-36

- Gregory Chow
- On the Regulation of Industry: A Note pp. 937-52

- Lester G Telser
- "The Galbraithian System"-Rejoinder pp. 953-56

- Scott Gordon
- The Effects of Property Taxes and Local Public Spending on Property Values: An Empirical Study of Tax Capitalization and the Tiebout Hypothesis pp. 957-71

- Wallace Oates
- Substitution and the Effective Rate of Protection pp. 972-75

- Joseph Finger
- The Empirical Content of Economic Rationality: A Test for a Less Developed Economy pp. 976-1004

- John Wise and Pan A Yotopoulos
- Domestic Distortions, Tariffs, and the Theory of Optimum Subsidy: Some Further Results pp. 1005-10

- Jagdish N Bhagwati, V K Ramaswami and T N Srinivasan
- Domestic Distortions, Tariffs, and the Theory of Optimum Subsidy pp. 1011-13

- Murray Kemp and Takashi Nagishi
- Productivity and the Price of Medical Services pp. 1014-27

- Yoram Barzel
- The Minimum Covered Interest Differential Needed for International Arbitrage Activity pp. 1028-35

- William Branson
- Mishan on Progress: A Rejoinder pp. 1036-39

- Walter A Weisskopf
Volume 77, issue 5, 1969
- Real Wages, Employment, and Inflation pp. 721-54

- Robert Lucas and Leonard A Rapping
- The Effects on Taxation on Risk Taking pp. 755-64

- Martin Feldstein
- A Short-Run Demand Function for Higher Education in the United States pp. 765-77

- Harvey Galper and Dunn, Robert M,
- Some Welfare Aspects of International Migration pp. 778-94

- R Albert Berry and Ronald Soligo
- A Model of the Canadian Housing and Mortgage Markets pp. 795-816

- Lawrence B Smith
- The Consumer's Demand for Money: A Neoclassical Approach pp. 817-26

- Brian Motley
- Further Remarks on the Theory of Product Differentiation pp. 827-33

- Helmut Schuster
- Measuring the Effective Rate of Protection: Direct and Indirect Effects pp. 834-44

- David B Humphrey
- Estimating Permanent Income: A Note pp. 845-50

- Colin Wright
- On the Long-Run and Short-Run Demand for Money: A Comment pp. 851-56

- Lester Taylor and Joseph Newhouse
- A Test of the Permanent Income Hypothesis pp. 857-61

- Prem S Laumas
- Why It Is Cheap, Not Dear, to Marry a Ph.D pp. 862

- Robert M Bernardo
- Opportunity Cost of Marriage: Comment pp. 863

- George J Stigler
Volume 77, issue 4, 1969
- Expectations and Interest Rates: A Cross-sectional Test of the Error-learning Hypothesis pp. 453-70

- Burton G Malkiel and Edward Kane
- Student Family Size in Relation to Current and Expected Income pp. 471-77

- Frank P Stafford
- Utility Maximization Sufficient for Competitive Survival pp. 478-83

- George W Ladd
- The Social Costs of the Discovery and Suppression of the Clandestine Distribution of Heroin pp. 484-86

- Edward Erickson
- The Clandestine Distribution of Heroin, Its Discovery and Suppression: A Comment pp. 487-88

- Raul A Fernandez
- The Demand for Money by Households in South Vietnam: The Evidence from Cross-Section Data pp. 489-93

- Robert H Stroup and Frazer, William J,
- Professor Gordon on "The Close of the Galbraithian System." pp. 494-503

- John Kenneth Galbraith
- The Neoclassical Dichotomy as a Controlled Experiment pp. 504-11

- Jurg Niehans
- A Stock-Adjustment Analysis of Capital Movements: The United States-Canadian Case pp. 512-23

- C H Lee
- Buse on Meiselman-A Comment pp. 524-27

- Neil Wallace
- A Note on Arrow's Postulates for a Social Welfare Function-A Comment pp. 528-31

- Tapas Majumdar
- An Economic Analysis of the Concept of Freedom pp. 532-44

- Thomas Gale Moore
- Writing and Reading in Economics pp. 545-58

- Walter S Salant
- Rational Choice and Patterns of Growth pp. 575-85

- Miguel Sidrauski
- The Implications of Alternative Saving and Expectations Hypotheses for Choices of Technique and Patterns of Growth pp. 586-627

- David Cass and Joseph Stiglitz
- Time Preference and the Penrose Effect in a Two-Class Model of Economic Growth pp. 628-52

- Hirofumi Uzawa
- Sequential Planning and Continual Planning Revision pp. 653-64

- Steven Goldman
- Optimal Accumulation in a Two-Sector Neoclassical Economy with Non-Shiftable Capital pp. 665-83

- Ryder, Harl E,
- Optimal Capital Accumulation by an Economy Facing an International Capital Market pp. 684-97

- Koichi Hamada
- Optimal Fiscal and Monetary Policy and Economic Growth pp. 698-719

- Duncan Foley, Karl Shell and Miguel Sidrauski
Volume 77, issue 3, 1969
- The Case against Infant-Industry Tariff Protection pp. 295-305

- Robert Baldwin
- A Model for the Explanation of Industrial Expansion during the Nineteenth Century: With an Application to the American Iron Industry pp. 306-28

- Robert Fogel and Stanley L Engerman
- The Relationship between Joint Products, Collective Goods, and External Effects pp. 329-48

- E J Mishan
- Risk and the Valuation of Common Stock pp. 349-62

- Richard S Bower and Dorothy H Bower
- An Analysis of the Canadian Money Supply: 1925-1934 pp. 363-91

- Thomas J Courchene
- Patent Statistics as a Measure of Technical Change pp. 392-98

- William S Comanor and Frederic M Scherer
- Structural Unemployment in a Neoclassical Framework pp. 399-407

- George Akerlof
- Automobiles and Hedonic Quality Measurement pp. 408-17

- Jack E Triplett
- The Short-Run Stability of Velocity and the Autonomous Spending Multiplier, 1946-1962 pp. 418-29

- Keith E Phillips
- Irving Fisher and the Red Guards pp. 430-33

- Steven N S Cheung
Volume 77, issue 2, 1969
- An Economic Model of Family Planning and Fertility pp. 153-80

- T Paul Schultz
- On Models of Commercial Fishing pp. 181-98

- Vernon L Smith
- On Two Foundation Concepts of the Theory of Political Economy pp. 199-218

- Rutledge Vining
- Monopoly Pricing of Afghan Karakul in International Markets pp. 219-36

- Abdul Hay Kayoumy
- The Optimal Provision of Public Goods: A Comment pp. 237-41

- Geoffrey Brennan
- A Note on Simon Patten's Contribution to the Concept of Consumer's Surplus pp. 242-44

- Matthew A Stephenson
- A Note on the Optimal Rate of Growth of International Reserves pp. 245-48

- Julio H G Olivera
- On the Interindustry Wage and Hours Structure pp. 249-73

- Sherwin Rosen
- Three Elucidations of the Ricardo Effect pp. 274-85

- Friedrich von Hayek
Volume 77, issue 1, 1969
- Paretian Welfare Theory: Some Neglected Aspects pp. 1-20

- Vincent J Tarascio
- Elementary Geometric/Arithmetic Series and Early Production Theory pp. 21-34

- Peter J Lloyd
- Economic Growth and the Balance of Payments: A Monetary Approach pp. 35-48

- Ryutaro Komiya
- Monopolistic Behavior in a Market for Durable Goods pp. 49-59

- A J Douglas and Steven Goldman
- A Theorem on Returns to Scale and Steady-State Growth pp. 60-65

- David Levhari and Eytan Sheshinski
- A Physiocratic Model of Dynamic Equilibrium pp. 66-84

- Robert V Eagly
- The Welfare Costs of Content Protection: The Automotive Industry in Latin America pp. 85-98

- Bernard Munk
- The Precautionary Demand for Money: An Inventory Theoretical Analysis pp. 99-117

- S C Tsiang
- The Invalidity of the Dichotomy in the Pure Inside-Money Model pp. 118-21

- Suraj B Gupta
- The Relative Decline of Commercial Banks: A Note pp. 122-29

- Joseph M Burns
- The Substitution Effects of Transportation Costs pp. 130-37

- John P Gould and Joel Segall
- Mishan on Progress: A Review Note pp. 138-40

- Roger W Weiss
- The "Taxicab Problem": A Proposed Solution pp. 141-47

- Daniel Orr
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