Journal of Political Economy
1893 - 2025
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Volume 130, issue 12, 2022
- The Comparative Advantage of Firms pp. 3025 - 3100

- Johannes Boehm, Swati Dhingra and John Morrow
- Exit versus Voice pp. 3101 - 3145

- Eleonora Broccardo, Oliver Hart and Luigi Zingales
- Asset Management Contracts and Equilibrium Prices pp. 3146 - 3201

- Andrea M. Buffa, Dimitri Vayanos and Paul Woolley
- Vertical Contracts with Endogenous Product Selection: An Empirical Analysis of Vendor Allowance Contracts pp. 3202 - 3252

- Sylvia Hristakeva
- Breaking the Cycle? Intergenerational Effects of an Antipoverty Program in Early Childhood pp. 3253 - 3285

- Andrew Barr and Chloe Gibbs
- Aggregate Implications of Changing Sectoral Trends pp. 3286 - 3333

- Andrew Foerster, Andreas Hornstein, Pierre-Daniel G. Sarte and Mark W. Watson
Volume 130, issue 11, 2022
- Within-Firm Productivity Dispersion: Estimates and Implications pp. 2771 - 2828

- Scott Orr
- Central Bank Digital Currency: Welfare and Policy Implications pp. 2829 - 2861

- Stephen Williamson
- Poor and Rational: Decision-Making under Scarcity pp. 2862 - 2897

- Dietmar Fehr, Günther Fink and B. Kelsey Jack
- Caring or Pretending to Care? Social Impact, Firms’ Objectives, and Welfare pp. 2898 - 2942

- Michele Fioretti
- Mismatch Cycles pp. 2943 - 2984

- Isaac Baley, Ana Figueiredo and Robert Ulbricht
- Electoral Accountability and Control in US Cities pp. 2985 - 3023

- Holger Sieg and Chamna Yoon
Volume 130, issue 10, 2022
- The Effects of High-Skilled Immigration Policy on Firms: Evidence from Visa Lotteries pp. 2501 - 2533

- Kirk Doran, Alexander Gelber and Adam Isen
- Equilibrium Trade in Automobiles pp. 2534 - 2593

- Kenneth Gillingham, Fedor Iskhakov, Anders Munk-Nielsen, John Rust and Bertel Schjerning
- Non-Bayesian Persuasion pp. 2594 - 2642

- Geoffroy de Clippel and Xu Zhang
- Cognitive Skills, Strategic Sophistication, and Life Outcomes pp. 2643 - 2704

- Eduardo Fé, David Gill and Victoria Prowse
- Persuasion via Weak Institutions pp. 2705 - 2730

- Elliot Lipnowski, Doron Ravid and Denis Shishkin
- How Much Should We Trust the Dictator’s GDP Growth Estimates? pp. 2731 - 2769

- Luis Martinez
Volume 130, issue 9, 2022
- Taxing Top Incomes in a World of Ideas pp. 2227 - 2274

- Charles Jones
- The Economic Effects of Long-Term Climate Change: Evidence from the Little Ice Age pp. 2275 - 2314

- Maria Waldinger
- Minimum Wage and Individual Worker Productivity: Evidence from a Large US Retailer pp. 2315 - 2360

- Decio Coviello, Erika Deserranno and Nicola Persico
- Economic Preferences across Generations and Family Clusters: A Large-Scale Experiment in a Developing Country pp. 2361 - 2410

- Shyamal Chowdhury, Matthias Sutter and Klaus Zimmermann
- Behavioral Foundations of Nested Stochastic Choice and Nested Logit pp. 2411 - 2461

- Matthew Kovach and Gerelt Tserenjigmid
- Child Development in Parent-Child Interactions pp. 2462 - 2499

- Avner Seror
Volume 130, issue 8, 2022
- The Allocation of Food to Food Banks pp. 1993 - 2017

- Canice Prendergast
- Designing Incentives for Heterogeneous Researchers pp. 2018 - 2054

- Nathan Yoder
- Asymmetric Information and Sovereign Debt: Theory Meets Mexican Data pp. 2055 - 2109

- Harold Cole, Daniel Neuhann and Guillermo Ordonez
- Sorting or Steering: The Effects of Housing Discrimination on Neighborhood Choice pp. 2110 - 2163

- Peter Christensen and Christopher Timmins
- Instrumental Variable Identification of Dynamic Variance Decompositions pp. 2164 - 2202

- Mikkel Plagborg-Moller and Christian Wolf
- Dissecting the Equity Premium pp. 2203 - 2222

- Tyler Beason and David Schreindorfer
- Erratum: Self-Control at Work pp. 2223 - 2224

- Supreet Kaur, Michael Kremer and Sendhil Mullainathan
Volume 130, issue 7, 2022
- Estimating an Equilibrium Model of Horizontal Competition in Education pp. 1717 - 1764

- Natalie Bau
- The Origins of Firm Heterogeneity: A Production Network Approach pp. 1765 - 1804

- Andrew Bernard, Emmanuel Dhyne, Glenn Magerman, Kalina Manova and Andreas Moxnes
- Bail-Ins and Bailouts: Incentives, Connectivity, and Systemic Stability pp. 1805 - 1859

- Benjamin Bernard, Agostino Capponi and Joseph Stiglitz
- Measuring the Private and Social Returns to R&D: Unintended Spillovers versus Technology Markets pp. 1860 - 1918

- Pere Arqué-Castells and Daniel Spulber
- The Causal Impact of Removing Children from Abusive and Neglectful Homes pp. 1919 - 1962

- Anthony Bald, Eric Chyn, Justine Hastings and Margarita Machelett
- Reevaluating the Long-Term Impact of In Utero Exposure to the 1918 Influenza Pandemic pp. 1963 - 1990

- Brian Beach, Ryan Brown, Joseph Ferrie, Martin Saavedra and Duncan Thomas
Volume 130, issue 6, 2022
- Preference Discovery in University Admissions: The Case for Dynamic Multioffer Mechanisms pp. 1427 - 1476

- Julien Grenet, YingHua He and Dorothea Kübler
- Organizational Capital, Corporate Leadership, and Firm Dynamics pp. 1477 - 1536

- Wouter Dessein and Andrea Prat
- Monetary Policy Communications and Their Effects on Household Inflation Expectations pp. 1537 - 1584

- Olivier Coibion, Yuriy Gorodnichenko and Michael Weber
- Signaling in Online Credit Markets pp. 1585 - 1629

- Kei Kawai, Ken Onishi and Kosuke Uetake
- The Dynamics and Spillovers of Management Interventions: Evidence from the Training within Industry Program pp. 1630 - 1675

- Nicola Bianchi and Michela Giorcelli
- Rationally Inattentive Behavior: Characterizing and Generalizing Shannon Entropy pp. 1676 - 1715

- Andrew Caplin, Mark Dean and John Leahy
Volume 130, issue 5, 2022
- Self-Fulfilling Debt Crises, Revisited pp. 1147 - 1183

- Mark Aguiar, Satyajit Chatterjee, Harold Cole and Zachary Stangebye
- When Harry Fired Sally: The Double Standard in Punishing Misconduct pp. 1184 - 1248

- Mark Egan, Gregor Matvos and Amit Seru
- Trade, Structural Transformation, and Development: Evidence from Argentina 1869–1914 pp. 1249 - 1318

- Pablo Fajgelbaum and Stephen Redding
- Bidding and Drilling under Uncertainty: An Empirical Analysis of Contingent Payment Auctions pp. 1319 - 1363

- Vivek Bhattacharya, Andrey Ordin and James W. Roberts
- Detecting Large-Scale Collusion in Procurement Auctions pp. 1364 - 1411

- Kei Kawai and Jun Nakabayashi
- The Gravity Equation in International Trade: A Note pp. 1412 - 1418

- Ruben Dewitte
- The Gravity Equation in International Trade: A Response pp. 1419 - 1425

- Thomas Chaney
Volume 130, issue 4, 2022
- Cause and Effect in Political Polarization: A Dynamic Analysis pp. 825 - 880

- Steven Callander and Juan Carlos Carbajal
- Cost-Benefit Analysis in Reasoning pp. 881 - 925

- Larbi Alaoui and Antonio Penta
- Ordinal Centrality pp. 926 - 955

- Evan Sadler
- Measuring the Completeness of Economic Models pp. 956 - 990

- Drew Fudenberg, Jon Kleinberg, Annie Liang and Sendhil Mullainathan
- Good Reverberations? Teacher Influence in Music Composition since 1450 pp. 991 - 1090

- Karol Borowiecki
- The Origin of the State: Land Productivity or Appropriability? pp. 1091 - 1144

- Joram Mayshar, Omer Moav and Luigi Pascali
Volume 130, issue 3, 2022
- Welfare Reform and the Intergenerational Transmission of Dependence pp. 523 - 565

- Robert Paul Hartley, Carlos Lamarche and James Ziliak
- Monopoly Pricing, Optimal Randomization, and Resale pp. 566 - 635

- Simon Loertscher and Ellen V. Muir
- Are There Too Many Farms in the World? Labor Market Transaction Costs, Machine Capacities, and Optimal Farm Size pp. 636 - 680

- Andrew D. Foster and Mark Rosenzweig
- Ordinary Least Squares Estimation of the Intrahousehold Distribution of Expenditure pp. 681 - 731

- Valérie Lechene, Krishna Pendakur and Alexander Wolf
- Why Does Education Reduce Crime? pp. 732 - 765

- Brian Bell, Rui Costa and Stephen Machin
- How Much Does Your Boss Make? The Effects of Salary Comparisons pp. 766 - 822

- Zoë Cullen and Ricardo Perez-Truglia
Volume 130, issue 2, 2022
- Demand for Online News under Government Control: Evidence from Russia pp. 259 - 309

- Andrey Simonov and Justin Rao
- Intermediation and Competition in Search Markets: An Empirical Case Study pp. 310 - 345

- Tobias Salz
- Learning before Trading: On the Inefficiency of Ignoring Free Information pp. 346 - 387

- Doron Ravid, Anne-Katrin Roesler and Balázs Szentes
- Elite Capture of Foreign Aid: Evidence from Offshore Bank Accounts pp. 388 - 425

- Jørgen Andersen, Niels Johannesen and Bob Rijkers
- Equilibrium Bid-Price Dispersion pp. 426 - 461

- Boyan Jovanovic and Albert Menkveld
- The Effects of Banking Competition on Growth and Financial Stability: Evidence from the National Banking Era pp. 462 - 520

- Mark Carlson, Sergio Correia and Stephan Luck
Volume 130, issue 1, 2022
- Management and Shocks to Worker Productivity pp. 1 - 47

- Achyuta Adhvaryu, Namrata Kala and Anant Nyshadham
- Cooperative Property Rights and Development: Evidence from Land Reform in El Salvador pp. 48 - 93

- Eduardo Montero
- Tolerance and Compromise in Social Networks pp. 94 - 120

- Garance Genicot
- The Mortgage Rate Conundrum pp. 121 - 156

- Alejandro Justiniano, Giorgio Primiceri and Andrea Tambalotti
- Improving Business Practices and the Boundary of the Entrepreneur: A Randomized Experiment Comparing Training, Consulting, Insourcing, and Outsourcing pp. 157 - 209

- Stephen J. Anderson and David McKenzie
- Rationing the Commons pp. 210 - 257

- Nicholas Ryan and Anant Sudarshan
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