Journal of Political Economy
1893 - 2025
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Volume 86, issue 6, 1978
- Stochastic Implications of the Life Cycle-Permanent Income Hypothesis: Theory and Evidence pp. 971-87

- Robert E Hall
- An "Austrian" Model of International Trade and Interest Rate Equalization pp. 989-1007

- Ronald Findlay
- Estimation of Dynamic Labor Demand Schedules under Rational Expectations pp. 1009-44

- Thomas Sargent
- Optimal Foreign Exchange Market Intervention pp. 1045-55

- Russell Boyer
- On the Efficiency of the Bond Market: Some Canadian Evidence pp. 1057-76

- James Pesando
- An Econometric Model of Pronatalist and Abortion Policies pp. 1077-1101

- Stephen P Coelen and Robert J McIntyre
- The Effect of Taxation on Labor Supply: Evaluating the Gary Negative Income Tax Experiments pp. 1103-30

- Gary Burtless and Jerry A Hausman
- The Protective Effect of a Tariff under Uncertainty pp. 1131-41

- Elhanan Helpman and Assaf Razin
- Optimal Capital-Gains Taxation under Limited Information pp. 1143-58

- Jerry Green and Eytan Sheshinski
- An Annotation of "Implicit Contracts and Underemployment Equilibria." pp. 1159-60

- John Bryant
Volume 86, issue 5, 1978
- Family Migration Decisions pp. 749-73

- Jacob Mincer
- Dynamic Adjustment in the Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson Model pp. 775-91

- Michael Mussa
- A Neoclassical Analysis of the Demand for Real Cash Balances by Firms pp. 793-813

- Enid Dennis and V Kerry Smith
- An Economic Analysis of Crime and Punishment in England and Wales, 1894-1967 pp. 815-40

- Kenneth I Wolpin
- The Optimal Exploration and Production of Nonrenewable Resources pp. 841-61

- Robert Pindyck
- The Incidence of a Corporation Income Tax in a Growing Economy pp. 863-75

- J Gregory Ballentine
- International Transmission of Stagflation under Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rates pp. 877-95

- Koichi Hamada and Makoto Sakurai
- The Effect of Americanization on the Earnings of Foreign-born Men pp. 897-921

- Barry Chiswick
- Individual Preferences and Union Wage Determination: The Case of the United Mine Workers pp. 923-42

- Henry S Farber
- Supervision, Loss of Control, and the Optimum Size of the Firm pp. 943-52

- Guillermo Calvo and Stanislaw Wellisz
- A Note on Some Evidence on the Easterlin Hypothesis pp. 953-58

- Michael R Olneck and Barbara Wolfe
- A Comment on Tariffs, Nontariff Barriers, and Labor Protection in United States Manufacturing Industries pp. 959-62

- Joe A Stone
Volume 86, issue 4, 1978
- Unanticipated Money, Output, and the Price Level in the United States pp. 549-80

- Robert Barro
- Market "Efficiency" in a Market with Heterogeneous Information pp. 581-97

- Stephen C Figlewski
- J. Laurence Laughlin and the Quantity Theory of Money pp. 599-625

- Lance Girton and Don Roper
- Market Anticipations of Government Policies and the Price of Gold pp. 627-48

- Stephen W Salant and Dale W Henderson
- The Burden of Taxation pp. 649-71

- Edgar Browning
- Rational Expectations, Econometric Exogeneity, and Consumption pp. 673-700

- Thomas Sargent
- A Time-Series Analysis on Social Security and Its Effect on the Market Work of Men at Younger Ages pp. 701-15

- Richard Burkhauser and John A Turner
- Should Economists Pay Attention to Philosophers? [Review Article] pp. 717-28

- Scott Gordon
- Modeling the Earnings and Research Productivity of Academic Economists pp. 729-41

- W Lee Hansen, Burton A Weisbrod and Robert P Strauss
Volume 86, issue 3, 1978
- Trade Unions in the Production Process pp. 355-78

- Charles Brown and James Medoff
- Exchange Rates, Import Costs, and Wage-Price Dynamics pp. 379-403

- Michael Bruno
- A Search for Testable Implications of the Tiebout Hypothesis pp. 405-25

- Dennis Epple, Allan Zelenitz and Michael Visscher
- Experience, Vintage, and Time Effects in the Growth of Earnings: American Scientists, 1960-1970 pp. 427-47

- Yoram Weiss and Lee Lillard
- The Transactions Theory of the Demand for Money: A Reconsideration pp. 449-66

- Robert W Clower and Peter W Howitt
- Interest Groups and the Demand for Agricultural Research pp. 467-84

- Joel M Guttman
- A Model of Advertising and Product Quality pp. 485-503

- Richard Schmalensee
- Government Debt, Human Capital, and Bequests in a Life-Cycle Model pp. 505-16

- Allan Drazen
- The Economics of Local Government Pensions and Pension Funding pp. 517-27

- Gene E Mumy
- Money and the Nominal Interest Rate in an Inflationary Economy: An Empirical Test pp. 529-34

- Mario I Blejer
- The Capitalization of Local Taxes: A Note on Specification pp. 535-38

- Peter D Linneman
- Consumer Horizon: Reconsidered pp. 539-41

- Khan A Mohabbat and Evangelos E Simos
Volume 86, issue 2, 1978
- Taxation, Saving, and the Rate of Interest pp. S3-27

- Michael J Boskin
- The Welfare Cost of Capital Income Taxation pp. S29-51

- Martin Feldstein
- Inflation and Taxes in a Growing Economy with Debt and Equity Finance pp. S53-70

- Martin Feldstein, Jerry Green and Eytan Sheshinski
- The Macroeconomic Impact of Changes in Income Taxes in the Short and Medium Runs pp. S71-85

- Robert E Hall
- On the Use of Distributional Weights in Social Cost-Benefit Analysis pp. S87-120

- Arnold C Harberger
- The Measurement of Excess Burden with Explicit Utility Functions pp. S121-35

- Harvey Rosen
- Notes on Estate Taxes, Redistribution, and the Concept of Balanced Growth Path Incidence pp. S137-50

- Joseph Stiglitz
- Estimating Price Lists, List Changes, and Market Shares from Sealed Bids pp. 193-209

- Charles G Geiss and John M Kuhlman
- Is Money Exogenous in Money-Demand Equations pp. 211-28

- Yash P Mehra
- Implications of Alternative Measures of Natural Resource Scarcity pp. 229-43

- Brown, Gardner M, and Barry C Field
- The Economic Theory of Regulation and Public Financing of Presidential Elections pp. 245-57

- Burton Abrams and Russell F Settle
- The Demand for Pediatric Care: An Hedonic Approach pp. 259-80

- Fred Goldman and Michael Grossman
- A Time-Series Analysis of the Real Wages-Employment Relationship pp. 281-91

- Salih Neftci
- Price Controls, Binding Constraints, and Intertemporal Economic Decision Making pp. 293-301

- Dwight R Lee
- Friedrich Engels and Marxist Economic Theory pp. 303-19

- Terence W Hutchison
- On Handa's "New Theory of Cardinal Utility" and the Maximization of Expected Return pp. 321-24

- Peter C Fishburn
- Additional Evidence on the Effects of Alternative Taxes on Cigarette Prices pp. 325-28

- Terry R Johnson
- On Testing for Rationality: Another Look at the Livingston Price Expectations Data pp. 329-36

- Donald J Mullineaux
- Voting on Minimum Wages: A Time-Series Analysis pp. 337-42

- James Kau and Paul Rubin
Volume 86, issue 1, 1978
- On Indexation and Contract Length pp. 1-18

- Jo Gray
- Interest Rate Uncertainty and the Value of Bond Call Protection pp. 19-43

- Zvi Bodie and Benjamin M Friedman
- A Theory of Extramarital Affairs pp. 45-61

- Ray Fair
- Legislatures as Unions pp. 63-78

- Robert McCormick and Robert Tollison
- Inflation and Relative Price Variability pp. 79-95

- Richard W Parks
- Shadow Prices for Project Selection in the Presence of Distortions: Effective Rates of Protection and Domestic Resource Costs pp. 97-116

- T N Srinivasan and Jagdish N Bhagwati
- Family Location Constraints and the Geographic Distribution of Female Professionals pp. 117-30

- Robert Frank
- Shipping the Good Apples Out: The Alchian and Allen Theorem Reconsidered pp. 131-38

- Thomas E Borcherding and Eugene Silberberg
- Consumption in the Great Depression pp. 139-45

- Thomas Mayer
- The Threat of Entry with Mutually Aware Potential Entrants: Comment pp. 147-50

- Lionel Kalish, Jerry Hartzog and Henry Cassity
- Money Illusion and Balance of Payments Adjustment: A Comment pp. 151-53

- Harmen Lehment
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