Journal of Political Economy
1893 - 2025
From University of Chicago Press
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Volume 101, issue 6, 1993
- International Factor Price Differences: Leontief Was Right! pp. 961-87

- Daniel Trefler
- Separate Spheres Bargaining and the Marriage Market pp. 988-1010

- Shelly Lundberg and Robert Pollak
- Measures of Fit for Calibrated Models pp. 1011-41

- Mark Watson
- On Endogenous Growth with Physical and Human Capital pp. 1042-67

- Jordi Caballe and Manuel S Santos
- Hawtrey, Harvard, and the Origins of the Chicago Tradition pp. 1068-1103

- David Laidler
- How Prudent Are Consumers? pp. 1104-13

- Karen E Dynan
- The Effect of Rent Control on Housing Quality Change: A Longitudinal Analysis pp. 1114-48

- Choon-Geol Moon and Janet G Stotsky
- The Relation between Price and Marginal Cost in U.S. Industry: A Contradiction pp. 1149-64

- Stefan Norrbin
Volume 101, issue 5, 1993
- George Joseph Stigler: January 17, 1911-December 1, 1991 pp. 761-67

- Gary Becker
- George Stigler: A Personal Reminiscence pp. 768-73

- Milton Friedman
- George J. Stigler: In Memoriam pp. 774-79

- W Allen Wallis
- On Stigler and Stiglerisms pp. 780-83

- Claire Friedland
- A Student's Eye View of George Stigler pp. 784-92

- Thomas Sowell
- George J. Stigler: Midcentury Neoclassicalist with a Passion to Quantify pp. 793-808

- Harold Demsetz
- George J. Stigler and the Industrial Organization of Economic Thought pp. 809-17

- Sherwin Rosen
- George Stigler's Contribution to the Economic Analysis of Regulation pp. 818-32

- Sam Peltzman
- George Stigler: Adam Smith's Best Friend pp. 833-48

- Nathan Rosenberg
- George J. Stigler: A Bibliography pp. 849-62

- Vicky M Longawa
- Inventories in a Competitive Environment pp. 863-86

- Benjamin Bental and Benjamin Eden
- Auditing Standards, Legal Liability, and Auditor Wealth pp. 887-914

- Ronald A Dye
- Job Turnover and Policy Evaluation: A General Equilibrium Analysis pp. 915-38

- Hugo Hopenhayn and Richard Rogerson
- Would Harassing Drug Users Work? pp. 939-59

- Li Way Lee
Volume 101, issue 4, 1993
- Decomposing Learning by Doing in New Plants pp. 561-83

- Byong-Hong Bahk and Michael Gort
- Price Support, Acreage Controls, and Efficient Redistribution pp. 584-611

- Micha Gisser
- Rules of Thumb for Social Learning pp. 612-43

- Glenn Ellison and Drew Fudenberg
- Adverse Selection in the Wholesale Used Car Market pp. 644-65

- David Genesove
- The Rising Price of Husbands: A Hedonic Analysis of Dowry Increases in Rural India pp. 666-77

- Vijayendra Rao
- Market Liquidity and Performance Monitoring pp. 678-709

- Bengt Holmstrom and Jean Tirole
- Effects of Family Background on Earnings and Returns to Schooling: Evidence from Brazil pp. 710-40

- David Lam and Robert F Schoeni
- Antitrust and Prices pp. 741-54

- Michael F Sproul
- Milton Friedman, Silver, and China pp. 755-58

- Thomas Rawski
Volume 101, issue 3, 1993
- Nobel Lecture: The Economic Way of Looking at Behavior pp. 385-409

- Gary Becker
- Wage Inequality and the Rise in Returns to Skill pp. 410-42

- Chinhui Juhn, Kevin Murphy and Brooks Pierce
- Invention and Bounded Learning by Doing pp. 443-72

- Alwyn Young
- On Price Recognition and Computational Complexity in a Monopolistic Model pp. 473-84

- Ariel Rubinstein
- Optimal Taxation in Models of Endogenous Growth pp. 485-517

- Larry Jones, Rodolfo Manuelli and Peter Rossi
- Detection of Bid Rigging in Procurement Auctions pp. 518-38

- Robert Porter and John Zona
- Monitoring Costs in Chinese Agricutural Teams pp. 539-53

- Xiao-yuan Dong and Gregory Dow
Volume 101, issue 2, 1993
- A Cross-Country, Cross-Industry Comparison of Productivity Growth pp. 207-22

- Donna M Costello
- Credit Market Constraints, Consumption Smoothing, and the Accumulation of Durable Production Assets in Low-Income Countries: Investment in Bullocks in India pp. 223-44

- Mark Rosenzweig and Kenneth I Wolpin
- Labor Hoarding and the Business Cycle pp. 245-73

- Craig Burnside, Martin Eichenbaum and Sergio Rebelo
- Occupational Choice and the Process of Development pp. 274-98

- Abhijit Banerjee and Andrew Newman
- Takeovers Improve Firm Performance: Evidence from the Banking Industry pp. 299-326

- Mary S Schranz
- The Effect of Taxation on Human Capital pp. 327-50

- Philip Trostel
- Durable Goods: An Explanation for Their Slow Adjustment pp. 351-84

- Ricardo Caballero
Volume 101, issue 1, 1993
- Gaining Ground: Poverty in the Postwar United States pp. 1-38

- Daniel T Slesnick
- Consumption and Income Seasonality in Thailand pp. 39-72

- Christina Paxson
- Accumulation of Human Capital and the Business Cycle pp. 73-99

- Kyoji Fukao and Masayuki Otaki
- Induced Innovation in American Agriculture: A Reconsideration pp. 100-118

- Alan Olmstead and Paul Rhode
- Allocative Efficiency of Markets with Zero-Intelligence Traders: Market as a Partial Substitute for Individual Rationality pp. 119-37

- Dhananjay K Gode and Shyam Sunder
- Trade Liberalization and the Theory of Endogenous Protection: An Econometric Study of U.S. Import Policy pp. 138-60

- Daniel Trefler
- Product Liability, Research and Development, and Innovation pp. 161-84

- W Viscusi and Michael J Moore
- Courtship as a Waiting Game pp. 185-202

- Ted Bergstrom and Mark Bagnoli