Journal of Political Economy
1893 - 2025
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Volume 51, issue 6, 1943
- Monetary Disorder and Economic Decadence in Spain, 1651-1700 pp. 477

- Earl J. Hamilton
- Man of His Century: A Reconsideration of the Historical Significance of Karl Marx pp. 494

- Solomon F. Bloom
- The Evolutionist Revolt Against Classical Economics: II. In England--James Steuart, Richard Jones, Karl Marx pp. 506

- Henryk Grossman
- Public Works Program After World War I pp. 523

- E. Jay Howenstine and Jr.
- How Government Purchasing Procedures Strengthen Monopoly Elements pp. 538

- Wesley C. Ballaine
- Cushman on Independent Regulatory Commissions pp. 547

- Myron W. Watkins
- Organized Labor and Negro Workers pp. 550

- Herbert R. Northrup
Volume 51, issue 5, 1943
- The Evolutionist Revolt Against Classical Economics: I. In France--Condorcet, Saint-Simon, Simonde de Sismondi pp. 381

- Henryk Grossman
- Post-war Plan and Program pp. 397

- Myron W. Watkins
- The Negro Automobile Worker pp. 415

- Lloyd H. Bailer
- Economic Factors Influencing the Development and Introduction of the Fluorescent Lamp pp. 429

- Arthur A. Bright, Jr. and W. Rupert Maclaurin
Volume 51, issue 4, 1943
- On the International Spread of Business Cycles pp. 287

- Oskar Morgenstern
- Professor Robbins' Definition of Economics pp. 310

- Robert Scoon
- The Role of Foreign Trade in the Nazi War Economy pp. 322

- Arthur Schweitzer
- The Economics of Collective Wage Bargaining: A Case Study pp. 338

- Joseph Shister
- The Risk of Obsolescence and the Importance of the Rate of Interest pp. 348

- Maurice Moonitz
- Inflation as a Post-War Problem pp. 356

- Herbert Spero and John A. Leavitt
Volume 51, issue 3, 1943
- Monetary Policies and Hoarding in Periods of Stagnation pp. 191

- William Fellner
- Organized Labor and Negro Workers pp. 206

- Herbert R. Northrup
- Wartime Concentration of Production pp. 222

- Charles A. Myers
- The Industrial Board, Precursor of the N.R.A.: The Price-Reduction Movement After World War I pp. 235

- E. Jay Howenstine and Jr.
- A Theoretical Analysis of Consumer Co-Operatives: The Managerial Problem pp. 251

- Arthur L. Bekenstein
- The Yardstick for Utility Regulation pp. 258

- W. W. Cooper
Volume 51, issue 2, 1943
- The Dilemma of the Closed Shop pp. 113

- John V. Spielmans
- Social Security Taxes in the War Finance Program pp. 135

- C. Ward Macy
- The Co-ordination Problem in War Economy pp. 149

- E. Ronald Walker
- War and Economics: A Review Article pp. 157

- J. B. Condliffe
- Accounting Profits: An Institution pp. 166

- Alfred Bornemann
- Some Current Books on the Economics of Total War pp. 169

- Lewis Severson
- Commodity-Reserve Currency: A Rejoinder pp. 175

- Willis J. Winn
- White Paper on British War Finance, 1938-41 pp. 178

- Richard A. Musgrave
Volume 51, issue 1, 1943
- Toward a National Wartime Labor Policy: The Wage Issue pp. 1

- E. B. McNatt
Volume 50, issue 6, 1942
- Sombart and German (National) Socialism pp. 805

- Abram L. Harris
- Capital Theory in a System With No Agents Fixed in Quantity pp. 837

- Everett E. Hagen
- Monopoly Supply and Monopsony Demand pp. 861

- A. J. Nichol
- Monetary Effects of Wartime Social Security Taxes pp. 881

- Alex Moses Rosenson
- Malthus and Keynes pp. 901

- James J. O'Leary
- White Paper on British War Finance, 1938-41 pp. 920

- Richard A. Musgrave
- Note on Concentration of Economic Power pp. 934

- Calvin Crumbaker
Volume 50, issue 5, 1942
- The Theory of Production Under Nonstatic Conditions pp. 645

- Gerhard Tintner
- Large-Scale Production in the French Plate-Glass Industry, 1665-1789 pp. 669

- Warren C. Scoville
- Diminishing Returns in Federal Taxation? pp. 699

- M. Bronfenbrenner
- Collection of the Personal Income Tax at the Source pp. 719

- George E. Lent
- Unstable Conditions of Competition and Monopoly in Exhaustible Resource Industries pp. 739

- William R. Pabst and Jr.
- On Strike Analysis pp. 750

- John V. Spielmans
Volume 50, issue 4, 1942
- Canadian War Financing pp. 481

- W. A. Mackintosh
- The Determination of Interest Rates pp. 501

- Charles Frederick Roos and Victor Von Szeliski
- Advertising Expenditures: A Suggested Treatment pp. 537

- Norman S. Buchanan
- The Guaranteed Security in Federal Finance pp. 559

- H. Walter Hargreaves
- Commodity Reserve Currency: A Critique pp. 579

- W. T. M. Beale, M. T. Kennedy and W. J. Winn
- The Production Function for American Manufacturing for 1914 pp. 595

- Grace T. Gunn and Paul H. Douglas
Volume 50, issue 3, 1942
- The Employer Unit for Collective Bargaining in National Labor Relations Board Decisions pp. 321

- Emily Clark Brown
- The Life and Writings of John Wheatley pp. 357

- Frank Whitson Fetter
- The Regulation of Loans to Executive Officers of Commercial Banks pp. 377

- Kenneth Lewis Trefftzs
- The Transfer Problem Reconsidered pp. 397

- Lloyd A. Metzler
- The Defense Effort and the National Income Response Pattern pp. 415

- Morris A. Copeland
- Monopoly Equilibrium and Anticipated Demand pp. 427

- Sidney Weintraub
- The Interpretation of the Kuznets-Fabricant Figures for "Net" Capital Consumption pp. 435

- David McCord Wright
Volume 50, issue 2, 1942
- Hansen on Fiscal Policy pp. 161

- Henry C. Simons
- A Model of the Forty-Month or Trade Cycle pp. 197

- Joshua C. Hubbard
- Distribution of the Earnings Bill Among Industrial Workers in the Soviet Union March, 1928, October, 1934 pp. 227

- Abram Bergson
- Wage Reductions and Employment pp. 251

- R. B. Bangs
- The Structure of Interest Rates and the Keynesian Theory of Interest pp. 272

- David W. Lusher
- Dutch Foreign-Trade Policy and the Infant-Industry Argument for Protection pp. 280

- Erich Schiff
Volume 50, issue 1, 1942
- "Bargaining Power" and Market Structures pp. 1

- John T. Dunlop and Benjamin Higgins
- Wages and Investment pp. 117

- Alan Sweezy
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