Journal of Political Economy
1893 - 2025
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Volume 83, issue 6, 1975
- Money Balances, Commodity Inventories, and Inflationary Expectations pp. 1093-1112

- Herschel Grossman and Andrew J Policano
- An Equilibrium Model of the Business Cycle pp. 1113-44

- Robert Lucas
- The Theory of Welfare Cost Measurement pp. 1145-82

- John C Hause
- Implicit Contracts and Underemployment Equilibria pp. 1183-1202

- Costas Azariadis
- Microeconomic Aspects of the Demographic Transition pp. 1203-16

- Donald J O'Hara
- A Simultaneous-Equations Model of Savings in Developing Countries pp. 1217-28

- Nathaniel H Leff and Kazuo Sato
- Efficiency of the Natural Rate pp. 1229-36

- Edward Prescott
- The Effect of Right-to-Work Laws on Unionization in the United States pp. 1237-48

- Keith G Lumsden and Craig H Petersen
- The Canadian Wheat Boom and Per Capita Income: New Estimates pp. 1249-57

- Frank Lewis
- The Chinese Hyperinflation Reexamined pp. 1259-67

- J M Babcock and G E Makinen
- In Defense of the Average Concentration Ratio pp. 1269-76

- John Siegfried
- Individual Liberalism in a Paretian Society pp. 1277-81

- Ben Fine
- On Liberalism and the Pareto Principle pp. 1283-87

- D K Osborne
- Competitive Firm and the Theory of Input Demand under Price Uncertainty: Comment pp. 1289-90

- Richard Hartman
- The Consequences of Journal Editorial Policies and a Suggestion for Revision pp. 1291-95

- Edgar Feige
Volume 83, issue 5, 1975
- On the Long-Run Transformation Curve or Growth Theory Simplified pp. 883-921

- Maria Constantopoulos
- Slavery, Incentives, and Manumission: A Theoretical Model pp. 923-33

- Ronald Findlay
- The Rate of Surplus Value in Puerto Rico pp. 935-49

- Edward Wolff
- What Is an Article Worth? pp. 951-67

- Howard P Tuckman and Jack Leahey
- Informational Asymmetry, Bidding Strategies, and the Marketing of Offshore Petroleum Leases pp. 969-85

- David Hughart
- Family Structures and Family Values in the Theory of Income Distribution pp. 987-1008

- Tsuneo Ishikawa
- Monetary Policy during a Transition to Rational Expectations pp. 1009-21

- John Taylor
- The Theory of Share Tenancy Revisited pp. 1023-32

- J C Hsiao
- John Stuart Mill's Methodology pp. 1033-49

- J K Whitaker
- The Influence of Economists in Parliament of British Legislation from Ricardo to John Stuart Mill pp. 1051-64

- Frank Whitson Fetter
- On the Welfare Aspects of International Migration pp. 1065-72

- Carlos Rodríguez
- Should a Managed Float Use Reserve Levels of Exchange Rate Goals?: An Interesting Parallel with Domestic Monetary Policy pp. 1073-76

- David A Bowers
- International Capital Flows and Portfolio Equilibrium: Comment pp. 1077-80

- Paul De Grauwe
- Friedman's Bias in Growth Statistics and U.S. Interregional Migration pp. 1081-82

- Billy J Eatherly
Volume 83, issue 4, 1975
- The Effects of Automobile Safety Regulation pp. 677-725

- Sam Peltzman
- The Primitive Hunter Culture, Pleistocene Extinction, and the Rise of Agriculture pp. 727-55

- Vernon L Smith
- Pressure Groups and the Pattern of Tariffs pp. 757-78

- Jonathan Pincus
- Inflation-free Pricing Rules for a Generalized Commodity-Reserve Currency pp. 779-90

- Jon C Luke
- Benefits and Costs of New York City's Middle-Income Housing Program pp. 791-805

- Joseph S DeSalvo
- The Social Costs of Monopoly and Regulation pp. 807-27

- Richard Posner
- Tobin on Macroeconomics: A Review Article pp. 829-47

- Herschel Grossman
- A Note on the Rationality of the Livingston Price Expectations pp. 849-58

- James Pesando
- Exchange-Rate Movements and Economic Development in the Late Nineteenth Century: A Critique pp. 859-62

- Hanson, John R,
- Note on a Common Mistake in Welfare Economics pp. 863-64

- Robert Dorfman
- The Effect of Race on the Flight to the Suburbs pp. 865

- Joseph Parvin
- Inflation, Unemployment, and Presidential Tenure pp. 867-72

- Martin Krakowski
Volume 83, issue 3, 1975
- Distribution Effects and the Aggregate Consumption Function pp. 447-75

- Alan Blinder
- The Citation Practices of Doctorates in Economics pp. 477-507

- George J Stigler and Claire Friedland
- The Demand for Index Bonds pp. 509-34

- Stanley Fischer
- Demography, Technology, and Higher Education: Toward a Formal Model of Educational Adaptation pp. 535-69

- Stephen P Dresch
- The Production and Distribution of Cognitive Skills within Schools pp. 571-93

- Byron W Brown and Daniel H Saks
- Nonmonetary Factors in the Demand for Medical Services: Some Empirical Evidence pp. 595-614

- Jan Paul Acton
- Wealth Effect on the Demand for Money pp. 615-31

- Vikas Chitre
- On the General Equilibrium Analysis of Tax Incidence pp. 633-44

- J Gregory Ballentine and Ibrahim Eris
- Peak-Load Pricing under Regulatory Constraint: A Proof of Inefficiency pp. 645-54

- Leonard Waverman
- "An Evaluation of Consumer Protection Legislation: The 1962 Drug Amendments": A Comment pp. 655-61

- Thomas McGuire, Richard Nelson and Thomas Spavins
- "An Evaluation of Consumer Protection Legislation: The 1962 Drug Amendments": A Reply pp. 663-67

- Sam Peltzman
Volume 83, issue 2, 1975
- "Rational" Expectations, the Optimal Monetary Instrument, and the Optimal Money Supply Rule pp. 241-54

- Thomas Sargent and Neil Wallace
- The Relevance of the Household Production Function and Its Implications for the Allocation of Time pp. 255-77

- Robert Pollak and Michael L Wachter
- Capital-Skill Complementarity, Income Distribution, and Output Accounting pp. 279-301

- P R Fallon and Richard Layard
- On Two Specifications of Asset Equilibrium in Macroeconomic Models pp. 303-24

- Duncan Foley
- Covered Interest Arbitrage: Unexploited Profits? pp. 325-38

- Jacob A Frenkel and Richard M Levich
- Strategic Considerations in the Richardson Model of Arms Races pp. 339-53

- Michael Intriligator
- Unemployment, Underemployment, and Optimal Job Search pp. 355-75

- B. Eaton and Philip A Neher
- Collective Choice and General Fund Financing pp. 377-90

- Edgar Browning
- Keynes and the Economic Activists of Pre-Hitler Germany pp. 391-405

- George Garvy
- More on Windfall Income and Consumption pp. 407-17

- Tong Hun Lee
- Benefit-Cost Shadow Pricing in Open Economies: An Alternative Approach pp. 419-30

- Robin Boadway
- On the Indirect Productivity of Money pp. 431-36

- Emil-Maria Claassen
Volume 83, issue 1, 1975
- Production Technologies of the U.S. Boiler and Turbogenerator Industries and Hedonic Price Indexes for Their Products: A Cost-Function Approach pp. 1-26

- Makoto Ohta
- Household Allocation of Time and Church Attendance pp. 27-56

- Corry Azzi and Ronald Ehrenberg
- Substitution among Capital, Labor, and Natural Resource Products in American Manufacturing pp. 57-82

- David Burras Humphrey and John Moroney
- Capacity Utilization under Alternative Regulatory Restraints: An Analysis of Taxi Markets pp. 83-94

- Arthur S De Vany
- An Estimate of the Liquidity Premium pp. 95-119

- J. Huston McCulloch
- Trade in Technological Knowledge and the National Advantage pp. 121-35

- Carlos Rodríguez
- Full-Time Schooling in Life-Cycle Models of Human Capital Accumulation pp. 137-55

- T D Wallace and L A Ihnen
- Some Problems in the Use of Income-contingent Loans for the Finance of Higher Education pp. 157-83

- Marc Nerlove
- The Quantity Theory in the Early Monetary System of West Africa with Particular Emphasis on Nigeria, 1850-1895 pp. 185-93

- Okonkwo A Nwani
- The Equilibrium Size of a Budget-maximizing Bureau: A Note on Niskanen's Theory of Bureaucracy pp. 195-207

- Albert Breton and Ronald Wintrobe
- Property Rights and the Dynamic Inefficiency of Capitalism: Comment pp. 209-13

- Harry Frech
- The Interest Elasticity of Savings, Income Taxes, and the Permanent-Income Hypothesis pp. 215-18

- Paul J Taubman
- The Economics of Reducing Faculty Teaching Loads: Comment pp. 219-23

- Douglas Needham
- Assistant Professors Should Be Discriminated Against, or the Less Productive I Am, the More I Should Be Paid pp. 225-26

- Robert Parks
- Inflation and the Terms of Trade pp. 227-29

- Douglas Purvis
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