Journal of Political Economy
1893 - 2025
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Volume 99, issue 6, 1991
- Modeling Marital Connections among Family Lines pp. 1123-41

- John Laitner
- Vintage Human Capital, Growth, and the Diffusion of New Technology pp. 1142-65

- Varadarajan Chari and Hugo Hopenhayn
- Homework in Macroeconomics: Household Production and Aggregate Fluctuations pp. 1166-87

- Jess Benhabib, Richard Rogerson and Randall Wright
- The Allocation of Capital and Time over the Business Cycle pp. 1188-214

- Jeremy Greenwood and Zvi Hercowitz
- Asset Prices and Interest Rates in Cash-in-Advance Models pp. 1215-51

- Alberto Giovannini and Pamela Labadie
- Real Exchange Rates under the Gold Standard pp. 1252-71

- Francis Diebold, Steven Husted and Mark Rush
- Social Osmosis and Patterns of Crime pp. 1272-95

- Raaj K Sah
- Mercantilism as Strategic Trade Policy: The Anglo-Dutch Rivalry for the East India Trade pp. 1296-314

- Douglas Irwin
- Implausible Results or Implausible Data? Anomalies in the Construction of Value-Added Data and Implications for Estimates of Price-Cost Markups pp. 1315-28

- Robert Waldmann
Volume 99, issue 5, 1991
- How Strong Are Bequest Motives? Evidence Based on Estimates of the Demand for Life Insurance and Annuities pp. 899-927

- B. Douglas Bernheim
- Full Insurance in the Presence of Aggregate Uncertainty pp. 928-56

- Barbara J Mace
- A Simple Test of Consumption Insurance pp. 957-76

- John Cochrane
- Entry and Competition in Concentrated Markets pp. 977-1009

- Timothy Bresnahan and Peter C Reiss
- Most-Favored-Customer Protection versus Price Discrimination over Time pp. 1010-28

- Ivan Png
- Intergenerational Trade, Longevity, and Economic Growth pp. 1029-59

- Isaac Ehrlich and Francis Lui
- Transactions Costs and the Efficient Organization of Production: A Study of Timber-Harvesting Contracts pp. 1060-87

- Keith B Leffler and Randal R Rucker
- Specific versus General Enforcement of Law pp. 1088-1108

- Steven Shavell
- A Note on Restaurant Pricing and Other Examples of Social Influences on Price pp. 1109-16

- Gary Becker
Volume 99, issue 4, 1991
- The Effect of Implicit Contracts on the Movement of Wages over the Business Cycle: Evidence from Micro Data pp. 665-88

- Paul Beaudry and John DiNardo
- Monitoring and Reputation: The Choice between Bank Loans and Directly Placed Debt pp. 689-721

- Douglas Diamond
- Rational Addictive Behavior and Cigarette Smoking pp. 722-42

- Frank Chaloupka
- Money, Barter, and the Optimality of Legal Restrictions pp. 743-73

- Merwan Engineer and Dan Bernhardt
- The Structure of Local Public Finance and the Quality of Life pp. 774-806

- Joseph Gyourko and Joseph Tracy
- Innovation, Imitation, and Economic Growth pp. 807-27

- Paul S Segerstrom
- Mobility and Redistribution pp. 828-58

- Dennis Epple and Thomas Romer
- Self-Screening in Targeted Public Transfer Programs pp. 859-76

- Donald Parsons
- Rational Choice: The Contrast between Economics and Psychology pp. 877-97

- Vernon L Smith
Volume 99, issue 3, 1991
- Procyclical Labor Productivity and Competing Theories of the Business Cycle: Some Evidence from Interwar U.S. Manufacturing Industries pp. 439-59

- Ben Bernanke and Martin L Parkinson
- A Microeconomic Mechanism for Economic Growth pp. 460-82

- Xiaokai Yang and Jeff Borland
- Increasing Returns and Economic Geography pp. 483-99

- Paul Krugman
- Long-Run Policy Analysis and Long-Run Growth pp. 500-521

- Sergio Rebelo
- Income Convergence in an Endogenous Growth Model pp. 522-40

- Robert Tamura
- Irreversible Investment with Price Ceilings pp. 541-57

- Avinash Dixit
- Production Smoothing Evidence from Physical-Product Data pp. 558-81

- Spencer Krane and Stephen N Braun
- The Effects of Child Mortality Changes on Fertility Choice and Parental Welfare pp. 582-606

- Raaj Kumar Sah
- A Simple Nonadditive Preference Structure for Models of Household Behavior over Time pp. 607-37

- Martin Browning
- The Effects of Risk Aversion on Wagering: Point Spread versus Odds pp. 638-53

- Bill Woodland and Linda M Woodland
- A Nonparametric Investigation of Duration Dependence in the American Business Cycle: A Note pp. 654-56

- Ram Mudambi and Larry W Taylor
- An Examination of Efficiency in British Racetrack Betting: Errata and Corrections pp. 657-59

- Paul E Gabriel and James R Marsden
- The Cost of Rent Seeking: Is GNP Negative? pp. 660-64

- William Dougan
Volume 99, issue 2, 1991
- Implications of Security Market Data for Models of Dynamic Economies pp. 225-62

- Lars Peter Hansen and Ravi Jagannathan
- Substitution, Risk Aversion, and the Temporal Behavior of Consumption and Asset Returns: An Empirical Analysis pp. 263-86

- Larry Epstein and Stanley Zin
- Health Behavior, Health Knowledge, and Schooling pp. 287-305

- Donald Kenkel
- Nonconvex Costs and the Behavior of Inventories pp. 306-34

- Valerie Ramey
- The Politics of Intergenerational Redistribution pp. 335-57

- Guido Tabellini
- The Variability of Velocity in Cash-in-Advance Models pp. 358-84

- Robert J Hodrick, Narayana Kocherlakota and Deborah Lucas
- The Variation of Economic Risk Premiums pp. 385-415

- Wayne Ferson and Campbell R Harvey
- On Expenditure Indices in Revealed Preference Tests: Comment pp. 416-19

- John Gross
- Unlimited Liability and Law Firm Organization: Tax Factors and the Direction of Causation pp. 420-25

- Ronald J Gilson
- Unlimited Liability and Law Firm Organization: Tax Factors and the Direction of Causation: Reply pp. 426-28

- Jack L Carr and G Frank Mathewson
- Increasing Returns and Increasing Rates of Growth pp. 429-35

- Danyang Xie
Volume 99, issue 1, 1991
- A Theory of Quits and Layoffs with Efficient Turnover pp. 1-29

- Kenneth McLaughlin
- Price Discrimination and Retail Configuration pp. 30-53

- Andrea Shepard
- Poverty and the Rate of Time Preference: Evidence from Panel Data pp. 54-77

- Emily C Lawrance
- Primogeniture pp. 78-99

- C Y Cyrus Chu
- Evidence on Bidding Strategies and the Information in Treasury Bill Auctions pp. 100-130

- Elizabeth B Cammack
- Rational Speculation pp. 131-44

- John Leach
- Specific Capital, Mobility, and Wages: Wages Rise with Job Seniority pp. 145-76

- Robert Topel
- Smoking, Skydiving, and Knitting: The Endogenous Categorization of Risks in Insurance Markets with Asymmetric Information pp. 177-200

- Eric Bond and Keith J Crocker
- The Handbook of Industrial Organization: Review Article pp. 201-17

- Sam Peltzman
- Rational Expectations Business Cycles in Search Equilibrium: A Correction pp. 218-19

- Peter Diamond and Drew Fudenberg
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