Journal of Political Economy
1893 - 2025
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Volume 85, issue 6, 1977
- Leisure, Home Production, and Work-The Theory of the Allocation of Time Revisited pp. 1099-1123

- Reuben Gronau
- The Principle of Unanimity and Voluntary Consent in Social Choice pp. 1125-39

- Vernon L Smith
- An Economic Analysis of Marital Instability pp. 1141-87

- Gary Becker, Elisabeth M Landes and Robert T Michael
- Location of Firms within a Square Central Business District pp. 1189-1207

- Donald J O'Hara
- Transaction Costs and Interest Arbitrage: Tranquil versus Turbulent Periods pp. 1209-26

- Jacob A Frenkel and Richard M Levich
- Money Wages, Prices, and Causality pp. 1227-44

- Y P Mehra
- Exchange Rate Dynamics with Stock/Flow Interaction pp. 1245-57

- Jurg Niehans
- Income Distributions in Two Experimental Economies pp. 1259-71

- Raymond Battalio, John Kagel and Morgan O Reynolds
- Health, Investment in Health, and Occupational Choice pp. 1273-94

- Maureen Cropper
- Inflationary Finance and Growth pp. 1295-1307

- Bijan B Aghevli
Volume 85, issue 5, 1977
- The Gibson Paradox and Historical Movements in Real Interest Rates pp. 891-907

- Robert J Shiller and Jeremy J Siegel
- The Relevance of the Two-Sector Production Model in Trade Theory pp. 909-35

- Ronald Jones and Jose A Scheinkman
- Trade Using One Commodity as a Means of Payment pp. 937-68

- Lloyd S Shapley and Martin Shubik
- Organized Futures Markets: Costs and Benefits pp. 969-1000

- Lester G Telser and Harlow N Higinbotham
- Public Property and the Effects of Migration upon Other Residents of the Migrants' Countries of Origin and Destination pp. 1001-20

- Dan Usher
- The Monetary Appreciation of Paintings pp. 1021-35

- John Picard Stein
- Empirical Study of Scale Economies and Production Complementarity: The Case of Journal Publication pp. 1037-48

- William Baumol and Yale M Braunstein
- The IS-LM Model of Macroeconomic Equilibrium and the Monetarist Controversy pp. 1049-62

- Neil Bruce
- Price Discrimination and Vertical Control: A Note pp. 1063-71

- J R Gould
- Pollak and Wachter on the Household Production Function Approach pp. 1073-82

- William Barnett
- Reply: "Pollak and Wachter on the Household Production Approach." pp. 1083-86

- Robert Pollak and Michael L Wachter
Volume 85, issue 4, 1977
- Financial Flow Variables and the Short-Run Determination of Long-Term Interest Rates pp. 661-89

- Benjamin M Friedman
- The Demand for Quality-adjusted Cash Balances: Price Uncertainty in the U.S. Demand for Money Function pp. 691-715

- Benjamin Klein
- The Competitive Effects of Trust-Busting: A Portfolio Analysis pp. 717-39

- Malcolm R Burns
- Capital Punishment and Deterrence: Some Further Thoughts and Additional Evidence pp. 741-88

- Isaac Ehrlich
- The Demand for Supplementary Health Insurance, or Do Deductibles Matter? pp. 789-801

- Emmett B Keeler, Daniel T Morrow and Joseph Newhouse
- Probability and Utility Estimates for Racetrack Bettors pp. 803-15

- Mukhtar M Ali
- The Variability of Expectations in Hyperinflations pp. 817-27

- Mohsin Khan
- On the Structure and Stability of Political Markets pp. 829-42

- W. Crain
- On Uncertain Lifetimes pp. 843-49

- Robert Barro and James Friedman
- Consumer Horizon: Further Evidence pp. 851-58

- Khan A Mohabbat and Evangelos O Simos
- Equilibrium in Stable Markets pp. 859-64

- James Ohlson
- On the Shadow Pricing of Traded Commodities pp. 865-72

- Peter Warr
- An Example of a Trading Economy with Three Competitive Equilibria pp. 873-75

- Lloyd S Shapley and Martin Shubik
Volume 85, issue 3, 1977
- Nobel Lecture: Inflation and Unemployment pp. 451-72

- Milton Friedman
- Rules Rather Than Discretion: The Inconsistency of Optimal Plans pp. 473-91

- Finn Kydland and Edward Prescott
- Minimum Rate Regulation, Modal Split Sensitivities, and the Railroad Problem pp. 493-512

- Kenneth D Boyer
- The Social Cost of Public Finance pp. 513-47

- Larry A Sjaastad and Daniel L Wisecarver
- Regional Product Price Differences and the Sectoral Distribution of Labor in Less Developed Countries pp. 549-68

- James L McCabe
- Education: Consumption or Production? pp. 569-97

- Edward Lazear
- Consumer Interdependence via Reference Groups pp. 599-615

- Hiroaki Hayakawa and Yiannis P Venieris
- A Model of Exchange Rate Determination under Currency Substitution and Rational Expectations pp. 617-25

- Guillermo Calvo and Carlos Rodríguez
- Price-Level Stickiness and the Feasibility of Monetary Stabilization Policy with Rational Expectations pp. 627-34

- Bennett McCallum
- Taxation and "Abnormal" International Capital Flows pp. 635-46

- Maurice Levi
- The Deeper Economics of Sleeping: Important Clues toward the Discovery of Activity X pp. 647-49

- Emily P Hoffman
Volume 85, issue 2, 1977
- A Political Model of the Business Cycle pp. 239-63

- Cecil MacRae
- Savings and Consumption with an Uncertain Horizon pp. 265-81

- David Levhari and Leonard Mirman
- Foreign Direct Investment in Manufacturing pp. 283-97

- Edward John Ray
- Political Power, Desegregation, and Employment of Black Schoolteachers pp. 299-322

- Richard Freeman
- The Foreign Dependence Question pp. 323-47

- George S Tolley and John D Wilman
- The Surprising Incidence of a Tax on Pure Rent: A New Answer to an Old Question pp. 349-60

- Martin Feldstein
- Patterns of Engineering Trade Specialization, 1960-1970, and Sweden's Factor Abundance pp. 361-78

- Lennart Ohlsson
- Perfect Foresight, Expectational Consistency, and Macroeconomic Equilibrium pp. 379-93

- Stephen J Turnovsky and Edwin Burmeister
- On Two Specifications of Asset Equilibrium in Macroeconomic Models: A Note pp. 395-400

- Willem Buiter and Geoffrey Woglom
- On Two Specifications of Asset Equilibrium in Macroeconomic Models: Reply pp. 401-02

- Duncan Foley
- The Theory of Share Tenancy Revisited-Again pp. 403-07

- Reid, Joseph D,
- Household Allocation of Time and Church Attendance: Some Additional Evidence pp. 409-13

- Stephen H Long and Russell F Settle
- Household Allocation of Time and Religiosity: Replication and Extension pp. 415-23

- Ronald Ehrenberg
- Estimating Property Tax Capitalization: A Critical Comment pp. 425-31

- A Thomas King
- A Note on Local Tax Rates, Public Benefit Levels, and Property Values pp. 433-40

- Harvey Rosen and David J Fullerton
- The Conference Handbook pp. 441-43

- George J Stigler
Volume 85, issue 1, 1977
- Optimal Peak-Load Pricing, Investment, and Service Levels on Urban Expressways pp. 1-25

- Theodore E Keeler and Kenneth A Small
- A Beta-logistic Model for the Analysis of Sequential Labor Force Participation by Married Women pp. 27-58

- James J Heckman and Robert Willis
- A Theory of the Size and Shape of Nations pp. 59-77

- David Friedman
- Factor Mobility, Regional Development, and the Distribution of Income pp. 79-96

- Rachel McCulloch and Janet Yellen
- Risk, Probabilities, and a New Theory of Cardinal Utility pp. 97-122

- Jagdish Handa
- The Demand for Children in Farm Households pp. 123-46

- Mark Rosenzweig
- Managerial Objectives in Regulated Industries: Expense-Preference Behavior in Banking pp. 147-62

- Franklin R Edwards
- Stabilizing Powers of Monetary Policy under Rational Expectations pp. 163-90

- Edmund Phelps and John Taylor
- Long-Term Contracts, Rational Expectations, and the Optimal Money Supply Rule pp. 191-205

- Stanley Fischer
- The Ricardian Nonequivalence Theorem pp. 207-10

- O'Driscoll, Gerald P,
- Education, Income, and Ability: A Comment pp. 211-15

- Nicholas Scott Cardell and Mark Myron Hopkins
- Education, Income, and Ability: Rejoinder to Cardell and Hopkins pp. 215

- Zvi Griliches
- Publishing Scholarly Books and Journals: Is It Economically Viable? pp. 217-25

- Fritz Machlup
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