Journal of Political Economy
1893 - 2025
From University of Chicago Press
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Volume 116, issue 6, 2008
- The Profits of Power: Land Rights and Agricultural Investment in Ghana pp. 981-1022

- Markus Goldstein and Christopher Udry
- Strategic Ambiguity and Arms Proliferation pp. 1023-1057

- Sandeep Baliga and Tomas Sjöström
- The Demographic Transition and the Sexual Division of Labor pp. 1058-1104

- Rodrigo R. Soares and Bruno L. S. Falcão
- Debt Enforcement around the World pp. 1105-1149

- Simeon Djankov, Oliver Hart, Caralee McLiesh and Andrei Shleifer
- Place of Work and Place of Residence: Informal Hiring Networks and Labor Market Outcomes pp. 1150-1196

- Patrick Bayer, Stephen Ross and Giorgio Topa
- Erratum: Moral Hazard versus Liquidity and Optimal Unemployment Insurance pp. 1197-1197

- Raj Chetty
Volume 116, issue 5, 2008
- Prejudice and Wages: An Empirical Assessment of Becker's The Economics of Discrimination pp. 773-809

- Kerwin Kofi Charles and Jonathan Guryan
- An Economic Index of Riskiness pp. 810-836

- Robert Aumann and Roberto Serrano
- Input and Technology Choices in Regulated Industries: Evidence from the Health Care Sector pp. 837-880

- Daron Acemoglu and Amy Finkelstein
- Early Marriage, Age of Menarche, and Female Schooling Attainment in Bangladesh pp. 881-930

- Erica Field and Attila Ambrus
- Intertemporal Cost Allocation and Investment Decisions pp. 931-950

- William P. Rogerson
- The Small World of Investing: Board Connections and Mutual Fund Returns pp. 951-979

- Lauren Cohen, Andrea Frazzini and Christopher Malloy
- Purification of a Mixed Strategy Equilibrium pp. BackCover-BackCover

- Anonymous
Volume 116, issue 4, 2008
- The Depressing Effect of Agricultural Institutions on the Prewar Japanese Economy pp. 573-632

- Fumio Hayashi and Edward Prescott
- Measuring Illegal Activity and the Effects of Regulatory Innovation: Tax Evasion and the Dyeing of Untaxed Diesel pp. 633-666

- Justin Marion and Erich Muehlegger
- Inefficient Unemployment Dynamics under Asymmetric Information pp. 667-708

- Veronica Guerrieri
- Universal Child Care, Maternal Labor Supply, and Family Well-Being pp. 709-745

- Michael Baker, Jonathan Gruber and Kevin Milligan
- Child Protection and Adult Crime: Using Investigator Assignment to Estimate Causal Effects of Foster Care pp. 746-770

- Joseph J. Doyle
- Protectionism through Prostitution pp. BackCover-BackCover

- Charles C. Mann
Volume 116, issue 3, 2008
- The Effect of Low-Skilled Immigration on U.S. Prices: Evidence from CPI Data pp. 381-422

- Patricia Cortes
- Spatial Competition with Heterogeneous Firms pp. 423-466

- Jonathan Vogel
- Capital Deepening and Nonbalanced Economic Growth pp. 467-498

- Daron Acemoglu and Veronica Guerrieri
- Stature and Status: Height, Ability, and Labor Market Outcomes pp. 499-532

- Anne Case and Christina Paxson
- A Phillips Curve with an Ss Foundation pp. 533-572

- Mark Gertler and John Leahy
- The Distortionary Effects of Regulation and Rent Seeking pp. BackCover-BackCover

- Anonymous
Volume 116, issue 2, 2008
- Moral Hazard versus Liquidity and Optimal Unemployment Insurance pp. 173-234

- Raj Chetty
- Structural Transformation and the Deterioration of European Labor Market Outcomes pp. 235-259

- Richard Rogerson
- Consumption Strikes Back? Measuring Long-Run Risk pp. 260-302

- Lars Peter Hansen, John C. Heaton and Nan Li
- Sources of Advantageous Selection: Evidence from the Medigap Insurance Market pp. 303-350

- Hanming Fang, Michael Keane and Dan Silverman
- Vote Buying: General Elections pp. 351-380

- Eddie Dekel, Matthew Jackson and Asher Wolinsky
- Sam Spade and Self-Interest pp. BackCover-BackCover

- Anonymous
Volume 116, issue 1, 2008
- Voter Influence and Big Policy Change: The Positive Political Economy of the New Deal pp. 1-37

- Robert Fleck
- The Effect of Driving Restrictions on Air Quality in Mexico City pp. 38-81

- Lucas Davis
- On the Optimality of the Friedman Rule with Heterogeneous Agents and Nonlinear Income Taxation pp. 82-112

- Carlos Eugênio da Costa and Iván Werning
- Birth Control and Female Empowerment: An Equilibrium Analysis pp. 113-140

- Pierre Chiappori and Sonia Oreffice
- Optimal Fiscal and Monetary Policy: Equivalence Results pp. 141-170

- Isabel Correia, Juan Pablo Nicolini and Pedro Teles
- Signaling in the Qin Dynasty pp. BackCover-BackCover

- Anonymous
Volume 115, issue 6, 2007
- Structuring and Restructuring Sovereign Debt: The Role of a Bankruptcy Regime pp. 901-924

- Patrick Bolton and Olivier Jeanne
- Disease and Development: The Effect of Life Expectancy on Economic Growth pp. 925-985

- Daron Acemoglu and Simon Johnson
- The Reaction of Consumer Spending and Debt to Tax Rebates-Evidence from Consumer Credit Data pp. 986-1019

- Sumit Agarwal, Chunlin Liu and Nicholas S. Souleles
- Corruption, Norms, and Legal Enforcement: Evidence from Diplomatic Parking Tickets pp. 1020-1048

- Raymond Fisman and Edward Miguel
- An-arrgh-chy: The Law and Economics of Pirate Organization pp. 1049-1094

- Peter Leeson
- Effect of Punishment on Crime on the Intensive Margin-Pirate of the China Seas in the Middle Ages pp. BackCover-BackCover

- Anonymous
Volume 115, issue 5, 2007
- Down or Out: Assessing the Welfare Costs of Household Investment Mistakes pp. 707-747

- Laurent Calvet, John Campbell and Paolo Sodini
- A Theory of Partially Directed Search pp. 748-769

- Guido Menzio
- A Model of Job and Worker Flows pp. 770-819

- Nobuhiro Kiyotaki and Ricardo Lagos
- Chutes or Ladders? A Longitudinal Analysis of Immigrant Earnings pp. 820-867

- Darren Lubotsky
- Sorting It Out: International Trade with Heterogeneous Workers pp. 868-892

- Franziska Ohnsorge and Daniel Trefler
- Comment on "Bertrand and Walras Equilibria under Moral Hazard" pp. 893-900

- Piero Gottardi and Belén Jerez
- Thomas Hardy on "Crowding Out" pp. BackCover-BackCover

- Editors
Volume 115, issue 4, 2007
- Intergenerational Risk Sharing in the Spirit of Arrow, Debreu, and Rawls, with Applications to Social Security Design pp. 523-547

- Laurence Ball and N. Gregory Mankiw
- Immigration and Prices pp. 548-587

- Saul Lach
- A Unified Framework for Measuring Preferences for Schools and Neighborhoods pp. 588-638

- Patrick Bayer, Fernando Ferreira and Robert McMillan
- On the Segmentation of Markets pp. 639-664

- Nicolas Jacquet and Serene Tan
- International Financial Adjustment pp. 665-703

- Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas and Helene Rey
- Erratum: "The Accident Externality from Driving" pp. 704-705

- Aaron Edlin and Pinar Karaca-Mandic
- Cicero on the Ethics of Information Asymmetry pp. Back Cover-Back Cover

- Editors
Volume 115, issue 3, 2007
- Inequality and Social Discounting pp. 365-402

- Emmanuel Farhi and Iván Werning
- Equilibrium Default Cycles pp. 403-446

- Natalia Kovrijnykh and Balázs Szentes
- Private Profits and Public Health: Does Advertising of Smoking Cessation Products Encourage Smokers to Quit? pp. 447-481

- Rosemary Avery, Donald Kenkel, Dean R. Lillard and Alan Mathios
- On the Interpretation of Giving in Dictator Games pp. 482-493

- John List
- Moral Rules, the Moral Sentiments, and Behavior: Toward a Theory of an Optimal Moral System pp. 494-514

- Louis Kaplow and Steven Shavell
- Crime on the Court: A Correction pp. 515-519

- Kevin P. Hutchinson and Andrew Yates
- Crime on the Court, Another Look: Reply to Hutchinson and Yates pp. 520-521

- Robert McCormick and Robert Tollison
Volume 115, issue 2, 2007
- Voltaire on Labor Markets and Monetary Policy pp. 170-170

- Vicky Longawa
- Menu Costs and Phillips Curves pp. 171-199

- Mikhail Golosov and Robert Lucas
- Monitoring Corruption: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Indonesia pp. 200-249

- Benjamin Olken
- Cementing Relationships: Vertical Integration, Foreclosure, Productivity, and Prices pp. 250-301

- Ali Hortaçsu and Chad Syverson
- Evolutionary Efficiency and Happiness pp. 302-337

- Luis Rayo and Gary Becker
- Contests for Status pp. 338-363

- Benny Moldovanu, Aner Sela and Xianwen Shi
Volume 115, issue 1, 2007
- The Effect of File Sharing on Record Sales: An Empirical Analysis pp. 1-42

- Felix Oberholzer-Gee and Koleman Strumpf
- The Evolution of Common Law pp. 43-68

- Nicola Gennaioli and Andrei Shleifer
- Emerging Market Business Cycles: The Cycle Is the Trend pp. 69-102

- Mark Aguiar and Gita Gopinath
- Productivity Spillovers in Health Care: Evidence from the Treatment of Heart Attacks pp. 103-140

- Amitabh Chandra and Douglas O. Staiger
- Why Does Household Investment Lead Business Investment over the Business Cycle? pp. 141-168

- Jonas Fisher