Journal of Political Economy
1893 - 2025
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Volume 125, issue 6, 2017
- Introduction pp. 1723 - 1727

- John List and Harald Uhlig
- Chicago and the Origins of Modern General Equilibrium pp. 1728 - 1736

- Hugo F. Sonnenschein
- Economic Growth: The Past, the Present, and the Future pp. 1736 - 1747

- Ufuk Akcigit
- Economic History pp. 1747 - 1752

- David Galenson
- Political Economics in the Journal of Political Economy: Six Landmark Papers pp. 1752 - 1756

- Roger Myerson
- Aggregative Fiscal Policy pp. 1756 - 1761

- Nancy L. Stokey
- Business Cycles and International Trade pp. 1761 - 1766

- Harald Uhlig
- Inequality, Heterogeneity, and Consumption in the Journal of Political Economy pp. 1767 - 1774

- Greg Kaplan
- Time-Series Econometrics in Macroeconomics and Finance pp. 1774 - 1782

- Lars Peter Hansen
- Asset Pricing: Models and Empirical Evidence pp. 1782 - 1790

- George Constantinides
- Finance at the University of Chicago pp. 1790 - 1799

- Eugene F. Fama
- Behavioral Economics pp. 1799 - 1805

- Richard Thaler
- Corporate Finance pp. 1805 - 1812

- Robert Vishny and Luigi Zingales
- Banking and the Evolving Objectives of Bank Regulation pp. 1812 - 1825

- Douglas W. Diamond, Anil Kashyap and Raghuram Rajan
- Monetary Economics pp. 1825 - 1830

- Fernando Alvarez
- Memories of Friedman and Patinkin pp. 1831 - 1834

- Robert Lucas
- Labor Markets pp. 1834 - 1840

- Robert Shimer
- Chicago Labor Economics pp. 1840 - 1845

- James J. Heckman
- Keeping the ECON in Econometrics: (Micro-)Econometrics in the Journal of Political Economy pp. 1846 - 1853

- Stéphane Bonhomme and Azeem Shaikh
- Life Cycle Wage Dyamics and Labor Mobility pp. 1853 - 1862

- Derek Neal
- The Human Capital Approach to Intergenerational Mobility pp. 1862 - 1868

- Magne Mogstad
- Health Economics: A Selective Historical Review for the 125th Anniversary of the Journal of Political Economy pp. 1868 - 1878

- Robert H. Topel
- Agency Issues pp. 1878 - 1884

- Canice Prendergast
- Information Economics pp. 1885 - 1890

- Emir Kamenica
- The Continuing Impact of Sherwin Rosen’s “Hedonic Prices and Implicit Markets: Product Differentiation in Pure Competition” pp. 1891 - 1902

- Michael Greenstone
- Assignment Problems pp. 1903 - 1914

- Philip Reny
- Auctions in the Journal of Political Economy, 1894–2017 pp. 1915 - 1920

- Ali Hortaçsu
- The Economics of Crime pp. 1920 - 1925

- Steven Levitt
- Experimental Economics in the Journal of Political Economy pp. 1925 - 1930

- John List
- Optimal Taxation and Human Capital Policies over the Life Cycle pp. 1931 - 1990

- Stefanie Stantcheva
- The Design of Debt-Clearing Markets: Clearinghouse Mechanisms in Preindustrial Europe pp. 1991 - 2037

- Lars Börner and John William Hatfield
- Uncertainty Shocks and Balance Sheet Recessions pp. 2038 - 2081

- Sebastian Di Tella
- Financial Constraints and Moral Hazard: The Case of Franchising pp. 2082 - 2125

- Ying Fan, Kai-Uwe Kühn and Francine Lafontaine
- Macroprudential Policy, Countercyclical Bank Capital Buffers, and Credit Supply: Evidence from the Spanish Dynamic Provisioning Experiments pp. 2126 - 2177

- Gabriel Jimenez, Steven Ongena, Jose-Luis Peydro and Jesús Saurina
- The Power of Abortion Policy: Reexamining the Effects of Young Women’s Access to Reproductive Control pp. 2178 - 2224

- Caitlin Myers
- Do Powerful Politicians Really Cause Corporate Downsizing? pp. 2225 - 2231

- Jason Alan Snyder and Ivo Welch
- Reply: Do Powerful Politicians Really Cause Corporate Downsizing? pp. 2232 - 2237

- Lauren Cohen, Joshua Coval and Christopher Malloy
Volume 125, issue 5, 2017
- Asymmetric Growth and Institutions in an Interdependent World pp. 1245 - 1305

- Daron Acemoglu, James A. Robinson and Thierry Verdier
- Gender Gaps in Performance: Evidence from Young Lawyers pp. 1306 - 1355

- Ghazala Azmat and Rosa Ferrer
- International Trade, Technology, and the Skill Premium pp. 1356 - 1412

- Ariel Burstein and Jonathan Vogel
- Precommitments for Financial Self-Control? Micro Evidence from the 2003 Korean Credit Crisis pp. 1413 - 1464

- Sungjin Cho and John Rust
- Smoking, Expectations, and Health: A Dynamic Stochastic Model of Lifetime Smoking Behavior pp. 1465 - 1522

- Michael Darden
- Contests for Experimentation pp. 1523 - 1569

- Marina Halac, Navin Kartik and Qingmin Liu
- Delayed Overshooting: Is It an '80s Puzzle? pp. 1570 - 1598

- Seong-Hoon Kim, Seongman Moon and Carlos Velasco
- On the Democratic Weights of Nations pp. 1599 - 1634

- Sascha Kurz, Nicola Maaser and Stefan Napel
- Taxation and the Allocation of Talent pp. 1635 - 1682

- Benjamin Lockwood, Charles G. Nathanson and E. Glen Weyl
- Does Transparency Lead to Pay Compression? pp. 1683 - 1721

- Alexandre Mas
Volume 125, issue 4, 2017
- Pathways to Education: An Integrated Approach to Helping At-Risk High School Students pp. 947 - 984

- Philip Oreopoulos, Robert S. Brown and Adam Lavecchia
- Beyond LATE with a Discrete Instrument pp. 985 - 1039

- Christian Brinch, Magne Mogstad and Matthew Wiswall
- Globalization, Markups, and US Welfare pp. 1040 - 1074

- Robert Feenstra and David Weinstein
- A Pari-Mutuel-Like Mechanism for Information Aggregation: A Field Test inside Intel pp. 1075 - 1099

- Benjamin J. Gillen, Charles R. Plott and Matthew Shum
- Unobserved Preference Heterogeneity in Demand Using Generalized Random Coefficients pp. 1100 - 1148

- Arthur Lewbel and Krishna Pendakur
- Alcohol Availability, Prenatal Conditions, and Long-Term Economic Outcomes pp. 1149 - 1207

- J. Peter Nilsson
- Partisan Interactions: Evidence from a Field Experiment in the United States pp. 1208 - 1243

- Ricardo Perez-Truglia and Guillermo Cruces
Volume 125, issue 3, 2017
- Avoiding the Ask: A Field Experiment on Altruism, Empathy, and Charitable Giving pp. 625 - 653

- James Andreoni, Justin M. Rao and Hannah Trachtman
- Policy Intervention in Debt Renegotiation: Evidence from the Home Affordable Modification Program pp. 654 - 712

- Sumit Agarwal, Gene Amromin, Itzhak Ben-David, Souphala Chomsisengphet, Tomasz Piskorski and Amit Seru
- Asset Return Dynamics under Habits and Bad Environment-Good Environment Fundamentals pp. 713 - 760

- Geert Bekaert and Eric Engstrom
- Admitting Students to Selective Education Programs: Merit, Profiling, and Affirmative Action pp. 761 - 797

- Dario Cestau, Dennis Epple and Holger Sieg
- Estimating the Innovator’s Dilemma: Structural Analysis of Creative Destruction in the Hard Disk Drive Industry, 1981–1998 pp. 798 - 847

- Mitsuru Igami
- Every Breath You Take—Every Dollar You’ll Make: The Long-Term Consequences of the Clean Air Act of 1970 pp. 848 - 902

- Adam Isen, Maya Rossin-Slater and Reed Walker
- Emotions and Political Unrest pp. 903 - 946

- Francesco Passarelli and Guido Tabellini
Volume 125, issue 2, 2017
- The Career Costs of Children pp. 293 - 337

- Jerome Adda, Christian Dustmann and Katrien Stevens
- Curriculum and Ideology pp. 338 - 392

- Davide Cantoni, Yuyu Chen, David Yang, Noam Yuchtman and Y. Jane Zhang
- Economic Uncertainty, Parental Selection, and Children’s Educational Outcomes pp. 393 - 430

- Arnaud Chevalier and Olivier Marie
- Optimal Financial Knowledge and Wealth Inequality pp. 431 - 477

- Annamaria Lusardi, Pierre-Carl Michaud and Olivia Mitchell
- Bowling for Fascism: Social Capital and the Rise of the Nazi Party pp. 478 - 526

- Shanker Satyanath, Nico Voigtländer and Hans-Joachim Voth
- Drought of Opportunities: Contemporaneous and Long-Term Impacts of Rainfall Shocks on Human Capital pp. 527 - 561

- Manisha Shah and Bryce Millett Steinberg
- Credit Access and College Enrollment pp. 562 - 622

- Alex Solis
Volume 125, issue 1, 2017
- In the Shadow of a Giant: Medicare’s Influence on Private Physician Payments pp. 1 - 39

- Jeffrey Clemens and Joshua Gottlieb
- Stochastic Choice and Preferences for Randomization pp. 40 - 68

- Marina Agranov and Pietro Ortoleva
- Unbalanced Random Matching Markets: The Stark Effect of Competition pp. 69 - 98

- Itai Ashlagi, Yash Kanoria and Jacob D. Leshno
- Chinese College Admissions and School Choice Reforms: A Theoretical Analysis pp. 99 - 139

- Yan Chen and Onur Kesten
- The Macroeconomic Effects of Housing Wealth, Housing Finance, and Limited Risk Sharing in General Equilibrium pp. 140 - 223

- Jack Favilukis, Sydney C. Ludvigson and Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh
- Matching, Sorting, and the Distributional Effects of International Trade pp. 224 - 264

- Gene M. Grossman, Elhanan Helpman and Philipp Kircher
- Nonlinear Effects of Taxation on Growth pp. 265 - 291

- Nir Jaimovich and Sergio Rebelo
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