Journal of Political Economy
1893 - 2025
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Volume 126, issue S1, 2018
- Gary Becker Remembered pp. S1 - S6

- James J. Heckman, Edward P. Lazear and Kevin M. Murphy
- A Theory of Intergenerational Mobility pp. S7 - S25

- Gary Becker, Scott Kominers, Kevin M. Murphy and Jörg Spenkuch
- The Marriage Market, Labor Supply, and Education Choice pp. S26 - S72

- Pierre-André Chiappori, Monica Costa Dias and Costas Meghir
- Children, Time Allocation, and Consumption Insurance pp. S73 - S115

- Richard Blundell, Luigi Pistaferri and Itay Saporta-Eksten
- Social Norms in Social Insurance pp. S116 - S139

- Assar Lindbeck and Mats Persson
- Demographics and Entrepreneurship pp. S140 - S196

- James Liang, Hui Wang and Edward Lazear
- Returns to Education: The Causal Effects of Education on Earnings, Health, and Smoking pp. S197 - S246

- James J. Heckman, John Humphries and Gregory Veramendi
Volume 126, issue 6, 2018
- The Demand for Effective Charter Schools pp. 2179 - 2223

- Christopher Walters
- The Economic Effects of Social Networks: Evidence from the Housing Market pp. 2224 - 2276

- Michael Bailey, Ruiqing Cao, Theresa Kuchler and Johannes Stroebel
- Influencing Connected Legislators pp. 2277 - 2322

- Marco Battaglini and Eleonora Patacchini
- Informational Requirements of Nudging pp. 2323 - 2355

- Jean-Michel Benkert and Nick Netzer
- Who Benefits from Universal Child Care? Estimating Marginal Returns to Early Child Care Attendance pp. 2356 - 2409

- Thomas Cornelissen, Christian Dustmann, Anna Raute and Uta Schönberg
- Predicting Experimental Results: Who Knows What? pp. 2410 - 2456

- Stefano DellaVigna and Devin Pope
- Reserve Design: Unintended Consequences and the Demise of Boston’s Walk Zones pp. 2457 - 2479

- Umut Dur, Scott Kominers, Parag Pathak and Tayfun Sönmez
- Potential Unemployment Insurance Duration and Labor Supply: The Individual and Market-Level Response to a Benefit Cut pp. 2480 - 2522

- Andrew Johnston and Alexandre Mas
- Structural Analysis of Nonlinear Pricing pp. 2523 - 2568

- Yao Luo, Isabelle Perrigne and Quang Vuong
- Maintaining Privacy in Cartels pp. 2569 - 2607

- Takuo Sugaya and Alexander Wolitzky
- Accounting for Mathematics Performance of High School Students in Mexico: Estimating a Coordination Game in the Classroom pp. 2608 - 2650

- Petra Todd and Kenneth I. Wolpin
Volume 126, issue 5, 2018
- A Schumpeterian Model of Top Income Inequality pp. 1785 - 1826

- Charles Jones and Jihee Kim
- Income and Consumption: A Micro Semistructural Analysis with Pervasive Heterogeneity pp. 1827 - 1864

- Sule Alan, Martin Browning and Mette Ejrnæs
- Fostering Patience in the Classroom: Results from Randomized Educational Intervention pp. 1865 - 1911

- Sule Alan and Seda Ertac
- Do Government Audits Reduce Corruption? Estimating the Impacts of Exposing Corrupt Politicians pp. 1912 - 1964

- Eric Avis, Claudio Ferraz and Frederico Finan
- Competitive Information Disclosure in Search Markets pp. 1965 - 2010

- Simon Board and Jay Lu
- Slow to Hire, Quick to Fire: Employment Dynamics with Asymmetric Responses to News pp. 2011 - 2071

- Cosmin Ilut, Matthias Kehrig and Martin Schneider
- What Do Test Scores Miss? The Importance of Teacher Effects on Non–Test Score Outcomes pp. 2072 - 2107

- C. Kirabo Jackson
- Making Corruption Harder: Asymmetric Information, Collusion, and Crime pp. 2108 - 2133

- Juan Ortner and Sylvain Chassang
- "No Hatred or Malice, Fear or Affection": Media and Sentencing pp. 2134 - 2178

- Arnaud Philippe and Aurélie Ouss
Volume 126, issue 4, 2018
- Unobserved Heterogeneity in Matching Games pp. 1339 - 1373

- Jeremy Fox, Chenyu Yang and David H. Hsu
- Growth through Heterogeneous Innovations pp. 1374 - 1443

- Ufuk Akcigit and William Kerr
- Multiproduct Pricing Made Simple pp. 1444 - 1471

- Mark Armstrong and John Vickers
- Incentives in Experiments: A Theoretical Analysis pp. 1472 - 1503

- Yaron Azrieli, Christopher Chambers and Paul J. Healy
- Debt and the Response to Household Income Shocks: Validation and Application of Linked Financial Account Data pp. 1504 - 1557

- Scott Baker
- Parametric Recoverability of Preferences pp. 1558 - 1593

- Yoram Halevy, Dotan Persitz and Lanny Zrill
- Wage Dispersion and Search Behavior: The Importance of Nonwage Job Values pp. 1594 - 1637

- Robert E. Hall and Andreas Mueller
- Rent Seeking in Elite Networks pp. 1638 - 1690

- Rainer Haselmann, David Schoenherr and Vikrant Vig
- Why Do Firms Hire Using Referrals? Evidence from Bangladeshi Garment Factories pp. 1691 - 1746

- Rachel Heath
- Media Power pp. 1747 - 1783

- Andrea Prat
Volume 126, issue 3, 2018
- The Geography of Development pp. 903 - 983

- Klaus Desmet, David Nagy and Esteban Rossi-Hansberg
- Hotelling under Pressure pp. 984 - 1026

- Soren Anderson, Ryan Kellogg and Stephen W. Salant
- Measuring the Bias of Technological Change pp. 1027 - 1084

- Ulrich Doraszelski and Jordi Jaumandreu
- Attack When the World Is Not Watching? US News and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict pp. 1085 - 1133

- Ruben Durante and Ekaterina Zhuravskaya
- Social Ties and Favoritism in Chinese Science pp. 1134 - 1171

- Raymond Fisman, Jing Shi, Yongxiang Wang and Rong Xu
- House Price Momentum and Strategic Complementarity pp. 1172 - 1218

- Adam Guren
- Post-Schooling Human Capital Investments and the Life Cycle of Earnings pp. 1219 - 1249

- Thierry Magnac, Nicolas Pistolesi and Sébastien Roux
- Intermediation and Resale in Networks pp. 1250 - 1301

- Mihai Manea
- Cooperation in WTO’s Tariff Waters? pp. 1302 - 1338

- Alessandro Nicita, Marcelo Olarreaga and Peri Silva
Volume 126, issue 2, 2018
- Tangible Information and Citizen Empowerment: Identification Cards and Food Subsidy Programs in Indonesia pp. 451 - 491

- Abhijit Banerjee, Rema Hanna, Jordan Kyle, Benjamin Olken and Sudarno Sumarto
- Quality Predictability and the Welfare Benefits from New Products: Evidence from the Digitization of Recorded Music pp. 492 - 524

- Luis Aguiar and Joel Waldfogel
- How Much Do Idiosyncratic Bank Shocks Affect Investment? Evidence from Matched Bank-Firm Loan Data pp. 525 - 587

- Mary Amiti and David Weinstein
- Optimal Time-Consistent Macroprudential Policy pp. 588 - 634

- Javier Bianchi and Enrique Mendoza
- The Impact of Consulting Services on Small and Medium Enterprises: Evidence from a Randomized Trial in Mexico pp. 635 - 687

- Miriam Bruhn, Dean Karlan and Antoinette Schoar
- Can Words Get in the Way? The Effect of Deliberation in Collective Decision Making pp. 688 - 734

- Matias Iaryczower, Xiaoxia Shi and Matthew Shum
- A Mechanism Design Approach to the Tiebout Hypothesis pp. 735 - 760

- Philippe Jehiel and Laurent Lamy
- Global Imbalances and Structural Change in the United States pp. 761 - 796

- Timothy Kehoe, Kim Ruhl and Joseph Steinberg
- Life Cycle Wage Growth across Countries pp. 797 - 849

- David Lagakos, Benjamin Moll, Tommaso Porzio, Nancy Qian and Todd Schoellman
- Government Spending Multipliers in Good Times and in Bad: Evidence from US Historical Data pp. 850 - 901

- Valerie Ramey and Sarah Zubairy
Volume 126, issue 1, 2018
- Retail Globalization and Household Welfare: Evidence from Mexico pp. 1 - 73

- David Atkin, Benjamin Faber and Marco Gonzalez-Navarro
- Monotone Stochastic Choice Models: The Case of Risk and Time Preferences pp. 74 - 106

- Jose Apesteguia and Miguel A. Ballester
- Get Rid of Unanimity Rule: The Superiority of Majority Rules with Veto Power pp. 107 - 149

- Laurent Bouton, Aniol Llorente-Saguer and Frederic Malherbe
- The Gravity Equation in International Trade: An Explanation pp. 150 - 177

- Thomas Chaney
- Auctions versus Posted Prices in Online Markets pp. 178 - 215

- Liran Einav, Chiara Farronato, Jonathan Levin and Neel Sundaresan
- Public Insurance and Mortality: Evidence from Medicaid Implementation pp. 216 - 262

- Andrew Goodman-Bacon
- Dynamic Natural Monopoly Regulation: Time Inconsistency, Moral Hazard, and Political Environments pp. 263 - 312

- Claire S. H. Lim and Ali Yurukoglu
- Firm Wage Differentials and Labor Market Sorting: Reconciling Theory and Evidence pp. 313 - 346

- Rafael Lopes de Melo
- Collective Commitment pp. 347 - 380

- Christian Roessler, Sandro Shelegia and Bruno Strulovici
- Positive Spillovers and Free Riding in Advertising of Prescription Pharmaceuticals: The Case of Antidepressants pp. 381 - 437

- Bradley T. Shapiro
- The Determinants of Racial Differences in Parenting Practices pp. 438 - 449

- Owen Thompson
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