Journal of Political Economy
1893 - 2025
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Volume 89, issue 6, 1981
- An Empirical Model of Labor Supply in a Life-Cycle Setting pp. 1059-85

- Thomas E MaCurdy
- Output Effects of Government Purchases pp. 1086-1121

- Robert Barro
- Information Costs, Duration of Search, and Turnover: Theory and Applications pp. 1122-41

- Louis L Wilde
- Macroeconomic Policy, Exchange-Rate Dynamics, and Optimal Asset Accumulation pp. 1142-61

- Maurice Obstfeld
- Wage and Employment Determination under Trade Unionism: The International Typographical Union pp. 1162-81

- James N Dertouzos and John Pencavel
- Cross Hedging pp. 1182-96

- Ronald W Anderson and Jean-Pierre Danthine
- The Implications of Competition among Jurisdictions: Does Tiebout Need Politics? pp. 1197-1217

- Dennis Epple and Allan Zelenitz
- Monetary Expansion and Real Exchange Rate Dynamics pp. 1218-27

- Nissan Liviatan
- Economies of Scale and Barriers to Entry pp. 1228-38

- Richard Schmalensee
- The Great Depression and Commodity-exporting LDCs: The Case of Brazil pp. 1239-50

- Eliana Cardoso
- Estimating Property Tax Capitalization: A Further Comment pp. 1251-60

- Raymond M Reinhard
- Tax Changes and Cigarette Prices [An Alternative Approach to the Analysis of Taxation] pp. 1261-65

- Michael T Sumner and Robert Ward
- 'Twas a Night in the Sixties pp. 1266-69

- Martin Feldstein
- Policy Research pp. 1270-71

- Joseph Finger
Volume 89, issue 5, 1981
- Rank-Order Tournaments as Optimum Labor Contracts pp. 841-64

- Edward Lazear and Sherwin Rosen
- An Exploration in the Theory of Exchange-Rate Regimes pp. 865-90

- Elhanan Helpman
- Subsidies to New Energy pp. 891-913

- William Baumol and Edward Wolff
- A Rational Theory of the Size of Government pp. 914-27

- Allan Meltzer and Scott F Richard
- The Family, Inheritance, and the Intergenerational Transmission of Inequality pp. 928-58

- Nigel Tomes
- Intraindustry Specialization and the Gains from Trade pp. 959-73

- Paul Krugman
- The Adjustment of Consumption to Changing Expectations about Future Income pp. 974-1009

- Marjorie A Flavin
- Measurement of Monopoly Behavior: An Application to the Cigarette Industry pp. 1010-19

- Daniel A Sumner
- Swedish Tax Rates, Labor Supply, and Tax Revenues pp. 1020-38

- Charles E Stuart
- A Superior Solution to Captain MacWhirr's Problem: An Illustration of Information Problems and Entitlement Structures pp. 1039-43

- Gene E Mumy
- Concentration Changes and Inflation: Some Evidence [A Note on Inflation and Concentration] pp. 1044-51

- Edwin Eckard
Volume 89, issue 4, 1981
- The Role of Market Forces in Assuring Contractual Performance pp. 615-41

- Benjamin Klein and Keith B Leffler
- The Political Economy of Benefits and Costs: A Neoclassical Approach to Distributive Politics pp. 642-64

- Barry Weingast, Kenneth A Shepsle and Christopher Johnsen
- Flexible Exchange Rates, Prices, and the Role of "News": Lessons from the 1970s pp. 665-705

- Jacob A Frenkel
- The Role of Intergenerational Transfers in Aggregate Capital Accumulation pp. 706-32

- Laurence Kotlikoff and Lawrence H Summers
- Output Variability under Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate Rules pp. 733-51

- Warren Weber
- Point Spreads versus Odds pp. 752-68

- Gilbert Bassett
- Time Preference and International Lending and Borrowing in an Overlapping-Generations Model pp. 769-97

- Willem Buiter
- Mobility Costs, Frictional Unemployment, and Efficiency pp. 798-812

- Peter Diamond
- International Transmission of a Real Shock under Flexible Exchange Rates: A Comment pp. 813-18

- Betty Daniel
- Market Constraints as a Rationale for the Friedman-Savage Utility Function pp. 819-25

- Elie Appelbaum and Eliakim Katz
Volume 89, issue 3, 1981
- The Deterrent Effect of Antitrust Enforcement pp. 429-45

- Michael Kent Block and Frederick Carl Nold
- The Market Evaluation of Human Capital: The Case of Indentured Servitude pp. 446-67

- David Galenson
- The Welfare Cost of Capital Income Taxation in a Growing Economy pp. 468-96

- Christophe Chamley
- Foreign Ownership and the Theory of Trade and Welfare pp. 497-511

- Richard Brecher and Jagdish N Bhagwati
- Accounting for Price Changes: American Steel Rails, 1879-1910 pp. 512-28

- Robert Allen
- Some Evidence on Cross-Sector Effects of the Minimum Wage pp. 529-47

- George Tauchen
- Taxes, Inflation, and the Durability of Capital pp. 548-60

- Andrew Abel
- Uncertain Lifetime, Consumption, and Dissaving in Retirement pp. 561-77

- James Davies
- What Kind of Science is Economics? A Review Article on Causality in Economics by John R. Hicks pp. 578-83

- Christopher A Sims
- To Save or Savor: The Rate of Return to Storing Wine: Comment pp. 584-92

- Elizabeth Jaeger
- On the Relationship between Commodity Price Changes and Factor Owners' Real Positions [The Relevance of the Two-Sector Production Model in Trade Theory] pp. 593-95

- James Cassing
- Stochastic Implications of the Life Cycle-Permanent Income Hypothesis: Evidence for the U. K. Economy: Comment pp. 596-99

- Vincent Daly and George Hadjimatheou
- Why There are no Risk Preferrers pp. 600

- David Friedman
Volume 89, issue 2, 1981
- Interpreting Economic Time Series pp. 213-48

- Thomas Sargent
- Activist Monetary Policy under Rational Expectations pp. 249-69

- Peter W Howitt
- Equalizing Discrimination and Cartel Pricing in Transport Rate Regulation pp. 270-86

- Kenneth D Boyer
- Transaction Costs, Order Placement Strategy, and Existence of the Bid-Ask Spread pp. 287-305

- Kalman J Cohen, Steven F Maier, Robert A Schwartz and David K Whitcomb
- Land Value Capitalization in Local Public Finance pp. 306-27

- David A Starrett
- Money and the Dispersion of Relative Prices pp. 328-56

- Zvi Hercowitz
- Exchange-Rate Dynamics: An Empirical Investigation pp. 357-71

- Robert Driskill
- The Family as an Incomplete Annuities Market pp. 372-91

- Laurence Kotlikoff and Avia Spivak
- An Economic Theory of Self-Control pp. 392-406

- Richard Thaler and H M Shefrin
- A Note on Loss of Control and the Optimum Size of the Firm [Supervision, Loss of Control, and the Optimum Size of the Firm] pp. 407-10

- Antonio Camacho and William D White
- Prior Information and the Observational Equivalence Problem [The Observational Equivalence of Natural and Unnatural Rate Theories of Macroeconomics] pp. 411-15

- Warren Weber
Volume 89, issue 1, 1981
- Positive Time Preference pp. 1-25

- Mancur Olson and Martin J Bailey
- Temporary Income Taxes and Consumer Spending pp. 26-53

- Alan Blinder
- Consumer Search with Uncertain Product Quality pp. 54-66

- John D Hey and Chris J McKenna
- Commodity-Choice Behavior with Pigeons as Subjects pp. 67-91

- Raymond Battalio, John Kagel, Howard Rachlin and Leonard Green
- Taste Change in the United Kingdom, 1900-1955 pp. 92-104

- Steven E Landsburg
- The Determinants of Tariff and Nontariff Trade Restrictions in the United States pp. 105-21

- Edward John Ray
- Inflation, Corporate Income Taxation, and the Demand for Capital Assets pp. 122-31

- Richard W Kopcke
- A Monetary Approach to the Crawling-Peg System: Theory and Evidence pp. 132-51

- Mario I Blejer and Leonardo Leiderman
- Does Federalism Matter? Political Choice in a Federal Republic pp. 152-65

- Susan Rose-Ackerman
- Market Provision of Price-excludable Public Goods: A General Analysis pp. 166-91

- Michael E Burns and Cliff Walsh
- Recalculating the Scientific Tariff pp. 192-95

- Bruce R Bolnick
- Discount Rate and Wealth pp. 196-98

- G S Laumas
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