Journal of Political Economy
1893 - 2025
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Volume 129, issue 12, 2021
- Child’s Gender, Young Fathers’ Crime, and Spillover Effects in Criminal Behavior pp. 3261 - 3301

- Christian Dustmann and Rasmus Landersø
- How Does Incarceration Affect Reoffending? Estimating the Dose-Response Function pp. 3302 - 3356

- Evan K. Rose and Yotam Shem-Tov
- Efficiency and Foreclosure Effects of Vertical Rebates: Empirical Evidence pp. 3357 - 3404

- Christopher T. Conlon and Julie Mortimer
- Financial Development and International Trade pp. 3405 - 3446

- Fernando Leibovici
- Forecast Hedging and Calibration pp. 3447 - 3490

- Dean P. Foster and Sergiu Hart
- Goods and Factor Market Integration: A Quantitative Assessment of the EU Enlargement pp. 3491 - 3545

- Lorenzo Caliendo, Luca David Opromolla, Fernando Parro and Alessandro Sforza
Volume 129, issue 11, 2021
- Market Structure and Competition in Airline Markets pp. 2995 - 3038

- Federico Ciliberto, Charles Murry and Elie Tamer
- Directed Technical Change as a Response to Natural Resource Scarcity pp. 3039 - 3072

- John Hassler, Per Krusell and Conny Olovsson
- The Power of Referential Advice pp. 3073 - 3140

- Steven Callander, Nicolas Lambert and Niko Matouschek
- Optimal Income Taxation: Mirrlees Meets Ramsey pp. 3141 - 3184

- Jonathan Heathcote and Hitoshi Tsujiyama
- Comparison of Decisions under Unknown Experiments pp. 3185 - 3205

- Andrew Caplin and Daniel Martin
- Coalition Formation in Legislative Bargaining pp. 3206 - 3258

- Marco Battaglini
Volume 129, issue 10, 2021
- Liquidity Rules and Credit Booms pp. 2721 - 2765

- Kinda Hachem and Zheng Song
- The Production Function for Housing: Evidence from France pp. 2766 - 2816

- Pierre-Philippe Combes, Gilles Duranton and Laurent Gobillon
- Do Environmental Markets Improve on Open Access? Evidence from California Groundwater Rights pp. 2817 - 2860

- Andrew Ayres, Kyle C. Meng and Andrew J. Plantinga
- The Transmission of Monetary Policy under the Microscope pp. 2861 - 2904

- Martin Holm, Pascal Paul and Andreas Tischbirek
- The Path to College Education: The Role of Math and Verbal Skills pp. 2905 - 2946

- Esteban Aucejo and Jonathan James
- Understanding Disparities in Punishment: Regulator Preferences and Expertise pp. 2947 - 2992

- Karam Kang and Bernardo S. Silveira
Volume 129, issue 9, 2021
- Discrimination, Managers, and Firm Performance: Evidence from “Aryanizations” in Nazi Germany pp. 2455 - 2503

- Kilian Huber, Volker Lindenthal and Fabian Waldinger
- Socioeconomic Status and Inequalities in Children’s IQ and Economic Preferences pp. 2504 - 2545

- Armin Falk, Fabian Kosse, Pia Pinger, Hannah Schildberg-Hörisch and Thomas Deckers
- Feasible Joint Posterior Beliefs pp. 2546 - 2594

- Itai Arieli, Yakov Babichenko, Fedor Sandomirskiy and Omer Tamuz
- Communication and Community Enforcement pp. 2595 - 2628

- Takuo Sugaya and Alexander Wolitzky
- Social Insurance, Information Revelation, and Lack of Commitment pp. 2629 - 2665

- Mikhail Golosov and Luigi Iovino
- Systematic Bias in the Progress of Research pp. 2666 - 2719

- Amir Rubin and Eran Rubin
Volume 129, issue 8, 2021
- Exchange Rate Disconnect in General Equilibrium pp. 2183 - 2232

- Oleg Itskhoki and Dmitry Mukhin
- The Interaction of Bankers’ Asset and Liability Management with Liquidity Concerns pp. 2233 - 2274

- Yiran Fan
- Search, Information, and Prices pp. 2275 - 2319

- Dirk Bergemann, Benjamin Brooks and Stephen Morris
- On Bunching and Identification of the Taxable Income Elasticity pp. 2320 - 2343

- Sören Blomquist, Whitney Newey, Anil Kumar and Che-Yuan Liang
- Two Blades of Grass: The Impact of the Green Revolution pp. 2344 - 2384

- Douglas Gollin, Casper Worm Hansen and Asger Wingender
- Difference-in-Differences Hedonics pp. 2385 - 2414

- Spencer Banzhaf
- An Equilibrium Model of the Market for Bitcoin Mining pp. 2415 - 2452

- Julien Prat and Benjamin Walter
Volume 129, issue 7, 2021
- Asset Pricing with Omitted Factors pp. 1947 - 1990

- Stefano Giglio and Dacheng Xiu
- On the Direction of Innovation pp. 1991 - 2022

- Hugo Hopenhayn and Francesco Squintani
- Are Bigger Banks Better? Firm-Level Evidence from Germany pp. 2023 - 2066

- Kilian Huber
- Steps of Reasoning in Children and Adolescents pp. 2067 - 2111

- Isabelle Brocas and Juan D. Carrillo
- Planning Ahead for Better Neighborhoods: Long-Run Evidence from Tanzania pp. 2112 - 2156

- Guy Michaels, Dzhamilya Nigmatulina, Ferdinand Rauch, Tanner Regan, Neeraj Baruah and Amanda Dahlstrand
- Privacy as a Public Good: A Case for Electronic Cash pp. 2157 - 2180

- Rodney Garratt and Maarten van Oordt
Volume 129, issue 6, 2021
- Dual Decision Processes: Retrieving Preferences When Some Choices Are Automatic pp. 1667 - 1704

- Francesco Cerigioni
- Hysteresis and the Welfare Effect of Corrective Policies: Theory and Evidence from an Energy-Saving Program pp. 1705 - 1743

- Francisco Costa and Francois Gerard
- Cheap Trade Credit and Competition in Downstream Markets pp. 1744 - 1796

- Mariassunta Giannetti, Nicolas Serrano-Velarde and Emanuele Tarantino
- The Impact of Temperature on Productivity and Labor Supply: Evidence from Indian Manufacturing pp. 1797 - 1827

- E. Somanathan, Rohini Somanathan, Anant Sudarshan and Meenu Tewari
- Time Will Tell: Recovering Preferences When Choices Are Noisy pp. 1828 - 1877

- Carlos Alós-Ferrer, Ernst Fehr and Nick Netzer
- Taxation under Learning by Doing pp. 1878 - 1944

- Miltiadis Makris and Alessandro Pavan
Volume 129, issue 5, 2021
- Recent Trends in US Income Distributions in Tax Record Data Using More Comprehensive Measures of Income Including Real Accrued Capital Gains pp. 1319 - 1360

- Jeff Larrimore, Richard Burkhauser, Gerald Auten and Philip Armour
- Human Capital Investments and Expectations about Career and Family pp. 1361 - 1424

- Matthew Wiswall and Basit Zafar
- How to Improve Tax Compliance? Evidence from Population-Wide Experiments in Belgium pp. 1425 - 1463

- Jan-Emmanuel De Neve, Clément Imbert, Johannes Spinnewijn, Teodora Tsankova and Maarten Luts
- An Investment-and-Marriage Model with Differential Fecundity: On the College Gender Gap pp. 1464 - 1486

- Hanzhe Zhang
- Search, Liquidity, and Retention: Screening Multidimensional Private Information pp. 1487 - 1507

- Basil Williams
- East-Side Story: Historical Pollution and Persistent Neighborhood Sorting pp. 1508 - 1552

- Stephan Heblich, Alex Trew and Yanos Zylberberg
- Impure Impact Giving: Theory and Evidence pp. 1553 - 1614

- Daniel M. Hungerman and Mark Ottoni-Wilhelm
- Exposure to Grocery Prices and Inflation Expectations pp. 1615 - 1639

- Francesco D’Acunto, Ulrike Malmendier, Juan Ospina-Tejeiro and Michael Weber
- Optimal Fiscal Policy without Commitment: Revisiting Lucas-Stokey pp. 1640 - 1665

- Davide Debortoli, Ricardo Nunes and Pierre Yared
Volume 129, issue 4, 2021
- A Market-Based Solution for Fire Sales and Other Pecuniary Externalities pp. 981 - 1010

- Weerachart Kilenthong and Robert M. Townsend
- A Theory of Auctions with Endogenous Valuations pp. 1011 - 1051

- Alex Gershkov, Benny Moldovanu, Philipp Strack and Mengxi Zhang
- The Impact of Peer Personality on Academic Achievement pp. 1052 - 1099

- Bart Golsteyn, Arjan Non and Ulf Zölitz
- Asset Classes pp. 1100 - 1156

- Nicolas Jacquet
- Securing Property Rights pp. 1157 - 1192

- Arnold Behrer, Edward L. Glaeser, Giacomo Ponzetto and Andrei Shleifer
- How Do We Choose Our Identity? A Revealed Preference Approach Using Food Consumption pp. 1193 - 1251

- David Atkin, Eve Colson-Sihra and Moses Shayo
- Upstream, Downstream: Diffusion and Impacts of the Universal Product Code pp. 1252 - 1286

- Emek Basker and Timothy Simcoe
- The Economic Structure of International Trade-in-Services Agreements pp. 1287 - 1317

- Robert W. Staiger and Alan O. Sykes
Volume 129, issue 3, 2021
- Killer Acquisitions pp. 649 - 702

- Colleen Cunningham, Florian Ederer and Song Ma
- Why Do Wealthy Parents Have Wealthy Children? pp. 703 - 756

- Andreas Fagereng, Magne Mogstad and Marte Rønning
- Intergenerational Mobility and the Timing of Parental Income pp. 757 - 788

- Pedro Carneiro, Italo Lopez Garcia, Kjell G Salvanes and Emma Tominey
- An Experimental Investigation of Price Dispersion and Cycles pp. 789 - 841

- Timothy Cason, Daniel Friedman and Ed Hopkins
- Identification of Hedonic Equilibrium and Nonseparable Simultaneous Equations pp. 842 - 870

- Victor Chernozhukov, Alfred Galichon, Marc Henry and Brendan Pass
- Granular Comparative Advantage pp. 871 - 939

- Cecile Gaubert and Oleg Itskhoki
- Supply and Demand in a Two-Sector Matching Model pp. 940 - 978

- Paweł Gola
Volume 129, issue 2, 2021
- Leisure Luxuries and the Labor Supply of Young Men pp. 337 - 382

- Mark Aguiar, Mark Bils, Kerwin Kofi Charles and Erik Hurst
- Dynamic Tournament Design: Evidence from Prediction Contests pp. 383 - 420

- Jorge Lemus and Guillermo Marshall
- Multiproduct Intermediaries pp. 421 - 464

- Andrew Rhodes, Makoto Watanabe and Jidong Zhou
- The Effects of Fluoride in Drinking Water pp. 465 - 491

- Linuz Aggeborn and Mattias Öhman
- Optimal Need-Based Financial Aid pp. 492 - 533

- Mark Colas, Sebastian Findeisen and Dominik Sachs
- Startups and Upstarts: Disadvantageous Information in R&D pp. 534 - 569

- Yu Awaya and Vijay Krishna
- Can Health Insurance Competition Work? Evidence from Medicare Advantage pp. 570 - 606

- Vilsa Curto, Liran Einav, Jonathan Levin and Jay Bhattacharya
- Taking Orders and Taking Notes: Dealer Information Sharing in Treasury Auctions pp. 607 - 645

- Nina Boyarchenko, David O. Lucca and Laura Veldkamp
- Erratum: “Unbalanced Random Matching Markets: The Stark Effect of Competition” pp. 646 - 646

- Itai Ashlagi, Yash Kanoria and Jacob D. Leshno
Volume 129, issue 1, 2021
- Heterogeneity, Measurement Error, and Misallocation: Evidence from African Agriculture pp. 1 - 80

- Douglas Gollin and Christopher Udry
- Local Distortions in Parental Beliefs over Child Skill pp. 81 - 100

- Josh Kinsler and Ronni Pavan
- Gender Differences in Recognition for Group Work pp. 101 - 147

- Heather Sarsons, Klarita Gërxhani, Ernesto Reuben and Arthur Schram
- Sequential Auctions with Synergy and Affiliation across Auctions pp. 148 - 181

- Yunmi Kong
- Curbing Shocks to Corporate Liquidity: The Role of Trade Credit pp. 182 - 242

- Niklas Amberg, Tor Jacobson, Erik von Schedvin and Robert Townsend
- People Management Skills, Employee Attrition, and Manager Rewards: An Empirical Analysis pp. 243 - 285

- Mitchell Hoffman and Steven Tadelis
- Parent-Child Information Frictions and Human Capital Investment: Evidence from a Field Experiment pp. 286 - 322

- Peter Bergman
- Pass-Through as an Economic Tool: On Exogenous Competition, Social Incidence, and Price Discrimination pp. 323 - 335

- Jeanine Miklós-Thal and Greg Shaffer
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