Journal of Political Economy
1893 - 2025
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Volume 19, issue 10, 1911
- Banking and Currency Reform pp. 809

- Franklin MacVeagh
- Some Public Aspects of the Aldrich Plan of Banking Reform pp. 819

- E. W. Kemmerer
- The Reserve Association and the Improvement of Methods of Making Payments Between the Banks pp. 831

- O. M. W. Sprague
- The Administration and Control of the Proposed Central Reserve Association pp. 841

- William A. Scott
- What is Wrong with Our Banking and Currency System? pp. 856

- John Perrin
- The Lithographers' International Protective and Beneficial Association of the United States and Canada pp. 866

- S. Edwin Earle
Volume 19, issue 9, 1911
- The Economics of John Stuart Mill pp. 717

- James Bonar
- Canada's Rejection of Reciprocity pp. 726

- O. D. Skelton
- The Transportation of Immigrants and Reception Arrangements in the Nineteenth Century pp. 732

- Thomas W. Page
- A High-School Course in Economics pp. 750

- O. L. Manchester
- The Teaching of Economics in the United States pp. 760

- L. C. Marshall, R. C. Chapin and F. R. Fairchild
Volume 19, issue 8, 1911
- "The Rising Tide of Socialism": A Study pp. 609

- Robert F. Hoxie
- Women in Industry: The Chicago Stockyards pp. 632

- Edith Abbott and S. P. Breckinridge
- The Measure of Income for Taxation pp. 655

- Truxtun Beale
- The Causes of Earlier European Immigration to the United States pp. 676

- Thomas Walker Page
- The New York Workmen's Compensation Act Decision pp. 694

- James Parker Hall
Volume 19, issue 7, 1911
- Reciprocity with Canada pp. 513

- William Howard Taft
- The International Aspects of Reciprocity pp. 527

- H. Parker Willis
- Reciprocity with Canada pp. 542

- F. W. Taussig
- Reciprocity and the Farmer pp. 550

- Edward Van Dyke Robinson
- The Proposed Agreement as Viewed by the Farmer pp. 567

- G. C. White
- Some Phases of Tax Reform in Illinois pp. 574

- F. B. Garver
Volume 19, issue 6, 1911
- Railway Regulation in Texas pp. 437

- Lewis H. Haney
- History of the State Debt of Ohio: III pp. 456

- Ernest L. Bogart
- The Labor Party and the Constitution in Australia pp. 479

- Victor S. Clark
Volume 19, issue 5, 1911
- "Costs" and Tariff Revision pp. 361

- H. Parker Willis
- History of the State Debt of Ohio: II pp. 385

- Ernest L. Bogart
- Land Grants for Internal Improvements in the United States pp. 404

- W. J. Donald
- The First Negotiations for Reciprocity in North America pp. 411

- S. Roy Weaver
- The Conference of the International Tax Association pp. 416

- Charles J. Bullock
Volume 19, issue 4, 1911
- The State Debt of Ohio: I pp. 249

- Ernest L. Bogart
- Rates of Interest and the Prices of Investment Securities: 1890-1909 pp. 269

- Wesley C. Mitchell
- The Social-Economic Classes of the Population of the United States: II pp. 309

- Isaac A. Hourwich
- Magazine Advertising and the Postal Deficit pp. 338

- Lewis H. Haney
Volume 19, issue 3, 1911
- The New York Cloakmakers' Strike pp. 153

- John Bruce McPherson
- The Social-Economic Classes of the Population of the United States: I pp. 188

- Isaac A. Hourwich
- Refunding the Foreign Debt of Honduras pp. 216

- Samuel MacClintock
- The Second National Tariff Commission Convention pp. 229

- C. C. Arbuthnot
Volume 19, issue 2, 1911
- Early Transportation on the Mississippi pp. 111

- H. E. Hoagland
- The Cleveland Invalidity Clause pp. 124

- T. L. Sidlo
- The Meaning of Social Science pp. 128

- T. N. Carver
Volume 19, issue 1, 1911
- England's Waterway Revival pp. 1

- H. G. Moulton
Volume 18, issue 10, 1910
- Banknotes and Lending Power pp. 777

- J. Laurence Laughlin
- Making a Tariff Law pp. 793

- Samuel M. Evans
- The Shirtwaist Trade pp. 816

- Pearl Goodman and Elsa Ueland
Volume 18, issue 9, 1910
- The World Entrepot pp. 697

- J. Russell Smith
- The Economics of Henry George's "Progress and Poverty" pp. 714

- Edgar H. Johnson
- The Forth and Clyde Ship Canal pp. 736

- H. G. Moulton
Volume 18, issue 8, 1910
- Shall Railway Profits be Limited? pp. 593

- Samuel O. Dunn
- The Income Tax in Georgia pp. 610

- William A. Shelton
- Census Statistics on Employment of Children in Manufactures pp. 628

- Frank B. Sargent
- The International Tax Association pp. 634

- Royal Meeker
Volume 18, issue 7, 1910
- The Prices of Preferred and Common Stocks: 1890-1909 pp. 513

- Wesley C. Mitchell
- The Economic Investigations of the United States Immigration Commission pp. 525

- W. Jett Lauck
Volume 18, issue 6, 1910
- This Year's Experience at Harvard pp. 429

- T. N. Carver
- Economics for Children pp. 432

- John B. Clark
- Teaching of Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology pp. 434

- Davis R. Dewey
- Suggestions to Teachers of General Economics pp. 437

- Richard T. Ely
- The General Course a Citizenship Course pp. 440

- David Kinley
- Elementary Economics for College Freshmen pp. 444

- Scott Nearing
- The Experience at Columbia pp. 447

- Edwin R. A. Seligman
- The Manchester Ship Canal pp. 449

- H. G. Moulton
- The Illinois Ten-Hour Law pp. 465

- S. P. Breckinridge
Volume 18, issue 5, 1910
- The Prices of American Stocks: 1890-1909 pp. 345

- Wesley C. Mitchell
- The Illinois Water-Power Scheme pp. 381

- H. G. Moulton
- Consolidation of Public Utilities in Ohio pp. 388

- T. L. Sidlo
- Political Consistency and the Cost of Living pp. 392

- W. Jett Lauck
Volume 18, issue 4, 1910
- The Futility of Marginal Utility pp. 253

- E. H. Downey
- Pioneer Industry in the West pp. 269

- Isaac Lippincott
- Food Prices and the Cost of Living pp. 294

- J. D. Magee
Volume 18, issue 3, 1910
- The Tariff of 1909: III pp. 173

- H. Parker Willis
- The Rationality of Economic Activity pp. 197

- Wesley C. Mitchell
- The Capitalization Process pp. 217

- D. R. Scott
Volume 18, issue 2, 1910
- Industry Among the French in the Illinois Country pp. 114

- I. Lippincott
- Labor Unions and the Anti-Trust Law: A Review of Decisions pp. 129

- C. J. Primm
Volume 18, issue 1, 1910
- The Tariff of 1909 pp. 1

- H. Parker Willis
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