Journal of Political Economy
1893 - 2025
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Volume 92, issue 6, 1984
- The Evolution of the Labor Market for Medical Interns and Residents: A Case Study in Game Theory pp. 991-1016

- Alvin Roth
- On Interindustry Differences in Absolute Productivity pp. 1017-34

- William Baumol and Edward Wolff
- Price Leadership and Dynamic Aspects of Oligopoly in U.S. Manufacturing pp. 1035-48

- Micha Gisser
- The New Divisia Monetary Aggregates pp. 1049-85

- William Barnett, Edward K Offenbacher and Paul A Spindt
- Job Matching and Occupational Choice pp. 1086-120

- Robert A Miller
- Tenancy Choice in a Competitive Framework with Transactions Costs pp. 1121-33

- Lee Alston, Samar K Datta and Jeffrey Nugent
- Unionization and Profitability: Evidence from the Capital Market pp. 1134-57

- Richard S Ruback and Martin B Zimmerman
- A Note on Extraction with Nonconvex Costs [On the Nonexistence of Market Equilibria in Exhaustible Resource Markets with Decreasing Costs] pp. 1158-67

- Sheldon Kimmel
- Competitive Equilibria in Exhaustible Resource Markets with Decreasing Costs: A Comment on Eswaran, Lewis, and Heaps's Demonstration of Nonexistence pp. 1168-74

- Gene E Mumy
Volume 92, issue 5, 1984
- Violations of the Gold Points, 1890-1908 pp. 791-823

- Truman A Clark
- An Equilibrium Model of Search Unemployment pp. 824-40

- James Albrecht and Bo Axell
- The Effect of the Discount Rate on Depletion of Exhaustible Resources pp. 841-51

- Y. Hossein Farzin
- An Estimable Dynamic Stochastic Model of Fertility and Child Mortality pp. 852-74

- Kenneth I Wolpin
- Cross-Regime Evidence of Macroeconomic Rationality pp. 875-908

- Roger Kormendi and Philip Meguire
- On Success and Dissolution of the Labor-Managed Firm in the Capitalist Economy pp. 909-31

- Hajime Miyazaki
- Regulation and Industrial Organization pp. 932-53

- Andrew Daughety
- On Measuring Natural Resource Scarcity pp. 954-64

- Robert Halvorsen and Tim R Smith
- New Products and the Factor Content of International Trade pp. 965-71

- Richard Brecher and Ehsan Choudhri
- Angell and the Stable Money Rule pp. 972-78

- Joong-Koon Lee and Donald C Wellington
- Aggregation and the Factoral Content of Trade: Comment pp. 979-84

- Richard Gift and William Marxsen
Volume 92, issue 4, 1984
- Harry Johnson's Contributions to International Trade Theory pp. 567-91

- Warner Corden
- Harry Johnson as a Macroeconomist pp. 592-615

- David Laidler
- Harry G. Johnson as a Development Economist pp. 616-41

- Arnold C Harberger and David Wall
- Harry Johnson as a Social Scientist pp. 642-58

- Richard E Caves
- Harry G. Johnson: A Bibliography pp. 659-711

- Vicky M Longawa
- Schooling, Search, and Spouse Selection: Testing Economic Theories of Marriage and Household Behavior pp. 712-32

- Bryan Boulier and Mark Rosenzweig
- Entry, Industry Growth, and the Microdynamics of Industry Supply pp. 733-57

- John C Hause and Gunnar Du Rietz
- Job Matching with Finite Horizon and Risk Aversion pp. 758-79

- Milton Harris and Yoram Weiss
Volume 92, issue 3, 1984
- The Informational Efficiency of Experimental Asset Markets pp. 349-408

- Daniel Friedman, Glenn Harrison and Jon W Salmon
- Futures Markets and Production Decisions pp. 409-26

- Alan Marcus and David M Modest
- Advertising as a Signal pp. 427-50

- Richard E Kihlstrom and Michael Riordan
- A Simple Theory of International Trade with Multinational Corporations pp. 451-71

- Elhanan Helpman
- Restrictions on Price Advertising pp. 472-85

- Michael Peters
- Work Incentives, Hierarchy, and Internal Labor Markets pp. 486-507

- James Malcomson
- Sraffa, Labor Theories of Value, and the Economics of Real Wage Rate Determination pp. 508-26

- Edwin Burmeister
- Bequests and the Size of Population When Population Is Endogenous pp. 527-31

- Marc Nerlove, Assaf Razin and Efraim Sadka
- The Decline in Male Labor Force Participation: Comment pp. 532-41

- Robert H Haveman and Barbara Wolfe
- Disability Insurance and Male Labor Force Participation: A Response pp. 542-49

- Donald Parsons
Volume 92, issue 2, 1984
- The Trade-Off between Equality and Efficiency pp. 175-203

- Edgar Browning and William Johnson
- The Effects on Output of Money Growth and Interest Rate Volatility in the United States pp. 204-22

- Paul Evans
- Crime on the Court pp. 223-35

- Robert McCormick and Robert Tollison
- The Effects of Increased Copyright Protection: An Analytic Approach pp. 236-46

- Ian E Novos and Michael Waldman
- Conversion to a Consumption Tax: The Transition in a Life-Cycle Growth Model pp. 247-67

- Laurence S Seidman
- Aggregate Information and the Role of Monetary Policy in an Open Economy pp. 268-85

- Kent P Kimbrough
- International Capital Movements under Uncertainty pp. 286-306

- Gene Grossman and Assaf Razin
- Are Economic Time Series Asymmetric over the Business Cycle? pp. 307-28

- Salih Neftci
- The Incidence of a Tax on Pure Rent: The Old Reason for the Old Answer pp. 329-33

- George Fane
Volume 92, issue 1, 1984
- A Rational Expectations Model of Agricultural Supply pp. 1-19

- Zvi Eckstein
- The Taxation of Risky Assets pp. 20-39

- Jeremy I Bulow and Lawrence H Summers
- A Monetary Equilibrium Model with Transactions Costs pp. 40-58

- Julio Rotemberg
- Earnings Inequality among Males in the United States: Trends and the Effect of Labor Force Growth pp. 59-89

- Martin Dooley and Peter Gottschalk
- Gold Monetization and Gold Discipline pp. 90-107

- Robert Flood and Peter Garber
- Matching, Turnover, and Unemployment pp. 108-22

- Boyan Jovanovic
- Are Bond-Financed Deficits Inflationary? A Ricardian Analysis pp. 123-35

- Bennett McCallum
- A Positive Model of Private Charity and Public Transfers pp. 136-48

- Russell D Roberts
- Misconceptions about the Real-Bills Doctrine: A Comment [The Real-Bills Doctrine versus the Quantity Theory: A Reconsideration] pp. 149-55

- David Laidler
- Inferior Forecasters, Cycles, and the Efficient-Markets Hypothesis: A Comment [Market 'Efficiency' in a Market with Heterogeneous Information] pp. 156-61

- Hersh M Shefrin
- Efficient Asset Portfolios and the Theory of Normal Backwardation: A Comment pp. 162-64

- Alan Marcus
- Financial Futures Markets and Tabular Standards pp. 165-67

- Milton Friedman
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