Journal of Political Economy
1893 - 2025
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Volume 98, issue 6, 1990
- Property Rights and the Nature of the Firm pp. 1119-58

- Oliver Hart and John Moore
- The Crime of 1873 pp. 1159-94

- Milton Friedman
- Campaign Contributions as Investments: The U.S. House of Representatives, 1980-1986 pp. 1195-1227

- Snyder, James M,
- Collectivization and China's Agricultural Crisis in 1959-1961 pp. 1228-52

- Justin Lin
- Do Smokers Underestimate Risks? pp. 1253-69

- W Viscusi
- Vacancy, Search, and Prices in a Housing Market Matching Model pp. 1270-92

- William C Wheaton
- Marginal Cost Pricing When Spot Markets Are Complete pp. 1293-1306

- Benjamin Eden
- Do Tournaments Have Incentive Effects? pp. 1307-24

- Ronald Ehrenberg and Michael Bognanno
- Experimental Tests of the Endowment Effect and the Coase Theorem pp. 1325-48

- Daniel Kahneman, Jack Knetsch and Richard Thaler
Volume 98, issue 5, 1990
- The Problem of Development: Introduction pp. S1-11

- Isaac Erlich
- Human Capital, Fertility, and Economic Growth pp. S12-37

- Gary Becker, Kevin Murphy and Robert Tamura
- Population Growth and Human Capital Investments: Theory and Evidence pp. S38-70

- Mark Rosenzweig
- Endogenous Technological Change pp. S71-102

- Paul Romer
- Government Spending in a Simple Model of Endogenous Growth pp. S103-26

- Robert Barro
- Public Policy and Economic Growth: Developing Neoclassical Implications pp. S126-50

- Robert King and Sergio Rebelo
- Tax Reform and U.S. Economic Growth pp. S151-93

- Dale Jorgenson and Kun-Young Yun
- Entrepreneurship: Productive, Unproductive, and Destructive pp. 893-921

- William Baumol
- Sleep and the Allocation of Time pp. 922-43

- Jeff Biddle and Daniel S Hamermesh
- Profitability and Product Quality: Economic Determinants of Airline Safety Performance pp. 944-64

- Nancy Rose
- Economic Development and the Division of Production between Households and Markets pp. 965-82

- Luis Locay
- Unobservables, Pregnancy Resolutions, and Birth Weight Production Functions in New York City pp. 983-1007

- Michael Grossman and Ted Joyce
- A Convex Model of Equilibrium Growth: Theory and Policy Implications pp. 1008-38

- Larry Jones and Rodolfo Manuelli
- Money Demand and the Stock Market in a General Equilibrium Model with Variable Velocity pp. 1039-53

- Glenn Boyle
- Compensating Differentials for Shift Work pp. 1054-75

- Peter F Kostiuk
- Financial Development, Growth, and the Distribution of Income pp. 1076-1107

- Jeremy Greenwood and Boyan Jovanovic
- Shark Repellents and Managerial Myopia: An Empirical Test pp. 1108-17

- Lisa K Meulbroek, Mark Mitchell, J Harold Mulherin, Jeffry M Netter and Annette B Poulsen
Volume 98, issue 4, 1990
- Fundamental Stocks of Knowledge and Productivity Growth pp. 673-702

- James Adams
- Noise Trader Risk in Financial Markets pp. 703-38

- J Bradford De Long, Andrei Shleifer, Lawrence H. Summers and Robert Waldmann
- The "Wizard of Oz" as a Monetary Allegory pp. 739-60

- Hugh Rockoff
- A Model of the Demand for Longevity and the Value of Life Extension pp. 761-82

- Isaac Ehrlich and Hiroyuki Chuma
- Sustainable Plans pp. 783-802

- Varadarajan Chari and Patrick Kehoe
- Decentralization, Duplication, and Delay pp. 803-26

- Patrick Bolton and Joseph Farrell
- An Estimate of a Sectoral Model of Labor Mobility pp. 827-52

- Boyan Jovanovic and Robert Moffitt
- Social Cost of Environmental Quality Regulations: A General Equilibrium Analysis pp. 853-73

- Michael Hazilla and Raymond Kopp
- An Examination of Market Efficiency in British Racetrack Betting pp. 874-85

- Paul E Gabriel and James R Marsden
Volume 98, issue 3, 1990
- Permanent and Transitory Movements in Labor Income: An Explanation for "Excess Smoothness" in Consumption pp. 449-75

- Danny Quah
- Advertising and Entry: The Case of Physician Services pp. 476-500

- John Rizzo and Richard Zeckhauser
- International Evidence on the Size of the Random Walk in Output pp. 501-18

- Timothy Cogley
- Habit Formation: A Resolution of the Equity Premium Puzzle pp. 519-43

- George Constantinides
- Compensation and Productive Efficiency of Partnerships: Evidence from Medical Group Practice pp. 544-73

- Martin Gaynor and Mark V Pauly
- Liability and Large-Scale, Long-term Hazards pp. 574-95

- Al H Ringleb and Steven N Wiggins
- A Nonparametric Investigation of Duration Dependence in the American Business Cycle pp. 596-616

- Francis Diebold and Glenn Rudebusch
- International Coordination of Fiscal Policy in Limiting Economies pp. 617-36

- Varadarajan Chari and Patrick Kehoe
- Job Search Outcomes for the Employed and Unemployed pp. 637-55

- David Blau and Philip Robins
- Cold Houses and Warm Climates Revisited: On Keeping Warm in Chicago, or Paradox Lost: Comment pp. 656-63

- Donald Dewees and Thomas A Wilson
Volume 98, issue 2, 1990
- Performance Pay and Top-Management Incentives pp. 225-64

- Michael Jensen and Kevin Murphy
- A Theory of Entrepreneurship and Its Application to the Study of Business Transfers pp. 265-94

- Thomas J Holmes and Schmitz, James A,
- Share Tendering Strategies and the Success of Hostile Takeover Bids pp. 295-324

- David Hirshleifer and Sheridan Titman
- Factor Market Search and the Structure of Simple General Equilibrium Models pp. 325-55

- Arthur J Hosios
- Unemployment, the Market for Interviews, and Wage Employment pp. 356-71

- Michael Sattinger
- Do Bad Bidders Become Good Targets? pp. 372-98

- Mark Mitchell and Kenneth Lehn
- Two-Sex Demographic Models pp. 399-420

- Robert Pollak
- Alternative Common-Value Auction Procedures: Revenue Comparisons with Free Entry pp. 421-29

- Ronald Harstad
- The "Oral Tradition" at Chicago in the 1930s: Confirmations and Contradictions pp. 430-32

- Frank G Steindl
- Invariant Valuation When Tax Rates Change over Time: Confirmations and Contradictions pp. 433-37

- Andrew Lyon
Volume 98, issue 1, 1990
- Economic Exchange during Hyperinflation pp. 1-27

- Alessandra Casella and Jonathan Feinstein
- The Incidence of Sanctions against Employers of Illegal Aliens pp. 28-44

- John K Hill and James E Pearce
- Occupational Matching: A Test of Sorts pp. 45-69

- Brian McCall
- The Efficient Market Hypothesis and Insider Trading on the Stock Market pp. 70-93

- Jean-Jacques Laffont and Eric Maskin
- Why Are Vickrey Auctions Rare? pp. 94-109

- Michael H Rothkopf, Thomas J Teisberg and Edward P Kahn
- Equilibrium and Inefficiency in a Community Model with Peer Group Effects pp. 110-33

- Charles de Bartolome
- The Implementation Process of Comparable Worth: Winners and Losers pp. 134-52

- Peter Orazem and J Peter Mattila
- The Rational Nonpurchase of Long-term-Care Insurance pp. 153-68

- Mark V Pauly
- A Theory of Career Mobility pp. 169-92

- Nachum Sicherman and Oded Galor
- Tax Changes and Phase Diagrams for an Overlapping Generations Model pp. 193-220

- John Laitner
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