Journal of Political Economy
1893 - 2025
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Volume 45, issue 6, 1937
- The Federal Reserve System's Monetary Policy in 1931 and 1932 pp. 721

- Henry Hilgard Villard
- Some Thoughts on Marginal Productivity, with Special Reference to Professor Douglas' Analysis pp. 740

- David Durand
- Agrarian Collectivism in the Soviet Union: II pp. 759

- Lazar Volin
- Acitivity of Mutual-Savings-Bank Deposits pp. 789

- W. H. Steiner
- Protective Duties, Tributes, and Terms of Trade pp. 804

- G. A. Elliott
- "Gold-Parity Depression in Norway and Denmark:" A Discussion pp. 808

- C. Lawrence Christenson
- "Gold-Parity Depression in Norway and Denmark": A Rejoinder pp. 810

- Richard A. Lester
- "Gold-Parity Depression in Norway and Denmark": A Reply to a Rejoinder pp. 813

- C. Lawrence Christenson
- The Productivity of Labor in Great Britain: A Further Note pp. 815

- Witt Bowden
- A Comment Concerning "The New Plea for Basing-Point Monopoly" pp. 817

- Ralph J. Watkins
Volume 45, issue 5, 1937
- The New Plea for Basing-Point Monopoly pp. 577

- Frank Albert Fetter
- Agrarian Collectivism in the Soviet Union: I pp. 606

- Lazar Volin
- Labor's Changing Political Line pp. 634

- Philip Taft
- The Nature and Meaning of Rigid Prices, 1890-1933 pp. 651

- Don D. Humphrey
- The Organization of Industry and the Theory of Prices pp. 662

- Arthur Robert Burns
- The Effect of the Social Security Act on the Life Insurance Needs of Labor pp. 681

- R. J. Myers
Volume 45, issue 4, 1937
- The Gold-Parity Depression in Norway and Denmark, 1925-28 pp. 433

- Richard A. Lester
- The Work of the Federal Housing Administration pp. 466

- Arthur M. Weimer
- The French Franc, June, 1928--February, 1937 pp. 484

- William H. Wynne
- Reserve Bank Directors pp. 517

- Karl R. Bopp
Volume 45, issue 3, 1937
- The General Dynamics of Money pp. 289

- James W. Angell
- The Productivity of Labor in Great Britain pp. 347

- Witt Bowden
- Heckscher on Mercantilism pp. 370

- Herbert Heaton
- Orderly Marketing in Agriculture pp. 394

- Samuel Herman
Volume 45, issue 2, 1937
- Some Notes on Duopoly and Spatial Competition pp. 145

- A. P. Lerner and H. W. Singer
- Venetian Bankers, 1496-1533: A Study in the Early Stages of Deposit Banking pp. 187

- Frederic C. Lane
- The New Industrialism in Latin America pp. 207

- George Wythe
- The Economics of Carl Menger pp. 229

- George J. Stigler
Volume 45, issue 1, 1937
- Old Age Security in the Social Security Act pp. 1

- Edwin E. Witte
Volume 44, issue 6, 1936
- Wage Subsidies as a Remedy for Unemployment pp. 721

- Nicholas Kaldor
- French Population Theory Since 1800: II pp. 743

- Joseph J. Spengler
- Mr. Keynes on the Rate of Interest and the Marginal Efficiency of Capital pp. 767

- P. T. Ellsworth
- Orthodox Economic Theory: A Defense pp. 791

- J. A. Estey
- Organizational and Procedural Changes in Employee Representation Plans pp. 803

- David J. Saposs
Volume 44, issue 5, 1936
- French Population Theory Since 1800: I pp. 577

- Joseph J. Spengler
- The Quantity of Capital and the Rate of Interest: II pp. 612

- Frank H. Knight
- A Comparison of Industrial Growth in France and England from 1540 to 1640: III pp. 643

- John U. Nef
- Mr. Keynes on Underemployment Equilibrium pp. 667

- Alvin H. Hansen
- An Index of Working Class Purchasing Power for Great Britain, 1929-35 pp. 687

- P. Sargant Florence
- Note on Factors Affecting Our Monetary Supply pp. 691

- Ira B. Cross
Volume 44, issue 4, 1936
- The Quantity of Capital and the Rate of Interest: I pp. 433

- Frank H. Knight
- The Motor Carrier Act of 1935 pp. 464

- James C. Nelson
- A Comparison of Industrial Growth in France and England from 1540 to 1640 pp. 505

- John U. Nef
- The Gold Certificate pp. 534

- Edward C. Simmons
- Some Aspects of the Double-Taxation Problem pp. 544

- Carl F. Wehrwein
- Stackelberg on Monopolistic Competition pp. 554

- Wassily Leontief
Volume 44, issue 3, 1936
- A Comparison of Industrial Growth in France and England From 1540 to 1640 pp. 289

- John U. Nef
- Socialism, Planning, and the Business Cycle pp. 318

- Wilhelm Ropke
- The Variable Reserve Ratio pp. 339

- Leonard L. Watkins
- The Organization of Farm Laborers in Germany pp. 374

- William T. Ham
- Note on the Progress of Iron Production in England, 1540-1640 pp. 398

- John U. Nef
Volume 44, issue 2, 1936
- The Zloty, 1924-35 pp. 145

- Lawrence Smith
- Free Banks and Corporations: The New York Free Banking Act of 1838 pp. 184

- Bray Hammond
- Metal Resources and Their Conservation pp. 210

- Robert K. Warner
- Immigration to New England, 1680-1740 pp. 225

- Clifford K. Shipton
- The Argentine Grain Board pp. 240

- Simon G. Hanson
Volume 44, issue 1, 1936
- Rules versus Authorities in Monetary Policy pp. 1

- Henry C. Simons
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