Journal of Political Economy
1893 - 2025
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Volume 133, issue 4, 2025
- How the Wealth Was Won: Factor Shares as Market Fundamentals pp. 1083 - 1132

- Daniel L. Greenwald, Martin Lettau and Sydney C. Ludvigson
- Dynamic Gains from Trade Agreements with Intellectual Property Provisions pp. 1133 - 1168

- Ana Maria Santacreu
- Labor Market Returns to Personality: A Job Search Approach to Understanding Gender Gaps pp. 1169 - 1234

- Christopher J. Flinn, Petra E. Todd and Weilong Zhang
- Interest Rate Cuts versus Stimulus Payments: An Equivalence Result pp. 1235 - 1275

- Christian K. Wolf
- There’s More to Marriage Than Love: The Effect of Legal Status and Cultural Distance on Intermarriages and Separations pp. 1276 - 1333

- Jérôme Adda, Paolo Pinotti and Giulia Tura
- Persuasion and Matching: Optimal Productive Transport pp. 1334 - 1381

- Anton Kolotilin, Roberto Corrao and Alexander Wolitzky
- The Incredible Taylor Principle: A Comment pp. 1382 - 1399

- Pablo Andrés Neumeyer and Juan Pablo Nicolini
Volume 133, issue 3, 2025
- Trade Policy Dynamics: Evidence from 60 Years of US-China Trade pp. 713 - 749

- George Alessandria, Shafaat Yar Khan, Armen Khederlarian, Kim J. Ruhl and Joseph Steinberg
- Why Do Couples and Singles Save during Retirement? Household Heterogeneity and Its Aggregate Implications pp. 750 - 792

- Mariacristina De Nardi, Eric French, John Jones and Rory McGee
- Scooped! Estimating Rewards for Priority in Science pp. 793 - 845

- Ryan Hill and Carolyn Stein
- Estimating the Technology of Children’s Skill Formation pp. 846 - 887

- Francesco Agostinelli and Matthew Wiswall
- Financial Product Design in Decentralized Markets pp. 888 - 934

- Marzena Rostek and Ji Hee Yoon
- Dissecting Mechanisms of Financial Crises: Intermediation and Sentiment pp. 935 - 985

- Arvind Krishnamurthy and Wenhao Li
- Organizing Modular Production pp. 986 - 1046

- Niko Matouschek, Michael Powell and Bryony Reich
- The Effect of Gender Discrimination on Labor Supply pp. 1047 - 1081

- Nickolas Gagnon, Kristof Bosmans and Arno Riedl
Volume 133, issue 2, 2025
- Borda’s Rule and Arrow’s Independence Condition pp. 385 - 420

- Eric Maskin
- Sorting with Teams pp. 421 - 454

- Job Boerma, Aleh Tsyvinski and Alexander P. Zimin
- Enhancing Human Capital in Children: A Case Study on Scaling pp. 455 - 491

- Francesco Agostinelli, Ciro Avitabile and Matteo Bobba
- The Impact of Working-Memory Training on Children’s Cognitive and Noncognitive Skills pp. 492 - 521

- Eva M. Berger, Ernst Fehr, Henning Hermes, Daniel Schunk and Kirsten Winkel
- Contiguous Search: Exploration and Ambition on Uncharted Terrain pp. 522 - 567

- Can Urgun and Leeat Yariv
- Are Tax Cuts Contractionary at the Zero Lower Bound? Evidence from a Century of Data pp. 568 - 603

- James Cloyne, Nicholas Dimsdale and Patrick Hürtgen
- Targeting Precision Medicine: Evidence from Prenatal Screening pp. 604 - 651

- Peter Conner, Liran Einav, Amy Finkelstein and Petra Persson
- Insider Imitation pp. 652 - 709

- Erik Madsen and Nikhil Vellodi
Volume 133, issue 1, 2025
- Long-Term Care Insurance and the Family pp. 1 - 52

- Corina Mommaerts
- College Attrition and the Dynamics of Information Revelation pp. 53 - 110

- Peter Arcidiacono, Esteban Aucejo, Arnaud Maurel and Tyler Ransom
- Bubble Necessity Theorem pp. 111 - 145

- Tomohiro Hirano and Alexis Akira Toda
- Endogenous Liquidity and Capital Reallocation pp. 146 - 189

- Wei Cui, Randall Wright and Yu Zhu
- Disequilibrium Play in Tennis pp. 190 - 251

- Axel Anderson, Jeremy Rosen, John Rust and Kin-Ping Wong
- The Value of Information in Competitive Markets: Evidence from Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises pp. 252 - 305

- Jose Enrique Galdon-Sanchez, Ricard Gil and Guillermo Uriz-Uharte
- Mobility for All: Representative Intergenerational Mobility Estimates over the Twentieth Century pp. 306 - 354

- Elisa Jácome, Ilyana Kuziemko and Suresh Naidu
- Occupational Choice, Matching, and Earnings Inequality pp. 355 - 383

- Eric Mak and Aloysius Siow
Volume 132, issue 12, 2024
- The Bank of Amsterdam and the Limits of Fiat Money pp. 3919 - 3941

- Wilko Bolt, Jon Frost, Hyun Song Shin and Peter Wierts
- Detecting Drivers of Behavior at an Early Age: Evidence from a Longitudinal Field Experiment pp. 3942 - 3977

- Marco Castillo, John List, Ragan Petrie and Anya Samek
- Selective-Memory Equilibrium pp. 3978 - 4020

- Drew Fudenberg, Giacomo Lanzani and Philipp Strack
- Heterogeneity and Aggregate Fluctuations pp. 4021 - 4067

- Minsu Chang, Xiaohong Chen and Frank Schorfheide
- The Intertemporal Keynesian Cross pp. 4068 - 4121

- Adrien Auclert, Matthew Rognlie and Ludwig Straub
- (Near-)Substitute Preferences and Equilibria with Indivisibilities pp. 4122 - 4154

- Thanh Nguyen and Rakesh Vohra
- The Impact of Divorce Laws on the Equilibrium in the Marriage Market pp. 4155 - 4204

- Ana Reynoso
- Not a Flying Start after All? A Comment pp. 4205 - 4212

- Otto Sevaldson Lillebø, Simen Markussen, Knut Røed and Yuejun Zhao
- Still Flying: Reply to “Not a Flying Start after All?” by Lillebø et al pp. 4213 - 4222

- Pedro Carneiro, Katrine Løken and Kjell G Salvanes
Volume 132, issue 11, 2024
- Growth Off the Rails: Aggregate Productivity Growth in Distorted Economies pp. 3547 - 3602

- Richard Hornbeck and Martin Rotemberg
- Safe Assets pp. 3603 - 3657

- Markus K. Brunnermeier, Sebastian Merkel and Yuliy Sannikov
- Private Monopoly and Restricted Entry—Evidence from the Notary Profession pp. 3658 - 3707

- Frank Verboven and Biliana Yontcheva
- Efficient Allocation of Indivisible Goods in Pseudomarkets with Constraints pp. 3708 - 3736

- Faruk Gul, Wolfgang Pesendorfer and Mu Zhang
- Inferring Trade-Offs in University Admissions: Evidence from Cambridge pp. 3737 - 3784

- Debopam Bhattacharya and Julia Shvets
- Cadasters and Economic Growth: A Long-Run Cross-Country Panel pp. 3785 - 3826

- Michelle D’Arcy, Marina Nistotskaya and Ola Olsson
- Regulation of Organ Transplantation and Procurement: A Market-Design Lab Experiment pp. 3827 - 3866

- Alex Chan and Alvin Roth
- The Network Origins of Entry pp. 3867 - 3916

- Arthur Campbell, Philip Ushchev and Yves Zenou
Volume 132, issue 10, 2024
- Technology Adoption and Productivity Growth: Evidence from Industrialization in France pp. 3215 - 3259

- Réka Juhász, Mara P. Squicciarini and Nico Voigtländer
- Big G pp. 3260 - 3297

- Lydia Cox, Gernot Müller, Ernesto Pasten, Raphael Schoenle and Michael Weber
- Funding of Clinical Trials and Reported Drug Efficacy pp. 3298 - 3333

- Tamar Oostrom
- Learning about the Long Run pp. 3334 - 3377

- Leland E. Farmer, Emi Nakamura and Jón Steinsson
- Strategic Inattention, Inflation Dynamics, and the Nonneutrality of Money pp. 3378 - 3420

- Hassan Afrouzi
- Reputation Effects under Short Memories pp. 3421 - 3460

- Harry Pei
- Prices and Policies in Opioid Markets pp. 3461 - 3499

- Casey B. Mulligan
- Intergenerational Insurance pp. 3500 - 3544

- Francesco Lancia, Alessia Russo and Timothy Worrall
Volume 132, issue 9, 2024
- Organizing for Collective Action: Olson Revisited pp. 2881 - 2936

- Marco Battaglini and Thomas R. Palfrey
- Out of the Darkness and into the Light? Development Effects of Rural Electrification pp. 2937 - 2971

- Fiona Burlig and Louis Preonas
- Is Money Essential? An Experimental Approach pp. 2972 - 2998

- Janet Hua Jiang, Peter Norman, Daniela Puzzello, Bruno Sultanum and Randall Wright
- Clubs and Networks in Economics Reviewing pp. 2999 - 3024

- Scott Carrell, David Figlio and Lester Lusher
- Can the Unemployed Borrow? Implications for Public Insurance pp. 3025 - 3076

- J. Carter Braxton, Kyle Herkenhoff and Gordon M. Phillips
- Strength in Numbers? Gender Composition, Leadership, and Women’s Influence in Teams pp. 3077 - 3114

- Christopher F. Karpowitz, Stephen D. O’Connell, Jessica Preece and Olga Stoddard
- Unbundling Quantitative Easing: Taking a Cue from Treasury Auctions pp. 3115 - 3172

- Walker Ray, Michael Droste and Yuriy Gorodnichenko
- Misfortune and Mistake: The Financial Conditions and Decision-Making Ability of High-Cost Loan Borrowers pp. 3173 - 3213

- Leandro Carvalho, Arna Olafsson and Dan Silverman
Volume 132, issue 8, 2024
- Interpreting Trends in Intergenerational Mobility pp. 2531 - 2570

- Martin Nybom and Jan Stuhler
- Expectations, Infections, and Economic Activity pp. 2571 - 2611

- Martin Eichenbaum, Miguel Godinho de Matos, Francisco Lima, Sergio Rebelo and Mathias Trabandt
- A Ramsey Theory of Financial Distortions pp. 2612 - 2654

- Marco Bassetto and Wei Cui
- The Morality of Markets pp. 2655 - 2694

- Mathias Dewatripont and Jean Tirole
- The Effect of Incentives in Nonroutine Analytical Team Tasks pp. 2695 - 2747

- Florian Englmaier, Stefan Grimm, Dominik Grothe, David Schindler and Simeon Schudy
- Bottlenecks for Evidence Adoption pp. 2748 - 2789

- Stefano DellaVigna, Woojin Kim and Elizabeth Linos
- Consensus and Disagreement: Information Aggregation under (Not So) Naive Learning pp. 2790 - 2829

- Abhijit Banerjee and Olivier Compte
- The Effects of Combat Deployments on Veterans’ Outcomes pp. 2830 - 2879

- Jesse Bruhn, Kyle Greenberg, Matthew Gudgeon, Evan K. Rose and Yotam Shem-Tov
Volume 132, issue 7, 2024
- Income Inequality in the United States: Using Tax Data to Measure Long-Term Trends pp. 2179 - 2227

- Gerald Auten and David Splinter
- Credible Persuasion pp. 2228 - 2273

- Xiao Lin and Ce Liu
- Granular Instrumental Variables pp. 2274 - 2303

- Xavier Gabaix and Ralph S. J. Koijen
- Preschool Quality and Child Development pp. 2304 - 2345

- Alison Andrew, Orazio P. Attanasio, Raquel Bernal, Lina Cardona Sosa, Sonya Krutikova and Marta Rubio-Codina
- Aftermarket Frictions and the Cost of Off-Platform Options in Centralized Assignment Mechanisms pp. 2346 - 2395

- Adam Kapor, Mohit Karnani and Christopher Neilson
- Credit Markets, Property Rights, and the Commons pp. 2396 - 2450

- Frederik Noack and Christopher Costello
- Persuasion and Welfare pp. 2451 - 2487

- Laura Doval and Alex Smolin
- Tax Evasion and Capital Taxation pp. 2488 - 2529

- Shahar Rotberg and Joseph Steinberg
Volume 132, issue 6, 2024
- Are Older People Aware of Their Cognitive Decline? Misperception and Financial Decision-Making pp. 1793 - 1830

- Fabrizio Mazzonna and Franco Peracchi
- Redistributive Allocation Mechanisms pp. 1831 - 1875

- Mohammad Akbarpour, Piotr Dworczak and Scott Duke Kominers
- Unobserved Inputs in Household Production pp. 1876 - 1896

- Sergey Mityakov and Thomas A. Mroz
- The Microgeography of Housing Supply pp. 1897 - 1946

- Nathaniel Baum-Snow and Lu Han
- The Value of Arbitrage pp. 1947 - 1993

- Eduardo Davila, Daniel Graves and Cecilia Parlatore
- Careers in Firms: The Role of Learning about Ability and Human Capital Acquisition pp. 1994 - 2073

- Elena Pastorino
- Foreign Debt, Capital Controls, and Secondary Markets: Theory and Evidence from Nazi Germany pp. 2074 - 2112

- Andrea Papadia and Claudio A. Schioppa
- Childcare Markets, Parental Labor Supply, and Child Development pp. 2113 - 2177

- Samuel Berlinski, Maria Marta Ferreyra, Luca Flabbi and Juan David Martin
Volume 132, issue 5, 2024
- Financial Innovation in the Twenty-First Century: Evidence from US Patents pp. 1391 - 1449

- Josh Lerner, Amit Seru, Nicholas Short and Yuan Sun
- Belief Overreaction and Stock Market Puzzles pp. 1450 - 1484

- Pedro Bordalo, Nicola Gennaioli, Rafael La Porta and Andrei Shleifer
- On the Joint Evolution of Culture and Political Institutions: Elites and Civil Society pp. 1485 - 1564

- Alberto Bisin and Thierry Verdier
- Augmenting State Capacity for Child Development: Experimental Evidence from India pp. 1565 - 1602

- Alejandro J. Ganimian, Karthik Muralidharan and Christopher Walters
- Competition and Information Leakage pp. 1603 - 1641

- Markus Baldauf and Joshua Mollner
- Mr. Keynes Meets the Classics: Government Spending and the Real Exchange Rate pp. 1642 - 1683

- Benjamin Born, Francesco D’Ascanio, Gernot Müller and Johannes Pfeifer
- Consumer Search, Steering, and Choice Overload pp. 1684 - 1739

- Volker Nocke and Patrick Rey
- Persuasion for the Long Run pp. 1740 - 1791

- James Best and Daniel Quigley
Volume 132, issue 4, 2024
- The Supply-Side Effects of Monetary Policy pp. 1065 - 1112

- David Baqaee, Emmanuel Farhi and Kunal Sangani
- Impacts of a Large-Scale Parenting Program: Experimental Evidence from Chile pp. 1113 - 1161

- Pedro Carneiro, Emanuela Galasso, Italo Lopez Garcia, Paula Bedregal and Miguel Cordero
- The ABCs of Firm Heterogeneity When Firms Sort into Markets: The Case of Exporters pp. 1162 - 1208

- Bernardo S. Blum, Sebastian Claro, Ignatius Horstmann and David Rivers
- A Theory of Stock Exchange Competition and Innovation: Will the Market Fix the Market? pp. 1209 - 1246

- Eric Budish, Robin Lee and John J. Shim
- Mediated Collusion pp. 1247 - 1289

- Juan Ortner, Takuo Sugaya and Alexander Wolitzky
- Improving the Organization of Knowledge in Production by Screening Problems pp. 1290 - 1326

- Guilherme Carmona and Krittanai Laohakunakorn
- Repricing Avalanches pp. 1327 - 1388

- Makoto Nirei and José A. Scheinkman
Volume 132, issue 3, 2024
- Algorithmic Pricing and Competition: Empirical Evidence from the German Retail Gasoline Market pp. 723 - 771

- Stephanie Assad, Robert Clark, Daniel Ershov and Lei Xu
- Optimal Bank Regulation in the Presence of Credit and Run Risk pp. 772 - 823

- Anil K Kashyap, Dimitrios Tsomocos and Alexandros P. Vardoulakis
- Social Interactions, Mechanisms, and Equilibrium: Evidence from a Model of Study Time and Academic Achievement pp. 824 - 866

- Timothy Conley, Nirav Mehta, Ralph Stinebrickner and Todd Stinebrickner
- Plants in Space pp. 867 - 909

- Ezra Oberfield, Esteban Rossi-Hansberg, Pierre-Daniel Sarte and Nicholas Trachter
- Are Economists’ Preferences Psychologists’ Personality Traits? A Structural Approach pp. 910 - 970

- Tomáš Jagelka
- Q-Monetary Transmission pp. 971 - 1012

- Priit Jeenas and Ricardo Lagos
- Can Mentoring Alleviate Family Disadvantage in Adolescence? A Field Experiment to Improve Labor Market Prospects pp. 1013 - 1062

- Sven Resnjanskij, Jens Ruhose, Simon Wiederhold, Ludger Woessmann and Katharina Wedel
Volume 132, issue 2, 2024
- The Life Cycle of Products: Evidence and Implications pp. 337 - 390

- David Argente, Munseob Lee and Sara Moreira
- Foreign Shocks as Granular Fluctuations pp. 391 - 433

- Julian di Giovanni, Andrei Levchenko and Isabelle Mejean
- The Global Distribution of College Graduate Quality pp. 434 - 483

- Paolo Martellini, Todd Schoellman and Jason Sockin
- Piercing through Opacity: Relationships and Credit Card Lending to Consumers and Small Businesses during Normal Times and the COVID-19 Crisis pp. 484 - 551

- Allen N. Berger, Christa H. S. Bouwman, Lars Norden, Raluca Roman, Gregory F. Udell and Teng Wang
- The Human Capital–Reproductive Capital Trade-Off in Marriage Market Matching pp. 552 - 576

- Corinne Low
- The Finance Uncertainty Multiplier pp. 577 - 615

- Iván Alfaro, Nicholas Bloom and Xiaoji Lin
- Beyond the Balance Sheet Model of Banking: Implications for Bank Regulation and Monetary Policy pp. 616 - 693

- Greg Buchak, Gregor Matvos, Tomasz Piskorski and Amit Seru
- When It Rains It Pours: Cascading Uncertainty Shocks pp. 694 - 720

- Anthony M. Diercks, Alex Hsu and Andrea Tamoni
Volume 132, issue 1, 2024
- Evaluating the Success of the War on Poverty since 1963 Using an Absolute Full-Income Poverty Measure pp. 1 - 47

- Richard Burkhauser, Kevin Corinth, James Elwell and Jeff Larrimore
- Estimation of a Life-Cycle Model with Human Capital, Labor Supply, and Retirement pp. 48 - 95

- Xiaodong Fan, Ananth Seshadri and Christopher Taber
- Market Segmentation and Competition in Health Insurance pp. 96 - 148

- Michael J. Dickstein, Kate Ho and Nathaniel Mark
- Spatial Influences in Upward Mobility pp. 149 - 199

- Garrett Anstreicher
- O-Ring Production Networks pp. 200 - 247

- Banu Demir, Ana Cecília Fieler, Daniel Yi Xu and Kelly Kaili Yang
- Investing with the Government: A Field Experiment in China pp. 248 - 294

- Emanuele Colonnelli, Bo Li and Ernest Liu
- Cultural Values and Productivity pp. 295 - 335

- Andreas Ek
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