Journal of Political Economy
1893 - 2025
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Volume 4, issue 4, 1896
- The History and Present Application of the Quantity Theory pp. 417

- H. Parker Willis
- Social Selection pp. 449

- Carlos C. Closson
- Hadley's "Economics" pp. 467

- W. G. Langworthy Taylor
- The Natural Basis of Interest pp. 494

- Frederic W. Sanders
- Professor Hadley's Chapter on Taxation pp. 508

- George G. Tunell
Volume 4, issue 3, 1896
- Credit Devices and the Quantity Theory pp. 281

- H. Parker Willis
- Factory Legislation For the Protection of Women and Children in Italy pp. 309

- Romolo Broglio d' Ajano
- Transportation on the Great Lakes of North America pp. 332

- George Tunell
- Subjective and Exchange Value, II pp. 352

- Henry W. Stuart
- The French Income-Tax Bill of 1895 pp. 409

- H. Parker Willis
- Recent Progress of Social-Anthropology pp. 410

- Carlos C. Closson
Volume 4, issue 2, 1896
- The Quantity Theory of the Value of Money pp. 139

- Wesley C. Mitchell
- Wages in The United States: The Causes Which Determine Wages pp. 166

- Emile Levasseur
- The Vienna Monetary Treaty of 1857 pp. 187

- Henry Parker Willis
- Subjective and Exchange Value pp. 208

- Henry W. Stuart
- The Growth and Character of the Commerce on the Great Lakes pp. 243

- George Tunell
Volume 4, issue 1, 1895
- The State Bank of Indiana pp. 1

- William F. Harding
Volume 3, issue 4, 1895
- Money and Credit Paper in the Modern Market pp. 391

- Willard Fisher
- Some Important Phases in the Evolution of the Idea of Value pp. 414

- W. G. Langworthy Taylor
- Taxation in Chicago and Philadelphia pp. 434

- John R. Commons
- Notes on the History of "Unemployment" and Relief Measures in the United States pp. 461

- Carlos C. Closson
- Honest Money pp. 472

- F. U. Laycock
- Appendix: Decision of the United States Supreme Court in the Income-Tax Cases pp. 509

- James H. McKinney
Volume 3, issue 3, 1895
- National Finance and the Income Tax pp. 255

- A. C. Miller
- Hamilton as a Political Economist pp. 289

- Edward C. Lunt
- The Legislative History of the Second Income-Tax Law pp. 311

- George Tunell
- Monetary Standards pp. 338

- Jesse Francis Orton
- The Operation of Bimetallism in France pp. 356

- H. Parker Willis
- A Scarcity of Gold? pp. 362

- H. W. Stuart
Volume 3, issue 2, 1895
- The Quantity of Money and Prices, 1860-1891 pp. 145

- S. McLean Hardy
- The Relation of Sociology to Economics pp. 169

- Albion W. Small
- Public Ownership of Mineral Lands in the United States pp. 185

- G. O. Virtue
- Credit Instruments in Retail Trade pp. 203

- David Kinley
- Belgian Monetary Legislation pp. 222

- H. Parker Willis
Volume 3, issue 1, 1895
- State Railways in Australia pp. 1

- William Hill
- The "Baltimore Plan" of Bank-Issues pp. 101

- J. Laurence Laughlin
- Appendix I: Note to Tables of Imports, Customs Revenue, and Expenditures of the United States pp. 129

- Robert F. Hoxie
- Appendix II: Tables Relating to Railroads in Missouri pp. 133

- John Wilson Million
Volume 2, issue 33, 1894
- The Pacific Railway Debts pp. 424

- Henry K. White
Volume 2, issue 4, 1894
- Are We Awakened? pp. 485

- H. von Holst
- California Breadstuffs pp. 517

- Horace Davis
- Gold and Silver in Santo Domingo pp. 536

- J. Laurence Laughlin
- The Formula of Sacrifice pp. 561

- H. J. Davenport
- Appendix I: Tables Relating to California Breadstuffs pp. 600

- Horace Davis
Volume 2, issue 3, 1894
- Monetary Standards pp. 349

- John Cummings
- The Homestead Strike pp. 369

- Edward W. Bemis
- The Apprentice System in the Building Trades pp. 397

- George C. Sikes
- The Army of the Commonweal pp. 456

- T. B. Veblen
Volume 2, issue 2, 1894
- The Assignats: A Study in the Finances of the French Revolution pp. 179

- E. Levasseur
- Mortgage Banking in America pp. 203

- D. M. Frederiksen
- The Rate of Profits Under the Law of Labor-Value pp. 235

- Isaac A. Hourwich
- The Debate on the National Bank Act of 1863 pp. 251

- John Wilson Million
- Changes in Railway Transportation Rates pp. 282

- William Hill
- Russia in the International Market pp. 284

- Isaac A. Hourwich
- Comparison of the Votes on the McKinley and Wilson Bills pp. 290

- William Hill
- Trade Unionism and the Evolution of the Typesetting Machine pp. 292

- Edward Porritt
- The Convention of the American Federation of Labor pp. 298

- Edward W. Bemis
- Appendix II: Josiah Tucker and His Writings: An Eighteenth Century Pamphleteer on America pp. 330

- Paul Leicester Ford
Volume 2, issue 1, 1894
- The Italian Banking Crisis pp. 1

- Richard Dalla Volta
- Appendix I: Address to the Economic Science and Statistics Section of the British Assosciation pp. 119

- J. Shield Nicholson
- Appendix II: Monetary and Finance Chronicle pp. 133

- Arthur I. Street
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