Journal of Political Economy
1893 - 2025
From University of Chicago Press
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Volume 102, issue 6, 1994
- Income and Outcomes: A Structural Model of Intrahousehold Allocation pp. 1067-96

- Martin Browning, François Bourguignon, Pierre Chiappori and Valérie Lechene
- Large Shareholder Activism, Risk Sharing, and Financial Market Equilibrium pp. 1097-1130

- Anat Admati, Paul Pfleiderer and Josef Zechner
- Endowments and the Allocation of Schooling in the Family and in the Marriage Market: The Twins Experiment pp. 1131-74

- Jere Behrman, Mark Rosenzweig and Paul Taubman
- Executive Compensation and Principal-Agent Theory pp. 1175-99

- John E Garen
- Learning-by-Doing Spillovers in the Semiconductor Industry pp. 1200-1227

- Douglas Irwin and Pete Klenow
- The Dynamic Impacts of Monetary Policy: An Exercise in Tentative Identification pp. 1228-47

- David Gordon and Eric Leeper
- Tobin's q, Corporate Diversification, and Firm Performance pp. 1248-80

- Larry Lang and Rene M Stulz
- Unionization and Profitability: Evidence of Spillover Effects pp. 1281-87

- Stephen Bronars and Donald R Deere
Volume 102, issue 5, 1994
- A Theory of Conformity pp. 841-77

- B. Douglas Bernheim
- College Entry by Blacks since 1970: The Role of College Costs, Family Background, and the Returns to Education pp. 878-911

- Thomas J Kane
- Cultural Beliefs and the Organization of Society: A Historical and Theoretical Reflection on Collectivist and Individualist Societies pp. 912-50

- Avner Greif
- Economic Impacts of the California One-Variety Cotton Law pp. 951-74

- John H Constantine, Julian Alston and Vincent H Smith
- Selection Dynamics, Asymptotic Stability, and Adaptive Behavior pp. 975-1005

- John van Huyck, Joseph P Cook and Raymond Battalio
- Productivity Growth and Firm Ownership: An Analytical and Empirical Investigation pp. 1006-38

- Isaac Ehrlich, Georges Gallais-Hamonno, Zhiqiang Liu and Randall Lutter
- Marginal Deterrence in Enforcement of Law pp. 1039-66

- Dilip Mookherjee and Ivan Png
Volume 102, issue 4, 1994
- Optimal Fiscal Policy in a Business Cycle Model pp. 617-52

- Varadarajan Chari, Lawrence Christiano and Patrick Kehoe
- Competition and Price Dispersion in the U.S. Airline Industry pp. 653-83

- Severin Borenstein and Nancy Rose
- Human Relations in the Workplace pp. 684-717

- Julio Rotemberg
- The Empirical Performance of Orthodox Models of the Firm: Conventional Firms and Worker Cooperatives pp. 718-44

- John Pencavel and Ben Craig
- Coordination, Commitment, and Enforcement: The Case of the Merchant Guild pp. 745-76

- Avner Greif, Paul Milgrom and Barry Weingast
- Using Repeat Challengers to Estimate the Effect of Campaign Spending on Election Outcomes in the U.S. House pp. 777-98

- Steven Levitt
- State Responses to Fiscal Crises: The Effects of Budgetary Institutions and Politics pp. 799-821

- James Poterba
- Social Attributes and Strategic Equilibrium: A Restaurant Pricing Game pp. 822-40

- Edi Karni and Dan Levin
Volume 102, issue 3, 1994
- Adjustment of Consumers' Durables Stocks: Evidence from Automobile Purchases pp. 403-36

- Janice Eberly
- Intertemporal Choice and Inequality pp. 437-67

- Angus Deaton and Christina Paxson
- Cattle Cycles pp. 468-92

- Sherwin Rosen, Kevin Murphy and Jose A Scheinkman
- The Adjustment of Prices to Monetary Shocks When Trade Is Uncertain and Sequential pp. 493-509

- Benjamin Eden
- Top Executive Rewards and Firm Performance: A Comparison of Japan and the United States pp. 510-46

- Steven Kaplan
- Giffen Goods, the Survival Imperative, and the Irish Potato Culture pp. 547-65

- John E Davies
- Public Finance of Private Goods: The Case of College Education pp. 566-82

- Rodney Garratt and John M Marshall
- Optimal Law Enforcement with Self-Reporting of Behavior pp. 583-606

- Louis Kaplow and Steven Shavell
- Comparing Optima: Do Simplifying Assumptions Affect Conclusions? pp. 607-15

- Paul Milgrom
Volume 102, issue 2, 1994
- Adverse Selection, Commitment, and Renegotiation: Extension to and Evidence from Insurance Markets pp. 209-35

- Georges Dionne and Neil A Doherty
- Evidence on Adverse Selection: Equilibrium Signaling and Cross-Subsidization in the Insurance Market pp. 236-57

- Robert Puelz and Arthur Snow
- Risk Aversion, Performance Pay, and the Principal-Agent Problem pp. 258-76

- Joseph G Haubrich
- Privatizing the Church: Disestablishment in Connecticut and Massachusetts pp. 277-97

- Kelly Olds
- Barriers to Technology Adoption and Development pp. 298-321

- Stephen Parente and Edward Prescott
- The Life Cycle of a Competitive Industry pp. 322-47

- Boyan Jovanovic and Glenn MacDonald
- Capital Flows to the New World as an Intergenerational Transfer pp. 348-71

- Alan Taylor and Jeffrey Williamson
- Simple Analytics of Productive Consumption pp. 372-83

- Wing Suen and Pak-Hung Mo
- On Testing for Full Insurance Using Consumer Expenditure Survey Data: Comment pp. 384-94

- Julie Nelson
Volume 102, issue 1, 1994
- Rational Frenzies and Crashes pp. 1-23

- Jeremy Bulow and Paul Klemperer
- Competitive Diffusion pp. 24-52

- Boyan Jovanovic and Glenn MacDonald
- Sticking It Out: Entrepreneurial Survival and Liquidity Constraints pp. 53-75

- Douglas Holtz-Eakin, David Joulfaian and Harvey Rosen
- Short-Time Compensation: Job Security, and Employment Contracts: Evidence from Selected OECD Countries pp. 76-102

- Marc A Van Audenrode
- Preying for Monopoly? The Case of Southern Bell Telephone Company, 1894-1912 pp. 103-26

- David F Weiman and Richard C Levin
- A Model of Competitive Stock Trading Volume pp. 127-68

- Jiang Wang
- A Microeconometric Analysis of Risk Aversion and the Decision to Self-Insure pp. 169-86

- Charles J Cicchetti and Jeffrey A Dubin
- Bequest as a Public Good within Marriage: A Note pp. 187-93

- Junsen Zhang
- Favoritism versus Search for Good Papers: Empirical Evidence Regarding the Behavior of Journal Editors pp. 194-203

- David Laband and Michael J Piette