Journal of Political Economy
1893 - 2025
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Volume 91, issue 6, 1983
- Unemployment with Observable Aggregate Shocks pp. 907-28

- Sanford Grossman, Oliver D Hart and Eric Maskin
- Excess Volatility in the Financial Markets: A Reassessment of the Empirical Evidence pp. 929-56

- Marjorie A Flavin
- International Trade and Human Capital: A Simple General Equilibrium Model pp. 957-78

- Ronald Findlay and Henryk Kierzkowski
- The Economics of Quality pp. 979-1000

- Arthur S De Vany and Thomas R Saving
- Groundwater: Focusing on the Real Issue pp. 1001-27

- Micha Gisser
- On Competitive Price Adjustment for a Storable Good and Abstention from Trade pp. 1028-44

- Benjamin Eden
- Optimal Insurance in Incomplete Markets pp. 1045-54

- Neil A Doherty and Harris Schlesinger
- Contestable Markets and the Theory of Industry Structure: A Review Article pp. 1055-66

- William Brock
- Cagan's Hypothesis and the First Nationwide Inflation of Paper Money in World History pp. 1067-74

- Francis Lui
Volume 91, issue 5, 1983
- Estimating a Household Production Function: Heterogeneity, the Demand for Health Inputs, and Their Effects on Birth Weight pp. 723-46

- Mark Rosenzweig and T Paul Schultz
- Job Search: The Choice of Intensity pp. 747-64

- Jess Benhabib and Clive Bull
- Bureaucratic Discretion or Congressional Control? Regulatory Policymaking by the Federal Trade Commission pp. 765-800

- Barry Weingast and Mark J Moran
- The Hungarian Hyperinflation and Stabilization of 1945-1946 pp. 801-24

- William A Bomberger and Gail E Makinen
- Fertility and Savings in the United States: 1830-1900 pp. 825-40

- Frank Lewis
- Savings and Nutrition at Low Incomes pp. 841-55

- Mark Gersovitz
- Real and Nominal Interest Rates under Uncertainty: The Fisher Theorem and the Term Structure pp. 856-67

- Simon Benninga and Aris Protopapadakis
- A Further Exploration in the Theory of Exchange Rate Regimes pp. 868-75

- David Aschauer and Jeremy Greenwood
- Imperfect Information and Wage Inertia in the Business Cycle: A Comment pp. 876-79

- Mark Watson
- Growth and Inflationary Finance: Variations on a Mundellian Theme pp. 880-87

- Guillermo Calvo and David Peel
- A Note on the University of Chicago's "Academic Scribblers." pp. 888-93

- R Craig McIvor
Volume 91, issue 4, 1983
- Nobel Lecture: The Process and Progress of Economics pp. 529-45

- George J Stigler
- Forecasting the Forecasts of Others pp. 546-88

- Robert Townsend
- A Positive Theory of Monetary Policy in a Natural Rate Model pp. 589-610

- Robert Barro and David Gordon
- The Rate of Time Preference and Dynamic Economic Analysis pp. 611-35

- Larry Epstein and J Allan Hynes
- Advertising and Entry Deterrence: An Exploratory Model pp. 636-53

- Richard Schmalensee
- Environmental Regulations and Productivity Growth: The Case of Fossil-Fueled Electric Power Generation pp. 654-74

- Frank Gollop and Mark Roberts
- Speculative Hyperinflations in Maximizing Models: Can We Rule Them Out? pp. 675-87

- Maurice Obstfeld and Kenneth Rogoff
- Trade in Used Equipment with Heterogeneous Firms pp. 688-705

- Eric Bond
- Positive Time Preference: A Comment pp. 706-08

- Jose Encarnacion
Volume 91, issue 3, 1983
- A Comparison of Tournaments and Contracts pp. 349-64

- Jerry Green and Nancy L Stokey
- The Production and Inventory Behavior of the American Automobile Industry pp. 365-400

- Olivier Blanchard
- Bank Runs, Deposit Insurance, and Liquidity pp. 401-19

- Douglas Diamond and Philip Dybvig
- A Sorting-cum-Learning Model of Education pp. 420-42

- Andrew Weiss
- Competition in Interregional Taxation: The Case of Western Coal pp. 443-60

- Charles Kolstad and Wolak, Frank A,
- Elicitation of Honest Preferences for the Assignment of Individuals to Positions pp. 461-79

- Herman B Leonard
- Discrete Equilibrium Price Dispersion pp. 480-93

- John Carlson and Randolph McAfee
- Job Search and Implicit Contracts pp. 494-504

- Richard Cothren
- World Product and Income: A Review Article pp. 505-17

- Henri Theil
Volume 91, issue 2, 1983
- Do Sunspots Matter? pp. 193-227

- David Cass and Karl Shell
- Oil and the Macroeconomy since World War II pp. 228-48

- James D Hamilton
- Stochastic Consumption, Risk Aversion, and the Temporal Behavior of Asset Returns pp. 249-65

- Lars Peter Hansen and Kenneth J Singleton
- Marx's Hypotheses on the Length of the Working Day pp. 266-81

- Edwin G West
- On Optimal Wage Indexation pp. 282-92

- Edi Karni
- Sex Differentials in Unemployment Rates: A Case for No Concern pp. 293-303

- Janet L Johnson
- The Interdependence of Individual Portfolio Decisions and the Demand for Insurance pp. 304-11

- David Mayers and Smith, Clifford W,
- Transaction Costs and the Solution to Captain MacWhirr's Problem pp. 312-15

- Edward Saraydar
- Subsidies to New Energy pp. 316-18

- David Kreutzer
- Efficient Asset Portfolios and the Theory of Normal Backwardation pp. 319-31

- Colin Carter, Gordon Rausser and Andrew Schmitz
- Wage-Risk Premiums and Workers' Compensation: A Refinement of Estimates of Compensating Wage Differential pp. 332-40

- Richard J Arnould and Len M Nichols
Volume 91, issue 1, 1983
- The Vulnerability of Price Stabilization Schemes to Speculative Attack pp. 1-38

- Stephen W Salant
- Real Business Cycles pp. 39-69

- Long, John B, and Charles Plosser
- Effects of Nominal Contracting on Stock Returns pp. 70-96

- Kenneth French, Richard S Ruback and G William Schwert
- The Terms of Trade and the Current Account: The Harberger-Laursen-Metzler Effect pp. 97-125

- Lars E O Svensson and Assaf Razin
- Some Evidence on the Effect of the Separation of Spending and Taxing Decisions pp. 126-40

- Stanley Winer
- Real Interest Rates, Home Goods, and Optimal External Borrowing pp. 141-53

- Rüdiger Dornbusch
- On the Nonexistence of Market Equilibria in Exhaustible Resource Markets with Decreasing Costs pp. 154-67

- Mukesh Eswaran, Tracy Lewis and Terry Heaps
- Reason and Rationality during Energy Crises pp. 168-81

- George G Daly and Thomas H Mayor
- A Note on the Effect of Cost Changes on Prices [Measurement of Monopoly Behavior: An Application to the Cigarette Industry] pp. 182-85

- Jeremy I Bulow and Paul Pfleiderer
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