Journal of Political Economy
1893 - 2025
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Volume 60, issue 6, 1952
- The Expected-Utility Hypothesis and the Measurability of Utility pp. 463

- Milton Friedman and L. J. Savage
- A Sketch of American Business Organization, 1832-1900 pp. 475

- G. Heberton Evans and Jr.
- Toward a General Theory of Price, Income, and Money pp. 487

- E. J. Mishan
- Medical Expenditures and Medical Deduction Plans pp. 503

- James E. Jensen
- Fiscal Policies for Full Employment: A Diagrammatic Analysis pp. 525

- John G. Gurley
- Federal Grants and Resource Allocation pp. 534

- A. D. Scott
- Federal Grants and Resource Allocation: A Reply pp. 536

- James Buchanan
Volume 60, issue 5, 1952
- Industrial Conflict and Business Fluctuations pp. 371

- Albert Rees
- Inflation and Saving by Consumers pp. 383

- John B. Lansing and E. Scott Maynes
- The Huguenots and the Diffusion of Technology. II pp. 392

- Warren C. Scoville
- The Empirical Status of Business-Cycle Theory pp. 412

- Kenneth D. Roose
- Social Choice and Individual Values pp. 422

- I. M. D. Little
- Ten Great Economists pp. 433

- Howard S. Ellis
Volume 60, issue 4, 1952
- Negro Employment in Southern Industry pp. 279

- Donald Dewey
- The Huguenots and the Diffusion of Technology. I pp. 294

- Warren C. Scoville
- The Principles of Compensation Reconsidered pp. 312

- E. J. Mishan
- Union Representation Elections pp. 323

- John V. Spielmans
- Friedman's "Welfare" Effects pp. 332

- Cecil G. Phipps
- "Welfare" Effects: A Reply pp. 334

- Milton Friedman
- Reliability of Estimates of Unfree Labor in the U.S.S.R pp. 337

- A. David Redding
Volume 60, issue 3, 1952
- The Ricardian Theory of Value and Distribution pp. 187

- George J. Stigler
- Federal Grants and Resource Allocation pp. 208

- James Buchanan
- Intelligence and Occupational Mobility pp. 218

- C. Arnold Anderson, James C. Brown and Mary Jean Bowman
- The Pigou Effect Once More pp. 240

- Gottfried Haberler
- Professor Metzler and the Rate of Interest pp. 247

- David McCord Wright
- The Rate of Interest: A Reply pp. 249

- Lloyd A. Metzler
- Perspectives on Monopoly: A Reply pp. 253

- George W. Stocking and Myron W. Watkins
- Perspectives on Monopoly: A Rejoinder pp. 257

- Neil H. Jacoby
Volume 60, issue 2, 1952
- A Proposed Revision of Excise-tax Theory pp. 102

- Earl R. Rolph
- Antitrust Law and the Big Buyer: Another Look at the A & P Case pp. 118

- Joel B. Dirlam and Alfred Kahn
- Investment Alternatives in Soviet Economic Theory pp. 133

- Norman Kaplan
- Information, Theories of Competition, and the Theory of Games pp. 145

- Martin Shubik
- The Utility of Wealth pp. 151

- Harry Markowitz
Volume 60, issue 1, 1952
- Hicks and the Real Cycle pp. 1

- Arthur F. Burns
Volume 59, issue 6, 1951
- Domestic Trade in an Underdeveloped Country--Turkey pp. 463

- William H. Nicholls
- Excess-Profits Taxation in the United States pp. 481

- George E. Lent
- Agricultural Productivity and Economic Development in Japan pp. 498

- Bruce F. Johnston
- Perspectives on Monopoly pp. 514

- Neil H. Jacoby
- The Structure of Aggregate Personal Saving pp. 528

- James N. Morgan
- The Pigouvian Effect pp. 535

- Alvin H. Hansen
Volume 59, issue 5, 1951
- An Experimental Measurement of Utility pp. 371

- Frederick Mosteller and Philip Nogee
- A Loan Ratio for Inflation Control pp. 420

- M. Bronfenbrenner
- Are Property Tax Rates Increasing? pp. 434

- Colin D. Campbell
- The Life of John Maynard Keynes pp. 443

- Lawrence Klein
Volume 59, issue 4, 1951
- The Labor-Monopoly Problem: A Positive Program pp. 277

- H. Gregg Lewis
- Experimental Verification of a Composite Indifference Map pp. 288

- Stephen W. Rousseas and Albert G. Hart
- Pattern Bargaining and the United Steelworkers pp. 319

- George Seltzer
- Natural Law and the Rise of Economic Individualism in England pp. 332

- Alfred F. Chalk
- Crisis in Britain: A Note on the Stagnation Thesis pp. 348

- Donald J. Dewey
- Fiscal Equity in the Unequal Treatment of Unequals: A Suggested Test pp. 353

- H. P. Jenkins
- Fiscal Equity in the Unequal Treatment of Unequals: A Rejoinder pp. 358

- James Buchanan
Volume 59, issue 3, 1951
- The Division of Labor is Limited by the Extent of the Market pp. 185

- George J. Stigler
- Want Development in Undeveloped Areas pp. 194

- Elizabeth E. Hoyt
- Commodity-Reserve Currency pp. 203

- Milton Friedman
- The Alleged Inflexibility of Compensatory Public Works Policy pp. 233

- E. Jay Howenstine
- The Classicists' Use of "Demand" pp. 242

- Victor E. Smith
- Keynesianism and Inflation pp. 258

- Walter A. Morton
Volume 59, issue 2, 1951
- United States Merchant Marine Policy and Surplus Ships pp. 117

- John G. B. Hutchins
- Advertising, Product Variation, and the Limits of Economics pp. 126

- Alfred Sherrard
- Wage Determination and Involuntary Unemployment pp. 143

- Albert Rees
- The Wealth-Saving Relationship pp. 154

- Gardner Ackley
- Housebuilding in the San Francisco Bay Area pp. 162

- Sherman J. Maisel
Volume 59, issue 1, 1951
- Foreign Economic Aid and Communism pp. 1

- Calvin B. Hoover
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