Journal of Political Economy
1893 - 2025
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Volume 64, issue 6, 1956
- A Contribution to the Aggregative Theory of Wages pp. 459

- M. Bronfenbrenner
- A Comparison of Soviet and American Retail Prices in 1950 pp. 470

- Norman M. Kaplan and Eleanor S. Wainstein
- The Stereotypes of Classical Transfer Theory pp. 492

- Will E. Mason
- Bulk-Purchase International Commodity Agreements pp. 507

- J. Carter Murphy
- Monopoly, Bigness, and Progress pp. 520

- G. Warren Nutter
- Capital Maintenance and the Concept of Income--A Comment pp. 528

- Donald A. Corbin
- Capital Maintenance and the Concept of Income: A Reply pp. 534

- George F. Break
Volume 64, issue 5, 1956
- Iron and Steel in the Balance of World Power pp. 369

- John B. Parrish
- Income, Expenditure, and the Terms of Trade for New Zealand, 1929-38 pp. 389

- J. H. Auten
- Some Foundations of Economic Development in the Upper East Tennessee Valley, 1850-1900. II pp. 400

- William H. Nicholls
- A Pure Theory of Local Expenditures pp. 416

- Charles M. Tiebout
- The Economic Development of Nigeria: Comment pp. 425

- John H. Adler
- The Economic Development of Nigeria: A Reply pp. 435

- P. T. Bauer
Volume 64, issue 4, 1956
- Some Foundations of Economic Development in the Upper East Tennessee Valley, 1850-1900 pp. 277

- William H. Nicholls
- Prices of Basic Industrial Products in the U.S.S.R., 1928-50 pp. 303

- Abram Bergson, Roman Bernaut and Lynn Turgeon
- The Limitations of Local Price-cutting as a Barrier to Entry pp. 329

- Wayne A. Leeman
- Saving in the United States pp. 335

- F. W. Paish
- Recent Developments in Brazilian Agriculture pp. 341

- Clarence A. Moore
Volume 64, issue 3, 1956
- Observations on the Economy of the U.S.S.R pp. 185

- D. Johnson
- The Transfer Problem and Exchange Stability pp. 212

- Harry G. Johnson
- Economic Stabilization in a Primary-Producing Country pp. 226

- Joseph A. Hasson
- The Baseball Players' Labor Market pp. 242

- Simon Rottenberg
Volume 64, issue 2, 1956
- Controlled Inflation in Israel, 1949-54 pp. 111

- Mordechai Kreinin
- Econometric Models of the United States pp. 128

- Karl A. Fox
- "Availability" and Other Influences on the Commodity Composition of Trade pp. 143

- Irving B. Kravis
- The Origins of Antitrust Policy pp. 156

- William L. Letwin
- Exports and Regional Economic Growth pp. 160

- Charles M. Tiebout
- Exports and Regional Economic Growth: A Reply pp. 165

- Douglass North
- Exports and Regional Economic Growth: Rejoinder pp. 169

- Charles M. Tiebout
- Fiscal Policy in a Growing Economy: A Further Word pp. 170

- E. Cary Brown
Volume 64, issue 1, 1956
- India and China: Development Contrasts pp. 1

- Wilfred Malenbaum
Volume 63, issue 6, 1955
- The London Economist and the High Tide of Laissez Faire pp. 461

- Scott Gordon
- Marginal Resource Productivity and Imputation of Shares for a Sample of Rented Farms pp. 500

- Earl O. Heady
- Domestic Effects of Devaluation under Repressed Inflation pp. 512

- Michael Michaely
- The Plateau Demand Curve and Utility Theory pp. 525

- G. Warren Nutter
- Some Neglected Contributions to the Theory of International Transfers pp. 529

- Will E. Mason
Volume 63, issue 5, 1955
- The Food Economy of the New England Indians, 1605-75 pp. 369

- M. K. Bennett
- The Economic Development of Nigeria pp. 398

- P. T. Bauer
- The Productive Capacity of Rural and Urban Labor: A Case Study pp. 412

- Robert E. Weintraub
- The Static Theory of Automatic Fiscal Stabilization pp. 427

- E. Cary Brown
- Manpower Allocation and the Pricing Process pp. 441

- Procter Thomson
- External Economies, Investment, and Foresight pp. 446

- J. A. Stockfisch
- External Economies, Investment, and Foresight: A Reply pp. 450

- Tibor Scitovsky
Volume 63, issue 4, 1955
- The Economic Gains of European Integration pp. 275

- Franz Gehrels and Bruce F. Johnston
- Labor Discipline, Trade-Unions, and the State in India pp. 293

- Morris David Morris
- Cardinal Welfare, Individualistic Ethics, and Interpersonal Comparisons of Utility pp. 309

- John C. Harsanyi
- Growth Models and Underdeveloped Economies pp. 322

- Henry J. Bruton
- Effects of Value-of-Service Pricing Upon Motor Common Carriers pp. 337

- George W. Wilson
- Economists and the Enlightenment in Spain, 1750-1800 pp. 345

- Robert S. Smith
Volume 63, issue 3, 1955
- Economic Development, Income Distribution, and Capital Formation in Mexico pp. 183

- Adolf Sturmthal
- An Asset Influence in the Labor Market pp. 202

- Louis Hough
- Sterling's Recurring Postwar Payments Crises pp. 216

- Samuel I. Katz
- Recent Developments in Cost Accounting and the "Marginal Analysis" pp. 227

- James S. Earley
- Location Theory and Regional Economic Growth pp. 243

- Douglass North
- Alfred Marshall and Tariff Reform, 1903: Some Unpublished Letters pp. 259

- H. W. McCready
Volume 63, issue 2, 1955
- A Dynamic Aggregative Model pp. 103

- James Tobin
- The Fishery: The Objectives of Sole Ownership pp. 116

- Anthony Scott
- Excise-Tax Shifting and Incidence: A Money-Flows Approach pp. 125

- H. P. B. Jenkins
- Operational Propositions in Economic Theory pp. 150

- Donald F. Gordon
- Professor R. B. Perry on Value pp. 162

- Frank H. Knight
Volume 63, issue 1, 1955
- The Lull That Came To Stay pp. 1

- John P. Lewis
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