Journal of Political Economy
1893 - 2025
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Volume 95, issue 6, 1987
- Informational Externalities and Welfare-Reducing Speculation pp. 1123-45

- Jeremy C Stein
- Labor Rent Sharing and Regulation: Evidence from the Trucking Industry pp. 1146-78

- Nancy Rose
- Information, Multiprice Search, and Cost-of-Living Index Theory pp. 1179-95

- Paul Anglin and Michael Baye
- Financial Intermediation, Business Failures, and Real Business Cycles pp. 1196-1216

- Stephen Williamson
- Collusive Bidder Behavior at Single-Object Second-Price and English Auctions pp. 1217-39

- Daniel A Graham and Robert C Marshall
- Measuring Business Cycle Time pp. 1240-61

- James H Stock
- Working Hours and Hedonic Wages in the Market Equilibrium pp. 1262-77

- Tomio Kinoshita
- Intraindustry Trade pp. 1278-91

- Howard P Marvel and Edward John Ray
- Returns to Individual Traders of Futures: Aggregate Results pp. 1292-1306

- Michael L Hartzmark
- Should the Wealthy Be Able to "Buy Justice"? pp. 1307-16

- Lott, John R,
- Free Access versus Private Property in a Resource: Income Distributions Compared pp. 1317-25

- David de Meza and J R Gould
- Treble Damage Awards in Private Lawsuits for Price Fixing pp. 1326-36

- Stephen W Salant
Volume 95, issue 5, 1987
- Testing between Competing Models of Sharecropping pp. 893-920

- Radwan Ali Shaban
- Auctioning Incentive Contracts pp. 921-37

- Jean-Jacques Laffont and Jean Tirole
- On Intertemporal Substitution and Aggregate Labor Supply pp. 938-60

- George Alogoskoufis
- Paths of Development in the Three-Factor, n-Good General Equilibrium Model pp. 961-99

- Edward Leamer
- Futures Markets: A Consequences of Risk Aversion or Transactions Costs? pp. 1000-1023

- Jeffrey Williams
- An Equilibrium Model of Exchange Rate Determination and Asset Pricing with Nontraded Goods and Imperfect Information pp. 1024-40

- Rene M Stulz
- Competition and the Number of Firms in a Market: Are Duopolies More Competitive than Atomistic Markets? pp. 1041-61

- Joseph Stiglitz
- Cointegration and Tests of Present Value Models pp. 1062-88

- John Campbell and Robert J Shiller
- Cold Houses in Warm Climates and Vice Versa: A Paradox of Rational Heating pp. 1089-97

- David Friedman
- Job Search: The Choice of Intensity: A Comment pp. 1098-1102

- Jan Ondrich
- Athletics versus Academics? Evidence from SAT Scores pp. 1103-16

- Robert McCormick and Maurice Tensley
Volume 95, issue 4, 1987
- Tests of Alternative Theories of Firm Growth pp. 657-74

- David Evans
- The Welfare Cost of Factor Taxation in a Perfect-Foresight Model pp. 675-709

- Kenneth Judd
- The Effect of Federal Tax Deductibility on State and Local Taxes and Spending pp. 710-36

- Martin Feldstein and Gilbert Metcalf
- Additive General Error Models for Production, Cost, and Derived Demand or Share Systems pp. 737-57

- Marjorie B McElroy
- Walras's Theories of Tatonnement pp. 758-74

- Donald A Walker
- The Impact of Direct Taxes on the Cost of Living pp. 775-96

- Robert Gillingham and John S Greenlees
- The Dissipation of Profits by Brand Name Investment and Entry when Price Guarantees Quality pp. 797-809

- William P Rogerson
- Ideals versus Dollars: Donors, Charity Managers, and Government Grants pp. 810-23

- Susan Rose-Ackerman
- An Equilibrium Model of Sectoral Reallocation pp. 824-34

- Richard Rogerson
- Trade, Capital Mobility, and Tax Competition pp. 835-56

- John Wilson
- A Historical Perspective on Unemployment: A Review Article pp. 857-69

- Stephen Nickell
- Burmeister on Sraffa and the Labor Theory of Value: A Comment [Sraffa, Labor Theories of Value, and the Economics of Real Wage Rate Determination] pp. 870-81

- Heinz Kurz and Neri Salvadori
Volume 95, issue 3, 1987
- A Time-Series Analysis of Self-employment in the United State pp. 445-67

- David Blau
- Should Social Security Benefits Be Means Tested? pp. 468-84

- Martin Feldstein
- Bank Runs as an Equilibrium Phenomenon pp. 485-91

- Andrew Postlewaite and Xavier Vives
- Will Developing Country Nutrition Improve with Income? A Case Study for Rural South India pp. 492-507

- Jere Behrman and Anil Deolalikar
- Motives for Private Income Transfers pp. 508-46

- Donald Cox
- Relative Price Variability and Inflation: A Disaggregated Analysis pp. 547-66

- Simon Domberger
- The Development of the New Monetary Economics pp. 567-90

- Tyler Cowen and Randall Kroszner
- Consensus and Uncertainty in Economic Prediction pp. 591-621

- Victor Zarnowitz and Louis A Lambros
- The Crowding Parameter and Samuelsonian Publicness [Micro Estimates of Public Spending Demand Functions and Tests of the Tiebout and Median-Voter Hypotheses] pp. 622-31

- Betty J Blecha
- Further Analysis of the Effect of Unions on Training [Union Wages, Temporary Layoffs, and Seniority] pp. 632-40

- John Barron, Scott Fuess and Mark A Loewenstein
- A Reappraisal of Recent Tests of the Permanent Income Hypothesis [Stochastic Implications of the Life Cycle-Permanent Income Hypothesis: Theory and Evidence] pp. 641-46

- Charles Nelson
Volume 95, issue 2, 1987
- A Disaggregated Analysis of the Allocation of Time within the Household pp. 223-49

- Peter Kooreman and Arie Kapteyn
- The Impact of Right-to-Work Laws on Union Organizing pp. 250-73

- David T Ellwood and Glenn Fine
- Of a Controversial Passage in Hume pp. 274-89

- Morris Perlman
- Causes of U.S. Farm Commodity Programs pp. 290-310

- Bruce Gardner
- Specification and Estimation of Nonseparable Two-Stage Technologies: The Leontief CES and the Cobb-Douglas CES pp. 311-33

- Robert Pollak and Terence J Wales
- Capital Accumulation and Annuities in an Adverse Selection Economy pp. 334-54

- Martin Eichenbaum and Dan Peled
- Returns to Acquirers and Competition in the Acquisition Market: The Case of Banking pp. 355-70

- Christopher James and Peggy Wier
- Arbitrage and Martingales with Taxation pp. 371-93

- Stephen Ross
- Knight on Risk and Uncertainty pp. 394-406

- Stephen LeRoy and Singell, Larry D,
- Government Purchases and Real Interest Rates pp. 407-19

- N. Gregory Mankiw
- Financing Public Goods pp. 420-37

- Russell D Roberts
Volume 95, issue 1, 1987
- Tournaments and Piece Rates: An Experimental Study pp. 1-33

- Clive Bull, Andrew Schotter and Keith Weigelt
- Interest Rates and Expected Future Budget Deficits in the United States pp. 34-58

- Paul Evans
- Hedonic Prices and Implicit Markets: Estimating Demand and Supply Functions for Differentiated Products pp. 59-80

- Dennis Epple
- The Estimation of Demand Parameters in Hedonic Price Models pp. 81-88

- Timothy Bartik
- An Empirical Analysis of the Economic Value of Risk Changes pp. 89-114

- V Kerry Smith and William H Desvousges
- Welfare-Enhancing Export Subsidies pp. 115-37

- Motoshige Itoh and Kazuharu Kiyono
- A Dynamic Equilibrium Model of Asset Prices and Transaction Volume pp. 138-59

- Gregory W Huffman
- The Cost of a Licensing System Regulation: An Example from Canadian Prairie Agriculture pp. 160-78

- Alvin Ulrich, William H Furtan and Andrew Schmitz
- Suboptimal Controls in Common Resource Management: The Case of the Fishery pp. 179-94

- Jonathan Karpoff
- Extraction Costs and the Economics of Nonrenewable Resources pp. 195-203

- John Livernois and Russell S Uhler
- Investment as a Process of Search pp. 204-10

- Joseph Zeira
- Bliss Levels That Aren't [Stochastic Implications of the Life Cycle-Permanent Income Hypothesis: Theory and Evidence] pp. 211-15

- Arthur Lewbel
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