Journal of Political Economy
1893 - 2025
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Volume 80, issue 6, 1972
- An Econometric Analysis of Rent Control pp. 1081-1100

- Edgar Olsen
- Estimates of Labor Aggregation Functions pp. 1101-19

- C R S Dougherty
- Specific Human Capital: An Application to Quit Rates and Layoff Rates pp. 1120-43

- Donald Parsons
- A Microeconometric Study of Hospital Cost Inflation pp. 1144-66

- David S Salkever
- Economies of Scale, Technical Progress, and the Nonhomothetic Leontief Production Function: An Application to the Japanese Petrochemical Processing Industry pp. 1167-87

- Lawrence J Lau and Shuji Tamura
- The Effects of Pre-Civil War Territorial Expansion on the Price of Slaves pp. 1188-1202

- Peter Passell and Gavin Wright
- The Risk Element in Occupational and Educational Choices pp. 1203-13

- Yoram Weiss
- The American Automobile Industry: Investment Demand, Capacity, and Capacity Utilization, 1921-1940 pp. 1214-31

- Lloyd J Mercer and W Douglas Morgan
- Consumption Possibilities, Growth, and the Optimal Commercial Policy pp. 1232-45

- Philip Musgrove
- Income Expectations and the Consumption of Graduate Students pp. 1246-58

- Alan Gustman and Frank P Stafford
- Testing a Model of the Term Structure of Interest Rates in an Error-learning Framework pp. 1259-70

- Charles Nelson
- Long-Run Factor Demand in a Perfectly Competitive Industry pp. 1271-79

- S Charles Maurice
- The Upward Bias in the Consumer Price Index due to Substitution pp. 1280-86

- Nicholas N Noe and George von Furstenberg
- Imperfect Knowledge and the New Theory of Demand pp. 1287-94

- Douglas Auld
- Criteria for Public Investment: Comment pp. 1295-1313

- Daniel McFadden
- Criteria for Public Investment: Reply pp. 1314-16

- E J Mishan
- The Effects of Price Supports on Output and Factor Prices in Agriculture: A Reply pp. 1317-19

- John Floyd
- Comparative Statics When the Objective Function is Concave: Old Wine in Old Bottles? pp. 1320-22

- Mohamed A El-Hodiri
- Why 22,31,000 for a Velazquez?: An Auction Bidding Rule pp. 1323-27

- B S Yamey
Volume 80, issue 5, 1972
- Friedman's Monetary Theory pp. 837-51

- Karl Brunner and Allan Meltzer
- Friedman's Theoretical Framework pp. 852-63

- James Tobin
- A Keynesian View of Friedman's Theoretical Framework for Monetary Analysis pp. 864-82

- Paul Davidson
- Friedman on the Quantity Theory and Keynesian Economics pp. 883-905

- Don Patinkin
- Comments on the Critics pp. 906-50

- Milton Friedman
- Money, Debt, and Economic Activity pp. 951-77

- Karl Brunner and Allan Meltzer
- Inflationary Finance and the Welfare Cost of Inflation pp. 978-1001

- Robert Barro
- Optimal Economic Stabilization Policy: An Extended Framework pp. 1002-22

- Benjamin M Friedman
- Human Capital Losses Resulting from U.S. Casualties of the War in Vietnam pp. 1023-30

- B F Kiker and Jon Birkeli
- Extinction of a Fishery by Commercial Exploitation: A Note pp. 1031-38

- J R Gould
- On the Possibility of a Market for Externalities pp. 1039-44

- William C Wheaton
- Externalities, Welfare, and the Feasibility of Corrective Taxes pp. 1045-51

- Richard Dusansky and Peter J Kalman
- The Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem in the Multi-Commodity Case pp. 1052-55

- Jagdish N Bhagwati
- Professor Stigler on Dupuit and the Development of Utility Theory: Comment pp. 1056-59

- Robert Ekelund
- Maintenance of Slum Housing: Optimal Policy Subject to a Political Constraint pp. 1060-66

- Benton F Massell
- Slum Housing: A Further Word pp. 1067-68

- Stanley Lebergott
Volume 80, issue 4, 1972
- Market Insurance, Self-Insurance, and Self-Protection pp. 623-48

- Isaac Ehrlich and Gary Becker
- The Optimal Full-Employment Surplus pp. 649-61

- Martin J Bailey
- Peak-Load Pricing Under Regulatory Constraint pp. 662-79

- Elizabeth Bailey
- The Economics of Jury Conscription pp. 680-702

- Donald L Martin
- An Economic Measure of Capacity in a Joint Product, Multiprocess Industry pp. 703-23

- James M Griffin
- Structure of Revealed Preference: Some Preliminary Evidence pp. 724-44

- Anthony Y C Koo and Georg Hasenkamp
- The Concept and Measurement of Permanent Industrial Concentration pp. 745-60

- Irvin M Grossack
- On Models of Commercial Fishing: A Defense of the Traditional Literature pp. 761-68

- Richard F Fullenbaum, Ernest W Carlson and Frederick W Bell
- Policy Prescriptions in Bionomic Models: The Case of the Fishery pp. 769-75

- Clive Southey
- On Models of Commercial Fishing: The Traditional Literature Needs No Defenders pp. 776-78

- Vernon L Smith
- Token Economies and Experimental Economics pp. 779-85

- John Kagel
- Further Evidence on the Elasticity of Substitution among Different Types of Educated Labor pp. 786-92

- George Psacharopoulos and Keith Hinchliffe
- Direct Income and Substitution Effects in Participation Decisions pp. 793-95

- Barry Hughes
- Welfare Indexes with Interindustry Flows: Comment pp. 796-800

- Trent J Bertrand
- Welfare Indexes with Interindustry Flows: Rejoinder and a Further Extension pp. 801-02

- Jaroslav Vanek
- Ramsey's Investment Criterion pp. 803-06

- Peter A Frost and Lawrence D Schall
- Ramsey's Investment Criterion: A Reply pp. 807-10

- James B Ramsey
- On the Enigma of Inflationary Gaps pp. 811-17

- Barbara Henneberry and James G Witte
- The Financing of Inflationary Gaps: Rejoinder pp. 818-21

- George Horwich
- Aerospace Profits and Renegotiation: A Comment pp. 822-26

- Arthur E Burns
- Aerospace Profits and Renegotiation: A Reply pp. 827-28

- A M Agapos and Lowell E Gallaway
- The Rational Consumer's Demand for Psychiatric Help: A Preference Function Generating a Perfectly Price-inelastic Demand Function pp. 829-32

- H H Liebhafsky
Volume 80, issue 3, 1972
- Optimal Investment in College Instruction: Equity and Efficiency pp. S2-S30

- Theodore W Schultz
- Optimal Investment in College Instruction: Equity and Efficiency: Comment pp. S31-S33

- Anne O Krueger
- Time-Series Changes in Personal Income Inequality in the United States from 1939, with Projections to 1985 pp. S34-S66

- Barry Chiswick and Jacob Mincer
- Time-Series Changes in Personal Income Inequality in the United States from 1939, with Projections to 1985: Comment pp. S67-S71

- Mary Jean Bowman
- Time-Series Changes in Personal Income Inequality in the United States from 1939, with Projections to 1985: Comment pp. S72-S73

- Thomas Johnson
- Education, Income, and Ability pp. S74-S103

- Zvi Griliches and William M Mason
- Education, Income, and Ability: Comment pp. S104-S07

- Paul Taubman
- Earnings Profile: Ability and Schooling pp. S108-S38

- John C Hause
- Earnings Profile: Ability and Schooling: Comment pp. S139-S41

- Burton A Weisbrod
- Equity Implications of State Tuition Policy and Student Loans pp. S142-S71

- Robert W Hartman
- Equity Implications of State Tuition Policy and Student Loans: Comment pp. S172-S74

- Douglas M Windham
- Equity Implications of State Tuition Policy and Student Loans: Comment pp. S175-S77

- Luther Tweeten
- On Tuition and the Costs of Higher Education: Prolegomena to a Conceptual Framework pp. S178-S218

- Marc Nerlove
- Schooling and Inequality from Generation to Generation pp. S219-S51

- Samuel Bowles
- Schooling and Inequality from Generation to Generation: Comment pp. S252-S55

- Gary Becker
- Note on the Intergenerational Transfer of Public Higher-Education Benefits pp. S256-59

- Joseph A Pechman
- Equity and the Finance of Higher Education pp. S260-S73

- W Lee Hansen
- Equity and the Finance of Higher Education: Comment pp. S274-76

- Oswald H Brownlee
- Equity and the Finance of Higher Education: Comment pp. S277-S79

- Finis Welch
- The Alternatives before Us pp. S280-S89

- Harry G Johnson
- Racial Discrimination and Trade Unionism pp. 435-64

- Orley Ashenfelter
- Economies of Scale and Customs Union Theory pp. 465-75

- Warner Corden
- Pareto Optimality and the Political Economy of Liberalism pp. 476-90

- Alan T Peacock and Charles Rowley
- Crime, Youth, and the Labor Market pp. 491-504

- Llad Phillips, Votey, Harold L, and Darold Maxwell
- On Marx's Scheme of Reproduction and Accumulation pp. 505-22

- Donald J Harris
- A Macro Model of the Endogenous Business Cycle in Marxist Analysis pp. 523-39

- Robert V Eagly
- Workers' Management and Interindustry Wage Differentials in Yugoslavia pp. 540-60

- Howard M Wachtel
- Changes in Industrial Structure in Yugoslavia, 1959-1968 pp. 561-74

- Stephen R Sacks
- Optimum Durability, Second-Hand Markets, and Planned Obsolescence pp. 575-85

- Peter Swan
- A Note on Monopolistic Competition and Excess Capacity pp. 586-91

- Richard Schmalensee
- The Inconsistencies in Monopolistic Competition: A Reply pp. 592-97

- Harold Demsetz
- Monopoly and Contrived Depreciation pp. 598-602

- Robert Barro
- Emigration: A Bearer of Welfare Loss? pp. 603

- Donald Wellington
- Comment on "Emigration: A Bearer of Welfare Loss." pp. 604-07

- R Albert Berry and Ronald Soligo
- Revealed Planners' Preferences Once Again: A Rebuttal to Drewnowski pp. 608-11

- Paul Craig Roberts
- The Portfolio Approach to Capital Movements: A Comment pp. 612-16

- Peter B Clark and Richard D Haas
- The Economics of Reducing Faculty Teaching Loads pp. 617-19

- Richard B McKenzie
Volume 80, issue 2, 1972
- On the Concept of Health Capital and the Demand for Health pp. 223-55

- Michael Grossman
- Testing the Assumptions of Production Theory: A Nonparametric Approach pp. 256-75

- Giora Hanoch and Michael Rothschild
- On Golden Rules, the "Biological Theory of Interest," and Competitive Inefficiency pp. 276-91

- David A Starrett
- Short-Run Flexibility in a Developing Economy pp. 292-313

- Jere Behrman
- Externalities and the Race for Economic Growth in the USSR: Will the Environment Ever Win? pp. 314-27

- Marshall I Goldman
- An Application of Cost-Benefit Analysis to Management Education pp. 328-46

- Samuel Paul
- Experimental Economics Revisited pp. 347-52

- Thomas H Naylor
- What Was Left on Viner's Desk pp. 353-64

- Fritz Machlup
- Inflation and Real Interest Rate: A Long-Term Analysis pp. 365-74

- Edi Karni
- Experimental Evidence on Price Formation in Competitive Markets pp. 375-85

- Alan C Hess
- Inventory Holdings, Rational Expectations, and the Law of Supply and Demand pp. 386-93

- Bennett McCallum
- A Note on the Nature of Equilibrium in Monopolistic Competition pp. 394-402

- William C Perkins
- A Test of the Permanent-Income Hypothesis of the Demand for Money Using Grouping as an Instrumental Variable pp. 403-08

- Richard E Peterson
- Disaggregation and Calculations of the Welfare Cost of a Tax pp. 409-17

- Ronald F Hoffman
- On the Net Present Value Rule for Educational Investments pp. 418-20

- Elchanan Cohn
- Optimal Enforcement of Laws: A Comment pp. 421

- Thomas R Ireland
Volume 80, issue 1, 1972
- What the World Thought of Jacob Viner pp. 1-4

- Fritz Machlup
- Jacob Viner, 1892-1970 pp. 5-11

- Paul A Samuelson
- Jacob Viner at Princeton pp. 12-15

- William Baumol
- Domestic Resource Costs and Effective Protection: Clarification and Synthesis pp. 16-33

- Michael Bruno
- Input Substitution and the Concept of the Effective Rate of Protection pp. 34-47

- Wilfred Ethier
- Evaluating Restrictionist Trade Regimes: Theory and Measurement pp. 48-62

- Anne O Krueger
- Domestic Resource Costs and Effective Protection Once Again pp. 63-69

- Bela Balassa and Daniel M Schydlowsky
- Research and Development Costs and Returns: The U. S. Pharmaceutical Industry pp. 70-85

- Martin Neil Baily
- The Effect of Urban Renewal on Municipal Service Expenditures pp. 86-101

- John C Weicher
- Additive Utility Functions with Double-Log Consumer Demand Functions pp. 102-24

- Kazuo Sato
- Demographic Effects and the Multiperiod Consumption Function pp. 125-38

- Dale M Heien
- Lifetime Excess Burden of a Tax pp. 139-47

- David Levhari and Eytan Sheshinski
- Technological Externalities and Common-Property Resources: An Empirical Study of the U. S. Northern Lobster Fishery pp. 148-58

- Frederick W Bell
- Monetary Reform and the Payment of Interest on Money pp. 159-70

- Roger Waud
- A New Program for More Monetary Stability pp. 171-75

- Thomas Havrilesky
- A Note on Rules, Authorities, and Information pp. 176-78

- A A Walters
- The Specification of the Demand for Money and the Tax Multiplier pp. 179-85

- James M Holmes and David J Smyth
- Unemployment in the Great Depression: Is There a Full Explanation? pp. 186-91

- Robert Lucas and Leonard A Rapping
- Real Wages and Inflation: Rejoinder pp. 192

- Albert Rees
- Differential Tax Incidence: Large versus Small Tax Changes pp. 193-97

- Melvyn B Krauss
- Changing Domestic Demand and Ability to Export pp. 198-202

- Robert C Hsu
- Why the American Tourist Abroad Is Cheated: A Price-theoretical Analysis pp. 203-07

- John Adams
- Aesop's Paradox: The Classical Critique of Democratic Decision Processes pp. 208-12

- William Fischel
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