Journal of Political Economy
1893 - 2025
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Volume 88, issue 6, 1980
- Revenue Seeking: A Generalization of the Theory of Tariffs pp. 1069-87

- Jagdish N Bhagwati and T N Srinivasan
- The Effects of Monetary Change on Relative Commodity Prices and the Role of Long-Term Contracts pp. 1088-1109

- Michael Bordo
- Wage Determination in the Federal Government: The Role of Constituents and Bureaucrats pp. 1110-47

- George Borjas
- The Role of Trade Flows in Exchange Rate Determination: A Rational Expectations Approach pp. 1148-58

- Carlos Rodríguez
- Expectations Models of the Term Structure and Implied Variance Bounds pp. 1159-76

- Kenneth J Singleton
- Discriminatory Features of Domestic Factor Tax Systems in a Goods Mobile-Factors Immobile Trade Model: An Empirical General Equilibrium Approach pp. 1177-1202

- John Whalley
- Uncertainty and Exhaustible Resource Markets pp. 1203-25

- Robert Pindyck
- Relative Wealth and Risk Taking: A Short Note on the Friedman-Savage Utility Function pp. 1226-30

- Nathaniel Gregory
- A Note on Lucas's Equilibrium Model of the Business Cycle pp. 1231-36

- Edi Karni
- The Little-Mirrlees Shadow Wage Rate: A Comment on Sjaastad and Wisecarver [The Social Cost of Public Finance] pp. 1237-41

- Deepak Lal and Lyn Squire
- The Incidence of Sales and Excise Taxes, or Where Do We Put the Transfers? pp. 1242-48

- Jacob Meerman
- The Protection of Unskilled Labor in the United States Manufacturing Industries: Further Evidence pp. 1249-54

- Don Clark
- The Birth of Stagflation: A Fable pp. 1255-59

- Christopher U Light
Volume 88, issue 5, 1980
- Forward Exchange Rates as Optimal Predictors of Future Spot Rates: An Econometric Analysis pp. 829-53

- Lars Peter Hansen and Robert J Hodrick
- Personal Taxation, Portfolio Choice, and the Effect of the Corporation Income Tax pp. 854-66

- Martin Feldstein and Joel Slemrod
- Conflict and Contract: The Case of Strikes pp. 867-86

- Melvin W Reder and George R Neumann
- The Enforcement of Public Price Controls pp. 887-916

- Charles C Cox
- Completed Fertility and Its Timing pp. 917-40

- Michael P Ward and William P Butz
- The General Validity of the Law of Comparative Advantage pp. 941-57

- Alan Deardorff
- The Relative Efficiency of Public and Private Firms in a Competitive Environment: The Case of Canadian Railroads pp. 958-76

- Douglas W Caves and Laurits R Christensen
- Valuation Response to New Information: A Test of Resource Mobility and Market Structure pp. 977-93

- Steven H Lustgarten and Stavros B Thomadakis
- Economies of Scale, Domestic Divergences, and Potential Gains from Economic Integration in Ghana and the Ivory Coast pp. 994-1008

- Scott R Pearson and William D Ingram
- Theory of Vertical Control with Variable Proportions pp. 1009-25

- Parthasaradhi Mallela and Babu Nahata
- Effects of the EEC's Variable Import Levies pp. 1026-40

- Gary P Sampson and Richard H Snape
- On the Use of Distributional Weights in Social Cost-Benefit Analysis pp. 1041-47

- Richard Layard
- On the Use of Distributional Weights in Social Cost-Benefit Analysis pp. 1048-49

- Lyn Squire
- Reply to Layard and Squire [On the Use of Distributional Weights in Social Cost-Benefit Analysis] pp. 1050-52

- Arnold C Harberger
Volume 88, issue 4, 1980
- Nobel Lecture: The Economics of Being Poor pp. 639-51

- Theodore W Schultz
- Search, Layoffs, and Labor Market Equilibrium pp. 652-72

- Kenneth Burdett and Dale Mortensen
- A Theory of Exchange Rate Determination pp. 673-98

- Alan C Stockman
- The Treasury-Bill Futures Market pp. 699-721

- Rodney L Jacobs and Robert Jones
- The Measurement of Permanent Income and Its Application to Savings Behavior pp. 722-44

- Surjit Bhalla
- Market Fundamentals versus Price-Level Bubbles: The First Tests pp. 745-70

- Robert Flood and Peter Garber
- Firm Size and Efficient Entrepreneurial Activity: A Reformulation of the Schumpeter Hypothesis pp. 771-82

- Albert Link
- Protection, Real Wages, and the Neoclassical Ambiguity with Interindustry Flows pp. 783-802

- David Burgess
- The Efficiency of Direct Democracy pp. 803-10

- Eli M Noam
Volume 88, issue 3, 1980
- Competitive Bidding for Contracts under Alternative Auction Procedures pp. 433-45

- Charles Holt
- Organization Capital pp. 446-61

- Edward Prescott and Michael Visscher
- The Effects of Uncertainty on Investment under Risk Neutrality with Endogenous Information pp. 462-75

- Alex Cukierman
- The Effect of State Maximum-Hours Laws on the Employment of Women in 1920 pp. 476-94

- Elisabeth M Landes
- The Leontief Paradox, Reconsidered pp. 495-503

- Edward Leamer
- Income Distribution and the Aggregate Consumption Function pp. 504-25

- Philip Musgrave
- Job Queues and Layoffs in Labor Markets with Flexible Wages pp. 526-38

- Andrew Weiss
- Simultaneous-Equations Tests of the Natural Rate and Other Classical Hypotheses pp. 539-49

- John Cuddington
- Indexation, Inflationary Finance, and Hyperinflation: The 1945-1946 Hungarian Experience pp. 550-60

- W A Bomberger and G E Makinen
- Relative Capital Formation in the United States pp. 561-77

- James Adams
- Person-Specific Information in the Labor Market pp. 578-97

- Glenn MacDonald
- Money Demand Responsiveness to the Rate of Return on Money: A Methodological Critique pp. 598-607

- John Carlson and James R Frew
- Anthropology and Economics: Review Article pp. 608-16

- Richard Posner
- On the Auction Mechanism and Its Incentive Compatibility: Comment pp. 617-19

- Earl R Brubaker
- The Effect of Americanization on Earnings: Some Evidence for Women pp. 620-29

- James E Long
Volume 88, issue 2, 1980
- The Role for Active Monetary Policy in a Rational Expectations Model pp. 221-33

- Laurence Weiss
- Economic Losses from Forecasting Error in Agriculture pp. 234-58

- Stephen DeCanio
- Money-financed Fiscal Policy in a Growing Economy pp. 259-87

- Ettore F Infante and Jerome L Stein
- Agency Problems and the Theory of the Firm pp. 288-307

- Eugene Fama
- Search and Market Equilibrium pp. 308-27

- Richard D MacMinn
- Life-Cycle Labor Supply and Fertility: Causal Inferences from Household Models pp. 328-48

- Mark Rosenzweig and Kenneth I Wolpin
- Why Workers Want Unions: The Role of Relative Wages and Job Characteristics pp. 349-69

- Henry S Farber and Daniel H Saks
- Capital Controls, Political Risk, and Deviations from Interest-Rate Parity pp. 370-84

- Michael Dooley and Peter Isard
- The "Problem" of Procyclical Real Wages and Productivity pp. 385-94

- John Tatom
- Market Structure and Optimal Stockholding: A Note pp. 395-99

- David de Meza and Thomas von Ungern Sternberg
- Saving and the Rate of Interest: A Clarifying Note pp. 400-405

- Bruce Bender and Gerald Dwyer
- Is the Preferred-Habitat Model of the Term Structure Inconsistent with Financial Market Efficiency? pp. 406-11

- Frederic Mishkin
- The Effects of Traffic Safety Regulation in Sweden pp. 412-27

- Bjorn Lindgren and Charles Stuart
Volume 88, issue 1, 1980
- Aggregate Dynamics and Staggered Contracts pp. 1-23

- John Taylor
- An Economic Theory of Monetary Reform pp. 24-58

- Robert Flood and Peter Garber
- Federal Taxes and Homeownership: Evidence from Time Series pp. 59-75

- Harvey Rosen and Kenneth T Rosen
- Alcoa: The Influence of Recycling on Monopoly Power pp. 76-99

- Peter Swan
- Optimal Hedging under Price and Quantity Uncertainty: The Case of a Cocoa Producer pp. 100-116

- Jacques Rolfo
- The Decline in Male Labor Force Participation pp. 117-34

- Donald Parsons
- Stochastic Dominance in Human Capital pp. 135-45

- Benjamin Eden
- Open-Market Operations in a Model of Regulated, Insured Intermediaries pp. 146-73

- John Bryant and Neil Wallace
- A Nominal Theory of the Nominal Rate of Interest and the Price Level pp. 174-85

- Marco Antonia Campos Martins
- Human and Nonhuman Wealth in Demand-for-Money Functions pp. 186-93

- G S Laumas and Rati Ram
- On the Feasibility of Sterilization by More Than One Country pp. 194-98

- Richard J Herring and Richard C Marston
- Shipping the Good Apples Out: Some Ambiguities in the Interpretation of "Fixed Charge" pp. 199-208

- John Umbeck
- Tales of Horror from Ivory Towers pp. 210-12

- Edi Karni and Barbara Shapiro
- The Economics of the Afterlife pp. 213-14

- Scott Gordon
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