Journal of Political Economy
1893 - 2025
From University of Chicago Press
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Volume 100, issue 6, 1992
- Episodes in the History of the Journal of Political Economy pp. 1087-91

- Vicky M Longawa
- Social Norms, Savings Behavior, and Growth pp. 1092-1125

- Harold Cole, George Mailath and Andrew Postlewaite
- Growth in Cities pp. 1126-52

- Edward Glaeser, Hedi D. Kallal, Jose A. Scheinkman and Andrei Shleifer
- Oligopolistic Pricing and the Effects of Aggregate Demand on Economic Activity pp. 1153-1207

- Julio Rotemberg and Michael Woodford
- The Tragedy of the Commons and Economic Growth: Why Does Capital Flow from Poor to Rich Countries? pp. 1208-31

- Aaron Tornell and Andes Velasco
- Quality-Adjusted Cost Functions and Policy Evaluation in the Nursing Home Industry pp. 1232-56

- Paul J Gertler and Donald Waldman
- Are All Economic Hypotheses False? pp. 1257-72

- J Bradford De Long and Kevin Lang
- Irving Fisher Comments on Benjamin Strong and the Federal Reserve in the 1930s pp. 1273-77

- Thomas Cargill
Volume 100, issue 5, 1992
- Sanctions pp. 899-928

- Jonathan Eaton and Maxim Engers
- Competition in the British Electricity Spot Market pp. 929-53

- Richard Green and David M Newbery
- Price Discrimination in Competitive Markets pp. 954-65

- Luis Locay and Alvaro Rodriguez
- Measuring Peer Group Effects: A Study of Teenage Behavior pp. 966-91

- William Evans, Wallace Oates and Robert M Schwab
- A Theory of Fads, Fashion, Custom, and Cultural Change in Informational Cascades pp. 992-1026

- Sushil Bikhchandani, David Hirshleifer and Ivo Welch
- Engel's Law and Cointegration pp. 1027-46

- Masao Ogaki
- Some Evidence on the Empirical Significance of Credit Rationing pp. 1047-77

- Allen Berger and Gregory Udell
- The Changing Empirical Definition of Money: A Comment pp. 1078-81

- James L Swofford and Gerald A Whitney
Volume 100, issue 4, 1992
- Economic Crisis in a Shortage Economy pp. 673-90

- Kent Osband
- Quadratic Social Welfare Functions pp. 691-712

- Larry Epstein and Uzi Segal
- Fiscal Policy, Specialization, and Trade in the Two-Sector Model: The Return of Ricardo? pp. 713-44

- Marianne Baxter
- International Real Business Cycles pp. 745-75

- David Backus, Patrick Kehoe and Finn Kydland
- Interest Rate Control and Nonconvergence to Rational Expectations pp. 776-800

- Peter Howitt
- Peer Pressure and Partnerships pp. 801-17

- Eugene Kandel and Edward Lazear
- Public versus Private Investment in Human Capital Endogenous Growth and Income Inequality pp. 818-34

- Gerhard Glomm and B Ravikumar
- Compensating Wage Differentials and Unobserved Productivity pp. 835-58

- Hae-shin Hwang, W. Reed and Carlton Hubbard
- Insider Trading: Should It Be Prohibited? pp. 859-87

- Hayne Leland
- "Wasteful" Commuting: A Resolution pp. 888-98

- Kenneth A Small and Shunfeng Song
Volume 100, issue 3, 1992
- Collective Labor Supply and Welfare pp. 437-67

- Pierre Chiappori
- Optimal Incentive Contracts in the Presence of Career Concerns: Theory and Evidence pp. 468-505

- Robert Gibbons and Kevin Murphy
- Internal Net Worth and the Investment Process: An Application to U.S. Agriculture pp. 506-34

- R Glenn Hubbard and Anil Kashyap
- The Determinants of Black-White Differences in Early Employment Careers: Search, Layoffs, Quits, and Endogenous Wage Growth pp. 535-60

- Kenneth I Wolpin
- The Social Efficiency of Private Decisions to Enforce Property Rights pp. 561-80

- David de Meza and J R Gould
- Time Dynamics and Incomplete Information in the Private Provision of Public Goods pp. 581-97

- Mark Gradstein
- Incentive Contracts and Performance Measurement pp. 598-614

- George P Baker
- Endogenous Market Participation and the General Equilibrium Value of Money pp. 615-46

- Satyajit Chatterjee and P. Dean Corbae
- Are Contributions Rational? Untangling Strategies of Political Action Committees pp. 647-64

- Thomas Stratmann
Volume 100, issue 2, 1992
- Convergence pp. 223-51

- Robert Barro and Xavier Sala-i-Martin
- Insiders, Outsiders, and Nominal Wage Contracts pp. 252-70

- Nils Gottfries
- Sacrifice and Stigma: Reducing Free-Riding in Cults, Communes, and Other Collectives pp. 271-91

- Laurence Iannaccone
- History's Role in Coordinating Decentralized Allocation Decisions pp. 292-316

- Donald J Meyer, John van Huyck, Raymond Battalio and Thomas R Saving
- Testing Financial Market Equilibrium under Asymmetric Information pp. 317-48

- Larry Lang, Robert H Litzenberger and Vicente Madrigal
- The Behavior of Prices and Inflation: An Empirical Analysis of Disaggregated Price Data pp. 349-89

- Saul Lach and Daniel Tsiddon
- A General Equilibrium Model of Housing, Taxes, and Portfolio Choice pp. 390-429

- James Berkovec and Don Fullerton
- The Cinderella Paradox Resolved pp. 430-32

- Edward Glaeser
Volume 100, issue 1, 1992
- Does School Quality Matter? Returns to Education and the Characteristics of Public Schools in the United States pp. 1-40

- David Card and Alan Krueger
- Sequential Banking pp. 41-61

- David S Bizer and Peter DeMarzo
- Franklin D. Roosevelt, Silver, and China pp. 62-83

- Milton Friedman
- The Trade-Off between Child Quantity and Quality pp. 84-117

- Eric A Hanushek
- The Role of Unemployment Insurance in an Economy with Liquidity Constraints and Moral Hazard pp. 118-42

- Gary D Hansen and Ayse Imrohoroglu
- Money and Prices in Colonial America: A New Test of Competing Theories pp. 143-61

- Bennett McCallum
- Measurable Dynamic Gains from Trade pp. 162-74

- Richard Baldwin
- The Determinants of Pesticide Regulation: A Statistical Analysis of EPA Decision Making pp. 175-97

- Maureen Cropper, William Evans, Stephen J. Berard, Maria M. Ducla-Soares and Paul R. Portney
- International Trade with Lumpy Countries pp. 198-210

- Paul Courant and Alan Deardorff
- Road Congestion: The Diagrammatic Analysis: Comment pp. 211-17

- Alan W Evans