American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 70, issue 5, 1988
- Undergraduate Educational Opportunities in the Face of Declining Enrollments pp. 985-993

- Lester V. Manderscheid
- Gatt and Agriculture: The Role of Special Interest Groups pp. 994-1005

- Andrew Schmitz
- Managing Macroeconomic Imbalances pp. 1006-1012

- Barry Bosworth and Robert Lawrence
- Implications of the Macroeconomic Outlook for Agriculture pp. 1013-1022

- John B. Penson and Bruce Gardner
- Agriculture in the Macroeconomy: Discussion pp. 1023-1024

- Stanley R. Johnson
- Agriculture in the Macroeconomy: Discussion pp. 1025-1026

- Daniel Sumner
- Agricultural Policy under a Democratic Administration pp. 1027-1030

- J. B. Penn
- Agricultural Policy under a Republican Administration pp. 1031-1035

- Robert L. Thompson
- The Effect of Policy Reforms on Agricultural Incentives in Sub-Saharan Africa pp. 1036-1043

- William Jaeger and Charles Humphreys
- Informing Food Security Decisions in Africa: Empirical Analysis and Policy Dialogue pp. 1044-1052

- Michael Weber, John Staatz, Eric W. Crawford, Richard H. Bernsten and John S. Holtzman
- Economic Policy Adjustments in Developing Countries: Discussion pp. 1053-1054

- Laurian Unnevehr
- Economic Policy Adjustments in Developing Countries: Discussion pp. 1055-1056

- David Seckler
- The Volatility Debate pp. 1057-1063

- Robert Shiller
- Understanding Real Interest Rates pp. 1064-1072

- Frederic Mishkin
- The Volatility Debate: Discussion pp. 1073-1075

- Richard Just
- Understanding Real Interest Rates: Discussion pp. 1076-1077

- Walter Thurman
- Rural Concerns and the National Policy Environment pp. 1078-1084

- Dale Jahr
- New Federalism and Rural America: Implications for Local Public Economies pp. 1085-1090

- David L. Chicoine
- The Effects of Deregulation on Rural Communities pp. 1091-1096

- Paul W. Barkley
- Political Economy of Rural Devlopment: Discussion pp. 1097-1099

- Sandra S. Batie
- Hicksian Welfare Measures within a Regret Theory Framework pp. 1100-1106

- James Opaluch and Kathleen Segerson
- The Implications of Reliability Theory for Environmental Institutional Design and Decision Making pp. 1107-1112

- J. Walter Milon and William G. Boggess
- Risk Perception, Learning, and Individual Behavior pp. 1113-1117

- V. Smith and William H. Desvousges
- Risk, Utility Concepts, and Policy Choices: Discussion pp. 1118-1121

- John Hoehn
- ECOP's Futures Task Force Report: An Overview pp. 1123-1126

- Mitchell R. Geasler
- The Missing Blueprint for Progress, or What the Extension Futures Report Failed to Do pp. 1127-1132

- Dennis R. Henderson
- The Land Grant Concept and Extension Leadership pp. 1133-1136

- L. Tim Wallace
- Measuring Government Intervention in Agriculture for the GATT Negotiations pp. 1137-1145

- Nancy E. Schwartz and Stephen Parker
- The Political Economy of the Uruguay Round Negotiations: A View from Geneva pp. 1146-1152

- Carlisle Runge and Heimpel Stanton
- Trade Negotiation and Agriculture: New Approaches and Possible Consequences: Discussion pp. 1153-1155

- Maury E. Bredahl
- Trade Negotiation and Agriculture: New Approaches and Possible Consequences: Discussion pp. 1156-1158

- L. P. Mahé
- Low-Input Agriculture: Trends, Goals, and Prospects for Input Use pp. 1159-1166

- Stan G. Daberkow and Katherine H. Reichelderfer
- Low-Input/Sustainable Agricultural Research and Education—Challenges to the Agricultural Economics Profession pp. 1167-1172

- Patrick Madden
- Economic Adjustment to Sustainable Agriculture: Discussion pp. 1173-1174

- Douglas L. Young
- Economic Adjustment to Sustainable Agriculture: Discussion pp. 1175-1176

- Gerald A. Carlson
- Implications of Bovine Somatotropin on the Value of Fluid Milk Quota in Ontario pp. 1219-1224

- James Brown
Volume 70, issue 4, 1988
- The Grain Sector of the European Community: Policy Formation, Price Determination, and Implications for Trade pp. 767-778

- Paul Gallagher
- Rationing and Adjustment in the Market for Tenancies: The Behavior of Landowning Households in Thanjavur District pp. 779-789

- Clive Bell and Chalongphob Sussangkarn
- Computer Use in Agriculture: Evidence from Tulare County, California pp. 790-802

- Daniel S. Putler and David Zilberman
- Farmers' Choice of Fixed and Adjustable Interest Rate Loans pp. 803-812

- David Leatham and Timothy Baker
- Modeling Supply Response in a Multiproduct Framework pp. 813-825

- V. Eldon Ball
- Aggregation of Inputs Under Risk pp. 826-830

- Rulon D. Pope and Arne Hallam
- Systematic and Nonsystematic Risk in Farm Portfolio Selection pp. 831-836

- Calum Turvey, H. C. Driver and Timothy Baker
- Dynamic Adjustment in the U.S. Dairy Industry pp. 837-847

- Wayne H. Howard and C. Shumway
- Welfare Comparisons of U.S. Dairy Policies with and without Mandatory Supply Control pp. 848-858

- Harry Kaiser, Deborah H. Streeter and Donald J. Liu
- Applying Mixed Estimation in Econometric Research pp. 859-866

- Ron Mittelhammer and Roger K. Conway
- Marginal Analysis of Welfare Costs of Environmental Policies: The Case of Pesticide Regulation pp. 867-874

- Erik Lichtenberg, Doug Parker and David Zilberman
- The Effects of Job Site Sanitation and Living Conditions on the Health and Welfare of Agricultural Workers pp. 875-885

- George Frisvold, Richard Mines and Jeffrey Perloff
- The Effects of Supply Shifts on Producers' Surplus pp. 886-891

- Gay Y. Miller, Joseph M. Rosenblatt and Leroy J. Hushak
- The Reliability of Estimates of Environmental Benefits from Recreation Demand Models pp. 892-901

- Catherine Kling
- An Inverse Demand System for U.S. Composite Foods pp. 902-909

- Kuo Huang
- Producer Attitudes Toward Peanut Market Alternatives: An Application of Multivariate Probit Joint Estimation pp. 910-918

- Tsu-tan Fu, James Epperson, Joseph Terza and Stanley M. Fletcher
- The Effects of the Dairy Termination Program on Live Cattle and Wholesale Beef Prices pp. 919-928

- John M. Marsh
- Performance of the Weekly Gulf-Kansas City Hard-Red Winter Wheat Basis pp. 929-935

- Daniel S. Tilley and Steven K. Campbell
- Investment and Disinvestment Principles with Nonconstant Prices and Varying Firm Size Applied to Beef-Breeding Herds: Comment pp. 936-937

- John W. McClelland and Michael E. Wetzstein
- Investment and Disinvestment Principles with Nonconstant Prices and Varying Firm Size Applied to Beef-Breeding Herds: Reply pp. 938-940

- James N. Trapp
- The EEC's Wheat Trade Policies and International Trade in Differentiated Products: Comment pp. 941-943

- Stephan von Cramon-Taubadel
- Producer-Consumer Trade-Offs in Export Cartels: The Wheat Cartel Case: Comment pp. 944-945

- K. Gary Grant
- Producer-Consumer Trade-Offs in Export Cartels: The Wheat Cartel Case: Reply pp. 946

- Colin Carter, Nancy Gallini and Andrew Schmitz
- Allocatable Fixed Inputs and Jointness in Agricultural Production: Implications For Economic Modeling: Comment pp. 947-949

- Gary D. Lynne
- Allocatable Fixed Inputs and Jointness in Agricultural Production: Implications for Economic Modeling: Reply pp. 950-952

- C. Shumway, Rulon D. Pope and Elizabeth K. Nash
- Expenditure Constraints and Profit Maximization in U.S. Agriculture: Comment pp. 953-954

- Rolf Färe and Carl Sawyer
- Expenditure Constraints and Profit Maximization in U.S. Agriculture: Reply pp. 955-956

- Hyunok Lee and Robert G. Chambers
- Galbraith, John Kenneth. The New Industrial State. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1967 pp. 957-959

- James Duncan Shaffer
- Nicholls, William H. Imperfect Competition within Agricultural Industries. Ames: Iowa State Press, 1941 pp. 959-961

- Willard F. Mueller
- Browne, William P. Private Interests, Public Policy, and American Agriculture. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1988, xviii + 294 pp., $12.95 pp. 961-962

- Larry Janssen
- Conrad, Jon M., and Colin W. Clark. Natural Resources Economics—Notes and Problems. Campbridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987, x + 231 pp., $39.50 pp. 962-963

- Alan Randall
- Eatwell, John, Murray Milgate, and Peter Newman, eds. The New Palgrave, A Dictionary of Economics. London: Macmillan Press, 1987, 4,103 pp. in four volumes, $650.00 pp. 963-964

- Dennis R. Henderson
- Fox, Karl A., and Don G. Miles, eds. Systems Economics: Concepts, Models, and Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1987, xvii + 252 pp., $24.50 pp. 964-966

- Michael H. Abkin
- Gardner, Bruce L. The Economics of Agricultural Policies. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1982, 387 pp., $42.50 pp. 966-967

- David Zilberman
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). International Trade 86–87. Geneva: GATT, 1987, 235 pp., price unknown pp. 967-968

- Rekha Mehra
- Hinderink, J., and J. J. Sterkenburg. Agricultural Commercialization and Government Policy in Africa. New York: Methuen, 1987, xii + 328 pp., $59.95 pp. 968-969

- Malcolm Hall
- Jennings, Bruce H. Foundations of International Agricultural Research: Science and Politics in Mexican Agriculture. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1988, xii + 196 pp., $29.00 pp. 969-970

- Marshall A. Martin
- Johansson, Per-Olov. The Economic Theory and Measurement of Environmental Benefits. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987, x + 223 pp., $49.50 pp. 970-971

- Mary Jo Kealy
- Kilmer, Richard L., and Walter J. Armbruster, eds. Economic Efficiency in Agricultural and Food Marketing. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1987, 315 pp., $24.95 pp. 971-972

- Gordon L. Myer
- Kramer, Mark. Three Farms: Making Milk, Meat and Money from the American Soil. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, 1987, 278 pp., $8.95 pp. 972-973

- Ronald D. Knutson
- Liedholm, Carl, and Donald Mead. Small-Scale Industries in Developing Countries: Empirical Evidence and Policy Implications. East Lansing: Dep. Agr. Econ., Michigan State University, 1987, ix + 141 pp., $6.00 pp. 973-974

- Glenn C. W. Ames
- McKay, Bonnie M., and James M. Acheson, eds. The Question of the Commons: The Culture and Ecology of Communal Resources. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1987, xvi + 439 pp., $35.00 pp. 974-975

- Allan Schmid
- Paarlberg, Robert L. Fixing Farm Trade: Policy Options for the United States. Cambridge MA: Ballinger Publishing Co., 1987, xiv + 159 pp., $16.95 pp. 975-976

- Jerry A. Sharples
- Petit, Michel, Michele De Benedictus, Denis Britton, Martijn De Groot, Wilhelm Henrichsmyer, and Francesco Lechi. Agricultural Policy Formation in the European Community: The Birth of Milk Quotas and CAP Reform. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1987, ix + 165 pp., 120 Dutch guilders pp. 976

- Edward V. Jesse
- Rose, Adam, Brandt Stevens, and Gregg Davis. Natural Resource Policy and Income Distribution. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988, xvi + 139 pp., $29.50 pp. 976-977

- F. Leistritz
- Smith, Homer G. A Challenge to U.S. Agriculture: Building the Cooperative Production Credit System. Denver CO: Graphic Impressions, 1987, lxxiii + 314 pp., $23.95 pp. 977-978

- William McD. Herr
- Solberg, E. Carl. The Prairies and the Pampas. Stanford CA: Stanford University Press, 1987, xiv + 297 pp., $39.50 pp. 978-979

- Javier Caceres
- Thorbecke, Eric, and Jan Svejnar. Economic Policies and Agricultural Performance in Sri Lanka 1960–1984. Paris: Development Centre of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 1987, 120 pp., price unknown pp. 979-980

- Nimal Sanderatne
- Warnock, John W. The Politics of Hunger: The Global Food System. New York: Methuen & Co., 1987, xv + 334 pp., $13.95 paper pp. 980-981

- John D. Hyslop
Volume 70, issue 3, 1988
- Sales Loss Determination in Food Contamination Incidents: An Application to Milk Bans in Hawaii pp. 513-520

- Mark E. Smith, Eileen O. van Ravenswaay and Stanley Thompson
- Demand for Beef and Chicken Products: Separability and Structural Change pp. 521-532

- James S. Eales and Laurian Unnevehr
- Demand Analysis of Fresh and Frozen Finfish and Shellfish in the United States pp. 533-542

- Hsiang-tai Cheng and Oral Capps
- Modeling Food Consumption Decisions as a Two-Step Process pp. 543-552

- Pamela S. Haines, Barry M. Popkin and David K. Guilkey
- Rural Property Tax Delinquency and Recession in Agriculture pp. 553-559

- James Conrad and Larry DeBoer
- High-Technology Manufacturing in the Nonmetropolitan West: Gold or Just Glitter pp. 560-571

- David L. Barkley, Roger A. Dahlgran and Stephen M. Smith
- The Theoretical Effects of Farm Policies on Optimal Leverage and the Probability of Equity Losses pp. 572-579

- Allen Featherstone, Charles Moss, Timothy Baker and Paul Preckel
- Returns to Farm Real Estate Revisited pp. 580-587

- Scott Irwin, D. Lynn Forster and Bruce Sherrick
- Causality of U.S. Agricultural Prices and the Money Supply: Further Empirical Evidence pp. 588-596

- Peter J. Saunders
- Exact Welfare Measurement for Producers under Uncertainty pp. 597-603

- Douglas M. Larson
- Benefits from Price Stabilization to Producers and Processors: The Australian Buffer-Stock Scheme for Wool pp. 604-615

- Mike Hinchy and Brian S. Fisher
- Measurement of Consumer Gains from Market Stabilization pp. 616-627

- Brian Wright and Jeffrey C. Williams
- Incorporating Environmental Considerations in Pest Control Advice for Farmers pp. 628-634

- L. Joe Moffitt
- Murray River Salinity—An Illustrative Model pp. 635-645

- John Quiggin
- Does an Exhaustible Resource Usually Have Many Near-Optimal Depletion Paths? pp. 646-653

- John Rowse
- Valuing Environmental Quality: Weak Complementarity with Sets of Goods pp. 654-662

- Nancy E. Bockstael and Catherine Kling
- The Output Bias of Technological Change in Postwar Japanese Agriculture pp. 663-673

- Yoshimi Kuroda
- Valuing Forecast Characteristics in a Dynamic Agricultural Production System pp. 674-684

- James W. Mjelde, Steven T. Sonka, Bruce L. Dixon and Peter J. Lamb
- Bayesian Evaluation of a Specific Hypothesis pp. 685-692

- Edward O. Fryar, J. T. Arnold and James E. Dunn
- Testing for Stochastic Dominance pp. 693-700

- H. Dennis Tolley and Rulon D. Pope
- Vector Autoregression Forecasting Models: Recent Developments Applied to the U.S. Hog Market pp. 701-712

- Michael S. Kaylen
- Specification Tests for the Partial Adjustment and Adaptive Expectations Models pp. 713-723

- Howard E. Doran
- Offshore Commodity Hedging Under Floating Exchange Rates: Comment pp. 724-726

- Gboroton F. Sarassoro and Raymond M. Leuthold
- Offshore Commodity Hedging under Floating Exchange Rates: Reply pp. 727-728

- Stanley Thompson and Gary E. Bond
- Estimation of Multicrop Production Functions: Comment pp. 729-732

- C. Shumway
- Estimation of Multicrop Production Functions: Reply pp. 733-734

- Richard Just, David Zilberman and Eithan Hochman
- Domestic Farm Policy and the Gains from Trade: Comment pp. 735-739

- Giovanni Anania and Mary Bohman
- Domestic Farm Policy and the Gains from Trade: Reply pp. 740

- Andrew Schmitz, Dale Sigurdson and Otto Doering
- A Stochastic Dominance Comparison of Reduced Tillage Systems in Corn and Soybean Production under Risk: Comment pp. 741-742

- Jeffery Williams
- Endogenous Price Policies and International Wheat Prices: Comment pp. 743-746

- David Vanzetti and John Kennedy
- Endogenous Price Policies and International Wheat Prices: Reply pp. 747-749

- Alexander H. Sarris and John Freebairn
- Abbott, John C. Agricukual Marketing Enterprises for the Developing World. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987, xl + 217 pages, $44.50 pp. 750

- Eldon D. Smith
- Clawson, Marion. From Sagebrush to Sage: The Making of a Resource Economist Washington DC: ANA Publications, 1987, xiv + 476 pp., $20.00 pp. 750-751

- Philip R. Wanschneider
- Grant, Wyn, ed. Business Interests, Organizational Development and Private Interest Government: An International Comparative Study of the Food Processing Industry. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1987, viii + 232 pp., DM 93 pp. 751-752

- Julie Caswell
- Griffin, Keith. World Hunger and the World Economy. New York: Holmes & Meier, 1987, xvi + 274 pp., $19.95 pp. 752-753

- T. James Goering
- Hathaway, Dale E. Agriculture and the GATT: Rewriting the Rules. Washington DC: Institute for International Economics, Policy Analysis in International Economics No. 20, Sep. 1987, xii + 157 pp., $10.00 pp. 753-755

- Timothy E. Josling
- Hayami, Yujiro, MA. Agnes R. Quisumbing, and Lourdes S. Andriano. In Search of Land Reform Design for the Philippines, UPLB-APRP Monograph Series No. 1, UP at Los Baños Agricultural Policy Research Program, June 1987, 79 pp., no price pp. 755-756

- William Thiesenhusen
- Hopkins, Nicholas. Agrarian Transformation in Egypt, Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1987, xvi + 215 pp., $32.50 pp. 756-757

- Jiryis S. Oweis
- Malassis, Louis, and Martine Padilla. Economie agro-alimentaire, III: Ľéconomie mondiale, Paris: Cujas, 1986, 449 pp., price unknown pp. 757-758

- Michel Petit
- Purcell, Randall B., and Elizabeth Morrison, eds. U.S. Agriculture and Third World Development: The Critical Linkage. Boulder CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1987, ix + 258 pp., $26.50 pp. 758-759

- Margaret Andrews and Carl Pray
- Raunikar, Robert, and Chung-Liang Huang, eds. Food Demand Analysis: Problems, Issues and Empirical Evidence, Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1987, xvi + 285 pp., price unknown pp. 759-760

- W. Keith Bryant
- Ravallion, Martin. Markets and Famines. New York? Clarendon Press of Oxford University Press, 1987, pp. viii + 203, $43.00 pp. 760-762

- Charles Timmer
- Richards, Paul. Coping With Hunger: Hazard and Experiment in an African Rice Farming System. London: Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1986, viii + 176 pp., $24.95 pp. 762-763

- Thomas Reardon
- Saliba, Bonnie C., and David B. Bush. Water Markets in Theory and Practice: Market Transfers, Water Values, and Public Policy. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1987, x + 273 pp., $29.50 pp. 763-764

- T. F. Glover
- Weitz, Raanan, New Roads to Development. New York: Greenwood Press, 1986, 257 pp., price unknown pp. 764-765

- Dan Yaron
- Wittwer, Sylvan, Yu Youtai, Sun Han, and Wang Lianzheng. Feeding a Billion: Frontiers of Chinese Agriculture. East Lansing MI: Michigan State University Press, 1987, xii + 462 pp., $30.00 pp. 765-766

- Peter H. Calkins
Volume 70, issue 2, 1988
- The Demand for Dairy Products: Structure, Prediction, and Decomposition pp. 219-228

- Dale M. Heien and Cathy Roheim
- Generic Fluid Milk Advertising, Demand Expansion, and Supply Response: The Case of New York City pp. 229-236

- Donald J. Liu and Olan D. Forker
- Chickens, Eggs, and Causality, or Which Came First? pp. 237-238

- Walter Thurman and Mark Fisher
- Food Processor Price Behavior: Firm-Level Evidence of Sticky Prices pp. 239-244

- J Shonkwiler and T. G. Taylor
- Input Substitution and the Distribution of Surplus Gains from Lower U.S. Beef-Processing Costs pp. 245-254

- John D. Mullen, Michael Wohlgenant and Donald E. Farris
- The Value of Ideal Contingency Markets in Agriculture pp. 255-267

- Robert J. Myers
- Hedging Under Output Price Randomness pp. 268-272

- Jack Meyer and Lindon Robison
- Intermediation Costs in an Agricultural Development Bank: A Cost-Function Approach to Measuring Scale Economies pp. 273-280

- Carlos E. Cuevas
- Market Distortions and Benefits from Research pp. 281-288

- Julian Alston, Geoff W. Edwards and John Freebairn
- Tax Policy and U.S. Agriculture: A General Equilibrium Analysis pp. 289-302

- Thomas Hertel and Marinos E. Tsigas
- A Nonparametric Analysis of Agricultural Technology pp. 303-310

- Jean-Paul Chavas and Thomas L. Cox
- A Nonparametric Investigation of Agricultural Production Behavior for U.S. Subregions pp. 311-317

- Chris Fawson and C. Shumway
- A Model of Production with Supply Management for the Canadian Agricultural Sector pp. 318-329

- GianCarlo Moschini
- Multiproduct Supply and Input Demand in U.S. Agriculture pp. 330-337

- C. Shumway, Roberto R. Saez and Pablo E. Gottret
- Education, Experience, and Allocative Efficiency: A Dual Approach pp. 338-345

- Spiro Stefanou and Swati Saxena
- The Effects of Suburbanization on Agriculture pp. 346-358

- Rigoberto Lopez, Adesoji Adelaja and Margaret Andrews
- Arbitrage Pricing, Capital Asset Pricing, and Agricultural Assets pp. 359-365

- Louise M. Arthur, Colin Carter and Fay Abizadeh
- The Biological Control of Cassava Mealybug in Africa pp. 366-371

- Richard B. Norgaard
- Use of Dichotomous Choice Nonmarket Methods to Value the Whooping Crane Resource pp. 372-381

- J. M. Bowker and John R. Stoll
- Economic Optimization of a Growth Trajectory for Broilers pp. 382-390

- Hovav Talpaz, Shmuel Hurwitz, Jose R. de la Torre and Peter J. H. Sharpe
- Objective Function Approximation: An Application to Spatial Price Equilibrium Models pp. 391-396

- Faruk Güder and James G. Morris
- Approximating Linear Programs with Summary Functions: Pseudodata with an Infinite Sample pp. 397-402

- Paul Preckel and Thomas Hertel
- Ranking of Agricultural Economics Departments: Influence of Regional Journals, Joint Authorship, and Self-Citations pp. 403-409

- Richard Beilock and Leo Polopolus
- Reducing Moral Hazard Associated with Implied Warranties of Animal Health: Comment pp. 410-412

- Jason Shogren
- Reducing Moral Hazard Associated with Implied Warranties of Animal Health: Reply pp. 413-414

- Terence Centner and Michael E. Wetzstein
- A Note on Qualitative Forecast Evaluation: Comment pp. 415-416

- Michael S. Kaylen and Jon A. Brandt
- Soviet Union: The Anomaly of Private-cum-Socialist Agriculture pp. 417-422

- Stefan Hedlund
- People's Republic of China: Systemic and Structural Change in a North China Township pp. 423-430

- Louis Putterman
- Indirect and Direct Taxation of Agriculture in Sudan: The Role of the Government in Agriculture Surplus Extraction pp. 431-436

- Brian C. D'Silva and Ibrahim El Badawi
- Soviet Union: The Anomaly of Private-cum-Socialist Agriculture: Discussion pp. 437-438

- Karen Brooks
- People's Republic of China: Systematic and Structural Change in a North China Township pp. 439

- Nicholas R. Lardy
- Indirect and Direct Taxation of Agriculture in Sudan: The Role of Government in Agriculture Surplus Extraction: Discussion pp. 440-441

- John Strauss
- Measuring Economic Welfare: Is Theory a Cookbook for Empirical Analysis? pp. 442-447

- Arne Hallam
- Making Economic Welfare Analysis Useful in the Policy Process: Implications of the Public Choice Literature pp. 448-453

- Richard Just
- Social Welfare and Interpersonal Utility Comparisons in Applied Policy Research pp. 454-458

- Steven T. Buccola
- New Approaches in Agricultural Policy Research: Discussion pp. 459

- John R. Stoll
- New Approaches in Agricultural Policy Research: Discussion pp. 460-461

- David Bigman, David M Newbery and David Zilberman
- Assessing Opportunities in Food and Fiber Processing and Distribution pp. 462-468

- Oral Capps, Stephen W. Fuller and John P. Nichols
- Industrial Organization: Some Applications for Managerial Decisions pp. 469-474

- James A. Zellner
- The Design and Impact of Strategic Management Information Systems pp. 475-479

- Ronald Cotterill
- Assessing Opportunities in Food and Fiber Processing and Distribution: Discussion pp. 480-481

- Emerson M. Babb
- Industrial Organization: Some Applications for Managerial Decisions: Discussion pp. 482-483

- John Connor
- The Design and Impact of Strategic Management Information Systems: Discussion pp. 484-485

- Joseph D. Coffey
- Schultz, Theodore W. Agriculture in an Unstable Economy. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1945, xix + 299 pp pp. 486-488

- B. F. Stanton
- Boussard, Jean-Marc. Economie de l'agriculture. Paris: Economica, 1987, viii + 310 pp., 175 francs pp. 488-489

- Yves Arsenault
- Dejene, Alemneh. Peasants, Agrarian Socialism, and Rural Development in Ethiopia. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1987, xiii + 162 pp., $18.50 pp. 489

- Girma Begashaw
- de Soto, Hernando. El Otro Sendero; La Revolutión Informal, 6th ed. Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial La Oveja Negra, 1987, xxxvi + 317 pp., $15.95 pp. 489-490

- Simon Rottenberg
- Dovring, Folke. Land Economics. Boston: Breton, 1987, xi + 532 pp., $40.50 pp. 490-491

- Gene Wunderlich
- Hawes, Gary. The Philippines State and the Marcos Regime: The Politics of Export. Ithaca NY: Cornell University Press, 1987, 196 pp., $25.00 pp. 491-492

- Max R. Langham
- Kenney, Martin. Biotechnology: The University-Industrial Complex. New Haven CT: Yale University Press, 1986, xvi + 306 pp., $23.95 pp. 492-494

- Michael P. Welsh
- Marshall, Michael. Long Waves of Regional Development. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1987, xv + 280 pp., $32.50 pp. 494-495

- Glenn Fox
- Mueller, Willard F., Peter G. Helmberger, and Thomas W. Paterson. The Sunkist Case: A Study in Legal-Economic Analysis. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1987, 271 pp., price unknown pp. 495-496

- Harold M. Harris
- Pearson, Scott R., et al. Portuguese Agriculture in Transition. Ithaca NY: Cornell University Press, 1987, 283 pp., $27.50 pp. 496-497

- Norman Rask and Jose Correia Guedes
- Phipps, Tim T., Pierre R. Crosson, and Kent A. Price, eds. Agriculture and the Environment. Washington DC: Resources for the Future, 1986, xvii + 298 pages, price unknown pp. 497-498

- Jay C. Anderson
- Pingali, Prabhu, Yves Bigot, and Hans P. Binswanger. Agricultural Mechanization and the Evolution of Farming Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1987, viii + 216 pp., $22.50 pp. 498-499

- David Norman
- Prosterman, Roy L., and Jeffrey M. Riedinger. Land Reform and Democratic Development. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1987, xii + 313 pp., $29.50 pp. 499-500

- Keijiro Otsuka
- Randall, Alan. Resource Economics. New York: John Wiley & Son, 1987, 434 pp., $44.80 pp. 500-501

- B. Delworth Gardner
- Skogstad, Grace. The Politics of Agricultural Policy-Making in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1987, ix + 229 pp., $30.00 pp. 501-502

- Gary G. Storey
- Steidlmeier, Paul. The Paradox of Poverty: A Reappraisal of Economic Development Policy. Cambridge MA: Ballinger Publishing Co., 1987, xx + 318 pp., $29.95 pp. 502-503

- Phillip E. Church
- Timmer, C. Peter, ed. The Corn Economy of Indonesia. Ithaca NY: Cornell University Press, 1987, 302 pp., $29.95 pp. 503-504

- Dana G. Dalrymple
- Wang, Guichen and Qiren Zhou. Smashing the Communal Pot—Formulation and Development of China's Rural Responsibility System. Beijing: New World Press, 1985, 200 pp., price unknown pp. 504-505

- Bruce Stone
Volume 70, issue 1, 1988
- Government Decision Making and Program Performance: The Case of the Conservation Reserve Program pp. 1-11

- Katherine Reichelderfer and William G. Boggess
- Attitudes and Farmer Conservation Behavior pp. 12-19

- Gary D. Lynne, J Shonkwiler and Leandro R. Rola
- Welfare Measurements Using Contingent Valuation: A Comparison of Techniques pp. 20-28

- Kevin Boyle and Richard C. Bishop
- Selection and Recreation Demand pp. 29-36

- V. Smith
- Assessing Strategies for Control of Irrigation-Induced Salinity in the Upper Colorado River Basin pp. 37-49

- Richard L. Gardner and Robert A. Young
- Optimal Timing of Harvest for the North Carolina Bay Scallop Fishery pp. 50-62

- Robert L. Kellogg, J. E. Easley and Thomas Johnson
- An Organonic and Modern Problems Approach for Teaching Agricultural Economics Principles pp. 63-68

- Michael E. Wetzstein
- The Effects of Affiliation with Large Bank Holding Companies on Commercial Bank Lending to Agriculture pp. 69-78

- R. Alton Gilbert and Michael Belongia
- Chance-Constrained Financing as a Response to Financial Risk pp. 79-89

- Joseph A. Atwood, Myles J. Watts and Glenn A. Helmers
- Labor Market Dynamics in the U.S. Food Sector pp. 90-102

- David R. Lee
- Dynamic Corn Supply Functions: A Model with Explicit Optimization pp. 103-111

- Abebayehu Tegene, Wallace Huffman and John A. Miranowski
- A Stochastic Dominance Analysis of Tillage and Crop Insurance Practices in a Semiarid Region pp. 112-120

- Jeffery Williams
- Stochastic Modeling of Short-Term Cattle Operations pp. 121-132

- Abelardo Rodriguez and Garth Taylor
- Long-Run Comparative Statics Under Output and Land Price Uncertainty pp. 133-141

- Quirino Paris
- Separability Testing in Production Economics pp. 142-152

- Rulon D. Pope and Arne Hallam
- Agricultural Product Supplies and Input Demands: Regional Comparisons pp. 153-161

- C. Shumway and William P. Alexander
- Pricing Efficiency in the Live Cattle Futures Market: Further Interpretation and Measurement pp. 162-169

- Philip Garcia, Raymond M. Leuthold, T. Randall Fortenbery and Gboroton F. Sarassoro
- Determinants of the Intrahousehold Allocation of Food in the Rural Philippines pp. 170-180

- Benjamin Senauer, Marito Garcia and Elizabeth Jacinto
- Food Aid Impacts in Rural Kenya pp. 181-191

- Mesfin Bezuneh, Brady J. Deaton and George Norton
- Risk Analysis with Single-Index Portfolio Models: An Application to Farm Planning: Comment pp. 192-194

- R. W. Hutchinson and D. G. McKillop
- Risk Analysis with Single-Index Portfolio Models: An Application to Farm Planning: Reply pp. 195-196

- Robert A. Collins
- Benedict, Murray R. Farm Policies of the United States, 1790–1950. New York: The Twentieth Century Fund, 1953, 548 pp pp. 197-198

- Harold F. Breimyer
- Schultz, T. W. Transforming Traditional Agriculture. New Haven CT: Yale University Press, 1964, xiv + 212 pp pp. 198-200

- Walter P. Falcon
- Adams, Richard H., Jr. Development and Social Change in Rural Egypt. Syracuse NY: Syracuse University Press, 1986, xii + 231 pp., $29.95 pp. 201

- Saad Z. Nagi
- Austin, James E., and Gustavo Esteva, eds. Food Policy in Mexico: The Search for Self-Sufficiency. Ithaca NY: Cornell University Press, 1987, 383 pp., $16.95 pp. 201-202

- Jerry R. Ladman
- Blaikie, Piers, and Harold Brookfield. Land Degradation and Society. New York: Metheun, 1978, xxiv + 296 pp., $16.95 pp. 202-203

- Gary D. Lynne
- Brannon, Jeffery, and Eric N. Baklanoff. Agrarian Reform & Public Enterprise in Mexico: The Political Economy of Yucatan's Henequen Industry. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1987, 237 pp., $31.95 pp. 203-205

- Refugio I. Rochin
- Busch, Lawrence and William B. Lacy, eds. The Agricultural Scientific Enterprise—A System in Transition. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1986, xxi + 348 pp., $30.00 pp. 205-206

- Walter L. Fishel
- Gittinger, J. Price, Joanne Leslie, and Caroline Hoi-sington, eds. Food Policy: Integrating Supply, Distribution, and Consumption. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1987, xiv + 567 pp., $16.50 pp. 206-207

- Jo Ann Paulson
- Hitzhusen, F. J., and R. D. Macgregor, eds. A Multidisciplinary Approach to Renewable Energy in Developing Countries. Columbus OH: Publishing i Horizons, 1987, 255 pp., $22.00 pp. 207-208

- Hans M. Gregersen
- Havens, A. Eugene, with Gregory Hooks, Patrick H. Mooney, and Max J. Pfeffer, eds. Studies in the Transformation of U.S. Agriculture. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1986, 319 pp., $28.00 paper pp. 207

- R. J. Hildreth
- Horton, Douglas. Potatoes: Production, Marketing, and Programs for Developing Countries, Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1987, 243 pp., $29.85 pp. 208-209

- Eugene Jones
- Jaeger, William J. Agricultural Mechanization: The Economics of Animal Draft Power in West Africa. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1986, xix + 199 pp., $25.00 pp. 209-210

- Thomas Stickley
- Kmenta, Jan. Elements of Econometrics, 2nd ed. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1986, xii + 786 pp., $26.50 pp. 210-211

- Utpal Vasavada
- Low, Allan. Agricultural Development in Southern Africa—Farm Household Economics and the Food Crisis. Portsmouth NH: Heinemann Educational Books, 1986, 217 pp., $35.00 pp. 211-212

- Jerry B. Eckert
- Mosley, Paul, ed. Foreign Aid: Its Defense and Reform. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1987, xiv + 254 pp., $25.00 pp. 212-213

- Wayne A. Schutjer
- Mellor, John W., Christopher L. Delgado, and Malcolm J. Blackie, eds. Accelerating Food Production in Sub-Saharan Africa. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1987, xix + 375 pp., $39.50 pp. 212

- Christopher Walton
- Ritson, Christopher, Leslie Gofton, and John McKenzie. The Food Consumer. Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons, 1986, xi + 262 pp., $54.95 pp. 213-214

- Robert O. Herrmann
- Wang, Guichen, and Zhou Qiren et al. Smashing the Communal Pot—Formulation and Development of China's Rural Responsibility System. Beijing: New World Press, 1985, 200 pp., price unknown pp. 214-215

- Bruce Stone
- Watts, Michael, ed. State, Oil and Agriculture in Nigeria. Berkeley: Institute of International Studies Res. Ser. No. 66, University of California, 1987, xiv + 327 pp., $16.95 pp. 215-216

- Jerome C. Wells
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