American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 53, issue 5, 1971
- Technology and the Environment pp. 707-717

- Vernon Ruttan
- The Changing Political Economy of Higher Education and Its Significance for United States Agriculture pp. 718-727

- C. O. McCorkle
- The Quest for Relevance in Agricultural Economics pp. 728-739

- Glenn L. Johnson
- Rural America and the Grants Economy pp. 740-749

- Janos Horvath
- Political and Social Implications for Rural Areas of a Nationalized System of Welfare pp. 750-753

- James M. Lyday
- Implications of a Negative Income Tax for Rural People pp. 754-760

- D. Lee Bawden
- Domestic Issues in Rural America: Discussion pp. 760-761

- B. Eugene Griessman
- Domestic Farm Policy and International Trade pp. 762-766

- Hendrik Houthakker
- Policy Issues in International Trade and Economic Development: Discussion pp. 766-767

- Howard L. Worthington
- Whither Aid? pp. 768-776

- S. R. Sen
- Policy Issues in International Trade and Economic Development: Discussion pp. 776-777

- John L. Fisher
- Policy Issues in International Trade and Economic Development: Discussion pp. 777

- Ralph K. Davidson
- Institutional Reform: Implications for Agricultural Economics pp. 778-784

- Emery N. Castle
- Institutional Reform: Implications for Agricultural Economics: Discussion pp. 784-785

- Sherwood O. Berg
- Institutional Reform: Implications for Agricultural Economics: Discussion pp. 785

- Mark T. Buchanan
- International Agricultural Adjustments, 1970–1980 pp. 786-792

- Oris V. Wells
- International Agriculture: Discussion pp. 792-793

- A. J. Coutu
- International Agriculture: Discussion pp. 793-794

- T. C. Kerr
- International Agriculture: Discussion pp. 794-795

- Kenneth E. Ogren
- International Agriculture: Discussion pp. 795

- Harry E. Walters
- Development and Trade—Is There a Conflict: Discussion pp. 796

- Lawrence V. Witt
- Development and Trade—Is There a Conflict: Discussion pp. 796-797

- Tae-Hee Yoon
- Production and Equity—Is There a Conflict: Discussion pp. 798-799

- Wayne Schutjer
- Production and Equity—Is There a Conflict: Discussion pp. 799-800

- William O. Jones
- Production and Equity—Is There a Conflict: Discussion pp. 799

- William C. Thiesenhusen
- Comparing Agricultural Adjustments and Policies via an Agricultural Sector Simulation Model pp. 801

- M. L. Hayenga, T. J. Manetsch, A. N. Halter, T. W. Carroll, D. R. Byerlee, M. H. Abkin, K. Y. Chong and G. L. Johnson
- Production Response to Technological and Price Changes: A Study of Wheat and Cattle Farming in Southern Brazil pp. 802

- J. J. de C. Engler and I. J. Singh
- Disequilibria in Developing Economics: Old Problems and New Priorities pp. 803

- William J. Staub and Melvin G. Blase
- Dairy Marketing Modernization as a Means of Nutritional Improvement: Some Developmental Considerations pp. 804

- Ray W. Nightingale
- Taxation of Rice Exports and Economic Development in Thailand pp. 805

- Nancy Hancock
- The Emerging Food and Fiber System: Implications for Agriculture pp. 806-815

- Marshall R. Godwin and L. L. Jones
- Organizing and Financing Agricultural Production in the 1970's: Discussion pp. 815

- Charles E. French
- Organizing and Financing Agricultural Production in the 1970's: Discussion pp. 816

- Milton L. Manuel
- Farmers' Options: Discussion pp. 817-818

- Richard W. Schermerhorn
- Farmers' Options: Discussion pp. 817

- Kenneth R. Farrell
- Farmers' Options: Discussion pp. 818-819

- Joseph H. Marshall
- Implications for Research: Discussion pp. 820

- R. E. Seltzer
- Implications for Research: Discussion pp. 820a

- Willard F. Mueller
- Implications for Research: Discussion pp. 821

- W. D. Eickoff
- Implications for Research: Discussion pp. 821-822

- Thomas Sporleder and John P. Nichols
- Implications for Research: Discussion pp. 822

- Elmer R. Kiehl
- Alternative Structural Approaches to Farm Bargaining: A Cooperative Systems Model pp. 823-824

- Randall E. Torgerson
- The Evolution of Vertical Coordination in Agriculture: A Pork Industry Example pp. 825

- William G. Bursch, Marvin L. Hayenga, Richard D. Duvick and John W. Allen
- An Integrated Cotton Marketing System pp. 826

- James E. Haskell
- Financing a Changing Agriculture pp. 827

- Allen G. Smith
- Community Resource and Human Development pp. 828-835

- Eber Eldridge
- Community Resource and Human Development: Discussion pp. 835

- H. A. Wadsworth
- Community Resource and Human Development: Discussion pp. 836

- Joseph D. Coffey
- Economic Aspects of Human Resource Development (abstract) pp. 837

- Fred H. Tyner
- Community and Human Resource Development: Discussion pp. 838

- John H. Sanders
- Community and Human Resource Development: Discussion pp. 838a

- Kurt R. Anschel
- The Interface of Political Science and Economics in Rural Development (abstract) pp. 839

- Lawton E. Bennett
- The Interface of Sociology and Economics in Rural Development (abstract) pp. 840

- James R. Finley
- The Interface of Anthropology and Economics in Rural Development (abstract) pp. 841

- Thomas Weaver
- Community and Human Resource Development: Discussion pp. 841a

- Bernal L. Green
- The Economist and Rural Development: Concepts and Conflicts pp. 842

- Daniel Bromley
- Some Aspects of Scale Economies Among Missouri Area Vocational Schools pp. 843

- Donald D. Osburn and Frank H. Goishi
- Economic Impact of a Growth Center Through Development of a New City in a Rural Area pp. 844

- Robert R. Fletcher and Daniel D. Badger
- Economic Payoff from Subsidized Labor Mobility pp. 845

- Rod Walker
- Implications of Socioeconomic Goals and Attitudes of Cattle Ranchers on Rural Community Development in the West pp. 846

- Arthur H. Smith and William E. Martin
- Contributions of Agricultural Processing Industries to Rural Development Objectives pp. 847

- Gerald A. Doeksen and Dean F. Schreiner
- Agrisystems and Ecocultures, or: Can Economics Internalize Agriculture's Environmental Externalities? pp. 848-858

- Michael F. Brewer
- Environmental Quality Problems—Nature, Causes, and Approaches to Solutions: Implications for Agricultural Economists: Discussion pp. 858

- Edna T. Loehman and John J. Waelti
- Environmental Quality Problems—Nature, Causes, and Approaches to Solutions: Implications for Agricultural Economists: Discussion pp. 858-859

- John J. Waelti and John J. Waelti
- Nature and Implications of Problem: Discussion pp. 860

- Karl A. Fox
- Nature and Implications of Problem: Discussion pp. 860-861

- E. R. Swanson and W. D. Seitz
- Nature and Implications of Problem: Discussion pp. 861-862

- C. V. Moore
- Approaches to Solutions: Discussion pp. 863-864

- Allan Schmid
- Approaches to Solutions: Discussion pp. 863

- W. H. Luckmann
- Approaches to Solutions: Discussion pp. 864-865

- James H. Sargent
- An Economic—Ecologic Model for Evaluating the Environmental Repercussions of Area Development pp. 866

- James C. Hite and Eugene A. Laurent
- Market Solutions to Externality Problems: Theory and Practice pp. 867

- Alan Randall
- Economic Implications of Some Citizen-Initiated Legal Mechanisms for Solving Environmental Quality Problems pp. 868

- Donald R. Levi and Dale Colyer
- Measuring the Impacts of Solid Waste Disposal Site Location on Property Values pp. 869

- Joseph Havlicek, Robert Richardson and Lloyd Davies
- Impacts of the Changing Economic and Social Environment on Managers of Agricultural Firms pp. 870-877

- Wilfred Candler
- Agricultural Firm Management: Discussion pp. 877-878

- Willard F. Williams
- Agricultural Firm Management: Discussion pp. 878-879

- Melvin E. Sims
- Management Information Systems: Discussion pp. 880

- James T. Hall
- Effects on Firm Managers of Changes in Public Policies and in the Structure, Organization, and Financing of Agriculture: Discussion pp. 881

- Verner G. Hurt
- Analysis of Purchasing Decision with Multivariate Probit pp. 882-883

- Paul Kau and Lowell Hill
- Traders' Expectations and Cattle Futures Market Prices pp. 884

- Robert E. Zellner and Charles L. Cramer
- Questions Critical to the Successful Financial Management of the Farm Firm—Status of Our Research Answers pp. 885

- Virden L. Harrison
- Equity Analysis and Farm Family Consumption pp. 886

- D. Howard Doster
- Forestry, Public Pressures, and Economic Development pp. 887-894

- Perry R. Hagenstein
- Forestry, Public Pressures, and Economic Development: Discussion pp. 894-895

- Raleigh Barlowe
- Forestry, Public Pressures, and Economic Development: Discussion pp. 895

- Henry J. Vaux
- Changing Pressures on Forest Land Resources: Recreation, Water, and Other Nontimber Values: Discussion pp. 896-897

- R. Burnell Held
- Changing Pressures on Forest Land Resources: Recreation, Water, and Other Nontimber Values: Discussion pp. 896

- Daniel E. Chappelle
- Changing Pressures on Forest Land Resources: Recreation, Water, and Other Nontimber Values: Discussion pp. 896a

- Richard L. Bury
- Influence of the Public Sector: Resource Ownership, Regulation, and Incentives: Discussion pp. 898

- Ronald Beazley
- Influence of the Public Sector: Resource Ownership, Regulation, and Incentives: Discussion pp. 898-899

- Daniel Bromley
- Influence of the Public Sector: Resource Ownership, Regulation, and Incentives: Discussion pp. 899

- John Muench
- The Forest Investment Decision in a Time of Change pp. 900

- Walter C. Anderson
- Influence of Public Policies on the Development of the Forestry Sector in British Columbia pp. 901

- David Haley
- Forest Range Environmental Study (FRES) pp. 902

- John W. Putman, H. Fred Kaiser and David P. Worley
- Conceptualizing Environmental Policies for the Development of Natural Resources pp. 903

- R. G. F. Spitze and W. D. Seitz
- Measurement of Nonmarket Resource Values pp. 904

- Daniel R. Talhelm
- An Econocological View of Environmental Quality pp. 905

- Harold B. Jones
- The Impact of Selected Income Tax Provisions on Agricultural Investments and Management (abstract) pp. 906

- Hoy Carman
- Taxation and Agriculture: Discussion pp. 907

- Harvey Shapiro
- A New Look at Farm Property Taxation (abstract) pp. 908

- Frederick D. Stocker
- A New Look at Farm Property Taxation: Discussion pp. 908a

- Leo Cohen
- Future Structure of Census Data Relating to Agriculture and Rural People (abstract) pp. 909

- Conrad Taeuber
- Implications of the Census for Agricultural Statistics (abstract) pp. 910

- Harry C. Trelogan
- The Data Problem in Agricultural Economics Research (abstract) pp. 911

- Eldon E. Weeks
- Adequacy of Economic Statistics for Agribusiness Planning (abstract) pp. 912

- Charles E. Erickson
- The Distribution Among Agricultural Producers, Commodities, and Resources of Gains and Losses from Inflation in the Nation's Economy (abstract) pp. 913

- G. E. Brandow
- The Impact on Net Farm Income of National Inflation pp. 914

- Luther Tweeten and Leroy Quance
- Impact of Inflation on Agriculture: Discussion pp. 914-915

- Lowell D. Hill
- Impact of Inflation on Agriculture: Discussion pp. 915-916

- Gene L. Swackhamer
- The President's Departmental Reorganizational Program, with Special Reference to Agriculture: Discussion pp. 917-918

- Hyde H. Murray
- The President's Departmental Reorganizational Program, with Special Reference to Agriculture: Discussion pp. 917

- William A. Carlson
- The President's Departmental Reorganizational Program, with Special Reference to Agriculture: Discussion pp. 918

- Mark T. Buchanan
- The President's Departmental Reorganizational Program, with Special Reference to Agriculture: Discussion pp. 918a

- Robert N. Hampton
- The Economic Feasibility of Aquaculture pp. 919-922

- Gary A. Gilbertson
Volume 53, issue 4, 1971
- The University in Contemporary Society pp. 551-556

- Emery N. Castle
- University-Agribusiness Cooperation: Current Problems and Prognosis pp. 557-564

- W. D. Dobson and Robert C. Matthes
- Optimal Allocation of Generic Advertising Budgets pp. 565-572

- Edward L. McClelland, Leo Polopolus and Lester H. Myers
- Differences in Consumption Patterns of Farm and Nonfarm Households in the United States pp. 573-582

- Feng-Yao Lee and Keith E. Phillips
- Economic Potential of the California Trawl Fishery pp. 583-592

- Desmond O'Rourke
- A Market-Share Approach to the Foreign Demand for U. S. Cotton pp. 593-599

- Ghazi Sirhan and Paul R. Johnson
- Effects of Supply Variations on Costs and Profits of Slaughter Plants pp. 600-607

- Lawrence A. Daellenbach and Lehman B. Fletcher
- Returns and Risks of Expanding Pennsylvania Dairy Farms with Different Levels of Equity pp. 608-611

- H. R. Hinman and R. F. Hutton
- Linear Programming Approximation of Least-Cost Feed Mixes with Probability Restrictions pp. 612-618

- Sabir A. Rahman and F. E. Bender
- Personality Characteristics and Successful Use of Credit by Farm Families pp. 619-624

- Kenneth R. Krause and Paul L. Williams
- An Empirical Application and Evaluation of Discrete Stochastic Programming in Farm Management pp. 625-638

- Allan N. Rae
- Supervised Credit as a Tool in Agricultural Development pp. 639-642

- Dale Colyer and Guillermo Jimenez
- Export Supply and Demand for U. S. Cattle Hides pp. 643-646

- Paul L. Farris
- Managerial Socioeconomic Characteristics and Size of Operation in Beef Cattle Feeding—An Application of Discriminant Analysis pp. 647-650

- A. A. Araji and R. M. Finley
- Obtaining Preliminary Bayesian Estimates of the Value of a Weather Forecast pp. 651-655

- John P. Doll
- Emergin Priorities in the Training and Research Orientation of Agricultural Economists pp. 656-658

- Linley E. Juers
- Needed Redirections in Economics: Comment pp. 658-660

- Lawrence W. Libby
- Economic and Policy Implications of Pollution from Agricultural Chemicals pp. 661-662

- D. E. Farris and J. M. Sprott
- A Linear Alternative to Quadratic and Semivariance Programming for Farm Planning under Uncertainty: Comment pp. 662-664

- Joyce T. Chen
- A Linear Alternative to Quadratic and Semivariance Programming for Farm Planning under Uncertainty: Reply pp. 664-665

- P. B. R. Hazell
- Flow-of-Funds Social Accounts for the Farm Sector: Comment pp. 665-668

- John R. Brake and Peter J. Barry
- Flow-of-Funds Social Accounts for the Farm Sector: Reply pp. 668-670

- John B. Penson, David A. Lins and George D. Irwin
- Random Coefficient Regression Models and Carcass Pricing: A Comment pp. 670-671

- Richard Green, Zuhair Hassan, S. R. Johnson and Phiphit Suphaphiphat
- Effects of Misspecifications of Log-Linear Functions When Sample Values Are Zero or Negative: Comment pp. 671-673

- Oscar R. Burt
- Effects of Misspecifications of Log-Linear Functions When Sample Values Are Zero or Negative: Reply pp. 673-674

- S. R. Johnson and Gordon Rausser
- Positivistic Measures of Aggregate Supply Elasticities: Some New Approaches: Comment pp. 674-675

- Oscar R. Burt
- On Statistical Intolerance in Supply Analysis pp. 675-677

- Luther Tweeten and Leroy Quance
- Inaccuracy in Reporting by Hillman pp. 677

- Paul L. Farris
- Inaccuracy in Reporting by Hillman: Reply pp. 678

- Jimmye S. Hillman
- Peter Kilby's Review of Strategies and Recommendations for Nigerian Rural Development, 1969/1985 pp. 678a

- Glenn L. Johnson
- Brewster, John M., A Philosopher Among Economists, edited by J. Patrick Madden and David E. Brewster, Philadelphia, J. T. Murphy, 1970, vi + 294 pp. ($7.00) pp. 679-680

- D. C. Myrick
- Brown, Dorris D., Agricultural Development in India's Districts, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1970, xvi + 169 pp. ($10.00) pp. 680-681

- William E. Hendrix
- Cline, William R., Economic Consequences of a Land Reform in Brazil, Amsterdam, North-Holland Publishing Co., 1970, xv + 213 pp. ($14.00 ) pp. 681-682

- Gene Wunderlich
- de Farcy, Henri, ĽÉconomie Agricole (The Agricultural Economy), Paris, Editions Sirey, 1970, 446 pp. (56F, postpaid 61F) pp. 682-683

- Bernard Oury
- Evenari, Michael, Leslie Shanan, and Naphtali Tadmor, The Negev: The Challenge of a Desert Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1971, x + 345 pp. ($15.00) pp. 683-684

- Hugh A. Johnson
- Griffin, Keith, Underdevelopment in Spanish America: An Interpretation, Cambridge, Massachusetts, The MIT Press, 1969, 288 pp. ($10.00) pp. 684-685

- Peter T. Knight
- Iowa State University Center for Agricultural and Economic Development, Benefits and Burdens of Rural Development, Ames, Iowa State University Press, 1970, xii + 311 pp ($5.95) pp. 685-687

- G. Edward Schuh
- Kneese, Allen V., Robert U. Ayres, and Ralph C. AArge, Economics and the Environment: A Materials Balance Approach, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press, 1970, x + 120 pp. ($2.50 paper) pp. 687-688

- Daniel Bromley
- Labys, Walter C., and C. W. J. Granger, Speculation, Hedging and Commodity Price Forecasts, Lexington, Massachusetts, D. C. Heath and Company, 1970, xxiv + 320 pp. ($12.50) pp. 688-690

- Arnold B. Larson
- Meadows, Dennis L., Dynamics of Commodity Production Cycles, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Wright-Allen Press, Inc., 1970, xi, + 101 pp. ($14.75) pp. 690

- Richard J. Crom
- Preeg, Ernest H., Traders and Diplomats: An Analysis of the Kennedy Round of Negotiations under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Washington, The Brookings Institution, 1970, xv + 320 pp. ($6.75) pp. 691-692

- Robert B. Schwenger
- Schultz, Theodore W., Investment in Human Capital; The Role of Education and of Research, New York, The Free Press, 1971, xii + 272 pp. ($8.75) pp. 692-693

- Richard Layard
- Torgerson, Randall E., Producer Power at the Bargaining Table: A Case Study of the Legislative Life of S.109, Columbia, University of Missouri Press, 1970, ix + 328 pp. ($9.00 cloth, $6.00 paper) pp. 693-694

- James G. Youde
- Tweeten, Luther G., Foundations of Farm Policy, Lincoln, The University of Nebraska Press, 1970, xi + 537 pp. ($9.50) pp. 694-695

- James T. Bonnen
- Winter Meeting American Agricultural Economics Association with Allied Social Science AssociationsDecember 27–30, 1971 pp. 698

- Vernon Ruttan
Volume 53, issue 3, 1971
- Discrimination in the Markets for Farm Capital? pp. 401-410

- Robert Tinney and Finis Welch
- The Relative Share of Labor in United States Agriculture, 1949–1968 pp. 411-422

- Theodore Lianos
- Tariffs, Nontariff Distortions, and Effective Protection in U. S. Agriculture pp. 423-430

- Larry J. Wipf
- The Value, Cost, and Efficiency of American Food Aid pp. 431-440

- Per Pinstrup-Andersen and Luther G. Tweeten
- Tax in Kind to Reduce Supply and Increase Income without Government Payments and Marketing Quotas pp. 441-447

- Earl O. Heady
- Stochastic Programming, Utility, and Sequential Decision Problems in Farm Management pp. 448-460

- Allan N. Rae
- Optimum Dairy Plant Location with Economies of Size and Market-Share Restrictions pp. 461-466

- Donald W. Kloth and Leo V. Blakley
- Time Horizon, Objective Function, and Uncertainty in a Multiperiod Model of Firm Growth pp. 467-477

- Jean-Marc Boussard
- A Supply Response Model for Perennial Crops pp. 478-490

- Ben C. French and Jim L. Matthews
- On Multistage Multiproduct Production Functions pp. 491-499

- Yair Mundlak and Assaf Razin
- Withholding by Grade pp. 500-501

- Frederick V. Waugh
- On Estimating Capital Gains in U. S. Agriculture pp. 502-506

- Kul Bhatia
- Hog Pricing and Evaluation Methods—Their Accuracy and Equity pp. 507-509

- Marvin L. Hayenga
- An Economic Interpretation of the Transportation Problem pp. 510-513

- J. C. Hsiao
- Allocation Efficiency in a Developing Agricultural Economy in Malaya pp. 514-516

- Yukon Huang
- Resource Productivity in Indian Agriculture pp. 517-521

- Robert W. Herdt
- Tolley and Management: Unreliable Residual Returns and Nonimputable Costs pp. 522-523

- Harold F. Breimyer
- Reply to Breimyer on Management pp. 523-525

- G. S. Tolley
- Monthly Supply-Demand Relationships for Fed Cattle and Hogs: Comment pp. 525-526

- J. Bruce Bullock
- Monthly Supply-Demand Relationships for Fed Cattle and Hogs: A Reply and Some Extensions pp. 527-529

- Marvin L. Hayenga and Duane Hacklander
- Cost-Share Leases Revisited…Again pp. 529-532

- Robert F. Boxley
- Flow-Of-Funds Social Accounts For the Farm Sector: A Correction pp. 532

- John B. Penson, David A. Lins and George D. Irwin
- Employment of Agricultural Economists pp. 532-534

- Varden Fuller
- Barkin, David, and Timothy King, Regional Economic Development, The River Basin Approach in Mexico, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1970, x + 262 pp. ($10.50) pp. 535-536

- Reed Hertford
- Boserup, Ester, Woman's Role in Economic Development, London, George Allen and Unwin, 1970, 283 pp. ($9.95). (Published in the United States by Dufour Editions, Chester Springs, Pa.) pp. 536-537

- Kusum Nair
- Crosson, Pierre R., Agricultural Development and Productivity: Lessons from the Chilean Experience, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press for Resources for the Future, 1970, xvi + 198 pp. ($7.00) pp. 537-538

- William C. Thiesenhusen
- Hirsch, Eva, Poverty and Plenty on the Turkish Farm, A Study of Income Distribution in Turkish Agriculture, New York, Middle East Institute of Columbia, 1970, xv + 313 pp. ( $6.00) pp. 538-539

- Malcolm J. Purvis
- Joravsky, David, The Lysenko Affair, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1970, xiii + 459 pp. ( $13.95) pp. 539-540

- Jack E. Holmes and Stephen Osofsky
- Markham, Jesse W., and Gustav F. Papanek, eds., Industrial Organization and Economic Development, Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1970, xiii + 422 pp pp. 540-541

- Peter G. Helmberger
- Sargent, E. D., and S. J. Rogers, eds., The Economic Prospects for Horticulture, Edinburgh, Oliver and Boyd Publication 1970, XIII + 142 pp. (ß1.50) pp. 541-542

- D. B. DeLoach
- Schuh, G. Edward, The Agricultural Development of Brazil, New York, Praeger Publisher, 1970, xxxiii + 456 pp. ($18.50) pp. 542

- Gordon W. Smith
Volume 53, issue 2, 1971
- Agricultural Credit in Latin America: A Critical Review of External Funding Policy pp. 163-172

- Dale W Adams
- A Welfare Analysis of the Voluntary Corn Diversion Program, 1961 to 1966 pp. 173-181

- Leroy J. Hushak
- A Model of Competitive Behavior in Food Industries pp. 182-190

- C. R. Handy and D. I. Padberg
- Computing Equilibrium Solutions for Imperfectly Competitive Markets pp. 191-196

- Yakir Plessner
- A Dynamic Economic Model of Pasture and Range Investments pp. 197-205

- Oscar R. Burt
- Resource Investments, Impact Distribution, and Evaluation Concepts pp. 206-215

- Robert J. Kalter and Thomas H. Stevens
- Price Elasticities from Panel Data: Meat, Poultry, and Fish pp. 216-221

- Joseph C. Purcell and Robert Raunikar
- Reservation Prices on Credit Use: A Measure of Response to Uncertainty pp. 222-227

- Peter J. Barry and C. B. Baker
- Effects of Split-Demand and Slaughter-Capacity Assumptionson Optimal Locations of Cattle Feeding pp. 228-234

- Larry N. Langemeier and Robert M. Finley
- Some Key Issues and Challenges Posed by Nonagricultural Demands for Rural Environments pp. 235-243

- Raymond D. Vlasin
- Future Use of Rural Resources pp. 244-249

- L. T. Wallace
- Public Policies for Rural America: Legacies or Leading Edges? pp. 250-256

- Lynn M. Daft
- Soviet Agriculture Revisited pp. 257-264

- D. Johnson
- Soviet Agriculture: Discussion pp. 264-265

- Dale E. Hathaway
- Soviet Agriculture: Discussion pp. 265-266

- Roy D. Laird
- Soviet Agriculture: Discussion pp. 266-267

- James S. Plaxico
- Soviet Agriculture: Discussion pp. 267-268

- W. Neill Schaller
- Simulation of the Market for Foodgrains in India pp. 269-274

- Howard Barnum
- The Transformation of Traditional Agriculture: A Case Study of Punjab, India pp. 275-284

- I. J. Singh
- The Green Revolution and the World Rice Market, 1967–1975 pp. 285-294

- E. Ray Canterbery and Hans Bickel
- Economic Development of Agriculture: Discussion pp. 294-295

- Louis M. Goreux
- Economic Development of Agriculture: Discussion pp. 294

- Vernon Ruttan
- Economic Development of Agriculture: Discussion pp. 296

- John W. Mellor
- Prospects for Black Farmers in the Years Ahead pp. 297-301

- Henry Ponder
- Rural-Urban Migration of Blacks: Past and Future pp. 302-307

- Calvin L. Beale
- Effects of Government Policies on Employment Opportunities for Blacks pp. 308-315

- George S. Tolley
- Economic Position and Prospects for Urban Blacks pp. 316-318

- Phyllis A. Wallace
- The Use of Discriminant Analysis in Selecting Rural Development Strategies pp. 319-322

- Daniel Bromley
- Analysis of Milk Production Costs Using Cross-Section Data: The Problem of Converting Observed Quantities of Milk to a Standard Butterfat Content pp. 323-324

- J. Bruce Bullock
- Use of Linear Programming in Capital Budgeting with Multiple Goals pp. 325-330

- Wilfred Candler and Michael Boehlje
- A Note on Fluctuations in Supply and Farmers' Income pp. 331-334

- S. Eckstein and Moshe Syrquin
- Program Development in the National Bureau of Economic Research pp. 335-339

- Harold G. Halcrow
- Michigan State's Kellogg Farmers Study Program: A Progress Report pp. 339-342

- George E. Rosmiller and David L. Cole
- Reorganizing Social Science Research in Agriculture pp. 342-345

- John T. Scott
- AAEA Employment Service pp. 345-348

- Dale Colyer and Randall E. Torgerson
- Estimates of Income Effects from Water Transfers: A Critical Evaluation of the Hartman-Seastone Estimates for Imperial County, California pp. 348-353

- Maurice M. Kelso and William E. Martin
- Econometric Studies of Milk Marketing: Comment pp. 353-354

- R. E. Freeman
- Econometric Studies of Milk Marketing: Reply pp. 355-356

- George W. Ladd
- Econometric Studies of Milk Marketing: Reply pp. 355

- Marvin Kottke
- Positivistic Measures of Aggregate Supply Elasticities: Some New Approaches—Some Critical Notes pp. 356-359

- Rudolf Wolffram
- Techniques for Segmenting Independent Variables in Regression Analysis: Reply pp. 359-360

- Luther Tweenten and Leroy Quance
- Temporal Relationships Among Futures Prices: Comment pp. 361-362

- Richard G. Heifner
- Temporal Relationships Among Futures Prices: Reply pp. 362-366

- Roger W. Gray and William G. Tomek
- Econometricians and the Data Gap: Rejoinder pp. 366-367

- Ernest W. Grove
- Bressler, Raymond G., Jr., and Richard A. King, Markets, Prices, and Interregional Trade, New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1970, xviii + 426 pp. ($13.95) pp. 368-369

- Barry W. Bobst
- Bhuleshkar, Ashok V., ed., Indian Economic Thought and Development, Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Volume, London, C. Hurst, 1969, 445 pp. (65 s) pp. 368

- Shlomo Reutlinger
- Duckham, A. N., and C. B. Masefield, Farming Systems of the World, New York, Praeger Publishers, 1970, XVIII + 542 pp. ($21.50) pp. 369-370

- Ronald L. Mighell
- Grunwald, Joseph, and Philip Musgrove, Natural Resources in Latin American Development, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press, 1969, xvii + 493 pp. ($20.00) pp. 370-371

- L. Jay Atkinson
- Hadwiger, Don F., Federal Wheat Commodity Programs, Ames, The Iowa State University Press, 1970, xi + 407 pp. ($10.50) pp. 371-372

- Alex F. McCalla
- Hartman, L. M., and Don Seastone, Water Transfers: Economic Efficiency and Alternative Institutions, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press for Resources for the Future, 1970, xiii + 127 pp. ($5.75) pp. 372-374

- M. M. Kelso
- Idyll, C. P., The Sea Against Hunger, New York, Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1970, xxi + 221 pp. ($7.95) pp. 374-375

- David A. Storey
- Johnson, Glenn L., O. J. Scoville, George K. Dike, and Carl K. Eicher, Strategies and Recommendations for Nigerian Rural Development, 1969/1985, Consortium for the Study of Nigerian Rural Development, East Lansing, University of Michigan, 1969, ii + 158 pp. Price unknown. Paper pp. 375-376

- Peter Kilby
- Mueller, Willard F., A Primer on Monopoly and Competition, New York, Random House, 1970, xii + 203 pp. ($5.95 cloth, $2.50 paper) pp. 376-377

- F. M. Scherer
- Roy, Ewell Paul, Collective Bargaining in Agriculture, Danville, Illinois, The Interstate Printers and Publishers, Inc., 1970, 280 pp. ($6.95) pp. 377

- James G. Youde
- Scott, A. D., ed., Economics of Fisheries Management: A Symposium, Vancouver, The University of British Columbia Institute of Animal Resource Ecology, 1970, vii + 115 pp. ($5.00 paper) pp. 378-379

- Oscar R. Burt
- United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America, Development Problems in Latin America, Austin and London, University of Texas Press, 1970, 318 pp. ($8.50) pp. 379-380

- Robert B. Schwenger
- Weintraub, D., M. Lissak, and Y. Azmon, Moshava, Kibbutz, and Moshav: Patterns of Jewish Rural Settlement and Development in Palestine, and Klayman, Maxwell I., The Moshav in Israel: A Case Study of Institution Building for Agricultural Development pp. 380-382

- John W. Bennett
- Williams, Sheldon W., David A. Vose, Charles E. French, Hugh L. Cook, and Alden C. Manchester, Organization and Competition in the Midwest Dairy Industries, Ames, Iowa State University Press, 1970. 339 pp. ($12.50) pp. 383

- A. C. Hoffman
Volume 53, issue 1, 1971
- Flow-of-Funds Social Accounts for the Farm Sector pp. 1-7

- John B. Penson, David A. Lins and George D. Irwin
- Needed Redirections in Economic Analysis for Agricultural Development Policy pp. 8-16

- Peter Dorner
- Optimal Sizes of Farms under Varying Tenure Forms, Including Renting, Ownership, State, and Collective Structures pp. 17-25

- Earl O. Heady
- Allocative Efficiency, Traditional Agriculture, and Risk pp. 26-32

- John L. Dillon and Jock Anderson
- Economic Analysis of Irrigation in Subhumid Climate pp. 33-46

- Oscar R. Burt and M. S. Stauber
- The Team Approach and Extension Economics pp. 47-52

- Ken D. Duft
- A Linear Alternative to Quadratic and Semivariance Programming for Farm Planning under Uncertainty pp. 53-62

- P. B. R. Hazell
- A Simultaneous-Equation Model of Spatial Equilibrium and Its Application to the Broiler Markets pp. 63-70

- Tsoung-Chao Lee and Stanley K. Seaver
- From Hedging to Pure Speculation: A Micro Model of Optimal Futures and Cash Market Positions pp. 71-78

- Ronald W. Ward and Lehman B. Fletcher
- Formulating Beef Rations for Improved Performance under Environmental Stress pp. 79-91

- Ray F. Brokken
- The Regional Impact of Lamb Imports on Equilibrium Returns to Domestic Producers, 1967 pp. 92-100

- Hoy Carman and James A. Maetzold
- Comparative Investment per Worker in Agriculture and Manufacturing Sectors of the Economy pp. 101-102

- Allen G. Smith
- Nonfarm Income Earned by Commercial Farm Operators in Central Illinois pp. 103-105

- R. J. Hanson
- Feed Formulation for Least Cost of Gain pp. 106-108

- J. A. McDonough
- A Note on the Definition of the Economic Region of the Production Function pp. 109-111

- Richard S. Johnston and A. Gene Nelson
- On the Measurement of Price Elasticity of Demand pp. 112-115

- S. H. Logan, Gordon Rausser and R. A. Oliveira
- A Modified Adaptive Expectations Model pp. 116-119

- Vahid F. Nowshirvani
- Effects of Misspecifications of Log-Linear Functions When Sample Values are Zero or Negative pp. 120-124

- S. R. Johnson and Gordon Rausser
- A Model for Agricultural Policy: An Addendum pp. 125-128

- Micha Gisser
- Returns to Human and Research Capital in the Non-South Agricultural Sector of the United States, 1949–1964 pp. 129-131

- Gideon Fishelson
- "Modernization Effect" upon Exports of Agricultural Produce: South Korea: Comment pp. 132-133

- Ramon H. Myers
- "Modernization Effect" upon Exports of Agricultural Produce: South Korea: Reply pp. 133-134

- Jae H. Cho
- A Method for Analyzing the Effect of Taxes and Financing on Investment Decisions: Reply pp. 135-136

- Gordon E. Rodewald
- Relevance—Where Do You Find It? pp. 137-138

- Samuel L. Crockett
- Irrelevance Is Where You Find It: Comment pp. 138

- David B. Narrie
- Irrelevance Is Where You Find It: Reply pp. 138-140

- Ernest W. Grove
- Is There a Better Way to Choose the AAEA President?—Comment pp. 140-141

- Ernest W. Grove
- FAO-U.S. Training Center in Census and Sample Survey Procedures pp. 141

- Harry C. Trelogan
- Armstrong, John Borden, Factory under the Elms: A History of Harrisville, New Hampshire, 1774–1969, Cambridge, the MIT Press, 1969, xx + 320 pp. ($12.50) pp. 142

- Alan R. Bird
- Eicher, Carl K., and Carl Liedholm, eds., Growth and Development of the Nigerian Economy, East Lansing, Michigan State University Press, 1970, vii + 456 pp. and Hill, Polly, Studies in Rural Capitalism in West Africa, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1970, xxviii + 172 pp pp. 143-144

- Marvin P. Miracle
- Hirshleifer, J., Investment, Interest and Capital, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1970, x + 320 pp. ($9.95) pp. 144-145

- Paul R. Johnson
- Jones, E. L., and S. J. Woolf, eds. Agrarian Change and Economic Development; The Historical Problems, London, Methuen (New York, Barnes and Noble, distr.), 1969, xi + 172 pp. (£2; $6.50) pp. 145-146

- Folke Dovring
- Lewis, Stephen R. (Jr.), Economic Policy and Industrial Growth in Pakistan, Cambridge, The MIT Press, 1969, viii + 191 pp. ($8.95) and Stern, Joseph J., and Walter P. Falcon, Growth and Development in Pakistan, Cambridge, Harvard University Center for International Affairs, 1970, 94 pp.) pp. 146-147

- Alvin C. Egbert
- Papi, Ugo, and Charles Nunn, eds., Economic Problems of Agriculture in Industrial Societies: Proceedings of a Conference Held by the International Economic Association, London, Macmillan, and New York, St. Martin's Press, 1969, xxix + 671 pp. ($21.00) pp. 147-149

- Pan A. Yotopoulos
- Sansom, Robert L., the Economics of Insurgency in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam, Cambridge, The M.I.T. Press, 1970, xviii + 283 pp. ($12.50) pp. 150-151

- J. Price Gittinger
- Richardson, Harry W., Regional Economics; Location Theory, Urban Structure, Regional Change, New York, Praeger Publishers, 1969, xii + 457 pp. ($10.00 cloth, $4.95 paper) and Richardson, Harry W., Elements of Regional Economics, Baltimore, Penguin Books, 1969, 166 pp. ($1.65 paper) pp. 150

- Theodore Lianos
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