American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 66, issue 5, 1984
- Agricultural Effects of Changes in Financial Markets pp. 541-548

- C. B. Baker
- Social Science Knowledge and Institutional Change pp. 549-559

- Vernon Ruttan
- Commodity Prices and Money: Lessons from International Finance pp. 560-566

- Jeffrey Frankel
- International Trade Environment for Food and Agriculture in the Late 1980s pp. 567-571

- Jimmye S. Hillman
- Agricultural Structural Issues and Policy Alternatives for the Late 1980s pp. 572-576

- J. B. Penn
- An Assessment of Global Demand for U.S. Agricultural Products to the Year 2000: Economic and Policy Dimensions pp. 577-584

- Fred H. Sanderson
- The Future Productive Capacity of U.S. Agriculture: Economic, Technological, Resource, and Institutional Determinants pp. 585-591

- Clark Edwards and David H. Harrington
- U.S. Public Policies and Institutions in an Unstable Future pp. 592-596

- Robert L. Thompson
- Toward the Twenty-First Century: U.S. Agriculture in an Unstable World Economy: Discussion pp. 597-598

- Glenn L. Johnson
- Toward the Twenty-First Century: U.S. Agriculture in an Unstable World Economy: Discussion pp. 599-600

- Sandra S. Batie
- Agency Status for the Cooperative Farm Credit System pp. 601-606

- David A. Lins and Peter J. Barry
- Floating versus Fixed-Rate Loans in Agriculture: Effects on Borrowers, Lenders, and the Agriculture Sector pp. 607-613

- Eddy L. LaDue and David Leatham
- Financial Futures: A Useful Tool for Transferring Interest Rate Risk Away From Farm Borrowers or Lenders? pp. 614-619

- Mark Drabenstott and Heffernan Peter
- Agency Status for the Cooperative Farm Credit System: Discussion pp. 620-621

- Emanuel Melichar
- Credit Policy Risk and Interest Rate Risk in Agricultural Finance: Discussion pp. 622-623

- Glenn D. Pederson
- Econometric Evaluation of New Technology with an Application to Integrated Pest Management pp. 624-633

- Darwin C. Hall and Gregory Duncan
- Technological Change, Government Policies, and Exhaustible Resources in Agriculture pp. 634-640

- David Zilberman
- Econometric Evaluation of New Technology with an Application to Integrated Pest Management: Discussion pp. 641-642

- Gerald A. Carlson
- Technological Change, Government Policies, and Exhaustible Resources in Agriculture: Discussion pp. 643-644

- K. E. McConnell
- Some Impacts of Rail Regulatory Changes on Grain Industries pp. 645-650

- L. Orlo Sorenson
- Perishables—The New Intermodal Battleground pp. 651-656

- Richard Beilock and Ken Casavant
- Motor Carrier Service to Rural and Agricultural Shipper/Receivers in Regulated and Unregulated Economic Environments pp. 657-662

- Stephen Fuller, James Freeman and Richard Beilock
- Consequences of Transportation Regulatory Reform on Agriculture and Rural Areas: Discussion pp. 663-664

- Harold F. Breimyer
- A Structural View of Policy Issues in African Agricultural Development pp. 665-670

- Christopher L. Delgado and John W. Mellor
- Increasing Food Production in Sub-Saharan Africa: Environmental Problems and Inadequate Technological Solutions pp. 671-676

- Peter J. Matlon and Dunstan S. Spencer
- The Role of Risk in an Agriculturally Led Strategy in Sub-Saharan Africa pp. 677-683

- Uma Lele
- Accelerating Agricultural Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: Discussion pp. 684-685

- T. Ademola Oyejide
- The Impact of Institutional Change in the Financial Services Industry on Capital Markets in Rural Virginia pp. 686-693

- Deborah Morentz Markley
- Elements of a Paradigm for Rural Development pp. 694-700

- Glenn L. Nelson
- Elements of a Paradigm for Rural Development: Discussion pp. 701-702

- James D. Shafter
- Effects of Economic Policy on Rural Banks and Rural Communities: Discussion pp. 703-704

- Sydney D. Staniforth
- Information: Its Measurement and Valuation pp. 705-710

- Jean-Paul Chavas and Rulon D. Pope
- Pricing Efficiency and Information Use in Risky Markets pp. 711-716

- Steven T. Buccola
- The Value of a Rational Expectations Forecast in a Risky Market: A Theoretical and Empirical Approach pp. 717-723

- Frances Antonovitz and Terry Roe
- The Value of Information in Risky Markets: Discussion pp. 724-725

- Theodore Graham-Tomasi
- The Value of Information in Risky Markets: Discussion pp. 726-727

- Glenn J. Knowles
- International Impact of U.S. Domestic Farm Policy pp. 728-734

- Daniel G. Amstutz
- Domestic Agricultural Policy in an International Environment: Effects of Other Countries' Policies on the United States pp. 735-744

- D. Johnson
- Implicit Prices of Soil Characteristics for Farmland in Iowa pp. 745-749

- John A. Miranowski and Brian D. Hammes
- Impacts of Consumptive Demand on Rural Land Values pp. 750-754

- C. Pope and H. L. Goodwin
- Subsidized Credit and Investment in Agriculture: The Special Case of Farm Real Estate pp. 755-760

- Dean W. Hughes, John B. Penson and Curtis R. Bednarz
- Subsidized Credit and Investment in Agriculture: The Special Case of Farm Real Estate: Discussion pp. 761-762

- Stephen C. Gabriel
- Price Discrimination or Price Stabilization: Debating with Models of U.S. Dairy Policy pp. 763-768

- Bruce Gardner
- Do Changes in Farmer-First Handler Exchange Eliminate the Need for Government Intervention? pp. 769-775

- Andrew M. Novakovic and Robert D. Boynton
- Government's Role in Milk Pricing; Then and Now: Discussion pp. 776-777

- Ronald D. Knutson
- Government's Role in Milk Pricing; Then and Now: Discussion pp. 778-779

- Richard G. Heifner
- Government's Role in Milk Pricing; Then and Now: Discussion pp. 780-781

- Peter G. Helmberger
- The Mainstream in Agricultural Economics Research pp. 782-792

- Earl R. Swanson
- Retooling the Mainstream pp. 793-797

- Irving Hoch
- Rethinking the Mainstream pp. 798-801

- Paul W. Barkley
- Fairness in Landownership pp. 802-806

- Gene Wunderlich
- Strategic Interdependence in Models of Property Rights pp. 807-813

- Carlisle Runge
- Alternative Views of Property Rights: Implications for Agricultural Use of Natural Resources pp. 814-818

- Sandra S. Batie
- Emerging Property Rights Issues in Resource Economics: Discussion pp. 819-820

- James Hite
- Emerging Property Rights Issues in Resource Economics: Discussion pp. 821-822

- Marcia L. Tilley
- The Microdynamics of Farm Structural Change in North America: The Canadian Experience and Canada-U.S.A. Comparisons pp. 823-828

- Philip Ehrensaft, Pierre LaRamée, Ray D. Bollman and Frederick H. Buttel
- Microdynamics of Contraction Decisions: A Cognitive Approach to Structural Change pp. 829-835

- Christina H. Gladwin and Robert Zabawa
- Microdynamics of Debt, Drought, and Default in South Georgia pp. 836-843

- Peggy F. Barlett
- The Microdynamics of Structural Change in Agriculture: Discussion pp. 844-845

- Luther Tweeten
- The Microdynamics of Structural Changes in Agriculture: Discussion pp. 846-847

- Michael Boehlje
- Electronic Marketing in Principle and Practice pp. 848-853

- Dennis R. Henderson
- Implications of Electronic Trading for Agricultural Prices pp. 854-858

- Lee F. Schrader
- Implications of Electronic Trading for the Structure of Agricultural Markets pp. 859-863

- Thomas Sporleder
- Implications of Electronic Marketing for Agriculture: Discussion pp. 864-865

- James R. Russell
- Implications of Electronic Marketing for Agriculture: Discussion pp. 866-867

- Wayne D. Purcell
- The Village Against the Center: Resource Depletion in South Asia pp. 868-873

- Daniel Bromley and Devendra P. Chapagain
- Traditional Agricultural Knowledge: Past Performance, Future Prospects, and Institutional Implications pp. 874-878

- Richard B. Norgaard
- Remedying Third World Soil Erosion Problems pp. 879-884

- Douglas Southgate, Fred Hitzhusen and Robert Macgregor
- Renewable Resource Management in Developing Country Agriculture: Discussion pp. 885-887

- Randolph Barker
- Lumber Futures, Price Expectations, and Short-Run Production Adjustments in the Softwood Lumber Industry pp. 919-922

- Derald J. Holtkamp
Volume 66, issue 4, 1984
- The Adoption of Reduced Tillage: The Role of Human Capital and Other Variables pp. 405-413

- Michael R. Rahm and Wallace Huffman
- The Structure of U.S. Agricultural Technology, 1910–78 pp. 414-421

- John Antle
- Land Prices and Farm-Based Returns pp. 422-429

- Tim T. Phipps
- Farm Size and Community Quality: Arvin and Dinuba Revisited pp. 430-436

- Michael N. Hayes and Alan Olmstead
- Range Management under Uncertainty pp. 437-446

- Larry Karp and Arden Pope
- Anti-Hoarding Laws: A Stock Condemnation Reconsidered pp. 447-455

- Brian Wright and Jeffrey C. Williams
- Agricultural Pests as Common Property: Control of the Corn Rootworm pp. 456-465

- William F. Lazarus and Bruce L. Dixon
- The Welfare Implications of Minimum Quality Standards pp. 466-471

- Nancy E. Bockstael
- Bargaining, Strategic Reserves, and International Trade in Exhaustible Resources pp. 472-480

- Vincent Crawford, Joel Sobel and Ichiro Takahashi
- Market Integration: An Application to International Trade in Cotton pp. 481-487

- Eric Monke and Todd Petzel
- Brazilian Soybean Policy: The International Effects of Intervention pp. 488-498

- Gary Williams and Robert L. Thompson
- Basis Risk: Measurement and Analysis of Basis Fluctuations for Selected Livestock Markets pp. 499-504

- Philip Garcia, Raymond M. Leuthold and Mohamed E. Sarhan
- Some Econometric Problems in the Measurement of Utility pp. 505-510

- Glenn J. Knowles
- The School Lunch Program and Nutrient Intake: A Switching Regression Analysis: Comment pp. 511-512

- Jairus M. Hihn and Sylvia Lane
- The School Lunch Program and Nutrient Intake: A Switching Regression Analysis: Reply pp. 513-514

- John S. Akin, David K. Guilkey and Barry M. Popkin
- Farm Size, Tenure, and Economic Efficiency in a Sample of Illinois Grain Farms: Comment pp. 515-516

- Paul W. Teague
- Farm Size, Tenure, and Economic Efficiency in a Sample of Illinois Grain Farms: Reply pp. 517-519

- Philip Garcia and Steven T. Sonka
- Estimates of Consumer Loss Due to Monopoly in the U.S. Food Manufacturing Industries: Comment pp. 520-523

- Donald R. Marion and Gerald Grinnell
- Estimates of Consumer Loss Due to Monopoly in the U.S. Food Manufacturing Industries: Second Reply pp. 524-528

- Russell C. Parker and John Connor
- Castle, Emery N., and Kent A. Price, eds. U.S. Interests & Global Natural Resources: Energy, Minerals, Food. Washington DC: Resources for the Future, 1983, distributed by Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore MD and London, xvii + 147 pp., $18.00, $6.95 paper pp. 529-530

- Kenneth E. Ogren
- Fellner, William. Essays in Contemporary Economic Problems: Disinflation. Washington DC: American Enterprise Institute, 1983–84 ed., 324 pp., $19.95, $10.95 paper pp. 530-531

- E. D. Chastain
- Fisher, Douglas. Macroeconomic Theory: A Survey. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1983, ix + 407 pp., $25.00 pp. 531-532

- James M. Hvidding
- Knetsch, Jack L. Property Rights and Compensation: Compulsory Acquisition and Other Losses. Toronto: Butterworth & Co., 1983, 181 pp., $39.95 pp. 532-533

- J. Walter Milon
- McKenzie, Richard B., ed. Constitutional Economics: Containing the Economic Powers of Government. Lexington MA: Lexington Books, 1984, vii + 254 pp., $27.50 pp. 533-535

- Willard Cochrane
- Nelson, Richard R., and Sidney G. Winter. An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change. Cambridge MA and London: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1982, xi + 437 pp., $25.00 pp. 535-536

- Kenneth E. Boulding
- Watts, Michael. Silent Violence: Food, Famine and Peasantry in Northern Nigeria. Berkeley CA: University of California Press, 1983, xxxi+687 pp., $34.50 pp. 536-537

- Margaret B. Missiaen
- Whyte, William Foote, and Damon Boynton, eds. Higher-Yielding Human Systems for Agriculture. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1983, 342 pp., $34.50 pp. 537-538

- Roger W. Fox
- Zysman, John and Laura Tyson, eds. American Industry in International Competition. Ithaca NY: Cornell University Press, 1983, 436 pp., $34.95 pp. 538-539

- John C. Hilke
Volume 66, issue 3, 1984
- Cross-Compliance for Erosion Control: Anticipating Efficiency and Distributive Impacts pp. 273-278

- David E. Ervin, William D. Heffernan and Gary P. Green
- Steady-State Solutions to Soil Salinity Optimization Problems pp. 279-285

- Keith Knapp
- Equivalent Scales, Scale Economies, and Food Stamp Allotments: Estimates from the Nationwide Food Consumption Survey, 1977–78 pp. 286-293

- Mark G. Brown and S. R. Johnson
- The Effects of Supply and Interest Rate Shocks in Commodity Futures Markets pp. 294-301

- Gary E. Bond
- Sources of Increased Instability in Indian and U.S. Cereal Production pp. 302-311

- Peter B. R. Hazell
- The Acquisition of Information and the Adoption of New Technology pp. 312-320

- Gershon Feder and Roger Slade
- Marketed Surpluses of Agricultural Households in Sierra Leone pp. 321-331

- John Strauss
- Welfare Evaluations in Contingent Valuation Experiments with Discrete Responses pp. 332-341

- Michael Hanemann
- Measuring Stochastic Technology: The Case of Tulare Milk Production pp. 342-350

- John Antle and W. J. Goodger
- Stochastic Dynamic Duality: Theory and Empirical Applicability pp. 351-357

- C. Robert Taylor
- Estimating Substitution and Expansion Effects Using a Profit Function Framework pp. 358-367

- Ramon Lopez
- The Estimation of Product Supply and Input Demand by the Differential Approach pp. 368-375

- Nicola Rossi
- The Farm Lease: An Analysis of Owner-Tenant and Landlord Preferences under Risk pp. 376-384

- Jeffrey Apland, Robert N. Barnes and Fred Justus
- Identifying Least-Cost Sources of Required Fertilizer Nutrients pp. 385-391

- Bruce Babcock, M. Edward Rister, Ronald D. Kay and Jo Ann Wallers
- Confidence Intervals for Elasticities and Flexibilities from Linear Equations pp. 392-396

- Stephen E. Miller, Oral Capps and Gary J. Wells
- Albion, Mark S. Advertising's Hidden Effects: Manufacturers' Advertising and Retail Pricing. Boston MA: Auburn House Publishing Co., 1983, xxi + pp., $22.95 pp. 397

- Robert L. Wills
- Barry, P. J., J. A. Hopkin, and C. B. Baker. Financial Management in Agriculture, 3rd ed. Danville IL: Interstate Printers and Publishers, 1983, 491 pp., $24.95 pp. 398

- Glenn A. Helmers
- Brenner, R. History—The Human Gamble, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1983, xiv + 247 pp., $17.50 pp. 398-399

- Lindon Robison
- Feldstein, Martin. Inflation, Tax Rules and Capital Formation. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1983, 300 pp., $31.00 pp. 399-400

- Robert A. Kavesh
- Khan, Azizur Rahman, and Eddy Lee. Agrarian Policies and Institutions in China after Mao. Bangkok, Thailand: International Labor Organization Asian Employment Program, 1983, vii + 131 pp., price unknown pp. 400-402

- Bruce Stone
- Leontief, Wassily, James C. M. Koo, Sylvia Nasar, and Ira Sohn. The Future of Nonfuel Minerals in the U.S. and World Economy: Input-Output Projections, 1980–2030. Lexington MA: Lexington Books, D.C. Heath & Co., 1983, xxvii + 454 pages, $39.95 pp. 402-403

- Charles W. Berry
- Pinstrup-Andersen, Per. Agricultural Research and Technology in Economic Development. London and New York: Longman, 1982, 261 pp., $39.95 pp. 403-404

- Alain de Janvry
- Von Pischke, J. D., Dale W. Adams, and Gordon Donald (eds.). Rural Financial Markets in Developing Countries—Their Use and Abuse. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1983, 441 pp., $32.50 pp. 404

- David L. Peacock
Volume 66, issue 2, 1984
- Competitive Pricing and Storage under Uncertainty with an Application to the U.S. Soybean Market pp. 119-130

- Peter G. Helmberger and Vincent Akinyosoye
- An Econometric Model of Cattle Inventories pp. 131-144

- Randal R. Rucker, Oscar R. Burt and Jeffrey LaFrance
- Export Orientation of Nonmanufacturing Businesses in Nonmetropolitan Communities pp. 145-155

- Stephen M. Smith
- A Hedonic Price Model for Rough Rice Bid/Acceptance Markets pp. 156-163

- B Brorsen, Warren R. Grant and M. Edward Rister
- Heterogenous Expectations and Farmland Prices pp. 164-169

- Keith C. Brown and Deborah J. Brown
- Ranking Doctoral Programs by Journal Contributions of Recent Graduates pp. 170-172

- Loren W. Tauer and Janelle R. Tauer
- Rural Area Consumer Demand and Regional Input-Output Analysis: Comment pp. 173-176

- Thomas G. Johnson and Oral Capps
- Rural Area Consumer Demand and Regional Input-Output Analysis: Reply pp. 177-179

- Mark S. Henry and Thomas L. Martin
- Recent Food Policy Lessons from Developing Countries pp. 180-185

- Walter P. Falcon
- Differing Perspectives on the World Food Problem: Discussion pp. 186-187

- Robert W. Herdt
- Food Security and the Role of the Grain Trade pp. 188-193

- Graham Donaldson
- Food Security and the Role of the Grain Trade: Discussion pp. 194-195

- James P. Houck
- Macro Prices and Structural Change pp. 196-201

- Charles Timmer
- Macro Prices and Structural Change: Discussion pp. 202-203

- Alex F. McCalla
- The Fourier Flexible Form pp. 204-208

- A. Ronald Gallant
- Caveats on the Application of the Fourier Flexible Form: Discussion pp. 209-210

- Robert Weaver
- Conceptual and Functional Form Issues in Estimating Demand Elasticities for Food pp. 211-215

- Michael Wohlgenant
- Comparison of Alternative Functional Forms with Application to Agricultural Input Data pp. 216-220

- James A. Chalfant
- Estimating Functional Forms with Special Reference to Agriculture: Discussion pp. 221-222

- Gordon A. King
- Estimating Functional Forms with Special Reference to Agriculture: Discussion pp. 223-224

- Rulon D. Pope
- Future Directions for Domestic Food Policy pp. 225-231

- Jean-Paul Chavas
- Future Directions for U.S. Food, Agricultural, and Trade Policy: Discussion pp. 232-233

- Dale Heien
- Future Directions for Agricultural Policy pp. 234-239

- J. Bruce Bullock
- Future Directions for Agricultural Policy: Discussion pp. 240-241

- W. D. Dobson
- Future Directions for Food and Agricultural Trade Policy pp. 242-247

- G. Edward Schuh
- Future Directions for Food and Agricultural Trade Policy: Discussion pp. 248-249

- Timothy E. Josling
- Bell, Clive, Peter Hazell, and Roger Slade. Project Evaluation in a Regional Perspective. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982, x + 326 pp., price unknown pp. 250-251

- A. Egbert
- Bergsten, C. Fred. The United States in the World Economy: Selected Papers of C. Fred Bergsten, 1981–82. Lexington MA: D.C. Heath and Co., 1983, x + 245 pp. $23.95 pp. 251-252

- Vernon Oley Roningen
- Caves, Richard E. Multinational Enterprise and Economic Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982, xi + 346 pp., price unknown pp. 252-253

- John Connor
- Chapman, Duane. Energy Resources and Energy Corporations. Ithaca NY, and London: Cornell University Press, 1983, 365 pp., $19.95 pp. 253-254

- Gerald E. Grinnell
- Foxley, Alejandro. Latin American Experiments in NeoConservative Economics. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1983, xv + 213 pp., $28.50 pp. 254-255

- Peter Dorner
- Hyden, Gordan. No Shortcuts to Progress: African Development Management in Perspective. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1983, xv + 223 pp. $35.00, $9.50 paper pp. 255-256

- Herbert C. Kriesel
- McKenzie, G. W. Measuring Economic Welfare: New Methods. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983, xii + 187 pp., $32.50 pp. 256-257

- Rulon D. Pope
- Manchester, Alden C. The Public Role in the Dairy Economy: Why and How Governments Intervene in the Milk Business. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1983, xviii + 323 pp., $25.00 pp. 257-258

- William D. Dobson
- Sonka, Steven T. Computers in Farming. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1983, xix + 266 pp., $19.95 pp. 258-259

- Roy Black and Gerald Schwab
Volume 66, issue 1, 1984
- An Analysis of the Farmer-Owned Reserve Program, 1977–82 pp. 1-11

- Larry Salathe, J. Michael Price and David E. Banker
- Agricultural and Financial Market Interdependence in the Short Run pp. 12-24

- Robert G. Chambers
- Relative Prices and Money: A Vector Autoregression on Brazilian Data pp. 25-30

- David Bessler
- Stochastic Efficiency, Normality, and Sampling Errors in Agricultural Risk Analysis pp. 31-40

- Rulon D. Pope and Rod F. Ziemer
- The Gains from Research into Tradable Commodities pp. 41-49

- Geoff W. Edwards and John Freebairn
- Near-Optimal Management Strategies for Controlling Wild Oats in Spring Wheat pp. 50-60

- C. Robert Taylor and Oscar R. Burt
- Impacts of Productivity Loss on Crop Production and Management in a Dynamic Economic Model pp. 61-71

- John A. Miranowski
- Allocatable Fixed Inputs and Jointness in Agricultural Production: Implications for Economic Modeling pp. 72-78

- C. Shumway, Rulon D. Pope and Elizabeth K. Nash
- The Adjustment of Product and Factor Markets: An Application to the Pacific Northwest Forest Products Industry pp. 79-87

- David E. Merrifield and Richard W. Haynes
- Producer Preference for Price Stability pp. 88-90

- L. Dean Hiebert
- Florida Motor Carrier Deregulation: Perspectives of Urban and Rural Shipper/Receivers pp. 91-98

- Richard Beilock and James Freeman
- Decomposing the Induced Income Changes in Input-Output Models pp. 99-103

- Richard N. Boisvert
- Reliability of Linear Programming Software: An Experience with the IBM Mathematical Programming System Series pp. 104-107

- Thomas F. Tice and Marilyn G. Kletke
- Calkins, Peter H., and Dennis D. DiPietre. Farm Business Management: Successful Decisions in a Changing Environment. New York: Macmillan Co., 1983, x + 442 pp., $21.95 pp. 108-109

- Bernard Erven
- Busch, Lawrence, and William B. Lacy. Science, Agriculture, and the Politics of Research. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1983, xvi + 303 pp., $30.00, $12.95 paper pp. 108

- Per Pinstrup-Andersen
- Deudney, Daniel, and Christopher Favin. Renewable Energy: The Power to Choose. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1983, xiii + 431 pp., $18.95 pp. 109-110

- Anthony A. Prato
- Johnston, Bruce F., and W. C. Clark. Redesigning Rural Development: A Strategic Perspective. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982, $22.50, $9.50 paper pp. 110-111

- Robert E. Evenson
- Minsky, Hyman P. Can "It" Happen Again?: Essays on Instability and Finance. New York: M.E. Sharpe, 1982, xxiv + 301 pp., $25.00 pp. 111-112

- John D. Helmberger
- Rhodes, V. James. The Agricultural Marketing System, 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1983, xvii + 557 pp., $29.95 pp. 112-113

- Thomas T. Stout
- Sargent, Malcolm. Agricultural Cooperation. Hampshire, England: Gower Publishing Co., 1982, 156 pp., $35.50 pp. 113-114

- Paul O. Mohn
- Timmer, C. Peter, Walter P. Falcon, and Scott R. Pearson. Food Policy Analysis, a World Bank publication. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1983, x + 301 pp. $25.00, $12.95 paper pp. 114-115

- Don Paarlberg
- Sorkin, Alan L. Economic Aspects of Natural Hazards. Lexington MA: D. C. Heath & Co., 1982, xi + 178 pp., $23.95 pp. 114

- Harold Cochrane
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