American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 77, issue 5, 1995
- The Continuing Search for Relevance in Agricultural Economics pp. 1083-1095

- Vernon Eidman
- The United States Food Policy pp. 1096-1109

- Sylvia Lane
- Boom/Bust Cycles and Ricardian Rent pp. 1110-1125

- Andrew Schmitz
- Demosclerosis: Implications for Environmental and Agricultural Policy Analysis pp. 1126-1127

- Sandra S. Batie and David Schweikhardt
- Demosclerosis: Implications for Agricultural Policy pp. 1128-1134

- William P. Browne and David Schweikhardt
- Demosclerosis: Assessing the Argument pp. 1135-1140

- Leonard Shabman
- Demosclerosis: Implications for Environmental and Agricultural Policy Analysis: Discussion pp. 1141-1143

- Lynn M. Daft
- The Future of Canadian Agricultural Cooperatives: A Property Rights Approach pp. 1144-1152

- Murray Fulton
- The Future of U.S. Agricultural Cooperatives: A Neo-Institutional Approach pp. 1153-1159

- Michael L. Cook
- The Future of Agricultural Cooperatives in North America: Discussion pp. 1160-1161

- Robert King
- The Future of Agricultural Cooperatives in Canada and the United States: Discussion pp. 1162-1165

- Mahlon G. Lang
- Regulations: Evidence from the Florida Dairy Industry pp. 1166-1171

- Andrew Schmitz, Tefertiller Ken and William G. Boggess
- Measuring the Impact of Environmental Regulations pp. 1172-1176

- Chris Dumas and Schmitz Troy
- Government Regulation and Compensation for Takings: Implications for Agriculture pp. 1177-1182

- Thomas J. Miceli and Kathleen Segerson
- Impact of Government Regulation on Agricultural Competitiveness: Discussion pp. 1183-1185

- John K. Horowitz and Darrell L. Hueth
- Bargaining Over Agricultural Property Rights pp. 1186-1191

- Bonnie Colby
- Malleable Property Rights and Smooth-Pasting Conditions pp. 1192-1198

- Richard E. Howitt
- Water Policy Issues for the Twenty-first Century pp. 1199-1203

- Norman K. Whittlesey and Ray G. Huffaker
- Changing Agricultural Property Rights for the Twenty-first Century: Discussion pp. 1204-1206

- John Braden
- Québec Hog/Pork Industry: Making New Moves or Simply Marking Time? pp. 1207-1212

- Kostas Karantininis, Rémy Lambert and Robert Saint-Louis
- Contracting and Vertical Coordination in the United States Pork Industry pp. 1213-1218

- James B. Kliebenstein and John D. Lawrence
- Emerging Business Organizations in a Rapidly Changing Pork Industry pp. 1219-1224

- Joan Fulton and Jeffrey Gillespie
- Vertical Coordination and Structural Change in the Pork Industry: Discussion pp. 1225-1228

- Michael Boehlje
- What We Know About Historical Trends in Firm Location Decisions and Regional Shifts: Policy Issues for an Industrializing Animal Sector pp. 1229-1236

- Charles W. Abdalla, Les E. Lanyon and Milton C. Hallberg
- What We Know About Technological Innovation to Achieve Environmental Compliance: Policy Issues for an Industrializing Animal Agriculture Sector pp. 1237-1243

- Amy Purvis and Joe Outlaw
- What We Know About Opportunities for Intergovernmental Institutional Innovation: Policy Issues for an Industrializing Animal Agriculture Sector pp. 1244-1249

- Katherine R. Smith and Kuch Peter J.
- Policy Issues for an Industrializing Animal Agriculture Sector: Discussion pp. 1250-1251

- Marvin L. Hayenga
- The Economics of Change in Rural America pp. 1252-1258

- David L. Barkley
- Sustaining Rural Economic Opportunity pp. 1259-1264

- Deborah M. Markley and Kevin T. McNamara
- Institutional Change and Economic Development in Rural America pp. 1265-1270

- David S. Kraybill and Bruce A. Weber
- Rural Development: Implications of Structural Change for Policies and Institutions: Discussion pp. 1271-1273

- Mark Drabenstott
- Western Hemisphere Economic Integration: Implications and Prospects for Agricultural Trade pp. 1274-1282

- David R. Lee
- NAFTA's Impact on Mexico: Rural Household-Level Effects pp. 1283-1291

- Alain de Janvry, Elisabeth Sadoulet and Benjamin Davis
- Joining an Existing Regional Trade Agreement from the Perspective of a Small Open Economy: Chile's Accession to NAFTA and MERCOSUR pp. 1292-1297

- Alberto Valdés
- Regional Trade Reforms and Western Hemisphere Economic Integration: Implications for Agriculture and Economic Growth: Discussion pp. 1298-1300

- Timothy E. Josling
- Determinants of Seafood Purchase Behavior: Consumers, Restaurants, and Grocery Stores pp. 1301-1305

- Gregory D. Hanson, Robert O. Herrmann and James W. Dunn
- Consumer Perceptions of Aquaculture Products pp. 1306-1312

- Conrado M. Gempesaw, Richard Bacon, Cathy R. Wessells and Alberto Manalo
- Marketing Problems and Opportunities in Mid-Atlantic Seafood Retailing pp. 1313-1318

- Catherine Halbrendt, Qingbin Wang, Cristina Fraiz and Linda O'Dierno
- Purchase Behavior, Food Safety, and Quality Control in Seafood and Aquaculture Marketing: Discussion pp. 1319-1321

- James Anderson
- The Agricultural Economics Profession at the Crossroads: Survey Results of Faculty Salary, Employment, and Hiring Prospects pp. 1322-1328

- Mary Marchant and Lydia Zepeda
- The National Research Council Study of the Colleges of Agriculture at Land Grant Universities: Status and Thoughts for Agricultural Economists pp. 1329-1336

- Nicole Ballenger and Kouadio Diby
- Issues and Trends in Agricultural and Agricultural Economics Research Funding pp. 1337-1346

- Virgil Norton, Dale Colyer, Larry Davis-Swing and Nancy Anders Norton
- The Agricultural Economics Profession at the Crossroads: Discussion pp. 1347-1348

- Robert L. Thompson
- The Problem of the Persistent Hog Price Cycle: A Chaotic Solution pp. 1397-1403

- Marcus A. Streips
Volume 77, issue 4, 1995
- The Tradeoff between Oligopsony Power and Cost Efficiency in Horizontal Consolidation: An Example from Beef Packing pp. 825-836

- Azzeddine Azzam and John Schroeter
- Asymmetry and Nonstationarity in the Farm Size Distribution of Wisconsin Milk Producers: An Aggregate Analysis pp. 837-852

- Lydia Zepeda
- Environmental Stress and Grain Yields in China pp. 853-864

- Jikun Huang and Scott Rozelle
- An Allais Measure of Production Sector Waste Due to Quotas pp. 865-874

- Lilyan Fulginiti and Richard Perrin
- An Empirical Investigation of the Consistency of Nested Logit Models with Utility Maximization pp. 875-884

- Catherine Kling and Joseph Herriges
- Measuring Goodness of Fit for the Double-Bounded Logit Model pp. 885-890

- Barbara J. Kanninen and M. Sami Khawaja
- Economic and Environmental Implications of Soil Nitrogen Testing: A Switching-Regression Analysis pp. 891-900

- Keith Fuglie and Darrell Bosch
- Plant Succession as a Natural Range Restoration Factor in Private Livestock Enterprises pp. 901-913

- Ray Huffaker and Kevin Cooper
- An Econometric Decomposition of Dairy Output Growth pp. 914-921

- Munir Ahmad and Boris Bravo-Ureta
- The Behavior of Forward-Looking Firms in the Very Short Run pp. 922-934

- Sergio Lence, Dermot Hayes and William H. Meyers
- Hedging with Commodity Options When Price Distributions are Skewed pp. 935-945

- James Vercammen
- Cigarette Taxes and Smoking Restrictions: Impacts and Policy Implications pp. 946-951

- A. Blake Brown
- Farm Consumption Behavior in the Presence of Uncertainty and Restrictions on Credit pp. 952-959

- Euan Phimister
- A Theoretical and Empirical Evaluation of the Functional Forms Used to Estimate the Food Expenditure Equation of Food Stamp Recipients pp. 960-968

- J. William Levedahl
- The Impacts of Brand and Generic Advertising on Meat Demand pp. 969-979

- Gary W. Brester and Ted Schroeder
- Microeconomics of Agricultural Grading: Impacts on the Marketing Channel pp. 980-989

- David Hennessy
- Investment Demand When Economic Depreciation is Stochastic pp. 990-1000

- Panos Fousekis and James Shortle
- Efficiency of the Multiplant, Multiproduct Firm pp. 1001-1011

- Jayashree Sil and Steven Buccola
- System Theoretic Time-Series Forecasts of Weekly Live Cattle Prices pp. 1012-1023

- Kenneth Foster, Arthur M. Havenner and Allan M. Walburger
- Regulating Nonpoint Source Pollution Under Heterogeneous Conditions pp. 1024-1032

- Gloria E. Helfand and Brett W. House
- The Impact of Policies and Land Characteristics on Potential Groundwater Pollution in Wisconsin pp. 1033-1047

- JunJie Wu and Kathleen Segerson
- Is the United States Really Underinvesting in Agricultural Research?: Comment pp. 1048-1050

- Jet Yee
- Is the United States Really Underinvesting in Agricultural Research?: Reply pp. 1051-1053

- Glenn Fox
- Imputing Input Characteristic Values from Optimal Commercial Breed or Variety Choice Decisions: Comment pp. 1054-1058

- Peter Amer and Glenn Fox
- Imputing Input Characteristic Values from Optimal Commercial Breed or Variety Choice Decisions: Reply pp. 1059-1063

- Bryan E. Melton, W. Arden Colette and Richard L. Willham
- Alston, Julian M., George W. Norton, and Philip G. Pardey. Science Under Scarcity: Principles and Practice for Agricultural Research Evaluation and Priority Setting. Ithaca NY: Cornell University Press, 1995, xxxiii + 585 pp., cloth, price unknown pp. 1064-1065

- Bruce R. Beattie
- Christman, John. The Myth of Property. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994, ix + 119 pp., $35.00 pp. 1065-1066

- Daniel Bromley
- Common, Michael. Sustainability and Policy: Limits to Economics. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press, 1995, xii + 348 pp., $59.95 pp. 1066-1069

- Gerald F. Vaughn
- Ethridge, Don. Research Methodology in Applied Economics. Ames IA: Iowa State University Press, 1995, 271 pp., cloth $42.95 pp. 1069-1072

- Josef M. Broder
- Galston, William A., and Karen J. Baehler. Rural Development in the United States: Connecting Theory, Practice, and Possibilities. Washington DC: Island Press, 1995, xiv + 353 pp., $32.00 paper pp. 1072-1074

- Mark S. Henry
- Gardner, B. Delworth. Plowing Ground in Washington: The Political Economy of U.S. Agriculture. San Francisco CA: Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy, 1995, 385 pp., $29.95 pp. 1074-1075

- Sandra S. Batie
- Lasley, Paul F., Larry Leistritz, Linda M. Labao, and Katherine Meyers, eds. Beyond the Amber Waves of Grain: An Examination of Social and Economic Restructuring in the Heartland. Boulder, San Francisco, and Oxford: Westview Press, 1995, xviii + 256 pp., $39.95 pp. 1075-1078

- David Hughes
- McNally, Mary M. International Wheat Subsidies: Who Really Profits? New York: Garland Publishing, 1995, xi + 157 pp., $51.00 pp. 1078-1080

- Everett Peterson
- Milon, J. Walter, and Jason F. Shogren. Integrating Economic and Ecologic Indicators: Practical Methods for Environmental Policy Analysis. Westport CT: Praeger Press, 1995, 261 pp., price unknown pp. 1080-1081

- Charles W. Abdalla
Volume 77, issue 3, 1995
- Public Grazing in the West and "Rangeland Reform '94" pp. 447-461

- Jeffrey LaFrance and Myles J. Watts
- Economies Education in a Workshop Setting: Agricultural Business Plan Training in an Emerging Democracy and Market Economy pp. 462-470

- Bill Miller, H.M. Bahn, M. Drygas and C.H. Rust
- Beef and Pork Packing Costs and Input Demands: Effects of Unionization and Technology pp. 471-485

- Bryan E. Melton and Wallace Huffman
- "Don't Count Your Chickens...": Risk and Risk Shifting in the Broiler Industry pp. 486-496

- Charles R. Knoeber and Walter Thurman
- Approximating Farm-Level Returns to Incremental Advertising Expenditure: Methods and an Application to the Australian Meat Industry pp. 497-511

- Roley R. Piggott, Nicholas Piggott and Vic E. Wright
- Optimal Storage and Marketing Over Space and Time pp. 512-524

- Martin Benirschka and James K. Binkley
- Aggregation, Flexible Forms, and Estimation of Food Consumption Parameters pp. 525-532

- Cyrus A. Ramezani, Donald Rose and Suzanne Murphy
- Production Uncertainty and Factor Price Disparity in the Slaughter Cattle Market: Theory and Evidence pp. 533-540

- Scott Fausti and Dillon M. Feuz
- Technology Adoption Decisions under Irreversibility and Uncertainty: An Ex Ante Appproach pp. 541-551

- Amy Purvis, William G. Boggess, Charles Moss and John Holt
- Estimation of Australian Wool and Lamb Production Technologies under Uncertainty: An Error-Components Approach pp. 552-565

- Christopher O'Donnell and Alan Woodland
- The Impacts of Business Cycles on Returns to Farmland Investments pp. 566-577

- Bruce Bjornson
- Factor Bias under Stochastic Technical Change pp. 578-590

- David Lambert and J Shonkwiler
- Endogenous Product Differentiation and Trade Policy: Implications for the U.S. Food Industry pp. 591-601

- D. Kent Lanclos and Thomas Hertel
- Market Effects of Cotton Integrated Pest Management pp. 602-612

- Fred C. White and Michael E. Wetzstein
- Test-Retest Reliability of Contingent Valuation with Independent Sample Pretest and Posttest Control Groups pp. 613-619

- Mario Teisl, Kevin Boyle, Daniel W. McCollum and Stephen D. Reiling
- Welfare Estimation Using Aggregate and Individual-Observation Models: A Comparison Using Monte Carlo Techniques pp. 620-630

- Daniel Hellerstein
- Trade and Tax Policy Reform and the Environment: The Economics of Soil Erosion in Developing Countries pp. 631-644

- Ian Coxhead and Sisira Jayasuriya
- Quality-Adjusted Price and Quantity Indices for Pesticides pp. 645-659

- Jorge Fernandez-Cornejo and Sharon Jans
- Efficiency Measurement in Swedish Dairy Farms: An Application of Rotating Panel Data, 1976–88 pp. 660-674

- Subal Kumbhakar and Almas Heshmati
- Measurement of Economic Efficiency in Pakistani Agriculture pp. 675-685

- Ashok Parikh, Farman Ali and Mir Kalan Shah
- Assessing Technical Efficiency in Commercial Fisheries: The Mid-Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery pp. 686-697

- James E. Kirkley, Dale Squires and Ivar E. Strand
- Informational Content of Government Hogs and Pigs Reports: Comment pp. 698-702

- Phil L. Colling and Scott Irwin
- Informational Content of Government Hogs and Pigs Reports: Reply pp. 703-705

- Colin Carter and Carl A. Galopin
- Agricultural Growth, the Status of Women, and Fertility pp. 706-711

- Leslie A. Whittington and David C. Stapleton
- Impacts of Mexico's Trade Openness on Mexican Rural Women pp. 712-718

- Christina H. Gladwin and Carrie M. Thompson
- Differential Human Capital Investments and the Choice of Successor in Family Farms pp. 719-724

- Ayal Kimhi
- Economic Development, Agricultural Change, and Economic Demography: Discussion pp. 725-726

- Helen Jensen
- Climate Change and Global Agriculture: Recent Findings and Issues pp. 727-733

- John Reilly
- Implications of Climate Change for U.S. Agriculture pp. 734-740

- Harry Kaiser and Pierre Crosson
- Climate Change and Agriculture in Developing Countries pp. 741-746

- John Antle
- Agricultural Impacts of Global Warming: Discussion pp. 747-750

- Robert Innes and Sally Kane
- Weighing Regulatory Costs in Rural Lending pp. 751-756

- Bruce Ahrendsen, Alan D. Barkema and Cole Gustafson
- Deregulation or Reregulation of Agricultural Banks pp. 757-761

- R. Alton Gilbert and Kevin Kliesen
- Reregulating Rural Banks: Discussion pp. 762-764

- Edward Kane
- Trade and the Environment: A Partial Synthesis pp. 765-771

- Brian Copeland and M. Scott Taylor
- Measuring the Environmental Consequences of Trade Policy: A Nonmarket CGE Analysis pp. 772-777

- J. Andrès Espinosa and V. Smith
- Trade Liberalization and the Environment in the Pacific Basin: Coordinated Approaches to Mexican Trade and Environment Policy pp. 778-785

- John Beghin, David Roland-Holts and Dominique van der Mensbrugghe
- Environment and Trade in General Equilibrium: Theory, Methodology, and Evidence: Discussion pp. 786-788

- Shantayanan Devarajan
- Employment Structure and Poverty: Theoretical Perspectives and Conceptual Frameworks pp. 789-795

- Alton Thompson and Benjamin G. Gray
- Poverty Among Southern Workers: Metro and Nonmetro Differentials pp. 796-802

- Donald R. McDowell and Joyce E. Allen-Smith
- Employment Structure and Poverty: Theoretical Perspectives and Conceptual Frameworks: Discussion pp. 803-805

- Mack C. Nelson and Yvonne B. Oliver
- Poverty Among Southern Workers: Discussion pp. 806-808

- Glenn L. Nelson
- Adams, Jane. The Transformation of Rural Life: Southern Illinois, 1890-1990. Chapel Hill NC: University of Northern Carolina, 1994, xxx + 321 pp., $49.95, $19.95 paper pp. 809-811

- Wayne H. Oberle
- Carter, Harold O., Henry J. Vaux, Jr., and Ann F. Scheuring, eds. Sharing Scarcity: Gainers and Losers in Water Marketing. Davis CA: University of California, Agricultural Issues Center, 1994, xi + 239 pp., $17.00 paper pp. 811-812

- Chennat Gopalakrishnan
- Day, Richard. Complex Economic Dynamics. Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 1994, xxiv + 309 pp., $39.95 pp. 812-813

- Charles Moss
- Gaffney, M., and F. Harrison. The Corruption of Economics. London: Shepheard-Walwyn Ltd. in association with the Centre for Incentive Taxation Ltd., 1994, 271 pp., price unknown pp. 813-814

- William W. Hall
- Hoff, Karla, Avishay Braverman, and Joseph E. Stiglitz, eds. The Economics of Rural Organization: Theory, Practice and Policy. New York: Oxford University Press for the World Bank, 1993, 590 pp., price unknown pp. 814-816

- William Ward
- Martin, Philip L., Wallace Huffman, Robert Emerson, J. Edward Taylor, and Refugio I. Rochin, eds. Immigration Reform and U.S. Agriculture. Davis CA: University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources Publication 3358, 1995, xii + 580 pp., $40.00 pp. 816-818

- Dawn Thilmany
- Miller, Preston J., ed. The Rational Expectations Revolution: Readings from the Front Line. Cambridge MA and London: MIT Press, 1994, xvii + 512 pp., $19.95 pp. 818-819

- David Orden and Joachim Schleich
- Papandreou, Andreas A. Externality and Institutions. New York and Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994, 304 pp., $55.00 pp. 819-821

- E.C. Pasour
- Rae, Allan N. Agricultural Management Analysis: Activity Analysis and Decisionmaking. Wallingford Oxon UK: CAB International, 1994, 358 pp., price unknown pp. 821-823

- David Debertin
Volume 77, issue 2, 1995
- Endowments, Technology, and Factor Markets: A Natural Experiment of Induced Institutional Innovation from China's Rural Reform pp. 231-242

- Justin Lin
- Measuring the Comparative Advantage of Agricultural Activities: Domestic Resource Costs and the Social Cost-Benefit Ratio pp. 243-250

- William Masters and Alex Winter-Nelson
- Reversal of Fortune: Immiserizing Technical Change in Agriculture pp. 251-259

- Julian Alston and Will Martin
- Declining U.S. Tobacco Exports to Australia: A Derived Demand Approach to Competitiveness pp. 260-267

- John Beghin and Fan Hu
- National and International Wheat Improvement Research in the Post-Green Revolution Period: Evolution and Impacts pp. 268-278

- Derek Byerlee and Greg Traxler
- Measuring Effective Protection as a Superlative Index Number: An Application to European Agriculture pp. 279-290

- Jean-Christophe Bureau and Nicholas G. Kalaitzandonakes
- Technology Adoption in the Presence of an Exhaustible Resource: The Case of Groundwater Extraction pp. 291-299

- Farhed Shah, David Zilberman and Ujjayant Chakravorty
- A Comparison of Oligopoly Welfare Loss Estimates for U.S. Food Manufacturing pp. 300-308

- Everett Peterson and John Connor
- Identifying Buyer Market Areas and the Impact of Buyer Concentration in Feeder Cattle Markets Using Mapping and Spatial Statistics pp. 309-318

- DeeVon Bailey, B Brorsen and Michael R. Thomsen
- The Hot Air in R2 and Consistent Measures of Explained Variation pp. 319-328

- Anya M. McGuirk and Paul Driscoll
- Positive Mathematical Programming pp. 329-342

- Richard E. Howitt
- How Much Can Informational Outreach Programs Increase Food Stamp Program Participation? pp. 343-352

- J. William Levedahl
- The Economic Value of Minimum-Variance Hedges pp. 353-364

- Sergio Lence
- Effect of Carbon Taxes and Subsidies on Optimal Forest Rotation Age and Supply of Carbon Services pp. 365-374

- Gerrit van Kooten, Clark S. Binkley and Gregg Delcourt
- Legal Status and Earnings of Agricultural Workers pp. 375-386

- Sabrina Isé and Jeffrey Perloff
- Quantifying Economic Benefits of Sow-Herd Management Information Systems Using Panel Data pp. 387-396

- Jos A.A.M. Verstegen, Ruud B.M. Huirne, Aalt A. Dijkhuizen and Robert King
- Capital Market Segmentation and U.S. Farm Real Estate Pricing pp. 397-407

- Amr N. Shiha and Jean-Paul Chavas
- Multiattribute Assessment of Alternative Cropping Systems pp. 408-420

- John C. Foltz, John G. Lee, Marshall A. Martin and Paul Preckel
- Do New York Dairy Farmers Maximize Profits or Minimize Costs? pp. 421-429

- Loren W. Tauer
- Dietrich, Michael. Transaction Cost Economics and Beyond: Towards a New Economics of the Firm. London: Routeledge, 1994, xii + 214 pp., cloth $59.95; paper $18.95 pp. 430-431

- Andrew Barkley
- Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs of the European Commission. EC Agricultural Policy for the 21st Century: Study No. 4 of European Economy. Brussels, Luxembourg: ECSC-EC-EAEC, 1994, xviii + 152 pp., $30 ECU pp. 431-432

- Jimmye S. Hillman
- Gebremedhin, Tesfa G., and Luther G. Tweeten. Research Methods and Communication in the Social Sciences. Westport CT: Praeger Publishers, 1994, x + 167 pp., $45.00 pp. 432-434

- Dennis C. Cory
- Glasmeier, Amy K., and Marie Howland. From Combines to Computers: Rural Services and Development in the Age of Information Technology. Albany NY: State University of New York Press, 1995, 291 pp., $? pp. 434-435

- F. Leistritz
- Norgaard, Richard B. Development Betrayed: The End of Progress and a Coevolutionary Revisioning of the Future. London: Routledge, 1994, xiii + 280 pp., cloth $59.95; paper $18.95 pp. 435-436

- Allan Schmid
- Vail, David J., Knut Per Hasund, and Lars Drake. The Greening of Agricultural Policy in Industrial Societies: Swedish Reforms in Comparative Perspective. Ithaca NY and London: Cornell University Press, 1994, xiii + 300 pp., $45.00 pp. 435-438

- Larry Beran
Volume 77, issue 1, 1995
- Production Risk and the Evolution of Varietal Technology pp. 1-7

- Greg Traxler, Jose Falck-Zepeda, J.I. Ortiz-Monasterio R. and Ken Sayre
- Farm-Level Economic Analysis Incorporating Stochastic Environmental Risk Assessment pp. 8-19

- Mark L. Teague, Daniel J. Bernardo and Harry P. Mapp
- Technology as an Agricultural Pollution Control Policy pp. 20-32

- David Abler and James Shortle
- Damage Control and Increasing Returns pp. 33-39

- Glenn Fox and Alfons Weersink
- Valuing Food Safety in Experimental Auction Markets pp. 40-53

- Dermot Hayes, Jason Shogren, Seung Youll Shin and James B. Kliebenstein
- Household Demand in Rural China: A Two-Stage LES-AIDS Model pp. 54-62

- Shenggen Fan, Eric J. Wailes and Gail Cramer
- Units of Measurement and the Stone Index in Demand System Estimation pp. 63-68

- GianCarlo Moschini
- Structural Change in Factor Demand Relationships in the U.S. Food and Kindred Products Industry pp. 69-79

- Barry Goodwin and Gary W. Brester
- On Nonparametric Supply Response Analysis pp. 80-92

- Jean-Paul Chavas and Thomas L. Cox
- The Conservation Reserve Program as a Least-Cost Land Retirement Mechanism pp. 93-105

- Rodney B.W. Smith
- Valuing Target Price Support Programs with Average Option Pricing pp. 106-118

- Taehoon Kang and B Brorsen
- Agricultural Export Subsidies and Intermediate Goods Trade pp. 119-128

- Philip L. Paarlberg
- Searching for a Model of Multiple-Site Recreation Demand that Admits Interior and Boundary Solutions pp. 129-140

- Edward Morey, Donald Waldman, Djeto Assane and Douglass Shaw
- Using Random Utility Models to Estimate the Recreational Value of Estuarine Resources pp. 141-151

- Yoshiaki Kaoru, V. Smith and Jin Long Liu
- Subjective versus Objective Yield Distributions as Measures of Production Risk pp. 152-161

- Joyotee Smith and Abraham M. Mandac
- Measuring Welfare Benefits from Improvements in Storage Technology with an Application to Tunisian Potatoes pp. 162-173

- Keith Fuglie
- Optimal Hedge Ratios with Risk-Neutral Producers and Nonlinear Borrowing Costs pp. 174-181

- B Brorsen
- The Effect of Futures Markets and Corners on Storage and Spot Price Variability pp. 182-193

- Janet S. Netz
- Depreciation Patterns for Agricultural Machinery pp. 194-204

- Timothy L. Cross and Gregory Perry
- Rationalizing Agricultural Export Subsidies: Comment pp. 205-208

- Bruce Gardner
- Rationalizing Agricultural Export Subsidies: Reply pp. 209-213

- Julian Alston, Colin Carter and Vincent H. Smith
- Barkley, David L., ed. Economic Adaption: Alternatives for Nonmetropolitan Areas. Boulder: Westview Press, 1993,298 pp., cloth $42.50 pp. 214-216

- Paul B. Siegel
- Carlson, Gerald A., David Zilberman, and John A. Miranowski, eds. Agricultural and Environmental Resource Economics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993, ix + 528 pp., cloth $45.00 pp. 216-217

- John Bergstrom
- Cramer, Gail L., and Clarence W. Jensen. Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1994, xiii + 534 pp., $62.95 pp. 217-220

- Wayne H. Oberle
- Esty, Daniel C. Greening the GATT: Trade, Environment, and the Future. Washington DC: Institute for International Economics, 1994, 319 pp., paper $19.95 pp. 220-222

- John Sullivan
- Hallberg, Milton C., Robert G.E. Spitze, and Daryll E. Ray, eds. Food, Agriculture, and Rural Policy into the Twenty-first Century: Issues and Trade-off. Boulder: Westview Press, 1994, xviii + 406 pp., $69.65 pp. 222-224

- Daniel Sumner
- Jansson, AnnMari, Monica Hammer, Carl Folke, and Robert Costanza, eds. Investing in Natural Capital: The Ecological Economics Approach to Sustainability. International Society for Ecological Economics. Washington DC and Covelo CA: Island Press, 1994, xvi + 504 pp., $35.00 pp. 224-226

- Ray Huffaker
- Schertz, Lyle P., and Lynn M. Daft, eds. Food and Agricultural Markets: The Quiet Revolution. Washington DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, and the National Planning Association, 1994, xiii + 326 pp., $17.50 pp. 226-227

- Hal Harris
- Taylor, Henry C. A Farm Economist in Washington, 1919–1925. Evanston IL: 1926 [c. University of Wisconsin, 1992], x + 263 pp., paper $24.95 pp. 227-228

- Douglas E. Bowers and David H. Harrington
- Thompson, Paul B., Robert J. Mathews, and Eileen O. van Ravenswaay. Ethics, Public Policy, and Agriculture. New York: Macmillan, 1994 [sales now through Prentice-Hall], xviii + 268 pp., cloth $53.00 pp. 228-230

- Gene Wunderlich
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