American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 71, issue 5, 1989
- Sustainable Development: Challenges to Profession of Agricultural Economics pp. 1083-1101

- Sandra S. Batie
- The Economic Degradation Process pp. 1102-1111

- Luther Tweeten
- The Emerging Agricultural Research Agenda pp. 1112-1116

- Charles E. Hess
- Mexican External Debt and Its Effects on U.S.—Mexico Agricultural Trade pp. 1117-1122

- Julio Hernández-Estrada, Manuel R. Villa-Issa and Adán Quintana Loya
- Agricultural Trade between the United States and Mexico: The Impacts of Mexico's Foreign Debt pp. 1123-1134

- Gary Thompson and Jimmye S. Hillman
- The Mexican External Debt and Its Effects on U.S.—Mexico Agricultural Trade: Discussion pp. 1135-1137

- Nicole S. Ballenger
- The State of the Art in Credit Evaluation pp. 1138-1144

- Raj K. Chhikara
- Credit Evaluation: Monitoring the Financial Health of Agriculture pp. 1145-1151

- Cole Gustafson
- The Role of Credit Evaluation in Agricultural Finance: Dicussion pp. 1152-1154

- Eddy L. LaDue
- The Role of Credit Evaluations in Agricultural Research: Discussion pp. 1155-1156

- Kenneth Obrecht
- The Political Economy of American Agricultural Policy: Three Approaches pp. 1157-1164

- Robert Paarlberg
- Economic Theory and Farm Politics pp. 1165-1171

- Bruce Gardner
- The Political Economy of Agricultural Policy: Discussion pp. 1172-1174

- David R. Lee
- The Political Economy of U.S. Agricultural Policy: Discussion pp. 1175-1176

- Keith Collins
- An Assessment of the Agricultural Economics Profession pp. 1177-1190

- Richard Just and Gordon Rausser
- Ideal Academic Products for Industry: Research and Graduates pp. 1191-1194

- Richard T. Crowder and George H. Hoffman
- Research That Has Value in Policy Making: A Professional Challenge pp. 1195-1199

- Earl L. Butz
- After Twenty-Five Years of Institution Building, The State Agricultural Universities in India Face New Challenges pp. 1200-1205

- K. Easter, S. Bisaliah and John O. Dunbar
- Agricultural University Institution Building in Brazil: Successes, Problems, and Lessons for Other Countries pp. 1206-1210

- John H. Sanders, Richard L. Meyer, Roger W. Fox and Fernando C. Peres
- Institution-Building Lessons from USAID's Agricultural Faculty Development Projects in Nigeria pp. 1211-1218

- Glenn L. Johnson and Bede N. Okigbo
- Effects of Altering the Structure of U.S. Trade pp. 1219-1230

- Lon Cesal, Ken Hanson and Sherman Robinson
- GATT and the 1990 Farm Bill: Compatibility or Confrontation? pp. 1231-1238

- Alan J. Webb, Praveen M. Dixit and Howard Conley
- Altering the Structure of U.S. Trade: Discussion pp. 1239-1241

- Thomas Hertel
- GATT and the 1990 Farm Bill: Comparability or Confrontation?: Discussion pp. 1242-1243

- Nicole S. Ballenger
- Transnational Structuring in Food Processing and Marketing: Introduction pp. 1244-1245

- Dennis R. Henderson
- Multinational Structures and Strategies of U.S. Food Firms pp. 1246-1254

- Charles Handy and James MacDonald
- Research Puzzles Arising from the Internationalization of U.S. Food Processors pp. 1255-1258

- John Connor
- Multinational Structures and Strategies of U.S. Food Firms: Policy Implications pp. 1259-1261

- Emilio Pagoulatos
- Strategic Implications of the Multinational Structure of Food Processing pp. 1262-1264

- Kirby Moulton and Patricia Lindsey
- Global Climate Change: Predictions and Observations pp. 1265-1271

- Cynthia Rosenzweig
- Global Climate Change and Agriculture: An Economic Perspective pp. 1272-1279

- Richard M. Adams
- Climate Change, American Agriculture, and Natural Resources: Discussion pp. 1280-1282

- John Reilly
- Climate Changes, American Agriculture, and Natural Resources: Discussion pp. 1283-1285

- Pierre R. Crosson
- The Political Economics of California's Proposition 65 pp. 1286-1292

- Tim T. Phipps, Kristen Allen and Julie Caswell
- Proposition 65 and the Economics of Food Safety pp. 1293-1299

- Carol S. Kramer and Eileen O. van Ravenswaay
- Management of Toxins in the Environment: Discussion pp. 1300-1302

- James A. Zellner
- Management of Toxins in the Environment: Discussion pp. 1303-1304

- Farrell Kenneth R.
- Rural Entrepreneurship: One Key to Rural Revitalization pp. 1305-1314

- Christian H. Gladwin, B. F. Long, Emerson M. Babb, D. Mulkey, D. J. Zimet, A. Moseley and L. J. Beaulieu
- New Sources of Financing for Rural Development pp. 1315-1323

- Mark Drabenstott, Charles Morris and Landell Froerer
- Entrepreneurship and Development Finance: Keys to Rural Revitalization: Discussion pp. 1324-1326

- Thomas G. Johnson
- Keys to Rural Revitalization in the 1990s: Discussion pp. 1327-1328

- DeWitt John
- Problems Encountered by Agricultural Marketing Firms in Food and Agricultural Product Exporting: Analysis of Survey Results pp. 1367-1374

- Kimberley C. Hollon
Volume 71, issue 4, 1989
- An Analysis of Farmers' Agricultural Policy Preferences pp. 837-846

- Peter Orazem, Daniel M. Otto and Mark A. Edelman
- Technology Adoption and Agricultural Price Policy pp. 847-857

- Tracy Miller and George Tolley
- Generalized Optimal Hedge Ratio Estimation pp. 858-868

- Robert J. Myers and Stanley Thompson
- Managing Change in Extension pp. 869-873

- John Holt
- Pricing Accuracy and Efficiency in a Pilot Electronic Hog Market pp. 874-882

- W. Timothy Rhodus, E. Dean Baldwin and Dennis R. Henderson
- Railroad Rate Deregulation and Uncertainly of Farm-Level Prices for Corn pp. 883-891

- Ghulam Sarwar and Dale G. Anderson
- Risk Behavior and Rational Expectations in the U.S. Broiler Market pp. 892-902

- Satheesh V. Aradhyula and Matthew Holt
- Ex Ante Evaluation of the Economic Impact of Agricultural Biotechnology: The Case of Porcine Somatotropin pp. 903-914

- Catherine M. Lemieux and Michael Wohlgenant
- Incomplete Markets and Government Agriculture Policy pp. 915-931

- Robert Innes and Gordon Rausser
- The Dietary Impacts of the School Breakfast Program pp. 932-948

- Barbara Devaney and Thomas Fraker
- Food Consumption Changes of Adult Women between 1977 and 1985 pp. 949-959

- Barry M. Popkin, David K. Guilkey and Pamela S. Haines
- Off-Farm Labor Market Entry and Exit pp. 960-969

- Brian W. Gould and William E. Saupe
- Asset Fixity and Investment Asymmetry in Agriculture pp. 970-979

- Carl Nelson, John Braden and Jae-Sun Roh
- Estimating Multioutput Technologies pp. 980-995

- Robert G. Chambers and Richard Just
- Estimation Risk in Farm Planning Under Uncertainty pp. 996-1002

- Robert Collender
- Cost Efficiency in U.S. Corn Production pp. 1003-1010

- Stephen C. Cooke and W. Burt Sundquist
- Modeling Government Program Participation Decisions at the Farm Level pp. 1011-1020

- Gregory Perry, Bruce McCarl, M. Edward Rister and James Richardson
- Normal Inputs and Joint Production with Allocatable Fixed Factors pp. 1021-1024

- GianCarlo Moschini
- Corner Solutions in Duality Models: A Cross-Section Analysis of Dairy Production Decisions pp. 1025-1040

- Robert Weaver and Daniel A. Lass
- Consistent Estimation of General Equilibrium Welfare Effects pp. 1041-1045

- Walter Thurman and Michael Wohlgenant
- Land Reform Policies in Iran: Comment pp. 1046-1049

- Farshad A. Araghi
- Land Reform Policies in Iran: Reply pp. 1050-1053

- M. G. (Elis) Majd
- Welfare Evaluations in Contingent Valuation Experiments with Discrete Response Data: Comment pp. 1054-1056

- Per-Olov Johansson, Bengt Kriström and Karl‑Göran Mäler
- Welfare Evaluations in Contingent Valuation Experiments with Discrete Response Data: Reply pp. 1057-1061

- Michael Hanemann
- Hayami, Yujiro, and Vernon W. Ruttan. Agricultural Development: An International Perspective. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1971, xiv + 367 pp pp. 1062-1063

- D. Johnson
- Ahmed, Raisuddin, and John W. Mellor eds. Agricultural Price Policy for Developing Countries. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988, xii + 327 pp., $35.00 pp. 1063-1064

- Stephen K. Pollard
- Carter, Colin A., and Walter H. Gardiner, eds. Elasticities in International Agricultural Trade. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1988, viii + 316 pp., $38.50 pp. 1064-1065

- Maury E. Bredahl
- Carvalho, Nuno S. de, Maria Luisa de Barros e Sousa, and Augusto Jose de Oliveira, eds. Estudos Economicos no Ambito da Empresa Agricola com Base em Contabilidades. (Coletanea de Trabalhos do DEE No. 5) Oeiras, Portugal: Instituto Nacional de Investigacao Agraria, 1988, 323 pp., price unknown pp. 1065-1066

- Fernando C. Peres
- Casley, Dennis J., and Krishna Kumar. The Collection, Analysis, and Use of Monitoring and Evaluation Data. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988, ix + 174 pp., $20.00 hardcover, $12.95 paper pp. 1066-1067

- Wen S. Chern
- Connor, John M. Food Processing: An Industrial Powerhouse in Transition. Lexington MA: Lexington Books, 1988, 462 pages, $50.00 pp. 1067-1068

- Richard L. Kilmer
- Dovring, Folke. Progress for Food or Food for Progress: The Political Economy of Agricultural Growth and Development. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1988, vii + 324 pp., $49.95 pp. 1068-1069

- Richard B. Norgaard and Lori Ann Thrupp
- Feder, Gershon, Tongroj Onchan, Yongyuth Chalamwong, Chira Hongladarom. Land Policies and Farm Productivity in Thailand. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press for the World Bank, 1988, x + 165 pp., $18.50 pp. 1069-1070

- Gerald Nelson
- Fischer, G., K. Frohberg, M. A. Keyzer, and K. S. Parikh. Linked National Models: A Tool for International Food Policy Analysis. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Press, 1988. x + 214 pp., $70.00 pp. 1070-1072

- Thomas Hertel
- Franklin, Michael. Rich Man's Farming: The Crisis in Agriculture. New York: Routledge, Chapman, and Hall, 1988, viii + 103 pp., $14.95 pp. 1072-1073

- Allen Featherstone
- Harrison, Alan, with R.B. Tranter. The Changing Financial Structure of Farming. Reading UK: Centre for Agriculture Strategy, January 1989, 93 pp., price unknown pp. 1073-1074

- Lindon Robison
- Hillman, Jimmye S., and Robert A. Rothenberg. Agricultual Trade and Protection in Japan (Thames Essay No. 52). London: Trade Policy Research Centre, 1988, xv + 96 pp., £8.95 pp. 1074

- Marcus Noland
- Martin, Philip L. Harvest of Confusion: Migrant Workers in U.S. Agriculture. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1988, xvi + 238 pp., $26.50 pp. 1074-1076

- Bernard L. Erven
- Mooney, Patrick H. My Own Boss? Class, Rationality and the Family Farm. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1988, 306 pp., $32.50 paper pp. 1076

- Edward I. Reinsel
- Nolan, Peter. The Political Economy of Collective Farms: An Analysis of China's Post-Mao Rural Reforms. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1988, viii + 259 pp., $44.50 pp. 1076-1077

- Thomas R. Gottschang
- Power, Thomas M. The Economic Pursuit of Quality. Armonk NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1988, xiii + 218 pp., $32.50 pp. 1077-1078

- Walter R. Butcher and Philip Wandschneider
- Yager, Joseph A. Transforming Agriculture in Taiwan. Ithaca NY: Cornell University Press, 1988, 301 pp., $36.50 pp. 1079-1080

- Robert D. Stevens
- Reinhardt, Nola. Our Daily Bread: The Peasant Question and Family Farming in the Colombian Andes. Berkeley CA. University of California Press, 1988, xv + 308 pp., $35.00 pp. 1079

- Daniel Badger
- Yun, Kun-Hwan. Agricultural Cooperatives in Korea. Seoul, Korea: Hyupdong Youngusa, 1987, 270 pp., price unknown pp. 1080-1081

- Avishay Braverman and J. Luis Guasch
Volume 71, issue 3, 1989
- Negotiating Reductions in Agricultural Support: Implications of Technology and Factor Mobility pp. 559-573

- Thomas Hertel
- Is Farming a Constant Cost Industry? pp. 574-582

- Emery N. Castle
- Vote Trading on Farm Legislation in the U.S. House pp. 583-591

- David Abler
- Efficiency of Alternative Policies for the EC's Common Agricultural Policy pp. 592-603

- Harry de Gorter and Karl Meilke
- Insurability and Moral Hazard in Agricultural Insurance Markets pp. 604-616

- Robert G. Chambers
- Migratory Labor and Agriculture pp. 617-629

- Robert D. Emerson
- Asymmetric Price Risk: An Econometric Analysis of Aggregate Sow Farrowings, 1973–86 pp. 630-637

- Russell Tronstad and Thomas J. McNeill
- Impact of Railroad Contracts on Grain Bids to Farmers pp. 638-646

- Steven D. Hanson, C. Phillip Baumel and Daniel Schnell
- Marketing Order Impacts on Farm-Retail Price Spreads: The Suspension of Prorates on California-Arizona Navel Oranges pp. 647-660

- Gary Thompson and Charles C. Lyon
- Does the Law of One Price Really Hold for Commodity Prices? pp. 661-669

- Pier Giorgio Ardeni
- Multiple Use Benefits on Public Rangelands: An Incentive-Based Fee System pp. 670-678

- Ray G. Huffaker, James Wilen and B. Delworth Gardner
- Landowner Characteristics: A Basis for Locational Decisions in the Urban Fringe pp. 679-684

- Charles H. Barnard and Walter R. Butcher
- Information Effects in Contingent Markets pp. 685-691

- John Bergstrom, John R. Stoll and Alan Randall
- Pest Externalities from Agricultural Inputs pp. 692-702

- Carolyn R. Harper and David Zilberman
- Deforestation and Agricultural Productivity in the Côte d'Ivoire pp. 703-711

- Simeon K. Ehui and Thomas Hertel
- The J-Curve Effect and the U.S. Agricultural Trade Balance pp. 712-720

- Colin Carter and Daniel Pick
- Exchange Rate Uncertainty and the Demand for U.S. Soybeans pp. 721-729

- Margot Anderson and Philip Garcia
- Effectiveness of Fluid Milk Advertising Since the Dairy and Tobacco Adjustment Act of 1983 pp. 730-740

- Ronald W. Ward and Bruce L. Dixon
- The Demand for Canadian Fats and Oils: A Case Study of Advertising Effectiveness pp. 741-749

- Ellen Goddard and Alex K. Amuah
- Utilizing Scanner Data to Estimate Retail Demand Functions for Meat Products pp. 750-760

- Oral Capps
- Supply and Demand Functions for Multiproduct U.S. Cash Grain Farms: Biases Caused by Research and Other Policies pp. 761-773

- Wallace Huffman and Robert E. Evenson
- Nonstructural Risk Attitude Estimation pp. 774-784

- John Antle
- Short-Term Leasing, Resource Allocation, and Crop-Share Tenancy pp. 785-790

- Mohammad Taslim
- Profit Function Approximations and Duality Applications to Agriculture pp. 791-798

- Gary Thompson and Mark Langworthy
- Technical Change and Applications of Dynamic Duality to Agriculture: Comment pp. 799-802

- Bruce A. Larson
- Technical Change and Applications of Dynamic Duality to Agriculture: Reply pp. 803-804

- Utpal Vasavada and Robert G. Chambers
- Technical Change and Applications of Dynamic Duality to Agriculture: Reply pp. 805

- Wayne H. Howard and C. Shumway
- Revenue and Cost Uncertainty, Generalized Mean-Variance and the Linear Complementarity Problem: Comment pp. 806-809

- Robert W. Dubman, Lewell F. Gunter and Bill Miller
- Revenue and Cost Uncertainty, Generalized Mean-Variance and the Linear Complementarity Problem: Reply pp. 810-812

- Quirino Paris
- Stochastic Technology and Prices: Comment pp. 813-816

- James Shortle and William T. McSweeny
- Stochastic Technology and Prices: Reply pp. 817-819

- Quirino Paris
- Waugh, Frederick V. Demand and Price Analysis—Some Examples from Agriculture. Washington DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Econ. Res. Serv., Econ. and Statist. Anal. Div. Tech. Bull. No. 1316, Nov. 1964, vi + 94pp pp. 820-821

- Joseph Havlicek
- Antle, John M. World Agricultural Development and the Future of U.S. Agriculture. Lanham MD: University Press of America for American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1988, 112 pp., $16.50 pp. 821-823

- David R. Lee
- Boyce, James K. Agrarian Impasse in Bengal: Institutional Constraints to Technological Change. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987, xviii + 308 pp., price unknown pp. 823-824

- Randolph Barker
- Hayami, Yujiro. Japanese Agriculture Under Siege: The Political Economy of Agricultural Policies. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1988, 145 pp., $45.00 pp. 824-825

- Colin Carter
- Fry, Maxwell J. Money, Interest, and Banking in Economic Development. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988, xx + 522 pp., $37.50, $14.95 paperback pp. 824

- Compton Bourne
- Hildreth, R. J., Kathryn L. Lipton, Kenneth C. Clayton, and Carl C. O'Connor, eds. Agriculture and Rural Areas Approaching the Twenty-first Century. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1988, 565 pp., $14.95 pp. 825-826

- Peter Berck
- Kloppenburg, Jack R., Jr., ed. Seeds and Sovereignty: The Use and Control of Plant Genetic Resources. Durham NC: Duke University Press, 1988, viii + 368 pp., $47.50 pp. 827-828

- Allan Schmid and Thomas Shephard
- Lee, Warren F., Michael D. Boehlje, Aaron G. Nelson, and William G. Murray. Agricultural Finance, 8th ed. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1988, xii + 468 pp., $29.95 pp. 828-829

- Jerome M. Stam and William Herr
- Medvedev, Zhores A. Soviet Agriculture. New York & London: W. W. Norton and Co., 1987, xiv + 464 pp., $27.50 pp. 829-830

- Kenneth R. Gray
- Murdock, Steve H., and F. Larry Leistritz, eds. The Farm Financial Crisis: Socioeconomic Dimensions and Implications for Producers and Rural Areas. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1988, xvi + 205 pp., $32.50 pp. 830-831

- Enrique Ospina
- Oh, Heung Keun. Development of Food & Agricultural Statistics in Asia and the Pacific, 1965–1987. Seoul: Korea Rural Economics Institute (4-102 Hoegi-Dong, Dongdaemoon-Ku, Seoul 130-050), 1988, xii + 397 pp., price unknown pp. 831-832

- Dana G. Dalrymple
- Paarlberg, Don. Toward a Well-Fed World. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1988, 270 pp., $24.95 pp. 832-833

- C. Ford Runge
- Roling, Niels. Extension Science: Information Systems in Agricultural Development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988, xii + 233 pp., $34.50 pp. 833-834

- Richard Barrows
- Stevens, Robert D., and Cathy L. Jabara. Agricultural Development Principles. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988, xxxi + 478 pp., $45.00, $17.50 paperback pp. 834

- Robert R. Deuson
- Strange, Marty. Family Farming: A New Economic Vision. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press and Institute for Food and Development Policy, 1988, xi + 311 pp., $18.95 pp. 835-836

- George F. Patrick
Volume 71, issue 2, 1989
- Demand for Farm Output in a Complete System of Demand Functions pp. 241-252

- Michael Wohlgenant
- Modeling the Pattern of Structural Change in U.S. Meat Demand pp. 253-261

- GianCarlo Moschini and Karl Meilke
- The Dual Structure of Incomplete Demand Systems pp. 262-274

- Jeffrey LaFrance and Michael Hanemann
- The Importance of International Students in the Academic Market for Agricultural Economists pp. 275-279

- C. M. Gempesaw and G. J. Elterich
- Sources of Growth in French Agriculture pp. 280-293

- Frédéric Bouchet, David Orden and George Norton
- Provision of and Request for Agricultural Extension Services pp. 294-302

- Ariel Dinar
- Profit Efficiency Among Basmati Rice Producers in Pakistan Punjab pp. 303-310

- Mubarik Ali and John C. Flinn
- Rollover Hedging and Missing Long-Term Futures Markets pp. 311-318

- Bruce Gardner
- Mandatory Production Controls and Asset Values: A Case Study of Burley Tobacco Quotas pp. 319-325

- Valerie L. Vantreese, Michael Reed and Jerry R. Skees
- Four Approaches to Commodity Market Stabilization: A Comparative Analysis pp. 326-337

- Joseph Glauber, Peter Helmberger and Mario Miranda
- Distribution of Research Gains in Multistage Production Systems: Further Results pp. 338-343

- Garth J. Holloway
- A Sure Bet on Symmetry pp. 344-351

- Quirino Paris
- The Value of Stabilizing Fertilizer under Carry-Over Conditions pp. 352-362

- Yen-Shong Chiao and Allan Gillingham
- Subjective Probabilities and Scoring Rules: Experimental Evidence pp. 363-369

- Robert G. Nelson and David Bessler
- The Conditional Beta Distribution as a Stochastic Production Function pp. 370-378

- Carl Nelson and Paul Preckel
- Market Intervention and International Price Stability pp. 379-388

- Anthony C. Zwart and David Blandford
- The Effects of Macroeconomic Announcements on Commodity Prices pp. 389-403

- Scott W. Barnhart
- Optimal Spatial Management of Agricultural Pollution pp. 404-413

- John Braden, Gary V. Johnson, Aziz Bouzaher and David Miltz
- Functional Form and the Statistical Properties of Welfare Measures pp. 414-421

- Wiktor Adamowicz, Jerald J. Fletcher and Theodore Graham-Tomasi
- Forecasting Halibut Biomass Using System Theoretic Time-Series Methods pp. 422-431

- Keith Criddle and Arthur M. Havenner
- On the Relationship between the Estimates of Level Models and Difference Models pp. 432-436

- Asatoshi Maeshiro and Robert Wichers
- Agricultural Economists and Multidisciplinary Research: Comment pp. 437-438

- R. Terry Ervin and Eduardo Segarra
- Land Allocation Under Uncertainty for Alternative Specifications of Return Distributions: Comment pp. 439-440

- Bernard V. Tew and Donald W. Reid
- Land Allocation under Uncertainty for Alternative Specifications of Return Distributions: Reply pp. 441-442

- Robert Collender and David Zilberman
- The Econometrics of Damage Control: Comment pp. 443-444

- Sushil Pandey
- The Econometrics of Damage Control: Reply pp. 445-446

- Erik Lichtenberg and David Zilberman
- Spillover Benefits of Agricultural Research: Evidence from U.S. Experience pp. 447-452

- Robert E. Evenson
- Externalities and Research Priorities in Agricultural Pest Control pp. 453-457

- Gerald A. Carlson
- Incorporating Social Costs in the Returns to Agricultural Research pp. 458-463

- Susan M. Capalbo and John Antle
- Externalities and the Returns to Agricultural Research: Discussion pp. 464-465

- Katherine H. Reichelderfer
- Externalities and the Returns to Agricultural Research: Discussion pp. 466-467

- Tim T. Phipps
- Human Illness Costs of Foodborne Bacteria pp. 468-474

- Tanya Roberts
- IQ and Lead Exposure: Analytic Issues Arising in the Water Lead and Gasoline Lead Standards pp. 475-479

- Hugh M. Pitcher
- The Economic Risks of Deliberately Released Genetically Engineered Microorganisms pp. 480-484

- Beverly Fleisher
- Adding an Economic Dimension to Risk Assessment: Discussion pp. 485-486

- Josephine Mauskopf
- Adding an Economic Dimension to Risk Assessment: Discussion pp. 487-488

- James Hammitt
- Models and Their Uses pp. 489-494

- Christopher Sims
- Identifying Monetary Impacts on Agricultural Prices in VAR Models pp. 495-502

- David Orden and Paul Fackler
- The Forecast and Policy Analysis pp. 503-506

- David Bessler and John L. Kling
- Policy Analysis with Time-Series Econometric Models: Discussion pp. 507-508

- Timothy D. Mount
- Policy Analysis with Time-Series Econometric Models: Discussion pp. 509-510

- Richard M. Todd
- Financial Instruments for Consumption Smoothing by Commodity-Dependent Exporters pp. 511-516

- Brian Wright and David M Newbery
- Optimal Portfolios of External Debt in Developing Countries: The Potential Role of Commodity-Linked Bonds pp. 517-522

- Robert J. Myers and Stanley Thompson
- Securitization and Commodity Contingency in International Lending pp. 523-530

- Ronald W. Anderson, Christopher L. Gilbert and Andrew Powell
- Financial Risk Management Needs of Developing Countries: Discussion pp. 531-533

- Todd E. Petzel
- Financial Risk Management Needs of Developing Countries: Discussion pp. 534-535

- Donald Lessard
- Allen, Kristen, and Katie Macmillan, eds. U.S.-Canadian Agricultural Trade Challenges: Developing Common Approaches. Washington DC: Resources for the Future, 1988, 218 pp., price unknown pp. 536-537

- L. Chase Wilde
- Chambers, Robert G. Applied Production Analysis: A Dual Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988, xv 4–331 pp., $49.50, $18.95 paper pp. 537-538

- Jean-Paul Chavas
- Goodman, David, Bernardo Sorj, and John Wilkinson, From Farming to Biotechnology. Oxford, UK: Basil Blackwell Ltd., 1987, 214 pp., $39.95 pp. 538-539

- Otto Doering
- Jahn, Hans-Harald. Agrarsektor Spanien: Analyse und Prognose des Angebotspotentials bei Pflanzlichen Produkten unter EG-Bedingungen, (Spanish Agriculture: Analysis and Forecast of Production Response of Crop Products Under EC Conditions). Forschungsberichte zur Oekonomie im Gartenbau 64 pp. 539-540

- Stephen W. Hiemstra
- Ospina, Enrique, and Cami S. Sims. The Role of State Government in Agriculture. Morrilton AR: Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development, 1988, 153 pp. $16 pp. 540-541

- Harold D. Guither
- Judge, George G., R. Carter Hill, William E. Griffiths, Helmut Lutkepohl, and Tsoung-Chao Lee. Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Econometrics, 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1988, xxxvii + 1,024 pp., $61.60 pp. 540

- B Brorsen
- Paarlberg, Philip L., and Robert G. Chambers, eds. Macroeconomics Agriculture, and Exchange Rates. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1988, 320 pp., $31.50 pp. 541-543

- Thomas Grennes
- Ruttan, Vernon W., and Carl E. Pray, eds. Policy for Agricultural Research. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1987, xvii + 558 pp., $36.50 pp. 543

- William Lesser
- Sagoff, Mark. The Economy of the Earth. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988, x + 271 pp., price unknown pp. 544

- James C. Hite
- Staten, Jay. The Embattled Farmer. Golden CO: Fulcrum, 1987, index and bibliography plus 242 pp., $15.95 pp. 544-545

- Lauren Soth
- Sumner, Daniel, ed. Agricultural Stability and Farm Programs: Concepts, Evidence, and Implications. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1988, 177 pp., $23.50 pp. 545-546

- Robert D. Innes
- Sutton, John D., ed. Agriculture Trade and Natural Resources: Discovering the Critical Linkages. Boulder CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1988, 245 pp., $30.00 pp. 546-547

- Timothy D. Mount
- Tutwiler, M. Ann, ed. U.S. Agriculture in a Global Setting: An Agenda for the Future. Washington DC: Resources for the Future, 1988, xii + 234 pp., $20.00 pp. 547-549

- Paul W. Barkley
Volume 71, issue 1, 1989
- Chicken, Eggs, and Causality, or Which Really Came First? pp. iv

- Julian Alston and James A. Chalfant
- Are Harvest Forecasts News? USDA Announcements and Futures Market Reactions pp. 1-8

- Daniel A. Summer and Rolf A. E. Mueller
- Causal Relationships between Public Sector Agricultural Research Expenditures and Output pp. 9-19

- Philip Pardey and Barbara Craig
- Political Economy of U.S. Sugar Policies pp. 20-31

- Rigoberto Lopez
- Rice in Asia: Is It Becoming an Inferior Good? pp. 32-42

- Shoichi Ito, E. Wesley Peterson and Warren R. Grant
- Welfare Implications of Price Stabilization with Monopolistic Trade pp. 43-54

- Chung Ming Wong
- A Hedonic Study of the Effects of Erosion Control and Drainage on Farmland Values pp. 55-62

- Raymond B. Palmquist and Leon E. Danielson
- Interruptible Water Markets in the Pacific Northwest pp. 63-75

- Joel R. Hamilton, Norman K. Whittlesey and Philip Halverson
- Test-Retest Reliability of the Contingent Valuation Method: A Comparison of General Population and Visitor Responses pp. 76-84

- John Loomis
- Estimation of a Two-Level Demand System with Limited Dependent Variables pp. 85-98

- Steven T. Yen and Terry Roe
- The Effect of Food Stamps on Food Expenditures: An Assessment of Findings From the Nationwide Food Consumption Survey pp. 99-104

- Barbara Devaney and Thomas Fraker
- A Simultaneous Analysis of Food Industry Conduct pp. 105-115

- James A. Zeller
- Measuring Productive Efficiency in Multiple Product Agribusiness Firms: A Dual Approach pp. 116-125

- Jay Akridge
- Supply Response in the U.S. Sheep Industry pp. 126-135

- Glen D. Whipple and Dale J. Menkhaus
- Comparative Analysis of Investment Models for New York Dairy Farms pp. 136-146

- Alfons Weersink and Loren W. Tauer
- Optimal Replacement Policies for Rejuvenated Assets pp. 147-157

- John W. McClelland, Micheal E. Wetzstein and Richard K. Noles
- Linear Approximation Using MOTAD and Separable Programming: Should It Be Done? pp. 158-166

- Bruce McCarl and Hayri Onal
- Estimating Production Activity Costs for Multioutput Firms with a Random Coefficient Regression Model pp. 167-177

- Robert H. Hornbaker, Bruce L. Dixon and Steven T. Sonka
- Estimation of von Liebig Response Functions pp. 178-186

- Quirino Paris and Keith Knapp
- Land Quality, Irrigation Development, and Cropping Patterns in the Northern High Plains pp. 187-194

- Erik Lichtenberg
- Conditional Qualitative Forecasting pp. 195-201

- Peter M. Feather and Michael S. Kaylen
- A Small-Sample Comparison of Estimators in the EU-MGF Approach to Decision Making pp. 202-210

- Edward E. Gbur and Robert A. Collins
- Land Ownership Security and Farm Investment: Comment pp. 211-214

- Michael Roth, Richard Barrows, Michael Carter and Don Kanel
- Land Ownership Security and Farm Investment: Reply pp. 215-216

- Gershon Feder and Tongroj Onchan
- Valuing the Effect of Acidification Damages on the Adirondack Fishery: Comment pp. 217-220

- W. Shaw
- Valuing the Effect of Acidification Damages in the Adirondack Fishery: Reply pp. 221-222

- Fredric C. Menz and John K. Mullen
- Cochrane, Willard W. Farm Prices: Myth and Reality. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1958, vii + 186 pp pp. 223-224

- K. L. Robinson
- Barnes, Douglas F. Electric Power for Rural Growth: How Electricity Affects Rural Life in Developing Countries. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1988, xix + 236 pp., $25.00 pp. 224-225

- Wallace E. Tyner
- Buongiorno, Joseph, and J. Keith Gilless. Forest Management and Economics: A Primer in Quantitative Methods. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1987, xv + 285 pp., $39.95 pp. 225-226

- B. Bruce Bare
- Capalbo, Susan M., and John M. Antle, eds. Agricultural Productivity: Measurement and Explanation. Washington DC: Resources for the Future, 1988, xvi + 404 pp., $30.00 pp. 226-227

- Daryll E. Ray
- Carter, Colin A., and Fu-Ning Zhong. China's Grain Production and Trade: An Economic Analysis. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1988, xii + 124 pp., $32.50 pp. 227-228

- James R. Simpson
- Casley, Dennis J., and Krishna Kumar. Project Monitoring and Evaluation in Agriculture. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press for the World Bank, 1987, x + 159 pp., $20.00 pp. 228-229

- Fred J. Hitzhusen
- Friedberger, Mark. Farm Families and Change in 20th-century America. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1988, x + 282 pp., price unknown pp. 229-230

- A.L. Frederick
- Guither, Harold D, and Harold G. Halcrow. The American Farm Crisis: An Annotated Bibliography with Analytical Introductions. Ann Arbor MI: Pierian Press, 1988, 164 pp., $40.00 pp. 230-231

- Jerry R. Skees
- International Labor Office (ILO). Employment and Economic Reform: Towards a Strategy for the Sudan. Geneva: International Labor Office, 1987, xvi + 172 pp., 22.50 Swiss francs pp. 231-232

- Babiker Idris
- D. Gale Johnson, ed. Agricultural Reform Efforts in the United States and Japan. New York: New York University Press, 1987, viii + 90 pp., $30.00 pp. 232-233

- Fumio Egaitsu
- Ladd, George W. Imagination in Research: An Economist's View. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1987, viii + 146 pp., $9.95 pp. 233-234

- Thomas T. Stout
- Lecaillon, J., C. Morrison, H. Schneider, and E. Thorbecke. Economic Policies and Agricultural Performance of Low-Income Countries. Paris: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Centre (OECD), 1987, 208 pp., $25.00 pp. 234-235

- Jean M. Due
- Street, Paul. What Price Food? Agricultural Price Policies in the Developing Countries. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1987, 127 pp., $35 pp. 235-236

- John R. Moore
- Wallace, L. Tim, and Ralph Lattimore, eds. Rural New Zealand—What Next? Canterbury, New Zealand: Agribusiness and Economics Research Unit. Lincoln College, 1987, xi + 380 pp., $29.95 (NZ) pp. 236-237

- Charles E. French
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