American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 75, issue Special_Issue, 1993
- President's Address, American Farm Management Association, Baltimore, MD., January 8, 1919 pp. iv-viii

- G. A. Billings
- Introduction to the American Journal of Agricultural Economics' 75th Anniversary Issue pp. 1

- John Kenneth Galbraith
- Can Economics be Reconstructed as an Empirical Science? pp. 2-5

- Wassily Leontief
- Confirmation and Replication in Empirical Econometrics: A Step Toward Improved Scholarship pp. 6-14

- William G. Tomek
- Powers and Limits of Agricultural Economics pp. 15-24

- Alex Rosenberg
- Keeping the Dream of Rigorous Hypothesis Testing Alive pp. 25-40

- Quirino Paris, Michael Caputo and Garth J. Holloway
- On the Search for Econometric Structure in Agriculture pp. 41-47

- David Bessler and Ted Covey
- What Practicing Agricultural Economists Really Need to Know about Methodology pp. 48-59

- Alan Randall
- The Work Agenda in Agricultural Economics: Why a Shift in Emphasis Is Warranted pp. 60-68

- E. C. Pasour
- The Governance Structure of Agricultural Science and Agricultural Economics: A Call to Arms pp. 69-83

- Richard Just and Gordon Rausser
- On the Communication Gap in Agricultural Economics pp. 84-91

- Emery N. Castle
Volume 75, issue 5, 1993
- Coordinating Research, Extension, and Outreach in Agricultural Economics pp. 1091-1101

- Peter J. Barry
- Agricultural Trade Liberalization: The Ever-Elusive Grail pp. 1102-1112

- Alex F. McCalla
- Dynamic Perspectives on Agricultural Policy Issues pp. 1113-1125

- Brian Wright
- Reaching Consumers in the Twenty-First Century: The Short Way Around the Barn pp. 1126-1131

- Alan Barkema
- Implications for Farm Supply Cooperatives of the Industrialization of Agriculture pp. 1132-1136

- Joseph D. Coffey
- Industrialization of Agriculture: Discussion pp. 1137-1139

- V. James Rhodes
- Suburban Consumers and Exurban Farmers: The Changing Political Economy of Food Policy pp. 1140-1144

- Laurian Unnevehr
- Changing Personal Profile of Agricultural Economists: Looking to the Future pp. 1145-1149

- Jon A. Brandt and Mary C. Ahearn
- Ensuring Hybrid Vigor in the Agricultural Economics Profession pp. 1150-1154

- Susan E. Offutt
- Changing of the Guard: Discussion pp. 1155-1156

- Luther Tweeten
- Basking in Glory and in Denial: Changing of the Guard: Discussion pp. 1157-1159

- Quirino Paris
- Strategic Planning and Population Settlement pp. 1160-1163

- Scott Loveridge and Allan Schmid
- Human Capital and Rural Labor Issues pp. 1164-1168

- Stephan Goetz
- Fiscal Impacts of Population Growth and Decline in Small Communities pp. 1169-1172

- Timothy W. Kelsey
- Rural Development Issues for Agricultural Economists to the Year 2000: Discussion pp. 1173-1174

- David Debertin
- Institutions and Rural Development: Discussion pp. 1175-1176

- Judith I. Stallmann
- U.S. Fisheries Management and Economic Analysis: Implications of the Alaskan Groundfish Controversy pp. 1177-1182

- J. Walter Milon
- Recreational and Commercial Fisheries Allocation with Costly Enforcement pp. 1183-1187

- Jon G. Sutinen
- Natural Resource Damage Assessment: Economic Implications for Fisheries Management pp. 1188-1193

- Michael Hanemann and Ivar E. Strand
- Enhancing Economic Analysis for Fishery Management: Discussion pp. 1194-1195

- Lee G. Anderson
- Parallels in Fishery Management and Natural Resource Damage Assessment: Discussion pp. 1196-1197

- V. Smith
- Enhancing Economic Analysis for Fishery Management: Discussion pp. 1198-1199

- James Wilen
- Estimation of Demand Systems Using Informative Priors pp. 1200-1205

- James A. Chalfant
- Bayesian Efficiency Tests for Commodity Futures Markets pp. 1206-1210

- Jeffrey Dorfman
- Spatial Modeling of Agricultural Markets pp. 1211-1216

- James LeSage
- Applications of New Bayesian Techniques to Agricultural Economics: Discussion pp. 1217-1220

- Ron Mittelhammer
- Simulating Changes in Conjectural Variations: Tariff and Quota Nonequivalence in Food Processing pp. 1221-1225

- Steve McCorriston, Ian Sheldon and Joseph Hirschberg
- Imperfect Competition and Exchange Rate Pass-Through in the Food Processing Sector pp. 1226-1230

- Philip Abbott, Paul M. Patterson and Alejandro Reca
- Evaluating the Behavior of International Cartel Members pp. 1231-1237

- Jay S. Coggins and David S. Bullock
- Empirical Analysis of Imperfect Competition and Trade in the Food Industries: Discussion pp. 1238-1239

- Emilio Pagoulatos
- Empirical Analysis of Imperfect Competition and Trade in the Food Industries: Discussion pp. 1240-1241

- Daniel Pick
- Agricultural Land Relations in the Developing World pp. 1242-1248

- Hans Binswanger-Mkhize, Klaus Deininger and Gershon Feder
- The Fertility Incentive of Land Tenure in Mexico pp. 1249-1253

- Horacio Soberon-Ferrer and Leslie A. Whittington
- Land Reform and Farm Restructuring in Russia: 1992 Status pp. 1254-1259

- Karen Brooks and Zvi Lerman
- Land Reform, Privatization, and Development: Discussion pp. 1260-1262

- Terry Roe
- The Issue of Scope in Contingent Valuation Studies pp. 1263-1267

- Richard Carson and Robert Cameron Mitchell
- A New Model of Contingent Valuation pp. 1268-1272

- John K. Horowitz
- The External Costs of Nuclear Power: Ex Ante Damages and Lay Risks pp. 1273-1279

- Alan J. Krupnick, Anil Markandya and Eric Nickell
- New Work on the Benefits of Environmental Regulation: Discussion pp. 1280-1282

- John Hoehn
- New Work on the Benefits of Environmental Regulation: Discussion pp. 1283-1285

- James Opaluch
- Feeder Cattle Forecasting Models: An Econometric Study of Development and Performance pp. 1326-1332

- Christine Wilson
Volume 75, issue 4, 1993
- Substitution between Goods and Leisure in a Developing Country pp. 875-883

- Harold Alderman and David Sahn
- Working Wives and Food away from Home: The Box-Cox Double Hurdle Model pp. 884-895

- Steven T. Yen
- The Choice of a Welfare Measure under Uncertainty pp. 896-904

- Richard Ready
- Expo-Power Utility: A ‘Flexible’ Form for Absolute and Relative Risk Aversion pp. 905-913

- Atanu Saha
- Supply Response to Agricultural Insurance: Risk Reduction and Moral Hazard Effects pp. 914-925

- Bharat Ramaswami
- Insurance, Moral Hazard, and Chemical Use in Agriculture pp. 926-935

- John K. Horowitz and Erik Lichtenberg
- Multimarket Exploitation: The Case of Biotechnology and Chemicals pp. 936-945

- Richard Just and Darrell L. Hueth
- The Economics of Reentry Regulation of Pesticides pp. 946-958

- Erik Lichtenberg, Robert C. Spear and David Zilberman
- Point/Nonpoint Source Trading of Pollution Abatement: Choosing the Right Trading Ratio pp. 959-967

- Arun Malik, David Letson and Stephen R. Crutchfield
- Rural/Urban Effects of Terminating Farm Subsidies pp. 968-980

- Maureen Kilkenny
- A Joint-Product Analysis of the Adoption of Modern Cereal Varieties in Developing Countries pp. 981-989

- Greg Traxler and Derek Byerlee
- Nonparametric Tests of Cost Minimizing Behavior: A Study of Indian Farms pp. 990-999

- Subhash Ray and Dipasis Bhadra
- Rationalizing Agricultural Export Subsidies pp. 1000-1009

- Julian Alston, Colin Carter and Vincent H. Smith
- Optioning Agricultural Water Rights for Urban Water Supplies During Drought pp. 1010-1020

- Ari M. Michelsen and Robert A. Young
- An Intraseasonal Dynamic Optimization Model to Allocate Irrigation Water between Crops pp. 1021-1029

- Kelly J. Bryant, James W. Mjelde and Ronald D. Lacewell
- Functional Form and Welfare Measures in Truncated Recreation Demand Models pp. 1030-1035

- Teofilo Ozuna, Lonnie L. Jones and Oral Capps
- Who Works for Piece Rates and Why pp. 1036-1043

- D. Kate Rubin and Jeffrey Perloff
- Misspecification Testing: A Comprehensive Approach pp. 1044-1055

- Anya M. McGuirk, Paul Driscoll and Jeffrey Alwang
- Estimating Yield Distributions with a Stochastic Trend and Nonnormal Errors pp. 1056-1062

- Charles Moss and J Shonkwiler
- A Dynamic Minimum Variance Hedge pp. 1063-1071

- Sergio Lence, Kevin L. Kimle and Marvin L. Hayenga
- Testing for Disequilibrium in the Hired Farm Labor Market: Comment pp. 1073-1074

- Timothy L. Cross and Carole Frank Nuckton
- Testing for Disequilibrium in the Hired Farm Labor Market: Reply pp. 1075-1076

- James A. Duffield and Robert Coltrane
- Robert Costanza, ed. Ecological Economics the Science and Management of Sustainability. Columbia University Press, 1991, xiv + 525 pp., paper $18.50 ISBN 0-231-07563-4 pp. 1077-1078

- Burton English
- Coyle, William T., Dermot Hayes, and Hiroshi Yamauchi, eds. Agriculture and Trade in the Pacific: Toward the Twenty-First Century. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1992, xi + 344 pp., $49.95 pp. 1078-1079

- Patricia J. Lindsey
- Fletcher, Lehman B., ed. World Food in the 1990s, Production, Trade, and Aid. Boulder: Westview Press, 1992, xv + 368 pp., paper $39.95 pp. 1079-1080

- David W. Skully
- Hallberg, M.C. Policy For American Agriculture: Choices and Consequences and Hamlin, Christopher and Philip T. Shepard. Deep Disagreement in U.S. Agriculture: Making Sense of Policy Conflict pp. 1080-1081

- David Freshwater
- Hargreaves, Mary W. M. Dry Farming in the Northern Great Plains: Years of Adjustment, 1920–1990, Development of Western Resources Series. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 1993. 386 pp., 4 maps. Cloth $45 pp. 1081-1082

- Don Paarlberg
- Marks, Stephen V., and Keith E. Maskus (eds). The Economics and Politics of World Sugar Policies. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1993, viii + 176 pp. $39.50 pp. 1082-1084

- Suchada Langley
- Moock, Joyce Lewinger, and Robert E. Rhoades, eds. Diversity, Farmer Knowledge, and Sustainability. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1992, xii + 278 pp., cloth $49.95; paper $18.95 pp. 1084-1086

- Neill Schaller
- Norton, George W., and Jeffrey Alwang. Introduction to Economics of Agricultural Development. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1993, xii + 404 pp., $39.55 pp. 1086-1087

- Robert L. Christensen
- Reinsel, Robert, ed. Managing Food Security in Unregulated Markets. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, x + 115 pp., $28.95 pp. 1087-1088

- Luther Tweenten
Volume 75, issue 3, 1993
- Temporal and Spatial Aggregation: Alternative Marketing Margin Models pp. 523-536

- Charles C. Lyon and Gary Thompson
- Meatpacker Conduct in Fed Cattle Pricing: An Investigation of Oligopsony Power pp. 537-548

- Stephen R. Koontz, Philip Garcia and Michael A. Hudson
- Markdown Pricing and Cattle Supply in the Beef Packing Industry pp. 549-558

- Kyle Stiegert, Azzeddine Azzam and B Brorsen
- Risk Response in the Beef Marketing Channel: A Multivariate Generalized ARCH-M Approach pp. 559-571

- Matthew Holt
- Separability and the Shadow Value of Leisure Time pp. 572-577

- Douglas M. Larson
- A Repeated Nested-Logit Model of Atlantic Salmon Fishing pp. 578-592

- Edward Morey, Robert D. Rowe and Michael Watson
- A Comparison of Contingent Preference Models pp. 593-603

- John Mackenzie
- A Theoretical Foundation for Count Data Models pp. 604-611

- Daniel Hellerstein and Robert Mendelsohn
- A Hedonic Analysis of Herbicides: Do User Safety and Water Quality Matter? pp. 612-623

- E. Douglas Beach and Gerald A. Carlson
- Food Marketing Technology and Contingency Market Valuation pp. 624-631

- Garth J. Holloway and Anthony C. Zwart
- The Impact of Technical Change, Scale Effects, and Forward Ordering on U.S. Fiber Demands pp. 632-641

- Shangnan Shui, John Beghin and Michael Wohlgenant
- Distribution of Gains from Research and Promotion in Multi-Stage Production Systems: The Case of the U.S. Beef and Pork Industries pp. 642-651

- Michael Wohlgenant
- Impact of Modern Rice Technology on Land Prices: The Case of Lampung in Indonesia pp. 652-665

- Tumari Jatileksono and Keijiro Otsuka
- Growth and Structural Change in U.S. Food and Fiber Industries: An Input-Output Perspective pp. 666-673

- Chinkook Lee and Gerald Schluter
- Production Economics of Private Forestry: A Comparison of Industrial and Nonindustrial Forest Owners pp. 674-684

- David H. Newman and David N. Wear
- Quick and Easy Optimal Approach Paths for Nonlinear Natural Resource Models pp. 685-695

- William C. Kolberg
- Optimal Management of Game and Forage Resources in a Private Fee-Hunting Enterprise pp. 696-710

- Ray G. Huffaker
- Informational Content of Government Hogs and Pigs Reports pp. 711-718

- Colin Carter and Carl A. Galopin
- Consistent Estimation of Armington Demand Models pp. 719-723

- George Davis and Nancy C. Kruse
- Attribute and Safety Perceptions in a Double-Hurdle Model of Shellfish Consumption pp. 724-729

- Jordan Lin C.-T and J. Walter Milon
- Demand Elasticities from a Discrete Choice Model: The Natural Christmas Tree Market pp. 730-738

- George Davis and Michael Wohlgenant
- Propensity to Consume Farm Family Disposable Income from Separate Sources pp. 739-744

- Gordon L. Carriker, Michael Langemeier, Ted Schroeder and Allen Featherstone
- Production, Hedging, and Speculative Decisions with Options and Futures Markets: Comment pp. 745-747

- Satheesh V. Aradhyula and E. Kwan Choi
- Production, Hedging, and Speculative Decisions with Options and Futures Markets: Reply pp. 748-750

- Harvey Lapan, GianCarlo Moschini and Steven Hanson
- Revenue-Neutral Tax Policies under Price Uncertainty: Comment pp. 751-753

- Chiou-nan Yeh, Sontachai Suwanakul and Chao-cheng Mai
- Revenue-Neutral Tax Policies under Price Uncertainty: Reply pp. 754-758

- Garth J. Holloway
- Economic Impacts, Value Added, and Benefits in Regional Project Analysis: Comment pp. 759-762

- David Hughes and David W. Holland
- Economic Impacts, Value Added, and Benefits in Regional Project Analysis: Reply pp. 763

- Joel R. Hamilton, Norman K. Whittlesey, M. Henry Robison and John Ellis
- Hicksian vs. Marshallian Welfare Measures: Why Do We Do What We Do? pp. 764-769

- Julian Alston and Douglas M. Larson
- Weak Separability in Applied Welfare Analysis pp. 770-775

- Jeffrey LaFrance
- Measures of Waste Due to Quotas pp. 776-781

- Lilyan Fulginiti and Richard Perrin
- Applied Welfare Economics: Discussion pp. 782-783

- Dale Jorgenson
- Environment, Development, and Trade between High-and Low-Income Countries pp. 784-788

- John Antle
- GATT and the Environment: Policy Research Needs pp. 789-793

- Courtney Harold and Carlisle Runge
- NAFTA, Agriculture, and the Environment in Mexico pp. 794-798

- David Abler and Daniel Pick
- Trade Agreements, Agriculture, and the Environment in Developing Countries: Discussion pp. 799-800

- David E. Ervin
- Trade, Agriculture, and the Environment in Developing Countries: Discussion pp. 801-802

- Colin Carter
- Multilateralism: A Constraint on Unilateralism and Regionalism in Agricultural Trade pp. 803-809

- Tim Josling
- Trade Regionalism: Promise and Problems pp. 810-816

- Luther Tweeten
- Prospects for Agricultural Trade after the Uruguay Round: Discussion pp. 817-820

- Patricia J. Lindsey
- Prospects for Agricultural Trade after the Uruguay Round: Discussion pp. 821-822

- Eric J. Wailes
- The Case for Institutional Economics pp. 823-827

- Don Paarlberg
- Emerging Agricultural Institutions in the New Independent States pp. 828-834

- S. R. Johnson
- Institutional Economics Revisited: Discussion pp. 835-836

- Harold F. Breimyer
- Institutional Economics Revisited: Discussion pp. 837-839

- Daniel Bromley
- Agrarian Reform in Eastern Europe following World War I: Motives and Outcomes pp. 840-844

- Sarahelen Thompson
- Agrarian Reform in Eastern Europe after World War II pp. 845-850

- Günther H. Schmitt
- Central European Agrarian Reforms in a Historical Perspective pp. 851-856

- Nancy J. Cochrane
- Agricultural Policy Reform in Eastern Europe: Discussion pp. 857-859

- Gerald Nelson
- The Historical Experience of Agricultural Reforms in Central and Eastern Europe: Discussion pp. 860-861

- Harald von Witzke
- Bromley, Daniel W., ed. Making the Commons Work: Theory, Practice, and Policy. San Francisco: ICS Press, 1992, xii + 339 pp., cloth $44.95; paper $14.95 pp. 862-863

- Susan S. Hanna
- Kassab, Cathy. Income and Inequality: The Role of the Service Sector in the Changing Distribution of Income. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1992, xii + 163 pp., cloth $45.00 pp. 863-864

- David L. Barkley
- Muller, Jerry Z. Adam Smith in His Time and Ours: Designing the Decent Society. New York: The Free Press (Macmillan), 1993, 272 pp., $22.95 pp. 864-866

- Thomas T. Stout
- Pryor, Frederic L. The Red and the Green: The Rise and Fall of Collectivized Agriculture in Marxist Regimes. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1992, xii + 550 pp., $59.50 pp. 866-867

- Carl C. Mabbs-Zeno
- Rhodes, V. James. The Agricultural Marketing System, fourth edition. Scottsdale, AZ: Gorsuch Scarisbrick, 1993, x + 484 pp., $48 (paper) pp. 867-868

- Marvin L. Hayenga
- Schultz, Theodore. Restoring Economic Equilibrium: Human Capital in a Modernizing Economy. Basil Blackwell, 1990, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 234 pp., $32.95 pp. 868-869

- Emery N. Castle
- Tyers, Rod, and Kym Anderson. Disarray in World Food Markets: A Quantitative Assessment. Cambridge, Melbourne, and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992, 444 pp., $59.95 pp. 869-871

- Barry Krissoff
Volume 75, issue 2, 1993
- Simultaneity and Structural Change in U.S. Meat Demand pp. 259-268

- James S. Eales and Laurian Unnevehr
- Testing the Stability of Preferences: A Nonparametric Approach pp. 269-277

- Yong Sakong and Dermot Hayes
- Water Markets and Water Quality pp. 278-291

- Marca Weinberg, Catherine Kling and James Wilen
- The Potential for Water Market Efficiency When Instream Flows Have Value pp. 292-303

- Ronald C. Griffin and Shih-Hsun Hsu
- The Silence of the Lambdas: A Test of the Almost Ideal and Rotterdam Models pp. 304-313

- Julian Alston and James A. Chalfant
- Distinguishing between Market Participation and Infrequency of Purchase Models of Butter Demand pp. 314-320

- Noel Blisard and James Blaylock
- A Test of the Equality of Closed-Ended and Open-Ended Contingent Valuations pp. 321-331

- Mary Jo Kealy and Robert Turner
- Testing for Misspecification in the Referendum Contingent Valuation Approach pp. 332-338

- Teofilo Ozuna, Kee Yoon Jang and John R. Stoll
- Grain Policy in Chinese Villages: Yield Response to Pricing, Procurement, and Loan Policies pp. 339-349

- Scott Rozelle and Richard N. Boisvert
- Worker Turnover, Farm Labor Contractors, and IRCA's Impact on the California Farm Labor Market pp. 350-360

- J. Edward Taylor and Dawn Thilmany
- Defensive Technology and Welfare Analysis of Environmental Quality Change with Uncertain Consumer Health Impacts pp. 361-366

- Linda K. Lee and L. Joe Moffitt
- Allocatable Fixed Inputs and Two-Stage Aggregation Models of Multioutput Production Decisions pp. 367-376

- Barry T. Coyle
- Incorporating Stochastic Variables in Crop Response Models: Implications for Fertilization Decisions pp. 377-386

- Qi Dai, Jerald J. Fletcher and John G. Lee
- A Farm-Level Analysis of Economic and Agronomic Impacts of Gradual Climate Warming pp. 387-398

- Harry Kaiser, Susan J. Riha, Daniel S. Wilks, David G. Rossiter and Radha Sampath
- Forecasting Performance of Corn and Soybean Harvest Futures Contracts pp. 399-407

- David Kenyon, Eluned Jones and M. Anya McGuirk
- Hedging Production Risk With Options pp. 408-415

- Yong Sakong, Dermot Hayes and Arne Hallam
- A State-Space Forecasting Approach to Optimal Intertemporal Cross-Hedging pp. 416-424

- Tomislav Vukina and James Anderson
- An Empirical Analysis of the Demand for Multiple Peril Crop Insurance pp. 425-434

- Barry Goodwin
- Crop Insurance and Disaster Assistance Designs for Wheat and Grain Sorghum pp. 435-447

- Jeffery Williams, Gordon L. Carriker, G. Art Barnaby and Jayson K. Harper
- A Dynamic Model of Oligopoly in the Coffee Export Market pp. 448-457

- Larry Karp and Jeffrey Perloff
- Hedonic Estimation of Quality Factors Affecting the Farm-Retail Margin pp. 458-466

- Doug Parker and David Zilberman
- A Structural Investigation of Biotechnological Impacts on Cotton Quality and Returns pp. 467-478

- George T. Chiou, Dean T. Chen and Oral Capps
- Farm Consumption and Liquidity Constraints pp. 479-484

- Michael Langemeier and George F. Patrick
- An Animated Instructional Module for Teaching Production Economics With 3-D Graphics pp. 485-491

- David Debertin
- Private Property Rights and Forest Preservation in Karnataka Western Ghats, India: Comment pp. 492-495

- Sharachchandra Lélé
- Private Property Rights and Forest Preservation in Karnataka Western Ghats, India: Reply pp. 496-498

- Mahadev G. Bhat and Ray G. Huffaker
- Buchanan, James M. Better Than Plowing and Other Personal Essays. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992, ix + 184 pp. $23.95 pp. 499-500

- James Hite
- Cochrane, Willard W., and C. Ford Runge. Reforming Farm Policy. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1992, vii + 279 pp. $37.75 pp. 500-502

- A.L. (Roy) Frederick
- Ellis, Frank. Agricultural Policies in Developing Countries. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992, xv + 357 pp., $69.95, $29.95 paper pp. 502-503

- William Masters
- Foster, Phillips. The World Food Problem: Tackling the Causes of Undernutrition in the Third World. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1992, xx + 367 pp, cloth $45, paper $22 pp. 503-504

- Richard Longhurst
- Johnson, Stanley R., Jati K. Sengupta, and Erik Thorbecke, editors. Demand Analysis-Econometrics, and Policy Models. Selected Writings by Karl A. Fox. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1992, xxv + 345 pp., $49.95 pp. 504-505

- Joseph Havlicek
- National Research Council. Water Transfers in the West, Washington, D.C., 1992, xvii plus 300 pp., cloth $34.95 pp. 505-507

- Tim Wallace
- Rosenthal, Jean-Laurent. The Fruits of Revolution: Property Rights, Litigation, and French Agriculture, 1700–1860. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992, xi + 216 pp. $54.95 pp. 507-509

- Gene Wunderlich
- Tweeten, Luther. Agricultural Trade: Principles and Policies. Boulder: Westview Press, 1992, xiv 319 pp. Cloth $60, Paper $29.85 pp. 509-510

- Thomas Grennes
- Winrock International. African Development: Lessons from Asia. Arlington, Va.: Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development, 1991, 260 pp., $14.95 pp. 510-512

- Richard H. Bernsten
Volume 75, issue 1, 1993
- Flexible Specification of Mixed Demand Systems pp. 1-9

- GianCarlo Moschini and Vissa Anuradha
- Productivity Effects of Indigenous Land Tenure Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa pp. 10-19

- Frank Place and Peter Hazell
- Seasonal Labor Utilization in Agriculture: Theory and Evidence from Agrarian Households in India pp. 20-32

- Emmanuel Skoufias
- Differential Technology Adoption and Income Distribution in Pakistan: Implications for Research Resource Allocation pp. 33-43

- Mitch Renkow
- A Simple Procedure to Evaluate Ex Ante Producer Welfare under Price Uncertainty pp. 44-51

- Yacov Tsur
- Welfare Implications of Equilibrium Supply and Demand Curves in an Open Economy pp. 52-58

- David S. Bullock
- Procreation, Fishing, and Hunting: Renewable Resources and Dynamic Planar Systems pp. 59-71

- Marc Nerlove
- On Sustainability and the Economics of Survival pp. 72-83

- Jean-Paul Chavas
- Individual Travel Cost Method: Estimation and Benefit Assessment with a Discrete and Possibly Grouped Dependent Variable pp. 84-94

- Ian Dobbs
- Testing Nonnested Models pp. 95-103

- Howard Doran
- Intraseasonal Demand for Fall Potatoes under Rational Expectations pp. 104-112

- Mario Miranda and Joseph W. Glauber
- Market Instability and Nonlinear Dynamics pp. 113-120

- Jean-Paul Chavas and Matthew Holt
- Pricing Commodity Options when the Underlying Futures Price Exhibits Time-Varying Volatility pp. 121-130

- Robert J. Myers and Steven D. Hanson
- Live Cattle Futures Response to Cattle on Feed Reports pp. 131-137

- Orlen Grunewald, Mark S. McNulty and Arlo W. Biere
- Why Did the Number of Young Farm Entrants Decline? pp. 138-146

- Fred Gale
- The Inconsistency of Land Values, Land Rents, and Capitalization Formulas pp. 147-155

- J. Stephen Clark, Murray Fulton and John T. Scott
- Understanding Farmland Price Changes pp. 156-168

- Richard Just and John A. Miranowski
- The Incidence of Benefits from U.S. Soybean Productivity Gains in a Context of World Trade pp. 169-180

- Stephen C. Cooke and W. Burt Sundquist
- Field-Level Measurement of Land Productivity and Program Slippage pp. 181-189

- Dana L. Hoag, William Foster and Bruce Babcock
- Decision Rules for the Dynamic Animal Feeding Problem pp. 190-202

- Oscar R. Burt
- Dynamic Fertilizer Nutrient Demands for Corn: A Cointegrated and Error-Correcting System pp. 203-209

- Mark Denbaly and Harry Vroomen
- A Conjectural Variations Model of Reduced Japanese Milk Price Supports pp. 210-218

- Nobuhiro Suzuki, John E. Lenz and Olan D. Forker
- Impacts of Liberalizing Trade in the World Rice Market pp. 219-226

- Gail Cramer, Eric J. Wailes and Shangnan Shui
- Market Structure for Farmed Salmon pp. 227-233

- Don DeVoretz and Kjell G Salvanes
- Informational Efficiency of Markets for Stumpage: Comment pp. 234-238

- Lars Hultkrantz
- Informational Efficiency of Markets for Stumpage: Reply pp. 239-242

- Courtland L. Washburn and Clark S. Binkley
- Anderson, Terry (ed). Property Rights and Indian Economies. Boston: Rowman & Littlefield, 1992, viii + 256 p.p., $44.00 pp. 243-244

- Douglas W. Allen
- Braden, John B., and Charles D. Kolstad (Editors). Measuring the Demand for Environmental Quality. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1991, xii + 370 pp., $69.50 pp. 244-245

- John Bergstrom
- Browne, William P., Jerry R. Skees, Louis E. Swanson, Paul B. Thompson, and Laurian Unnevehr. Sacred Cows and Hot Potatoes. Boulder: Westview Press, 1992, xiii + 151 pp., $38.95, paperback $15.95 pp. 245-247

- Neilson C. Conklin
- Hallberg, Milton C. (ed). Bovine Somatotropin & Emerging Issues: An Assessment. Boulder, San Francisco, and London: The Westview Press, 1992, xvii + 324 pp., $44.50 paper pp. 247-249

- Jerome W. Hammond
- Hanley, Nick, ed. Farming and the Countryside: An Economic Analysis of External Costs and Benefits. Wallingford, UK: CAB International, 1991, vi + 328pp., $76.00 pp. 249-250

- Roy R. Carriker
- Hazell, Peter B.R., and C. Ramasamy, with contributions by P.K. Aiyasamy et al. The Green Revolution Reconsidered: The Impact of High-Yielding Rice Varieties in South India. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991, xiv + 286 pp.$39.00 pp. 251-252

- Thomas Reardon
- Reilly, John, and Margot Anderson (eds). Economics Issues in Global Climate Change: Agriculture Forestry and Natural Resources. Boulder: Westview press, 1992, xvii + 460 pp. $52.00 pp. 252-253

- Robert Mendelsohn
- Winpenny, James T. Development Research: The Environmental Challenge. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1991, vi + 228 pp., $15.95 pp. 253-255

- Donald J. Epp
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