American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 55, issue 5, 1973
- Rural Development in an Urban Age pp. 771-777

- K. R. Tefertiller
- Conflicts and Consistencies in the Agricultural Policies of the United States and Canada pp. 778-784

- G. E. Brandow
- A Canadian View of Conflicts and Consistencies in the Agricultural Policies of Canada and the United States pp. 785-790

- J. C. Gilson
- Grain Marketing Methods in Canada—The Theory, Assumptions, and Approach pp. 791-799

- Merril W. Menzies
- Grain Marketing Methods in the U. S. A.—The Theory, Assumptions, and Approach pp. 800-804

- Leonard W. Schruben
- A Model for Rationalizing the Canadian Grain Transportation and Handling System on a Regional Basis pp. 805-813

- Edward W. Tyrchniewicz and Robert J. Tosterud
- Rail-barge Competition in Transporting Winter Wheat pp. 814-819

- L. Orlo Sorenson
- The Farm Machinery Industry: Reconciling the Interests of the Farmer, the Industry, and the General Public pp. 820-828

- Clarence L. Barber
- Changing Machinery Technology and Agricultural Adjustment pp. 829-839

- G. F. Donaldson and J. P. McInerney
- Emerging Issues for Sparsely Populated Areas and Regions under a National Growth Policy pp. 840-850

- Luther Tweeten
- Organization and Control of the U. S. Food and Fiber Sector pp. 851-859

- R. J. Hildreth, Kenneth R. Krause and Paul E. Nelson
- Government and Agricultural Adjustment pp. 860-867

- D. Johnson
- Efficiency and Equity in Natural Resource and Environmental Policy pp. 868-878

- Robert Haveman
- The Neglected Human Factor pp. 879-887

- D. Lee Bawden
- Adjustment Problems and Policies within a Framework of Political Economy pp. 888-891

- G. I. Trant
- Adjustments in a Slowly Declining U. S. Cotton Production Industry pp. 892-902

- Robert S. Firch
- Agricultural Development Policies and Programs in Canada pp. 903-912

- Darrel H. Plaunt
- Farm Income and Labour Mobility pp. 913-920

- Brian B. Perkins
- Managerial Information (Recording, Data, and Decision) Systems in Canada pp. 921-929

- George E. Lee and Raymond C. Nicholson
- Managerial Information and Decision Systems in the U. S. A.: Historical Developments, Current Status, and Major Issues pp. 930-937

- Ludwig M. Eisgruber
- Migration Patterns of Minorities in the United States pp. 938-946

- Calvin L. Beale
- The Role of the 1890 Colleges and Universities in Research on Minority Problems pp. 947-951

- T. T. Williams
- Traditional Graduate Admission Standards as Constraints to Increasing the Supply of Black Professional Agriculturalists: The Florida Experience pp. 952-966

- Carlton G. Davis
- Implications of the 1970 Timber Review for Trade in Timber Products pp. 967-973

- I. Irving Holland
- Economic Trends in the Canadian Forest Products Industry pp. 974-982

- T. M. Apsey, M. M. Garton and C. Hajdu
- The Influence of U. S. Trade Policy on Forest Products Trade pp. 983-987

- Adrien E. Gamache
- Agricultural Economists Responding to an Expanding Clientele pp. 989-992

- H. H. Austman
- Introduction by the Chairman pp. 993

- Dale E. Hathaway
- Sectional Meeting H—Public Sector Research and Education and the Agribusiness Complex: Unholy Alliance or Socially Beneficial Partnership?: Discussion pp. 993-996

- Harold F. Breimyer
- Sectional Meeting H—Public Sector Research and Education and the Agribusiness Complex: Unholy Alliance or Socially Beneficial Partnership?: Discussion pp. 997-999

- George Mehren
- Sectional Meeting H—Public Sector Research and Education and the Agribusiness Complex: Unholy Alliance or Socially Beneficial Partnership?: Discussion pp. 999-1002

- Alex F. McCalla
- Sectional Meeting H—Public Sector Research and Education and the Agribusiness Complex: Unholy Alliance or Socially Beneficial Partnership?: Summary of the Discussion pp. 1002

- Dale E. Hathaway
- Evolving Water Policies in the United States pp. 1003-1007

- Gary D. Cobb
- Mexican National Water Plan: Organization and Preliminary Assessment pp. 1008-1016

- Fernando J. Gonzalez Villarreal
- National Water Policy: The Canadian Experience pp. 1017-1021

- A. T. Davidson
- Externalities and Open Field Burning: A Case Study pp. 1026-1029

- Dick Wedin
- Western Agricultural Economics Association Minutes and Report pp. 1056-1058

- O. Wendell Holmes
Volume 55, issue 4_Part_2, 1973
- Foreword pp. 705

- James Nielson
- Reorientation of the University pp. 706-710

- C. E. Bishop
- Higher Education in the Rural Social Sciences pp. 711-719

- A. T. Mosher
- The Market for Economists pp. 720-724

- Francis M. Boddy
- The Market for Agricultural Economists pp. 725-734

- John D. Helmberger
- Curriculum Development: Principles and Methods pp. 735-739

- Russell P. Kropp
- Guidelines for Curriculum Changes in Agricultural Economics pp. 740-747

- Lester V. Manderscheid
- New Directions in Agricultural Economics Curricula, University of California, Davis pp. 748-749

- Edith Hall Parker
- SIU's Curriculum in Agricultural Economics pp. 750-751

- Walter J. Wills
- Michigan State's Curricula in Agricultural Economics pp. 752-754

- Larry J. Connor
- Texas A&M's Curriculum pp. 755-756

- Jesse C. Grady
- Teaching Method pp. 757-761

- Russell P. Kropp
- Techniques for Motivating Students pp. 762-766

- James G. Kendrick
- Workshop Summary and Evaluation pp. 767-769

- Carroll V. Hess
Volume 55, issue 4_Part_1, 1973
- Real Property Taxes and Farm Real Estate Values: Incidence and Implications pp. 549-556

- E. C. Pasour
- Allocation of Scarce Resources to Agricultural Research: Review of Methodology pp. 557-566

- C. Shumway
- Solid Waste Management for Rural Areas: Analysis of Costs and Service Requirements pp. 567-576

- Dean Schreiner, George Muncrief and Bob Davis
- Returns to Scale and Input Elasticities for Sugarcane: The Case of Sao Paulo, Brazil pp. 577-583

- Reinaldo Alcantara and Anthony A. Prato
- A Framework for Comparing the Efficiency of Futures Markets pp. 584-594

- Tetteh A. Kofi
- Opportunity Cost of Time and Other Socioeconomic Effects on Away-From-Home Food Consumption pp. 595-603

- Fred J. Prochaska and R. A. Schrimper
- Undergraduate Program Revision at Kansas State University pp. 604-610

- John Sjo, Frank Orazem and Arlo Biere
- Economic Growth and Agriculture: An Evaluation of the Compensation Principle pp. 611-616

- E. C. Pasour
- On Appraising Environmental Institutions pp. 617-621

- J. A. Seagraves
- Cost-Benefit Analysis of Irrigation Projects in Northeastern Brazil pp. 622-627

- William Cline
- Joint Ventures and Family Labor Sized Farms pp. 628-632

- Kenneth R. Krause
- Labor Productivity in Apple Harvesting pp. 633-636

- Charles M. Cuskaden
- Agricultural Trade Intensity: The European Markets and the U. S pp. 637-640

- M. K. Carney
- Silage-Concentrate Substitution; Effects on Milk Production and Income Over Feed Cost in DHIA Herds pp. 641-646

- D. H. Carley
- Consumer Demand for Meat in Canada pp. 647-652

- P. Tryfos and N. Tryphonopoulos
- Supply of Storage Theory and Commodity Equilibrium Prices with Stochastic Production pp. 653-658

- Stanley R. Pliska
- Sufficient Conditions for Aggregation of Linear Programming Models pp. 659-666

- Quirino Paris and Gordon Rausser
- Has Social Science Research at the Experiment Stations Increased in Live with Society's Needs and Congressional Intent? pp. 667-669

- Glenn R. Smith
- R{sub2} in TSLS and GLS Estimation pp. 670

- William G. Tomek
- Long-Run Implications of a Tax in Kind to Reduce Supply and Increase Income: Comment pp. 670-674

- Wade L. Griffin and Ronald D. Lacewell
- Reliability of Using the Mean Absolute Deviation to Derive Efficient E, V Farm Plans: Comment pp. 675-677

- James S. Ang
- Long-Run Implications of a Tax in Kind to Reduce Supply and Increase Income: Reply pp. 675

- Earl O. Heady
- Reliability of Using the Mean Absolute Deviation to Derive Efficient E, V Farm Plans: Reply pp. 677-678

- K. J. Thomson and P. B. R. Hazell
- Price and Income Flexibilities and the Double Logarithmic Demand System: Comment pp. 678-679

- Richard Green, Zuhair Hassan and S. R. Johnson
- Price and Income Plexibilities and the Double Logarithmic Demand System: Reply pp. 679-680

- James P. Houck
- Measurement of Leakage by the Use of an Input-Output Model: Comment pp. 680-682

- Gholam Mustafa
- Measurement of Leakage by the Use of an Input-Output Model: Reply pp. 682

- Charles H. Little and Gerald A. Doeksen
- Balassa, Bela (and associates), The Structure of Protection in Developing Countries, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press, 1971, xviii + 375 pp. ($12.00) pp. 683-684

- Erik Thorbecke
- Buchanan, James M., and Robert D. Tollison, eds., Theory of Public Choice, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1972, vi + 329 pp. ($15.00) pp. 684-686

- J. A. Nordin
- Bronfenbrenner, Martin, Income Distribution Theory, Chicago, Aldine · Atherton, Inc., 1971, xiii + 487 pp, ($14.75) pp. 684

- Theodore Lianos
- Di Marco, Luis Eugenio, ed., International Economics and Development, New York, Academic Press, Inc., 1972, xix + 515 pp, ($18.50 ) pp. 686-687

- Alain de Janvry
- Dorner, Peter, Land Reform and Economic Development, Baltimore, Penguin Books, Inc., 1972, 167 pp. ($2.75 paper) pp. 687

- W. W. McPherson
- Krutilla, John V., ed., Natural Environments: Studies in Theoretical and Applied Analysis, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press for Resources for the Future, Inc., 1972, viii + 352 pp. ($16.50) pp. 688-689

- Warren E. Johnston
- Heady, Earl 0., Leo V. Mayer, and Howard C. Madsen, Future Farm Programs: Comparative Costs and Consequences, Ames, The Iowa State University Press, 1972, viii + 411 pp. ($11.95) pp. 689-690

- G. S. Tolley
- Machlup, Fritz, Walter S. Salant and Lorie Tarshis, eds., International Mobility and Movement of Capital, New York, Columbia University Press for the National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 1972, xi + 708 pp. ($20.00) pp. 690-692

- Andrew Schmitz
- Smith, Robert S., Frank T. de Vyver, and William R. Allen, eds., Population Economics: Selected Essays of Joseph J. Spengler, Durham, Duke University Press, 1972, v + 536 pp. ($17.50) pp. 692-693

- Bruce Herrick
Volume 55, issue 3, 1973
- The Food Price Problem pp. 385-390

- G. E. Brandow
- Implications for Agricultural Policy pp. 391-398

- James T. Bonnen
- Implications for Agricultural Economists pp. 399-403

- James S. Plaxico and Daryll E. Ray
- System Simulation of Agricultural Development: Some Nigerian Policy Comparisons pp. 404-419

- The Michigan State University Agricultural Sector Simulation Team
- Systems-Simulation in a Practical Policy-Making Setting: The Venezuelan Cattle Industry pp. 420-432

- S. F. Miller and A. N. Halter
- Economic Aspects of a Nuclear Desalination Agro-Industrial Project in the United Arab Republic pp. 433-440

- Duane Chapman
- A Methodology for Investigating the Importance of Government Intervention in Farmers' Decisions pp. 441-452

- Richard Just
- The Journal as a Reference Source—1959–1968 pp. 453-460

- Robert M. Finley and Richard B. Barger
- Economic Aspects of Ground Water Resources and Replacement Flows in Semiarid Agricultural Areas pp. 461-466

- Micha Gisser and Abraham Mercado
- Application of Dynamic Programming in Markov Chains to the Evaluation of Water Quality in Irrigation pp. 467-471

- D. Yaron and A. Olian
- On the Incongruity of Program Objectives and Project Evaluation: An Example from the Reclamation Program pp. 472-476

- Daniel Bromley and Bruce R. Beattie
- Environmental Perceptions and Policy Misconceptions pp. 477-483

- C. Dirck Ditwiler
- A Short-Run Price Prediction Model for Eggs pp. 484-489

- Bill Miller and Gene C. Masters
- United States, European, and World Demand Functions for Coffee pp. 490-494

- A. Parikh
- Changes in Number and Size Distribution of U. S. Soybean Processing Firms pp. 495-499

- Paul L. Farris
- A Note on the Stability of Firm Size Distribution Functions for Western Cattle Ranches pp. 500-502

- C. T. K. Ching
- Increasing Response Rates in Mailed Questionnaires pp. 503-508

- R. C. Buse
- Technological Change and Relative Factor Shares in Indian Agriculture: An Empirical Analysis pp. 509-514

- Uma K. Srivastava and Earl O. Heady
- Estimating Educational Production Functions for Rural High Schools: Some Findings pp. 515-519

- Richard F. Bieker and Kurt R. Anschel
- The Agribusiness Sector—An Important Link in Economic Growth Models pp. 520-523

- Orlin J. Scoville
- Mechanization and the Division of Labor in Agriculture pp. 523-526

- Michael Perelman
- Commonality, Fishery Resources, Potential and Policy: Comment pp. 526-529

- P. A. Cassidy
- Commonality, Fishery Resources, Potential and Policy: Reply pp. 530-531

- A. Desmond O'Rourke
- Avramovic, Dragoslav, coordinating author, Economic Growth of Colombia: Problems and Prospects, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press for the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 1972, xx + 509 pp. ($15.00) pp. 532-533

- R. A. Berry
- Bard, Robert L., Food Aid and International Agricultural Trade, Lexington, D. C. Heath and Co., 1972, xviii + 321 pp. ($12.50) pp. 533

- Lawrence W. Witt
- Bloom, Gordon F., Productivity in the Food Industry: Problems and Potential, Cambridge, The MIT Press, 1972, xiii + 314 pp. ($10.00) pp. 533-535

- Lowell D. Hill
- Brown, Lester R., World Without Borders, New York, Random House, 1972, xviii + 395 pp. ($8.95) pp. 535-536

- Willard Cochrane
- Haveman, Robert H., The Economic Performance of Public Investments: An Ex Post Evaluation of Water Resources Investments, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press for Resources for the Futute, Inc., 1972, xiv + 126 pp. ($7.00) pp. 536-537

- Walter R. Butcher
- Jones, William O., Marketing Staple Food Crops in Tropical Africa, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1972, xiii + 293 pp. ($12.50) pp. 537

- John C. de Wilde
- Mishan, E. J., Cost-Benefit Analysis: An Introduction, New York, Praeger Publishers, Inc., 1971, viii + 364 pp. ($12.50) pp. 537-539

- Ralph d'Arge
- Owen, John D., The Price of Leisure, Montreal, McGill-Queen's University Press, 1970, x + 169 pp. ($9.00) pp. 539-540

- James A. MacMillan
- Telser, Lester G., Competition, Collusion, and Game Theory, Chicago, Aldine • Atherton, 1972, xix + 380 pp. ($12.95) pp. 540

- Almarin Phillips
- Tomek, William G., and Kenneth L. Robinson, Agricultural Product Prices, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1972, xi + 376 pp. ($14.50) pp. 540-541

- Joseph Havlicek
- Wellford, Harrison, Sowing the Wind, New York, Grossman Publishers, 1972, xxiii + 384 pp. ($7.95) pp. 541-542

- James D. Shaffer
Volume 55, issue 2, 1973
- Costs and Returns of Education in Five Agricultural Areas of Eastern Brazil pp. 145-153

- George F. Patrick and Earl W. Kehrberg
- Trade Policy and Its Effect on the External Agricultural Trade of Chile 1945–1965 pp. 154-164

- Valdés E. Alberto
- A Linear Programming Approach to Floodplain Land Use Planning in Urban Areas pp. 165-174

- John C. Day
- Quadratic Programming for Least-Cost Feed Formulations under Probabilistic Protein Constraints pp. 175-183

- Joyce T. Chen
- Alternative Tax Treatment of Orchard Development Costs: Impacts on Producers, Middlemen, and Consumers pp. 184-191

- Hoy Carman and James G. Youde
- An Approach to Farm Management Education pp. 192-197

- Michael Boehlje, Vernon Eidman and Odell Walker
- On the Timing and Application of Pesticides pp. 198-201

- Darwin C. Hall and Richard B. Norgaard
- The Optimum Combination of Resources Within and Among Country Elevators pp. 202-208

- P. W. Lytle and L. D. Hill
- Econometric Models for Quarterly Shell Egg Prices pp. 209-213

- Sujit K. Roy and Phillip N. Johnson
- Efficiency Considerations in Butterfat Differential and Component Pricing of Milk pp. 214-216

- Robert E. Jacobson and Francis E. Walker
- Milk Demand, Supply, and Price Relationships, 1950–1968 pp. 217-222

- Anthony A. Prato
- Distributed Lag Estimation of Harmonic Motion in the Hog Market pp. 223-224

- Mark S. Jelavich
- Farm Commodity Price Stabilization through Futures Markets pp. 225-230

- Robert A. Richardson and Paul L. Farris
- A Note on Some Monte Carlo Results on Non-Negative Variance Estimators for a Random Coefficient Regression Model pp. 231-234

- B. R. Froehlich
- The Substitution of Analytic for Simulation Algorithms: A Comment pp. 235-239

- Wilfred Candler, Wayne Cartwright and J. B. Penn
- The Substitution of Analytic for Simulation Algorithms: A Response pp. 240-241

- S. C. Thompson
- The Elasticity of Demand for Hired Farm Labor pp. 242-245

- T. M. Hammonds, R. Yadav and C. Vathana
- Impact of Aggregation on the Estimation of Outdoor Recreation Demand Functions pp. 246-249

- William G. Brown and Farid Nawas
- Is Verification Possible? The Evaluation of Large Econometric Models pp. 250-258

- Harold T. Shapiro
- Implications to and from Economic Theory in Models of Complex Systems pp. 259-271

- Gary Fromm
- The Validity and Verification of Complex Systems Models: Discussion pp. 271-273

- Carl Christ
- The Validity and Verification of Complex Systems Models: Discussion pp. 273-279

- Gordon Rausser
- Future Directions for U. S. Trade pp. 280-288

- C. Fred Bergsten
- Prospects for Freer Agricultural Trade pp. 289-293

- John Schnittker
- The Impact of Freer Trade on North American Agriculture pp. 294-300

- D. Johnson
- Trade Liberalization in Agricultural Products: Discussion pp. 300-301

- D. E. Hathaway
- Trade Liberalization in Agricultural Products: Discussion pp. 301-302

- Tim Josling
- Trade Liberalization in Agricultural Products: Discussion pp. 302-303

- G. I. Trant
- A Theoretical Evaluation of Alternative Subsidy Schemes for Regional Developmen pp. 304-312

- Myron G. Myers, Barry K. Rogstad and Harrison G. Wehner
- Financing Agriculture: Demand for and Supply of Farm Capital and Credit pp. 313-325

- Emanuel Melichar
- Financing Agriculture and Rural Development: Discussion pp. 326-328

- John A. Hopkin
- Financing Agriculture and Rural Development: Discussion pp. 328-330

- W. C. Motes
- Financing Agriculture and Rural Development: Discussion pp. 330-332

- C. B. Baker
- On the Concept of Subsector Studies pp. 333-335

- James Duncan Shaffer
- On the Attitude of a Profession pp. 336

- Robert D. Reinsel
- AAEA Education Workshop: Comment pp. 336-337

- Roger P. Strickland and Theo. F. Moriak
- Evaluation of the AAEA Awards Program: Final Report pp. 338-340

- C. B. Baker
- Sacred Cows: Comment pp. 341-342

- John De Boer
- Sacred Cows: Response pp. 342-343

- Michael A. Perelman
- Uses of the Arithmetic Mean in Farm Policy pp. 344-345

- Ernest W. Grove
- Beckford, George L., Persistent Poverty, New York, Oxford University Press, 1972, xxvii + 303 pp. ($7.50 cloth, $2.95 paper) pp. 346-347

- Philip Raup
- Boulding, Kenneth E., and Tapan Mukerjee, eds., Economic Imperialism, Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan Press, 1972, xviii + 338 pp. ($10.00 cloth, $3.95 paper) pp. 347-348

- Peter Dorner
- Carnoy, Martin, Industrialization in a Latin American Common Market and Yudelman, Montague, and Frederic Howard, Agricultural Development and Economic Integration in Latin America pp. 348-350

- Norman R. Collins
- Gittinger, J. Price, Economic Analysis of Agricultural Projecte, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1972, viii + 221 pp. ($10.00) pp. 350-351

- C. B. Baker
- Houck, James P., Mary E. Ryan, and Abraham Subotnik, Soybeans and Their Products, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1972, ix + 284 pp. ($10.00) pp. 351-352

- James B. Hassler
- Imel, Blake, Michael R. Behr, and Peter G. Helmberger, Market Structure and Performance: The U. S. Food Processing Industries, Lexington, D. C. Heath and Company, 1972, xv + 115 pp. ($10.00) pp. 352-353

- G. E. Brandow
- Ironmonger, D. S., New Commodities and Consumer Behavior, New York, Cambridge University Press, 1972, xviii + 200 pp. ($19.50) pp. 353-354

- A. A. Prato
- Johnson, Glenn L., and G. Leroy Quance, eds., The Overproduction Trap in U. S. Agriculture: A Study of Resource Allocation from World War I to the Late 1960's, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press for Resources for the Future, 1972, xvii + 211 pp. ($10.00) pp. 354-355

- Dale M. Hoover
- Merewitz, Leonard, and Stephen H. Sosnick, The Budget's New Clothes: A Critique of Planning-Programming-Budgeting and Benefit-Cost Analysis, Chicago, Markham Publishing Company, 1971, xi + 318 pp. ($10.95) pp. 355-356

- Robert Haveman
- Rossi, Peter H., and Walter Williams, eds., Evaluating Social Programs: Theory, Practice, and Politics, New York, Seminar Press, Inc., 1972, xviii + 326 pp. ($10.95) pp. 356-357

- Willis Peterson
- Schultze, Charles L., Edward R. Fried, Alice M. Rivlin and Nancy H. Teeters, Setting National Priorities: The 1973 Budget, Washington, D.C. Brookings Institute, 1972, ix + 468 pp. ($3.50 paper) pp. 357-358

- Earl O. Heady
- Whitcomb, David K., Externalities and Welfare, New York, Columbia University Press, 1972, x + 158 pp. ($8.00) pp. 358-359

- Robert A. Meyer
Volume 55, issue 1, 1973
- Man, Physical Resources, and Economic Organization pp. 1-9

- Harold F. Breimyer
- The Political Economy of Regional Water Institutions pp. 10-18

- Helen M. Ingram
- Application of Multivariate Probit to a Threshold Model of Grain Dryer Purchasing Decisions pp. 19-27

- Lowell Hill and Paul Kau
- The Process of an Innovation Cycle pp. 28-37

- Yoav Kislev and Nira Shchori-Bachrach
- Combining Income and Wealth: An Analysis of Farm Family "Well-Being" pp. 38-44

- Thomas A. Carlin and Edward I. Reinsel
- Optimal School District Size Emphasizing Rural Areas pp. 45-53

- Fred White and Luther Tweeten
- The New Varieties under Dryland Conditions: Mexican Wheats in Tunisia pp. 54-57

- Malcolm J. Purvis
- Extension Education in Bargaining among Midwest Livestock and Grain Producers pp. 58-60

- Harold D. Guither
- Graduate Programs in Agricultural Economics: Results of a Survey pp. 61-64

- David A. Storey and David A. Storey
- An Approach to Research on Vertical Coordination: The Beef System in Oklahoma pp. 65-68

- Wayne D. Purcell
- Summing Components of Real Capital Gains pp. 69-72

- H. B. Huff and T. G. MacAulay
- Estimation of Irrigation Response from Time-Series Data on Nonirrigated Crops pp. 73-76

- D. W. Parvin
- Sparse Data, Climatic Variability, and Yield Uncertainty in Response Analysis pp. 77-82

- Jock Anderson
- Effect of Public Price Forecasts on Market Price Variation: A Stochastic Cobweb Example pp. 83-88

- David J. Smyth
- On Some Determinants of Farm Size Across Countries pp. 89-92

- Yukon Huang
- An Evaluation of Short-Term Forecasts of Coffee and Cocoa pp. 93-99

- J. Kimball Dietrich and Alfredo D. Gutierrez
- Dynamic Programming of the Dairy Cow Replacement Problem pp. 100-104

- Blair J. Smith
- Project Selection and Macroeconomic Objectives: Comment pp. 105-107

- John D. Hyslop
- Project Seclection and Macroeconomic Objectives: Reply pp. 107-109

- Stephen E. McGaughey and Erik Thorbecke
- An Analysis of the Market for Food Stamps: Comment pp. 109-110

- Stephen J. Hiemstra
- An Analysis of the Market for Food Stamps: Comment pp. 110-112

- Harold F. Breimyer
- An Analysis of the Market for Food Stamps: Reply pp. 112-115

- W. Keith Bryant
- Separable Programming for Considering Risk in Farm Planning: Comment pp. 115-117

- Joyce T. Chen
- Separable Programming for Considering Risk in Farm Planning: Reply pp. 117-118

- Wayne Thomas, Leroy Blakeslee, LeRoy Rogers and Norman Whittlesey
- "Disguised" Unemployment Once Again: East Pakistan, 1951–1961: Comment pp. 118-120

- G. B. S. Mujahid
- "Disguised" Unemployment Once Again: East Pakistan, 1951–1961: Reply pp. 120

- W. C. Robinson
- Cooper, Charles A., and Sidney S. Alexander, eds., Economic Development and Population Growth in the Middle East, New York, American Elsevier Publishing Co., Inc., 1972, xvii + 620 pp. ($19.95) pp. 121-122

- Wyn F. Owen
- Gregory, G. Robinson, Forest Resource Economics, New York, The Ronald Press, 1972, viii + 548 pp. ($12.50) pp. 122-123

- Jay M. Huches
- Hayami, Yujiro, and Vernon W. Ruttan, Agricultural Development: An International Perspective, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press, 1971, xiv + 367 pp. ($10.00) pp. 123-126

- G. Edward Schuh
- Kay, David A., and Eugene B. Skolnikoff, eds., World Eco-Crisis, Madison, Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 1972, vii + 324 pp. ($2.50) Paper pp. 126-127

- Gerald Garvey
- Kneese, Allen V., and Blair T. Bower, eds., Environmental Quality Analysis. Theory and Method in the Social Sciences, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press for Resources for the Futute, Inc., 1972, ix + 408 pp. ($12.00) pp. 127-128

- Wesley D. Seitz
- Lee, Teng-hui, Intersectoral Capital Flows in the Economic Development of Taiwan, 1895–1960, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, xx + 197 pp. ($10.00) pp. 128-129

- Yujiro Hayami
- Northrup, Herbert R., Richard L. Rowan, Darold T. Barnum, and John C. Howard, Negro Employment in Southern Industry: A Study of Racial Policies in Five Industries, Vol. IV, Studies of Negro Employment, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1970, lvi + 710 pp. ($13.50) pp. 129-130

- Howard F. Robinson
- Papandreou, Andreas G., Paternalistic Capitalism, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1972, ix + 190 pp. ($7.50) and Robinson, Joan, Economic Heresies, New York, Basic Books, 1971, xix + 150 pp. ($6.95) pp. 130-131

- Harold F. Breimyer
- Rothblatt, Donald N., Regional Planning: The Appalachian Experience, Lexington, D.C. Heath and Co., 1971, xvii + 281 pp. ($15.00) pp. 131-132

- David J. Allee
- Schultz, Theodore W., Investment in Human Capital, New York, The Free Press, 1971, xii + 272 pp. ($8.75) pp. 132-133

- Harold Beebout
- Webber, Michael J., Impact of Uncertainty on Location, Cambridge, The M.I.T. Press, 1972, xviii + 310 pp. ($12.95) pp. 133-134

- Richard A. King
- Zwick, David, and Marcy Benstock, eds., Water Wasteland: Ralph Nader's Study Group Report on Water Pollution, New York, Grossman Publishers, Inc., 1971, xvii + 494 pp. ($7.95) pp. 134-135

- David Seckler
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