American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 81, issue 5, 1999
- The New Economics of Agriculture pp. 993-1010

- John Antle
- Private/Public Research: Knowledge Assets and Future Scenarios pp. 1011-1027

- Gordon Rausser
- Structural Changes in the Agricultural Industries: How Do We Measure, Analyze and Understand Them? pp. 1028-1041

- Michael Boehlje
- The State of Agribusiness Teaching, Research, and Extension at the Turn of the Millennium pp. 1042-1049

- Frank J. Dooley and Joan R. Fulton
- A Look at Agribusiness Education Since the National Agribusiness Education Commission's 1989 Report: The Lincoln Report Revisited pp. 1050-1055

- Michael M. Woolverton and W. David Downey
- A Revisit of Agribusiness Education by an Original Critic pp. 1056-1060

- Arlo W. Biere
- Where Next for Agribusiness Research and Education? An Organizational Economics Perspective pp. 1061-1065

- Peter J. Barry
- Ecocertification: Why It May Not Be a “Field of Dreams” pp. 1066-1071

- Mario Teisl, Brian Roe and Alan S. Levy
- Measuring Consumer Demand for Ecolabeled Apples pp. 1072-1077

- Jeffrey R. Blend and Eileen O. van Ravenswaay
- Ecolabels and International Trade in the Textile and Apparel Market pp. 1078-1083

- Wesley Nimon and John Beghin
- Assessing Consumer Preferences for Ecolabeled Seafood: The Influence of Species, Certifier, and Household Attributes pp. 1084-1089

- Cathy R. Wessells, Robert Johnston and Holger Donath
- Evaluating the Alternatives pp. 1090-1095

- Garth John Holloway
- Ensuring Food Safety and Quality in Farm-Level Production: Emerging Lessons from the Pork Industry pp. 1096-1101

- Laurian Unnevehr, Jay Y. Miller and Miguel Gomez
- Preserving and Communicating Food Safety Gains pp. 1102-1106

- Neal Hooker, Rodolfo Nayga and John W. Siebert
- Delivering Food Safety, Food Quality, and Sustainable Production Practices: The Label Rouge Poultry System in France pp. 1107-1111

- Randall Westgren
- The Role of Optimizing Behavior in Willingness-to-Pay Estimates for Air Quality pp. 1112-1117

- Spencer Banzhaf and Randall Walsh
- Estimating the Demand for Protecting Freshwater Lakes from Eutrophication pp. 1118-1122

- Kevin Boyle, P. Joan Poor and Laura Taylor
- Hierarchical Linear Models With Application to Air Pollution in the South Coast Air Basin pp. 1123-1127

- Kurt J. Beron, James Murdoch and Mark A. Thayer
- Valuing Air Quality With Hedonic and Discrete Choice Models pp. 1128-1133

- Raymond B. Palmquist and Adis Israngkura
- Key Issues and Challenges for the 1999 World Trade Organization Agriculture Round pp. 1134-1141

- P. Lynn Kennedy, Won W. Koo and Mary Marchant
- Global Trade Integration and Economic Convergence of Developing Countries pp. 1142-1148

- William Amponsah, Dale Colyer and Curtis M. Jolly
- Impact of Rice Tariffication on Japan and the World Rice Market pp. 1149-1156

- Gail Cramer, James M. Hansen and Eric J. Wailes
- Preparing for the 1999 WTO Agriculture Round: Implications for Agricultural Economics Research: Discussion pp. 1157-1159

- Stanley M. Fletcher
- Against Mechanism: Methodology for an Evolutionary Economics pp. 1160-1165

- Allan Schmid and Paul Thompson
- The Challenge of Postmodernism to Applied Economics pp. 1166-1172

- Luther Tweeten and Carl Zulauf
- Consequences, Rights, and Virtues: Ethical Foundations for Applied Economics pp. 1173-1180

- E. Wesley Peterson and George Davis
- Comments on the Philosophical Foundations of Economics pp. 1181-1184

- Charles V. Blatz
- Willingness to Pay for Food Safety: Costs and Benefits of Accurate Measures pp. 1185-1191

- Elise Golan and Fred Kuchler
- Observed Choices for Food Safety in Retail, Survey, and Auction Markets pp. 1192-1199

- Jason Shogren, John Fox, Dermot Hayes and Jutta Roosen
- Valuing the Benefits of Microbial Food Safety Risk Reduction: Discussion pp. 1200-1204

- Nancy E. Bockstael
- The Clean Water Action Plan: New Directions or Going in Circles? pp. 1205-1209

- Marc Ribaudo and Peter Kuch
- Green Payments for Nonpoint Pollution Control pp. 1210-1215

- Richard Horan, James Shortle and David Abler
- EPA's Approach to Controlling Pollution from Animal Feeding Operations: An Economic Analysis pp. 1216-1221

- Renée Selinsky Johnson, William Wheeler and Lee A. Christensen
- Emerging Policies on Externalities from Agriculture: An Analysis for the European Union pp. 1222-1227

- Nick Hanley and David Oglethorpe
- Opportunities for Improved Efficiency in Risk Sharing Using Capital Markets pp. 1228-1233

- Jerry R. Skees
- New Risk-Management Strategies for Agricultural Cooperatives pp. 1234-1239

- Kimberly A. Zeuli
- Cooperatives and Capital Markets: The Case of Minnesota-Dakota Sugar Cooperatives pp. 1240-1246

- J. Roy Black, Barry Barnett and Yingyao Hu
- Capital Market Innovations and Agricultural Cooperatives pp. 1247-1249

- Thomas Sporleder
- Endangered Species Recovery and River Basin Policy: Contribution of Economic Analysis pp. 1250-1251

- Ari M. Michelsen and Garth Taylor
- Modeling the Reallocation of Snake River Water for Endangered Salmon pp. 1252-1256

- Gareth P. Green and David Holland
- Evaluating Economic and Institutional Alternatives for Meeting Interstate ESA Instream Flow Requirements in the Platte River Basin pp. 1257-1261

- W. Marshall Frasier, Ari M. Michelsen, Garth Taylor, James Booker and Ray G. Huffaker
- Instream Flows and Endangered Species in an International River Basin: The Upper Rio Grande pp. 1262-1267

- James Booker and Frank A. Ward
- Measuring the Economic Impacts of Environmental Reallocations of Water in California pp. 1268-1272

- Richard E. Howitt and Jay R. Lund
- Income and Substitution Effects in the Travel Cost Model: An Application to Indiana State Parks pp. 1330-1337

- Jeremy J. Emmert
Volume 81, issue 4, 1999
- Swanson, T.M., ed. The Economics and Ecology of Biodiversity Decline: The Forces Driving Global Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998, xiii + 162 pp., $19.95 (paper) pp. -989

- Arthur A. Small
- What Causes Commodity Price Backwardation? pp. 761-771

- Darren L. Frechette and Paul Fackler
- A Dynamic Analysis of Land Prices pp. 772-784

- Jean-Paul Chavas and Alban Thomas
- Agricultural Graduate Earnings: The Impacts of College, Career, and Gender pp. 785-800

- Andrew Barkley, Cynthia K. Sylvius and Wendy A. Stock
- Are Eco-Labels Valuable? Evidence From the Apparel Industry pp. 801-811

- Wesley Nimon and John Beghin
- An Econometric Analysis of the Costs of Sequestering Carbon in Forests pp. 812-824

- Douglas J. Miller
- Environmental Externalities and the Optimal Level of Market Power pp. 825-833

- Munisamy Gopinath and JunJie Wu
- Adverse Selection in Crop Insurance: Actuarial and Asymmetric Information Incentives pp. 834-849

- Richard Just, Linda Calvin and John Quiggin
- Simple Nonparametric Tests of Technological Change: Theory and Application to U.S. Agriculture pp. 850-864

- Ziv Bar-Shira and Israel Finkelshtain
- Input Demands and Inefficiency in U.S. Agriculture pp. 865-880

- Christopher O'Donnell, C. Shumway and V. Eldon Ball
- A Soil-Quality Index and Its Relationship to Efficiency and Productivity Growth Measures: Two Decompositions pp. 881-893

- Edward Jaenicke and Laura L. Lengnick
- Using Cross-Section Data to Adjust Technical Efficiency Indexes Estimated With Panel Data pp. 894-901

- Antonio Alvarez and Eduardo González
- The Nonparametric Risk-Adjusted Efficiency Measurement: An Application to Taiwan's Major Rural Financial Intermediaries pp. 902-913

- Ching-Cheng Chang
- Economic Feasibility of Variable-Rate Technology for Nitrogen on Corn pp. 914-927

- Gary Kachanoski
- Evaluation of Price Policy in the Presence of Water Theft pp. 928-941

- Isha Ray and Jeffrey Williams
- Price Information and Bidding Behavior in Repeated Second-Price Auctions pp. 942-949

- John List and Jason Shogren
- On Interpreting Inverse Demand Systems: A Primal Comparison of Scale Flexibilities and Income Elasticities pp. 950-958

- Hoanjae Park and Walter Thurman
- The Effect of Income and Food Programs on Dietary Quality: A Seemingly Unrelated Regression Analysis with Error Components pp. 959-971

- Parke Wilde, Paul McNamara and Christine K. Ranney
- Two-Step Estimation of a Censored System of Equations pp. 972-982

- J Shonkwiler and Steven T. Yen
- Perloff, Jeffrey M. Microeconomics. Reading MA: Addison Wesley Longman, 1999, 848 pp., $88.00 pp. 983-984

- Stephen Hamilton
- Rothenberg, Daniel. With These Hands. The Hidden World of Migrant Farmworkers Today. New York: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1998, 334 pp., $28.00 pp. 984-985

- Phillip Martin
- Shogren, Jason F., ed. Private Property and the Endangered Species Act. Austin TX: University of Texas Press, 1998, 153 pp., $14.95 (paper) pp. 985-987

- Robert Innes
- Simpson, J.R., Y. Kojima, R. Kada, A. Miyazaki, and T. Yosh, Japan's Beef Industry. New York NY: Oxford University Press, 1996, 207 pp., $45.00 pp. 987-987

- Thomas Wahl
Volume 81, issue 3, 1999
- Pleasures of Cockaigne: Quality Gaps, Market Structure, and the Amount of Grading pp. 501-511

- Sylvette Monier-Dilhan and Hervé Ossard
- Producer Price Risk and Quality Measurement pp. 512-524

- Brent Hueth and Ethan Ligon
- Asymmetry and Rigidity in Farm-Retail Price Transmission pp. 525-533

- Azzeddine Azzam
- The Taxpayer Relief Act, Estate Planning, and Resource Mobility in U.S. Agriculture pp. 534-543

- David Hennessy
- Income Taxes and Price Variability in Storable Commodity Markets pp. 544-552

- Kevin McNew and Bruce Gardner
- Risk Aversion and Yield Uncertainty in Duality Models of Production: A Mean-Variance Approach pp. 553-567

- Barry T. Coyle
- Product Aggregation, Market Integration, and Relationships between Prices: An Application to World Salmon Markets pp. 568-581

- Frank Asche, Helge Bremnes and Cathy R. Wessells
- Rural Wheat Consumption in China pp. 582-592

- Colin Carter and Funing Zhong
- Distribution of Gains from Research and Promotion in Multistage Production Systems: Comment pp. 593-597

- Chanjin Chung and Harry Kaiser
- Distribution of Gains from Research and Promotion in Multistage Production Systems: Reply pp. 598-600

- Michael Wohlgenant
- Hotelling's Theory, Enhancement, and the Taking of the Redwood National Park: An Addendum pp. 601-601

- Peter Berck and William R. Bentley
- Producer Organizations, Bargaining, and Asymmetric Information pp. 602-609

- Jean-Marc Bourgeon and Robert Chambers
- Agricultural Supply Response Under Contract pp. 610-615

- Brent Hueth and Ethan Ligon
- Input Control in Agricultural Production Contracts pp. 616-620

- Rachael Goodhue
- What is Farming? Information, Contracts, and the Organization of Agricultural Production: Discussion pp. 621-623

- Howard Leathers
- Aggregation and the Measurement of Technological and Market Structure: The Case of the U.S. Meatpacking Industry pp. 624-629

- Catherine Morrison Paul
- Price Transmission and Asymmetric Adjustment in the U.S. Beef Sector pp. 630-637

- Barry Goodwin and Matthew Holt
- A Test for Market Power Using Marginal Input and Output Prices With Application to the U.S. Beef Processing Industry pp. 638-643

- Mary K. Muth and Michael Wohlgenant
- Measurement of Technological and Market Structure—Alternative Methodological Perspectives: Discussion pp. 644-646

- Azzeddine Azzam and Emilio Pagoulatos
- Explicitly Spatial Rural-Urban Computable General Equilibrium pp. 647-652

- Maureen Kilkenny
- Agricultural Price Policy, Employment, and Migration in a Diversified Rural Economy: A Village-Town CGE Analysis from Mexico pp. 653-662

- J. Edward Taylor, Antonio Yunez-Naude and George Dyer
- Nonseparable Farm Household Decisions in a Computable General Equilibrium Model pp. 663-670

- Hans Lofgren and Sherman Robinson
- Transaction Costs: Discussion pp. 671-673

- Peter Berck
- Valuing Rural Health Care: Issues of Access and Quality pp. 674-679

- Susan M. Capalbo and Christine N. Heggem
- Flexible Discrete Choice Demand Models Consistent With Utility Maximization: An Application to Health Care Demand pp. 680-685

- William Dow
- Welfare Effects of Rural Hospitial Closures: A Nested Logit Analysis of the Demand for Rural Hospital Services pp. 686-691

- Paul McNamara
- The Use of Random Utility in Modeling Rural Health Care Demand: Discussion pp. 692-695

- Nancy E. Bockstael
- Conflicts between Theory and Practice in Production Economics pp. 696-702

- H. Love
- Globally Flexible Asymptotically Ideal Models pp. 703-710

- Arthur Havenner and Atanu Saha
- Implications of Heterogeneity for Theory and Practice in Production Economics pp. 711-718

- Richard Just and Rulon D. Pope
- Conflict between Theory and Practice in Production Economics: Discussion pp. 719-721

- Bruce Babcock
- An Application of Bayesian Option Pricing to the Soybean Market pp. 722-727

- Frederick Foster and Charles Whiteman
- Inferring the Nutrient Content of Food With Prior Information pp. 728-734

- Jeffrey LaFrance
- An Information-Based Sample-Selection Estimation Model of Agricultural Workers' Choice between Piece-Rate and Hourly Work pp. 735-741

- Amos Golan, Enrico Moretti and Jeffrey Perloff
- New Information-Based Econometric Methods in Agricultural Economics: Discussion pp. 742-746

- Arnold Zellner
- Eicher, Carl K., and John M. Staatz, eds. International Agricultural Development. Baltimore MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998, 615 pp., $65.00 (cloth), $24.95 (paper) pp. 747-749

- Steven Block
- Hardeker, J. Brian, Ruud B.M. Huirne, and Jock R. Anderson. Coping With Risk in Agriculture. Oxon UK and New York: CAB International, 1997, price unknown pp. 749-751

- James Roumasset
- Josling, T.E., S. Tangermann, and T.K. Warley. Agriculture in the GATT. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996, x + 298 pp., $69.95 pp. 751-753

- Donald MacLaren
- Kay, Ronald D., and William M. Edwards. Farm Management, 4th ed. New York: WCB/McGraw-Hill, 1999, price unknown pp. 753-754

- Patricia A. Duffy
- National Research Council. Precision Agriculture in the 21st Century: Geospatial and Information Technologies in Crop Management. Washington DC: National Academy Press, 1997, 168 pp., $39.95 pp. 755-756

- Marvin Batte
- Sahn, David E., Paul A. Dorosh, and Stephen D. Younger. Structural Adjustment Reconsidered—Economic Policy and Poverty in Africa. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press, 1997, xiv + 304 pp., price unknown pp. 756-758

- Suresh Babu
- Thu, Kendall M., and E. Paul Durrenberger, eds. Pigs, Profits and Rural Communities. Albany NY: State University of New York Press, 1998, 208 pp., price unknown pp. 758-759

- Andrew Seidl and Jennifer Grannis
- Wolf, Steven A. Privatization of Information and Agricultural Industrialization. Boca Raton NY: CRC Press, 1998, 325 pp., price unknown pp. 759-759

- Thomas P. Zacharias
Volume 81, issue 2, 1999
- Transaction Costs and the Present Value Model of Farmland: Iowa, 1900–1994 pp. 257-272

- Sergio Lence and Douglas J. Miller
- Jump Processes in Commodity Futures Prices and Options Pricing pp. 273-286

- Jimmy E. Hilliard and Jorge A. Reis
- Are Crop Yields Normally Distributed? pp. 287-304

- Richard Just and Quinn Weninger
- Crop Insurance, Acreage Decisions, and Nonpoint-Source Pollution pp. 305-320

- JunJie Wu
- Optimal Self-Protection from Nitrate-Contaminated Groundwater pp. 321-334

- Richard Ready and Kimberly Henken
- The Effects of Breeding Stock Productivity on the U.S. Beef Cattle Cycle pp. 335-346

- John M. Marsh
- Marketing Agreement Impacts in an Experimental Market for Fed Cattle pp. 347-358

- Stephen R. Koontz
- Cost-Effective Hazard Control in Food Handling pp. 359-372

- John Fox and David Hennessy
- Mother's Nutrition Knowledge and Children's Dietary Intakes pp. 373-384

- Jayachandran N. Variyam, James Blaylock, Biing-Hwan Lin, Katherine Ralston and David Smallwood
- Irreversibility in Advertising-Demand Response Functions: An Application to Milk pp. 385-396

- Philip R. Vande Kamp and Harry Kaiser
- Political and Economic Factors Affecting Agricultural PAC Contribution Strategies pp. 397-407

- Dana Hoag and Thomas G. Field
- Testing the Efficient Redistribution Hypothesis: An Application to Japanese Beef Policy pp. 408-423

- David S. Bullock and Philip Garcia
- Processing Industry Capacity and the Welfare Effects of Sugar Policies pp. 424-441

- Jeffrey Williams and Brooke A. Isham
- The Economics of Foreign Direct Investment and Trade with an Application to the U.S. Food Processing Industry pp. 442-452

- Munisamy Gopinath, Daniel Pick and Utpal Vasavada
- Economics of Antipoaching Enforcement and the Ivory Trade Ban pp. 453-466

- Erwin Bulte and Gerrit van Kooten
- A Dynamic Option Value for Institutional Change: Marketable Property Rights in the Sahel pp. 467-478

- Frederic J. Zimmerman and Michael Carter
- Fox, Glenn. Reason and Reality in the Methodologies of Economics. Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar, 1997, xi + 142 pp., price unknown pp. 479-480

- David Bessler
- Haddad, Lawrence, John Hoddinott, and Harold Alderman, eds. Intrahousehold Resource Allocation in Developing Countries: Models, Methods, and Policy. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997, 384 pp., $55.00 pp. 480-482

- Peter Orazem
- Knutson, Ronald D., J.B. Penn, and Barry L. Flinchbaugh. Agricultural and Food Policy, 4th ed. Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1998, 521 pp., $89.00 pp. 482-484

- Jerry Skees
- Kopp, Raymond J., Werner W. Pommerehne, and Norbert Schwarz. Determining the Value of Non-Marketed Goods: Economic, Psychological, and Policy Relevant Aspects of Contingent Valuation Methods. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997, 333 pp., price unknown pp. 484-485

- Catherine Kling
- Upton, Martin. The Economics of Tropical Farming Systems. Wye Studies in Agricultural and Rural Development. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press, 1996, xiv + 374 pp., price unknown pp. 485-486

- Rashid Hassan
Volume 81, issue 1, 1999
- Forest Management, Conservation, and Global Timber Markets pp. 1-13

- Brent Sohngen, Robert Mendelsohn and Roger Sedjo
- Government Preferences and Public Forest Harvesting: A Second-Best Approach pp. 14-28

- Gregory S. Amacher
- Intrinsic Fish Characteristics and Intraseason Production Efficiency: A Management-Level Bioeconomic Analysis of a Commercial Fishery pp. 29-43

- Sherry Larkin and Gilbert Sylvia
- Econometric Estimation of Technical and Environmental Efficiency: An Application to Dutch Dairy Farms pp. 44-60

- Stijn Reinhard, C. Lovell and Geert Thijssen
- Integrator Contracts with Many Agents and Bankruptcy pp. 61-74

- Theofanis Tsoulouhas and Tomislav Vukina
- Optimum Area Yield Crop Insurance pp. 75-82

- Olivier Mahul
- The Importance of Learning in the Adoption of High-Yielding Variety Seeds pp. 83-94

- Lisa Cameron
- The Empirical Impact of Bovine Somatotropin on a Group of New York Dairy Farms pp. 95-102

- Zdenko Stefanides and Loren W. Tauer
- Farm Growth and Survival: Econometric Evidence for Individual Farms in Upper Austria pp. 103-116

- Christoph Weiss
- Determinants of Nonfarm Earnings of Farm-Based Husbands and Wives in Northern Ghana pp. 117-130

- Awudu Abdulai and Christopher L. Delgado
- Effects of the Internal Wage on Output Supply: A Structural Estimation for Japanese Rice Farmers pp. 131-143

- Tadashi Sonoda and Yoshihiro Maruyama
- The Structure of Wages and Benefits in the U.S. Pork Industry pp. 144-163

- James Kliebenstein and Peter Orazem
- Patterns of State Productivity Growth in the U.S. Farm Sector: Linking State and Aggregate Models pp. 164-179

- V. Eldon Ball, Frank Gollop, Alison Kelly and Gregory Swinand
- Modeling Land Use Decisions with Aggregate Data pp. 180-194

- Douglas J. Miller and Andrew J. Plantinga
- Dynamic Model of Fresh Fruit Promotion: A Household Production Approach pp. 195-211

- Timothy J. Richards
- Agricultural Policies in the Presence of Distorting Taxes pp. 212-230

- Ian Parry
- Measuring Goodness of Fit for the Double-Bounded Logit Model: Comment pp. 231-234

- Joseph Herriges
- Measuring Goodness of Fit for the Double-Bounded Logit Model: Comment pp. 235-237

- David A. Harpman and Michael P. Welsh
- Measuring Goodness of Fit for the Double-Bounded Logit Model: Reply pp. 238-240

- Barbara Kanninen and M. Sami Khawaja
- Joint Risk Preference-Technology Estimation with a Primal System: Comment pp. 241-244

- Bhavani Shankar and Carl Nelson
- Joint Risk Preference-Technology Estimation with a Primal System: Reply pp. 245-247

- H. Love and Steven T. Buccola
- Adger, W. Neil, Davide Pettenella, and Martin Whitby, eds. Climate-change Mitigation and European Land-use Policies. New York and Oxon, UK: CAB International (Oxford University Press), 1997, xvi + 350 pp., $90.00 cloth pp. 248-251

- Keith Sargent
- Casavant, Kenneth L., Craig L. Infanger, and Deborah E. Bridges. Agricultural Economics and Management. Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1999, 434 pp., price unknown pp. 251-252

- James G. Beierlein
- Connor, John M., and William A. Schiek. Food Processing: An Industrial Powerhouse in Transition, 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1997, 666 pp., price unknown pp. 252-253

- James MacDonald
- Krimsky, Sheldon, and Roger P. Wrubel. Agricultural Biotechnology and the Environment: Science, Policy, and Social Issues. Urbana IL:University of Illinois Press, 1996, 283 pp., price unknown pp. 254-255

- M.C. Hallberg
- Tietenberg, Tom. Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, 4th ed. New York: Harper Collins, 1996, 614 pp., $74.06 hardcover and Tietenberg, Tom. Environmental Economics and Policy, 2nd ed. Reading MA: Addison Wesley Longman, 1998, 460 pp., $54.38 softcover pp. 255-256

- Craig L. Infanger
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