American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 88, issue 5, 2006
- The Organization of Economics pp. 1123-1134

- Steven Buccola
- Reducing Distortions to Agricultural Incentives: Progress, Pitfalls, and Prospects pp. 1135-1146

- Kym Anderson
- A Rule of One pp. 1147-1159

- Jason Shogren
- Ecosystem Services from Agriculture: Looking Beyond the Usual Suspects pp. 1160-1166

- Scott Swinton, Frank Lupi, G. Philip Robertson and Douglas A. Landis
- Public Payments for Environmental Services from Agriculture: Precedents and Possibilities pp. 1167-1173

- Katherine R. Smith
- Predicting the Supply of Ecosystem Services from Agriculture pp. 1174-1180

- John Antle and Jetse J. Stoorvogel
- Prospects for Ecosystem Services in the Future Agricultural Economy: Reflections of a Policy Hand pp. 1181-1183

- Robert M. Wolcott
- Pharmaceutical and Industrial Traits in Genetically Modified Crops: Coexistence with Conventional Agriculture pp. 1184-1192

- GianCarlo Moschini
- Coexistence Rules and Regulations in the European Union pp. 1193-1199

- Volker Beckmann, Claudio Soregaroli and Justus Wesseler
- Coexistence, Genetically Modified Biotechnologies and Biosafety: Implications for Developing Countries pp. 1200-1208

- José Falck Zepeda
- Comments: The Coexistence Session pp. 1209-1210

- Robert Evenson
- The Doha Agenda Negotiations on Agriculture: What Could They Deliver? pp. 1211-1218

- Will Martin and Kym Anderson
- The Impact of Agricultural Subsidies on Global Welfare pp. 1219-1226

- Won W. Koo and P. Lynn Kennedy
- China's Food Exports Face Dumping Laws pp. 1227-1234

- Colin Carter and Caroline Gunning-Trant
- Agricultural Globalization: Is It Good or Bad for Developing Economies?: Discussion Paper pp. 1235-1236

- Philip Pardey
- Reading the Fine Print in Agricultural Contracts: Conventional Contract Clauses, Risks and Returns pp. 1237-1243

- Rachael Goodhue and Sandra Hoffmann
- Agricultural Contracting, Competition, and Antitrust pp. 1244-1250

- James MacDonald
- Private Mechanisms, Informal Incentives, and Policy Intervention in Agricultural Contracts pp. 1251-1257

- Jack Schieffer and Steven Wu
- Political Economy of Regulation of Broiler Contracts pp. 1258-1265

- Tomislav Vukina and Porametr Leegomonchai
- Orphanhood and the Long-Run Impact on Children pp. 1266-1272

- Kathleen Beegle, Joachim De Weerdt and Stefan Dercon
- Orphanhood and Schooling Outcomes in Malawi pp. 1273-1278

- Manohar P. Sharma
- Orphans and Discrimination in Mozambique pp. 1279-1286

- Channing Arndt, Mikkel Barslund, Virgulino Nhate and Katleen Van den Broeck
- Orphaning and HIV/AIDS Three Analyses from Africa: Discussion pp. 1287-1288

- Terry Roe
- Supermarket Human Resource Practices and Competition from Mass Merchandisers pp. 1289-1295

- Elizabeth Davis, Matthew Freedman, Julia Lane, Brian McCall, Nicole Nestoriak and Timothy Park
- Analyzing the Impact of Wal-Mart Supercenters on Local Food Store Sales pp. 1296-1303

- Georgeanne Artz and Kenneth E. Stone
- Wal-Mart and Social Capital pp. 1304-1310

- Stephan Goetz and Anil Rupasingha
- The Economic and Social Impact of Big Box Retailers: Discussion pp. 1311-1312

- Thomas Harris
- Who's Running the Farm?: Changes and Characteristics of Arkansas Women in Agriculture pp. 1315-1323

- Carmen Albright
- Report of the AJAE Editors (2005–2006) pp. 1324-1330

- Christopher Barrett, B Brorsen, Ian Sheldon and Stephen Swallow
Volume 88, issue 4, 2006
- Do Formula or Competitive Grant Funds Have Greater Impacts on State Agricultural Productivity? pp. 783-798

- Wallace Huffman and Robert E. Evenson
- Land Market Imperfections and Agricultural Policy Impacts in the New EU Member States: A Partial Equilibrium Analysis pp. 799-815

- Pavel Ciaian and Johan Swinnen
- Dynamic Random Utility Modeling: A Monte Carlo Analysis pp. 816-835

- Robert Hicks and Kurt Schnier
- The Dynamics of Individuals' Fat Consumption pp. 836-850

- Carlos Arnade and Munisamy Gopinath
- Labor Supervision and Institutional Conditions: Evidence from Bicol Rice Farms pp. 851-865

- Sanjaya DeSilva, Robert E. Evenson and Ayal Kimhi
- Information Sharing and Oligopoly in Agricultural Markets: The Role of the Cooperative Bargaining Association pp. 866-881

- Brent Hueth and Philippe Marcoul
- Information Exchange and Distributional Implications of Price Discrimination with Internet Marketing in Agriculture pp. 882-899

- David Just and Richard Just
- On Monoculture and the Structure of Crop Rotations pp. 900-914

- David Hennessy
- Urban Sprawl and Farmland Prices pp. 915-929

- Vincent E. Breneman and Richard F. Nehring
- Urban Influence on Costs of Production in the Corn Belt pp. 930-946

- Vince Breneman
- Tariff Equivalent of Technical Barriers to Trade with Imperfect Substitution and Trade Costs pp. 947-960

- Chengyan Yue, John Beghin and Helen Jensen
- On Measuring the Value of a Nonmarket Good Using Market Data pp. 961-973

- David S. Bullock and Nicholas Minot
- Illegal Landings: An Aggregate Catch Self-Reporting Mechanism pp. 974-985

- Urs Steiner Brandt and Niels Vestergaard
- Block-Rate versus Uniform Water Pricing in Agriculture: An Empirical Analysis pp. 986-999

- Ziv Bar-Shira, Israel Finkelshtain and Avi Simhon
- Anti-Corporate Farming Laws and Industry Structure: The Case of Cattle Feeding pp. 1000-1014

- Azzeddine Azzam and J. David Aiken
- Consumer Demand for a Ban on Antibiotic Drug Use in Pork Production pp. 1015-1033

- Jayson Lusk, Bailey Norwood and J. Ross Pruitt
- Labeling Context and Reference Point Effects in Models of Food Attribute Demand pp. 1034-1049

- Wuyang Hu, Wiktor Adamowicz and Michele M. Veeman
- Consumers' Willingness to Pay for the Color of Salmon: A Choice Experiment with Real Economic Incentives pp. 1050-1061

- Gro Steine and Kari Kolstad
- Simulating the Impacts of Contract Supplies in a Spot Market-Contract Market Equilibrium Setting pp. 1062-1077

- Yanguo Wang and Edward Jaenicke
- Posted Prices and Bid Affiliation: Evidence from Experimental Auctions pp. 1078-1090

- Jay Corrigan and Matthew Rousu
- Are Revisions to USDA Crop Production Forecasts Smoothed? pp. 1091-1104

- Olga Isengildina, Scott Irwin and Darrel L. Good
- Ranking Crop Yield Models: A Comment pp. 1105-1110

- Octavio Ramirez and Tanya McDonald
- Reply: Ranking Crop Yield Models pp. 1111-1112

- Bailey Norwood, Matthew C. Roberts and Jayson Lusk
- International Trade and Labor Markets: Theory, Evidence, and Policy Implications pp. 1113-1115

- Titus Awokuse
- The Economics of Commodity Promotion Programs: Lessons from California pp. 1115-1117

- George Davis
- Maize and Grace: Africa's Encounter with a New World Crop, 1500–2000 pp. 1117-1119

- Chung L. Huang
- Labor Standards in the United States and Canada pp. 1119-1120

- Philip Martin
- The Regulation of Agricultural Biotechnology pp. 1120-1122

- Michael Wetzstein
Volume 88, issue 3, 2006
- Are Household Production Decisions Cooperative? Evidence on Pastoral Migration and Milk Sales from Northern Kenya pp. 525-541

- John McPeak and Cheryl Doss
- Native American Obesity: An Economic Model of the “Thrifty Gene” Theory pp. 542-560

- Timothy J. Richards and Paul M. Patterson
- Tournaments, Fairness, and Risk pp. 561-573

- Steven Wu and Brian Roe
- On the Comovement of Commodity Prices pp. 574-588

- Chunrong Ai, Arjun Chatrath and Frank Song
- Oligopsony Power, Asset Specificity, and Hold-Up: Evidence from the Broiler Industry pp. 589-605

- Tomislav Vukina and Porametr Leegomonchai
- Mergers and Acquisitions and Productivity in the U.S. Meat Products Industries: Evidence from the Micro Data pp. 606-616

- Sang Nguyen and Michael Ollinger
- Economics of Environmental Management in a Spatially Heterogeneous River Basin pp. 617-631

- Richard M. Adams and JunJie Wu
- Preferences, Technology, and the Environment: Understanding the Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis pp. 632-643

- Florenz Plassmann and Neha Khanna
- The Source of Productivity Growth in Dutch Agriculture: A Perspective from Finance pp. 644-656

- Guan Zhengfei and Alfons Oude Lansink
- Technology Adoption under Production Uncertainty: Theory and Application to Irrigation Technology pp. 657-670

- Phoebe Koundouri, Celine Nauges and Vangelis Tzouvelekas
- The Potential Impact of Tobacco Biopharming: The Case of Human Serum Albumin pp. 671-679

- Genti Kostandini, Bradford Mills and George Norton
- Livestock in China: Commodity-Specific Total Factor Productivity Decomposition Using New Panel Data pp. 680-695

- Allan N. Rae, Hengyun Ma, Jikun Huang and Scott Rozelle
- Pricing Weather Insurance with a Random Strike Price: The Ontario Ice-Wine Harvest pp. 696-709

- Alfons Weersink and Szu-Hsuan Celia Chiang
- Rivalry in Price and Variety among Supermarket Retailers pp. 710-726

- Timothy J. Richards and Stephen Hamilton
- No News Is Good News: Stochastic Parameters versus Media Coverage Indices in Demand Models after Food Scares pp. 727-741

- Mario Mazzocchi
- A Sample Selection Approach to Censored Demand Systems pp. 742-749

- Steven T. Yen and Biing-Hwan Lin
- Factors Associated with Students' Academic Motivation in Agricultural Economics Classes pp. 750-762

- Al Wysocki
- Better Technology, Better Plots, or Better Farmers? Identifying Changes in Productivity and Risk among Malagasy Rice Farms: A Comment pp. 763-766

- Zhuo Chen and Steven T. Yen
- Shakespeare, Einstein, and the Bottom Line: The Marketing of Higher Education pp. 767-768

- Amitrajeet Batabyal
- Development Economics pp. 768-770

- Basudeb Biswas
- The Economic Dynamics of Environmental Law pp. 770-771

- Daniel Bromley
- The Welfare Economics of Public Policy: A Practical Approach to Project and Policy Evaluation pp. 771-772

- Jean-Paul Chavas
- Good Growing: Why Organic Farming Works pp. 772-774

- Cesar Escalante
Volume 88, issue 2, 2006
- Subsistence Response to Market Shocks pp. 279-291

- Steve Boucher and J. Edward Taylor
- How Firms Construct Price Changes: Evidence from Restaurant Responses to Increased Minimum Wages pp. 292-307

- James MacDonald and Daniel Aaronson
- Regulatory Actions under Adjustment Costs and the Resolution of Scientific Uncertainty pp. 308-323

- David Hennessy and GianCarlo Moschini
- An Ordered Tobit Model of Market Participation: Evidence from Kenya and Ethiopia pp. 324-337

- Marc Bellemare and Christopher Barrett
- The Economics of Administering Import Quotas with Licenses-on-Demand in Agriculture pp. 338-350

- Jana Hranaiova, Harry de Gorter and James Falk
- Short- and Long-Run Credit Constraints in French Agriculture: A Directional Distance Function Framework Using Expenditure-Constrained Profit Functions pp. 351-364

- Stéphane Blancard, Jean-Philippe Boussemart, Walter Briec and Kristiaan Kerstens
- Estimating the Prevalence and Cost of Yield-Switching Fraud in the Federal Crop Insurance Program pp. 365-381

- Joseph A. Atwood, James F. Robison-Cox and Saleem Shaik
- Government Payments and Farm Business Survival pp. 382-392

- Nigel Key and Michael Roberts
- The Impact of Coupled and Decoupled Government Subsidies on Off-Farm Labor Participation of U.S. Farm Operators pp. 393-408

- Joe Dewbre
- Developing Experience-Based Premium Rate Discounts in Crop Insurance pp. 409-419

- Roderick Rejesus, Keith Coble, Thomas O. Knight and Yufei Jin
- A Political Economic Analysis of U.S. Rice Export Programs to Japan and South Korea: A Game-Theoretic Approach pp. 420-431

- Dae-Seob Lee and P. Lynn Kennedy
- Rejecting New Technology: The Case of Genetically Modified Wheat pp. 432-447

- Derek Berwald, Colin Carter and Guillaume Gruère
- The Effect of Initial Endowments in Experimental Auctions pp. 448-457

- Jay Corrigan and Matthew Rousu
- Factors Influencing Illinois Farmland Values pp. 458-470

- Haixiao Huang, Gay Y. Miller, Bruce Sherrick and Miguel Gomez
- Is Site-Specific Yield Response Consistent over Time? Does It Pay? pp. 471-483

- Neil R. Miller
- Show Me the Money! The Value of College Graduate Attributes as Expressed by Employers and Perceived by Students pp. 484-498

- Bailey Norwood and Shida Rastegari Henneberry
- Specification and Estimation of Production Functions Involving Damage Control Inputs: A Two-Stage, Semiparametric Approach pp. 499-511

- Timo Kuosmanen, Diemuth Pemsl and Justus Wesseler
- Slippage in the Conservation Reserve Program or Spurious Correlation? A Rejoinder pp. 512-514

- Michael Roberts and Shawn Bucholz
- Managing a Global Resource: Challenges of Forest Conservation and Development pp. 515-517

- Gregory S. Amacher
- India and the WTO pp. 517-519

- Devashish Mitra
- Environment & Statecraft pp. 519-520

- Jason Shogren
- Earthly Politics: Local and Global in Environmental Governance pp. 520-522

- E. Somanathan
- Why Globalization Works pp. 522-523

- Kimberly P. Steinmann
Volume 88, issue 1, 2006
- Conservation Payments under Risk: A Stochastic Dominance Approach pp. 1-15

- Pablo C. Benítez, Timo Kuosmanen, Roland Olschewski and Gerrit van Kooten
- Environmental Policy Uncertainty and Marketable Permit Systems: The Dutch Phosphate Quota Program pp. 16-27

- Ada Wossink and Cornelis Gardebroek
- Habitat and Open Space at Risk of Land-Use Conversion: Targeting Strategies for Land Conservation pp. 28-42

- Adina M. Merenlender
- Modeling the Reforms of the Common Agricultural Policy for Arable Crops under Uncertainty pp. 43-56

- Paolo Sckokai and Daniele Moro
- Regulating Nitrogen Pollution with Risk Averse Farmers under Hidden Information and Moral Hazard pp. 57-72

- Philippe Bontems and Alban Thomas
- Are “Decoupled” Farm Program Payments Really Decoupled? An Empirical Evaluation pp. 73-89

- Barry Goodwin and Ashok Mishra
- State Trading Enterprises in a Differentiated Product Environment: The Case of Global Malting Barley Markets pp. 90-103

- Fengxia Dong, Thomas Marsh and Kyle Stiegert
- International and Institutional R&D Spillovers: Attribution of Benefits among Sources for Brazil's New Crop Varieties pp. 104-123

- Philip Pardey, Julian Alston, Connie Chan-Kang, Eduardo C. Magalhães and Stephen A. Vosti
- Energy Productivity Growth in the Dutch Greenhouse Industry pp. 124-132

- Alfons Oude Lansink and Christien Ondersteijn
- Drainwater Management for Salinity Mitigation in Irrigated Agriculture pp. 133-149

- Kurt Schwabe, Iddo Kan and Keith Knapp
- Valuing a Change in a Fishing Site without Collecting Characteristics Data on All Fishing Sites: A Complete but Minimal Model pp. 150-161

- Edward Morey and William S. Breffle
- The Performance of Agricultural Market Advisory Services in Corn and Soybeans pp. 162-181

- Joao Martines-Filho
- Explaining Differences in Milk Quota Values: The Role of Economic Efficiency pp. 182-193

- Antonio Alvarez, Carlos Arias and Luis Orea
- Combining Risk Assessment and Economics in Managing a Sanitary-Phytosanitary Risk pp. 194-202

- Norbert Wilson and Jesús Antón
- Integrating Agronomic Principles into Production Function Specification: A Dichotomy of Growth Inputs and Facilitating Inputs pp. 203-214

- Martin van Ittersum and Ada Wossink
- Nonlinear Dynamics and Structural Change in the U.S. Hog—Corn Cycle: A Time-Varying STAR Approach pp. 215-233

- Matthew Holt and Lee Craig
- Vertical Integration in the Pork Industry pp. 234-248

- Jeffrey Reimer
- Estimating State-Contingent Production Frontiers pp. 249-266

- Christopher O'Donnell and William Griffiths
- Developing Agricultural Trade: New Roles for Government in Poor Countries pp. 267-269

- Titus Awokuse
- Agricultural Policy for the 21st Century pp. 269-270

- Cheryl Brown
- India and Global Climate Change: Perspectives on Economics and Policy from a Developing Country pp. 270-272

- Gerard D'Souza
- Global Capital Markets: Integration, Crisis, and Growth pp. 272-274

- Chetan Ghate
- Globalization and the Developing Countries: Emerging Strategies for Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation pp. 274-277

- Sunil Kanwar
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