American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 65, issue 5, 1983
- Agricultural Economics: Challenges to the Profession pp. 845-854

- Neil E. Harl
- Market Power and Its Control in the Food System pp. 855-863

- Willard F. Mueller
- Protectionism, Exchange Rate Distortions, and Agricultural Trading Patterns pp. 864-871

- Anne O. Krueger
- The Impact of Less Data on the Agricultural Economy and Society pp. 872-881

- Richard Just
- Fact and Fiction in the Public Data Budget Crunch pp. 882-888

- Bruce Gardner
- The Dilemma of Agricultural Economists: Discussion pp. 889-890

- James T. Bonnen
- The Dilemma of Agricultural Economists: Discussion pp. 891-892

- Ray Daniel
- Future Options for U.S. Agricultural Trade Policy pp. 893-900

- Vernon L. Sorenson and George E. Rossmiller
- A Critique of Executive Branch Decision-Making Processes pp. 901-907

- Glenn L. Nelson
- Agricultural Policy: Discussion pp. 908-909

- Abner W. Womack
- Agricultural Policy: Discussion pp. 910-911

- James G. Vertrees
- Commodity Programs: Who Has Received the Benefits? pp. 912-921

- James D. Johnson and Sara D. Short
- Economic Instability in Agriculture: The Contributions of Prices, Government Programs and Exports pp. 922-931

- Luther Tweeten
- Commodity Programs: Discussion pp. 932-934

- Robert J. Tosterud
- Commodity Programs: Discussion pp. 935-936

- Kenneth R. Farrell
- Financial Stress in Agriculture: Implications for Producers pp. 937-944

- Michael Boehlje and Vernon Eidman
- Financial Stress in Agriculture: Implications for Agricultural Lenders pp. 945-952

- Peter J. Barry and Warren F. Lee
- Financial Crisis in Agriculture: Discussion pp. 953-954

- John R. Brake
- Financial Crisis in Agriculture: Discussion pp. 955-957

- Mark Drabenstott
- Historical Sources of U.S. Agricultural Productivity: Implications for R&D Policy and Social Science Research pp. 958-966

- James T. Bonnen
- Intellectual Property Rights and Agribusiness Research and Development: Implications for the Public Agricultural Research System pp. 967-975

- Robert E. Evenson
- Social Science Implications of Agricultural Science and Technology: Discussion pp. 976-977

- Michael J. Phillips
- Social Science Implications of Agricultural Science and Technology: Discussion pp. 978-980

- Clark Edwards
- Black Agricultural Economists in the Labor Market: Theoretical and Empirical Issues pp. 981-987

- Carlton G. Davis and Joyce E. Allen
- Demand and Supply Factors of Black Agricultural Economists pp. 988-992

- Dewitt Jones, Mack Nelson and Alfred L. Parks
- Characteristics of Black Agricultural Economists pp. 993-998

- Richard D. Robbins and Sidney H. Evans
- Black Agricultural Economists: Discussion pp. 999-1001

- Loren A. Ihnen
- Changing Perceptions of the U.S. Forest Sector: Implications for the RPA Timber Assessment pp. 1002-1009

- Richard W. Haynes and Darius M. Adams
- Long-Term Forest Resources Trade, Global Timber Supply, and Intertemporal Comparative Advantage pp. 1010-1016

- Roger Sedjo and Kenneth Lyon
- Problems of the Forest Industry: Discussion pp. 1017-1018

- Ian W. Hardie
- Problems of the Forest Industry: Discussion pp. 1019-1020

- Philip Abbott
- Risk Conservatism and the Circumstances of Utility Theory pp. 1021-1026

- Talbot Page and Douglas MacLean
- Economics, Ethics, and the Quantification of Indian Water Rights pp. 1027-1032

- H. Stuart Burness, William D. Gorman and Robert L. Lansford
- Ethical Issues in Resource Economics: Discussion pp. 1033-1034

- Glenn L. Johnson
- Ethical Issues in Resource Economics: Discussion pp. 1035-1036

- Raymond L. Anderson
- Productivity, Poverty, and Population Pressure: Female Labor Deployment in Rice Production in Java and Bangladesh pp. 1037-1042

- Gillian Hart
- Cooperative Development and Women's Participation in the Nicaraguan Agrarian Reform pp. 1043-1048

- Carmen Diana Deere
- The Mobilization of Women's Labor for Cash Crop Production: A Game Theoretic Approach pp. 1049-1054

- Christine Jones
- Women's Employment Issues: Discussion pp. 1055-1057

- Christina H. Gladwin and Kathleen Staudt
- Women's Employment Issues: Discussion pp. 1058-1059

- Wallace Huffman
- Academic and Professional Programs in Agribusiness pp. 1060-1064

- Kerry K. Litzenberg, William D. Gorman and Vernon E. Schneider
- Evolving Relationships between Food Manufacturers and Retailers: Implications for Food System Organization and Performance pp. 1065-1072

- Larry G. Hamm and Gerald Grinnell
- Agribusiness Management and Food Marketing: Discussion pp. 1073-1074

- Kenneth E. Stone
- Agribusiness Management and Food Marketing: Discussion pp. 1075-1077

- R. McFall Lamm
- Cooperative Enterprise: An Alternative Conceptual Basis for Analyzing a Complex Institution pp. 1078-1083

- Peter Vitaliano
- The Cooperative as a Coalition: A Game-Theoretic Approach pp. 1084-1089

- John Staatz
- The Large Agricultural Cooperative as a Competitor pp. 1090-1095

- V. James Rhodes
- Developments in the Theory of Farmer Cooperatives: Discussion pp. 1096-1098

- Leon Garoyan
- Incorporating Risk in Production Analysis pp. 1099-1106

- John Antle
- Risk Management in Agricultural Production pp. 1107-1113

- Robert W. Jolly
- Risk in Agricultural Production: Discussion pp. 1114-1115

- Robert G. Chambers
- Risk in Agricultural Production: Discussion pp. 1116-1117

- John Holt
- Advantages and Limitations of Using Traditional Methods to Provide Local Public Services in a New Federalism Era pp. 1118-1123

- Leroy J. Hushak
- New Institutional Arrangements for Supplying Local Public Services under New Federalism with Special Reference to Education pp. 1124-1130

- Brady J. Deaton
- Local Services in the New Federalism: Discussion pp. 1131-1132

- Daniel Otto
- Local Services in the New Federalism: Discussion pp. 1133-1135

- George R. McDowell
- Foreign Students in Agricultural Economics from the Perspective of the Economics Institute pp. 1136-1141

- Wyn F. Owen and Larry R. Cross
- The Relevance of U.S. Graduate Curricula in Agricultural Economics for the Training of Foreign Students pp. 1142-1148

- Glenn L. Johnson
- The U.S. Graduate Training in Agricultural Economics: The Perspective of a Former Foreign Student pp. 1149-1152

- Antonio Salazar P. Brandao
- Conceptualization and Climate for New Deal Farm Laws of the 1930s pp. 1153-1157

- Harold F. Breimyer
- The New Deal Farm Programs: What They Were and Why They Survived pp. 1158-1162

- Wayne D. Rasmussen
- Effects of New Deal Farm Programs on the Agricultural Agenda a Half Century Later and Prospect for the Future pp. 1163-1167

- Don Paarlberg
- Institutional Innovation and Technical Change in American Agriculture: The Role of the New Deal pp. 1168-1173

- Kenneth R. Farrell and Carlisle Runge
- Optimum Treatment Rate for Tebuthiuron on Rangeland Infested with Sand Shinnery Oak pp. 1198-1201

- Tamera J. Neal
Volume 65, issue 4, 1983
- Dynamic Games and International Trade: An Application to the World Corn Market pp. 641-650

- Larry Karp and Alex F. McCalla
- The Soviet-American Grain Agreement and the National Interest pp. 651-656

- Josef Brada
- Management Decentralization on China's State Farms pp. 657-666

- Chung Min Pang and A. John De Boer
- Rice Technology, Farmer Rationality, and Agricultural Policy in Egypt pp. 667-674

- John Antle and Ali S. Aitah
- Flexible Consumer Demand Systems and Linear Estimation: Food in India pp. 675-684

- Gurushri Swamy and Hans Binswanger-Mkhize
- Nutrient Availability, Food Costs, and Food Stamps pp. 685-693

- Peter Basiotis, Mark Brown, S. R. Johnson and Karen J. Morgan
- Soil Conservation with Uncertain Revenues and Input Supplies pp. 694-702

- Randall Kramer, William T. McSweeny and Robert W. Stavros
- Benefits from Groundwater Management: Magnitude, Sensitivity, and Distribution pp. 703-710

- Eli Feinerman and Keith Knapp
- Fishing Allocations and Optimal Fees: A Single- and Multilevel Programming Analysis pp. 711-721

- Eric Meuriot and John M. Gates
- Modeling the Decision to Produce Vegetables at Home pp. 722-729

- James R. Blaylock and Anthony E. Gallo
- A Dynamic Plant Location Model: The East Florida Fresh Citrus Packing Industry pp. 730-737

- Richard L. Kilmer, Thomas Spreen and Daniel S. Tilley
- Insecticide Use and Crop Rotation under Risk: Rootworm Control in Corn pp. 738-747

- William F. Lazarus and Earl R. Swanson
- Supply, Demand, and Technology in a Multiproduct Industry: Texas Field Crops pp. 748-760

- C. Shumway
- Testing Asset Fixity for U.S. Agriculture pp. 761-769

- Robert G. Chambers and Utpal Vasavada
- Estimation of Multicrop Production Functions pp. 770-780

- Richard Just, David Zilberman and Eithan Hochman
- Inflation in Food Prices as Measured by Least-Cost Diets pp. 781-784

- P. M. O'Brien-Place and W. G. Tomek
- Residual Supplier Model of Coarse Grains Trade pp. 785-790

- Maury E. Bredahl and Leonardo Green
- Maximizing Welfare in Customs Unions: The Case of Agricultural Price Policy Within the EEC pp. 791-795

- Dieter Kirschke
- Factors Affecting Land Price Decline pp. 796-800

- John T. Scott
- The Off-Farm Work Behavior of Farm Operators pp. 801-805

- Wayne Simpson and Marilyn Kapitany
- Pesticide Demand and Integrated Pest Management: A Limited Dependent Variable Analysis pp. 806-810

- Thomas M. Burrows
- Economic Evaluation of Crop Response to Lime pp. 811-817

- Harry H. Hall
- Producer Attitudes toward Multicommodity Electronic Marketing pp. 818-822

- Steven C. Turner, James Epperson and Stanley M. Fletcher
- International Farm Prices and the Social Cost of Cheap Food Policies: Comment pp. 823-826

- John McIntire
- International Farm Prices and the Social Cost of Cheap Food Policies: Reply pp. 827-828

- Willis L. Peterson
- Goal Programming via Multidimensional Scaling Applied to Senegalese Subsistence Farming: Comment pp. 829-831

- Carlos Romero and Tahir ur Rehman
- Goal Programming via Multidimensional Scaling Applied to Senegalese Subsistence Farming: Reply pp. 832-833

- Bruce McCarl and Brian F. Blake
- Abasiekong, Edet M. Integrated Rural Development in the Third World: Its Concepts, Problems and Prospects. Smithtown NY: Exposition Press, 1982, ix + 132 pp., $7.50 pp. 834-835

- Richard D. Robbins
- Alston, Richard M. The Individual vs. the Public Interest: Political Ideology and National Forest Policy. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1983, xiii + 250 pp., $20.00 pp. 835

- E. C. Pasour
- Bernstein, Jacob. How to Profit from Seasonal Commodity Spreads: A Complete Guide. Somerset NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 1983, x + 537 pp., $60.00 pp. 836

- James A. Niles
- Bliss, C. J., and N. H. Stern. Palanpur: The Economy of an Indian Village. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1982, xii + 340 pp., $29.50 pp. 836-837

- Vasant Sukhatme
- Branson, Robert E., and Douglass G. Norvell. Introduction to Agricultural Marketing. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1983, xx + 521 pp., $28.95 pp. 837-838

- Steven T. Buccola
- Crosson, Pierre R., and Sterling Brubaker. Resource and Environmental Effects of U.S. Agriculture. Washington DC: Resources for the Future, 1982, xv + 255 pp., $15.00 pp. 838-839

- Bruce R. Beattie
- Freeman, A. Myrick, III. Air and Water Pollution Control: A Benefit-Cost Assessment. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1982, xii + 186 pp., $32.00 pp. 839-840

- Philip Graves
- Furuseth, Owen J., and John T. Pierce. Agricultural Land in an Urban Society. Washington DC: Association of American Geographers, 1982, vi + 89 pp., $5.00 paper pp. 840-841

- Johannes Delphendahl
- Johnson, D. Gale, and Karen McConnell Brooks. Prospects for Soviet Agriculture in the 1980s. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1983, x + 214 pp., $17.50 cloth, $8.95 paper pp. 841-842

- Yuri Markish
- Knutson, Ronald D., J. B. Penn, and William T. Boehm. Agricultural and Food Policy. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1983, x + 387 pp., price unknown pp. 842-843

- Daryll E. Ray
- Makeham, J. P., and L. R. Malcolm. The Farming Game. Armidale, N.S.W., Australia: Gill Publications, 1981, 560 pp., $30.00 pp. 843

- Wesley Musser
Volume 65, issue 3, 1983
- The School Lunch Program and Nutrient Intake: A Switching Regression Analysis pp. 477-485

- John S. Akin, David K. Guilkey and Barry M. Popkin
- Iowa Crop Production and Soil Erosion with Cropland Expansion pp. 486-492

- Orley M. Amos and John F. Timmons
- The Impact of Forced Deliveries on Egyptian Agriculture pp. 493-501

- Alain de Janvry, Gamal Siam and Osman Gad
- Farm-Level Fertilizer Demand in Java: A Meta-Production Function Approach pp. 502-508

- Mark M. Pitt
- The Effects of Education in Agriculture: Evidence from Nepal pp. 509-515

- Som P. Pudasaini
- Farm Mechanization in a Semiclosed Input-Output Model: The Philippines pp. 516-525

- Chowdhury S. Ahammed and Robert W. Herdt
- Income Distribution in Agriculture: A Unified Approach pp. 526-538

- Jaime B. Quizon and Hans Binswanger-Mkhize
- A Rational Distributed Lag Model of Quarterly Live Cattle Prices pp. 539-547

- John M. Marsh
- Hypotheses Testing in Economic Science pp. 548-552

- Luther Tweeten
- The Rate of Return to Investment in Agriculture and Measuring Net Farm Income pp. 553-557

- J. Bruce Hottel and Bruce Gardner
- Technology and U.S. Corn Yields: Plateaus and Price Responsiveness pp. 558-562

- Kenneth M. Menz and Philip Pardey
- An Early Warning Model for Grain Elevator Bankruptcy pp. 563-566

- John W. Siebert
- Comparing Liquid Fuel Costs: Grain Alcohol versus Sunflower Oil pp. 567-570

- Robert C. Reining and Wallace Tyner
- Effects of a Fertilizer Subsidy on Brazilian Crop Production and Exports pp. 571-575

- Harry H. Hall, Valter J. Stulp and Michael Reed
- The Welfare and Transfer Effects of Cotton Price Policies in Egypt, 1965–78 pp. 576-580

- Victor Levy
- Truncated Estimates for Incomplete Technical Change in the Canadian Cattle Industry pp. 581-586

- Daniel C. Quan and William Kerr
- Risk Preferences and Short-Run Pricing Efficiency pp. 587-591

- Steven T. Buccola
- Evaluating Implicit Prices of Intermediate Products pp. 592-595

- Ella Carl, Richard L. Kilmer and Lawrence Kenny
- Decomposition and Additivity in Price-Dependent Demand Systems pp. 596-602

- Robert G. Chambers and Kenneth E. McConnell
- Determination of the Recommended Hedging Ratio pp. 603-605

- Kandice H. Kahl
- Target MOTAD pp. 606-610

- Loren W. Tauer
- Tolerance Limits and Expected Utility Analysis pp. 611-614

- Rod F. Ziemer
- The Impact on the Canadian Rapeseed Industry from Changes in Transport and Tariff Rates: Comment pp. 615-617

- Garry R. Griffith and Karl Meilke
- The Impact on the Canadian Rapeseed Industry from Changes in Transport and Tariff Rates: Reply pp. 618-619

- W. H. Furtan, J. G. Nagy and G. G. Storey
- Agricultural Price Supports and Cost of Production: Comment pp. 620-622

- Michael Belongia
- Agricultural Price Supports and Cost of Production: Comment pp. 623-625

- E. C. Pasour
- Agricultural Price Supports and Cost of Production: Reply pp. 626-628

- John R. Groenewegen and Kenneth C. Clayton
- Issues in Freight Transportation Regulation: Reply pp. 629-632

- Wesley R. Kriebel and C. Phillip Baumel
- Bigman, David. Coping with Hunger: Toward a System of Food Security and Price Stabilization. Cambridge MA: Ballinger Publishing Co., 1982, xxxiii + 351 pp., $35.00 pp. 633-634

- Grant Scobie
- Andrew, Chris O., and Peter E. Hildebrand. Planning and Conducting Applied Agricultural Research. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1982, xii + 94 pp., $12.00, $7.95, paper pp. 633

- George W. Ladd
- Cottle, Rex L., Hugh H. Macaulay, and Bruce Yandle. Labor and Property Rights in California Agriculture: An Economic Analysis of the CALRA. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1982, xvii + 116 pp., $18.50 pp. 634-635

- Daniel Sumner
- Hadwiger, Don F. The Politics of Agricultural Research. Lincoln NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1982, x + 230 pp., $16.95 pp. 635-636

- Mark T. Buchanan
- Newbery, David M. G., and Joseph E. Stiglitz. The Theory of Commodity Price Stabilization: A Study in the Economics of Risk. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1981, xv + 462 pp., price unknown pp. 636-637

- Stephen J. Turnovsky
- Richardson, William B., William G. Camp, and William G. McVay. Managing the Farm and Ranch. Reston VA: Reston Publishing Co., 1982, xi + 388 pp., price unknown pp. 637-638

- John A. Rogalla
- Sarma, J. S. Agricultural Policy in India: Growth with Equity. Ottawa, Ontario: International Development Research Centre, 1982, 94 pp., $5.00 pp. 638-639

- K. Easter
Volume 65, issue 2, 1983
- An Analysis of Reconstituted Fluid Milk Pricing Policy pp. 207-213

- Glen D. Whipple
- Endogenous Price Policies and International Wheat Prices pp. 214-224

- Alexander H. Sarris and John Freebairn
- Efficient Redistribution through Commodity Markets pp. 225-234

- Bruce Gardner
- European Community Enlargement and World Trade in Fruits and Vegetables pp. 235-246

- Alexander H. Sarris
- Risk Management by Colorado Dryland Wheat Farmers and the Elimination of the Disaster Assistance Program pp. 247-255

- Robert King and George E. Oamek
- Landownership and the Adoption of Minimum Tillage pp. 256-264

- Linda K. Lee and William H. Stewart
- Mechanical Harvesting and the California Tomato Industry: A Simulation Analysis pp. 265-272

- Jon A. Brandt and Ben C. French
- A Model of Cooperative Finance pp. 273-281

- John J. VanSickle and W. Ladd George
- Sequential Decision Making in Production Models pp. 282-290

- John Antle
- Voluntary Export Restraints as Protection Policy: The U.S. Beef Case pp. 291-296

- Roy Allen, Claudia Dodge and Andrew Schmitz
- Productivity in U.S. Food Processing and Distribution pp. 297-302

- Dale M. Heien
- The Money Supply and Nominal Agricultural Prices pp. 303-307

- Richard Barnett, David Bessler and Robert L. Thompson
- The Futures Market and Price Discovery in the Textile Industry pp. 308-310

- Earl A. Stennis, Musa Pinar and Albert J. Allen
- Occupational Inheritance in Agriculture pp. 311-314

- David N. Laband and Bernard F. Lentz
- Farmers' Goals: Uni- or Multi-Dimensional? pp. 315-320

- George F. Patrick, Brian F. Blake and Suzanne H. Whitaker
- A Programming Analysis of Farmers' Credit Risks pp. 321-325

- Luis R. Sanint and Peter J. Barry
- On Optimal Replacement of Farm Tractors pp. 326-331

- Donald W. Reid and Garnett L. Bradford
- Alternative Ways to Measure Recreation Values by the Travel Cost Method pp. 332-336

- Fredric C. Menz and Donald P. Wilton
- Returns to Public Irrigation Development pp. 337-339

- Rajan K. Sampath
- Farm Size Evaluation in the El Paso Valley: Comment pp. 340-343

- Gregory D. Hanson and Vernon Eidman
- Farm Size Evaluation in the El Paso Valley: Reply pp. 344-348

- Gary D. Condra and James Richardson
- Simulating the Impacts of Credit Policy and Fertilizer Subsidy on Central Luzon Rice Farms, the Philippines: Comment pp. 349-350

- Stephen K. Pollard and Harpal S. Grewal
- Simulating the Impacts of Credit Policy and Fertilizer Subsidy on Central Luzon Rice Farms, the Philippines: Reply pp. 351-352

- Mark W. Rosegrant and Robert W. Herdt
- Distribution of Research Gains in Multistage Production Systems: Comment pp. 353-356

- Julian Alston and Grant Scobie
- Distribution of Research Gains in Multistage Production Systems: Reply pp. 357-359

- John Freebairn, J. S. Davis and G. W. Edwards
- Disequilibrium Market Analysis: An Application to the U.S. Fed Beef Sector: Comment pp. 360-363

- J Shonkwiler and Thomas Spreen
- Disequilibrium Market Analysis: An Application to the U.S. Fed Beef Sector: Reply pp. 364-365

- Rod F. Ziemer and Fred C. White
- The Effect of Asymmetrically Held Information and Market Power in Agricultural Markets pp. 366-372

- Jeffrey Perloff and Gordon Rausser
- The Theory of Contracts and Agency pp. 373-379

- Vincent Crawford and J. Luis Guasch
- Futures Trading, Market Interrelationships, and Industry Structure pp. 380-387

- Dennis Carlton
- Emerging Information Technologies and Agricultural Structure pp. 388-394

- Thomas Sporleder
- Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment by Food and Tobacco Manufacturers pp. 395-404

- John Connor
- Foreign Direct Investment in U.S. Food and Tobacco Manufacturing and Domestic Economic Performance pp. 405-412

- Emilio Pagoulatos
- Foreign Investment in U.S. Food-Retailing Industry pp. 413-420

- Bruce W. Marion and Howard J. Nash
- Foreign Investment in the U.S. Food Marketing System: Discussion pp. 421-422

- Harold F. Breimyer
- Foreign Investment in the U.S. Food-Marketing System: Discussion pp. 423-425

- Thomas A. Pugel
- Effect of Policies on Agricultural Development: A Comparison of the Bengals and the Punjabs pp. 426-437

- Professor Gustav F. Papanek and Eshya Mujahid
- Relation of Global Modeling to Development Planning pp. 438-444

- Richard A. King
- Measuring Productivity in Economic Growth pp. 445-451

- Max R. Langham and Ismet Ahmad
- Issues in International Agricultural Development: Discussion pp. 452-454

- Inderjit Singh
- Issues in International Agricultural Development: Discussion pp. 455-457

- Reed Hertford
- Cathie, John. The Political Economy of Food Aid. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1982, ix + 190 pp., $25.00 pp. 458

- Brady J. Deaton
- Cross, Harry E., and James A. Sandos. Across the Border: Rural Development in Mexico and Recent Migration to the United States. Berkeley: Institute for Government Studies, University of California Press, 1981, xx + 198 pp., $12.00 pp. 459

- Barry Chiswick
- Goodman, David, and Michael Redclift. From Peasant to Proletarian: Capitalist Development and Agrarian Transitions. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1982, xii + 244 pp., $25.00 pp. 459-460

- David Lehmann
- Griffin, Keith, and Ashwani Saith. Growth and Equality in Rural China. Singapore: Asian Employment Programme, International Labour Office, 1982, 166 pp., $10.00 pp. 460-461

- Frederick W. Crook
- Horri, Kenzo. Rice Economy and Land Tenure in West Malaysia: A Comparative Study of Eight Villages and Taylor, Donald C. The Economies of Malaysian Paddy Production and Irrigation pp. 461-462

- Randolph Barker
- Jahnke, Hans E. Livestock Production Systems and Livestock Development in Tropical Africa. Kiel Germany: Keiler Wissenschaftsverlag Vauk, 1982, xx + 253 pp.; $27.00 paper pp. 462-463

- Christopher L. Delgado
- Shaner, W. W., P. F. Philipp, and W. R. Schmehl. Farming Systems Research and Development: Guidelines for Developing Countries. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1982, xviii + 414 pp., $25.00 pp. 463-464

- T. Kelley White
- Sinha, Basawan, and Ramesh Bhatia. Economic Appraisal of Irrigation Projects in India. New Delhi: Agricole Publishing Academy, D-76 Panchsheel Enclave, 1982, xxxi + 487 pp., $40.00 pp. 464

- J. A. Seagraves
Volume 65, issue 1, 1983
- Agricultural Policy in Austerity: The Making of the 1981 Farm Bill pp. 1-9

- Craig L. Infanger, William C. Bailey and David R. Dyer
- Working Wives and the Marginal Propensity to Consume Food Away from Home pp. 10-19

- Jean Kinsey
- Retail Price Reporting Effects in Local Food Markets pp. 20-29

- Robert D. Boynton, Brian F. Blake and Joe N. Uhl
- Understanding Retained Patronage Refunds in Agricultural Cooperatives pp. 30-37

- Charles R. Knoeber and David L. Baumer
- Economics of the Wet Fractionation System in Alfalfa Harvesting pp. 38-44

- Richard A. Schoney and J. Thomas McGuckin
- Multiple Input, Multiple Output Production Choices and Technology in the U.S. Wheat Region pp. 45-56

- Robert Weaver
- Marketing Costs and Instability in the International Grain Trade pp. 57-64

- James K. Binkley
- Incorporating Policy Variables in a Model of the World Soybean/Rapeseed Market pp. 65-73

- Karl Meilke and Garry R. Griffith
- Farmers' Subjective Probabilities in Northern Thailand: An Elicitation Analysis pp. 74-82

- William Grisley and Earl D. Kellogg
- An Economic Model of Soil Conservation pp. 83-89

- Kenneth E. McConnell
- Recreation Evaluation Using a Characteristics Theory of Consumer Behavior pp. 90-97

- Peter J. Greig
- Economic Welfare Evaluations for Producers under Uncertainty pp. 98-107

- Rulon Pope, Jean-Paul Chavas and Richard Just
- The Peculiar Rationality of Beef Import Quotas in Japan pp. 108-112

- Kym Anderson
- The Effectiveness of an Export Restriction on Logs pp. 113-116

- Roger Sedjo and A. Clark Wiseman
- Social Cost of the Tobacco Program Redux pp. 117-119

- Paul R. Johnson and Daniel T. Norton
- Participation in the Farmer-Owned Reserve Program: A Discrete Choice Model pp. 120-124

- Robert G. Chambers and William Foster
- Retail Food Cooperatives: Testing the "Small Is Beautiful" Hypothesis pp. 125-130

- Ronald Cotterill
- A Monetary Analysis of Food Price Determination pp. 131-135

- Michael Belongia and Richard A. King
- A Multivariate Logit Analysis of Farmers' Use of Financial Information pp. 136-141

- Philip Garcia, Steven T. Sonka and Michael A. Mazzacco
- Welfare Effects of New Crop Variety Licensing Regulations: The Case of Canadian Malt Barley pp. 142-147

- S. J. Gibney and W. H. Furtan
- Structural Change in the Demand for Meat pp. 148-153

- Jean-Paul Chavas
- Using Individual Observations to Estimate Recreation Demand Functions: A Caution pp. 154-157

- William G. Brown, Colin Sorhus, Bih-lian Chou-Yang and Jack A. Richards
- The Scarcity Syndrome: Comment pp. 158-159

- Michael V. Martin and Ray F. Brokken
- Optimum Effort and Rent Distribution in the Gulf of Mexico Shrimp Fishery: Comment pp. 160-161

- Richard L. McGaw and Beverly A. Cook
- Issues in Freight Transportation Regulation: Comment pp. 162-166

- Charles L. Wright
- Measuring the Cost of Time in Recreation Demand Analysis: Comment pp. 167-168

- Frank A. Ward
- Measuring the Cost of Time in Recreation Demand Analysis: Comment pp. 169-171

- Thomas G. Johnson
- Measuring the Cost of Time in Recreation Demand Analysis: Reply pp. 172-174

- Kenneth E. McConnell and Ivar E. Strand
- Empirical Analysis of Soviet Agricultural Production and Policy: Comment pp. 175-177

- Todd E. Petzel
- Empirical Analysis of Soviet Agricultural Production and Policy: Reply pp. 178-180

- Michael Wyzan
- Multiple Optimal Solutions in Linear Programming Models: Comment pp. 181-183

- Bruce McCarl and Carl Nelson
- Multiple Optimal Solutions in Linear Programming Models: Reply pp. 184-186

- Quirino Paris
- Impacts on Agriculture of Deregulating the Transportation System: Comment pp. 187-189

- Won W. Koo
- Impacts on Agriculture of Deregulating the Transportation System: Reply pp. 190-191

- Marc A. Johnson
- Impacts on Agriculture of Deregulating the Transportation System: Reply pp. 192-193

- Jerry Fruin
- Boserup, Ester. Population and Technological Change: A Study of Long-Term Trends. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981, xi + 255 pp., $17.50 pp. 194

- Bryan Boulier
- Gilmore, Richard. A Poor Harvest: The Clash of Policies and Interests in The Grain Trade. New York: Longman, 1982, xv + 303 pp., $25.00 pp. 195-196

- Neilson C. Conklin
- Feeny, David. The Political Economy of Productivity: Thai Agricultural Development, 1880–1975. Vancouver, Canada: University of British Columbia Press, 1982, ix + 238 pp., $28.00 pp. 195

- Earl O. Heady
- House, Verne W. Shaping Public Policy: The Educator's Role. Bozeman, MT: Westridge Publishing C., 1981, viii + 116 pp., price unknown pp. 196-197

- B. H. Robinson and J. W. Hubbard
- Judge, George G., R. Carter Hill, William E. Griffiths, Helmut Lutkepohl, and Tsoung-Chao Lee. Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Econometrics. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1982, xxix + 839 pp., $31.50 pp. 197-198

- Ron Mittelhammer
- Ruttan, Vernon W. Agricultural Research Policy. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1982, xiv + 369 pp., $32.50, $13.95 paper pp. 198-199

- Earl R. Swanson
- Schultz, Theodore W. Investing in People: The Economics of Population Quality. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1981, xii + 173 pp., $12.95 pp. 199-200

- Hans Binswanger-Mkhize
- Sen A. K. Poverty and Famines: An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1981, ix + 257 pp. $17.95 pp. 200-201

- T. Srinivasan
- Wädekin, Karl-Eugen. Agrarian Policies in Communist Europe: A Critical Introduction. Totowa NJ: Allanheld, Osmun, & Co., 1982, x + 324 pp., $24.95 pp. 201-202

- D. Johnson
- Weinbaum, Marvin G. Food, Development, and Politics in the Middle East. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1982, xii + 205 pp., $25.00 pp. 202

- Ray A. Goldberg
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