American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 80, issue 5, 1998
- Values, Changing Forces, Choices, and the Profession pp. 887-897

- C. Shumway
- Strategic Behavior, Institutional Change, and the Future of Agriculture pp. 898-915

- S.R. Johnson
- Determining the Value of Water: The Role of Risk, Infrastructure Constraints, and Ownership pp. 916-940

- Stephen C. Beare, Rosalyn Bell and Brian S. Fisher
- Food Security and World Trade Prospects pp. 941-947

- D. Johnson
- Reenergizing the Green Revolution in Rice pp. 948-953

- David Dawe
- Supplying Wheat for Asia's Increasingly Westernized Diets pp. 954-959

- Prabhu Pingali and Mark W. Rosegrant
- The Maize Transition in Asia: Unlocking the Controversy pp. 960-968

- Walter P. Falcon and Rosamond L. Naylor
- Reflections on Keeping Asia's Food Baskets Full pp. 969-972

- Robert W. Herdt
- Distance Education for American Universities and the World pp. 973-978

- Janet K. Poley
- Costs and Benefits of Increasing Access to a Traditional Agricultural Economics Course pp. 979-983

- Robert O. Burton
- Increasing Access through Multimedia Instruction to Timely Marketing Information and Techniques pp. 984-989

- Jim Kendrick
- To Be or Not to Be? Selected Economic Questions Surrounding Distance Education: Discussion pp. 990-993

- Paul N. Wilson
- On the Precipice of Reform: Welfare Spell Durations for Rural, Female-Headed Families pp. 994-999

- Shirley L. Porterfield
- Employment Opportunities in Rural Areas: Implications for Poverty in a Changing Policy Environment pp. 1000-1007

- Jill L. Findeis and Leif Jensen
- Poverty Amid Prosperity: Farm Employment, Immigration, and Poverty in California pp. 1008-1014

- Philip L. Martin and J. Edward Taylor
- Rural Poverty: A Response pp. 1015-1016

- Ron Shaffer
- Changing Government Policy and the Rural Poor: Discussion pp. 1017-1018

- Elizabeth Davis
- Fish Consumption Advisories: Incorporating Angler-Specific Knowledge, Habits, and Catch Rates in a Site Choice Model pp. 1019-1024

- Paul Jakus, Dimitrios Dadakas and J. Mark Fly
- Valuing Water Quality Improvements Using Revealed Preference Methods When Corner Solutions Are Present pp. 1025-1031

- Joseph Herriges and Catherine Kling
- Stock Dynamics and Recreational Fishing Welfare Estimation: Implications for Natural Resource Damage Assessment pp. 1032-1037

- Peter W. Schuhmann and J.E. Easley
- Valuing the Effects of Water Quality on Recreational Resources: Discussion pp. 1038-1041

- Frank Lupi
- Changes in the Structure of Global Food Demand pp. 1042-1050

- John Cranfield, Thomas Hertel, James S. Eales and Paul Preckel
- Understanding the Determinants of Structural Change in World Food Markets pp. 1051-1061

- Thomas Hertel, Zhi Wang and Wusheng Yu
- Changes in the Structure of Global Food Demand: Discussion pp. 1062-1063

- James Seale
- Understanding the Determinants of Structural Change in World Food Markets: Discussion pp. 1064-1065

- David Blandford
- Cross-Border Acquisitions and Foreign Direct Investment in the U.S. Food Industry pp. 1066-1072

- Steve McCorriston and Ian Sheldon
- Exchange Rate Effects on the Relationship between FDI and Trade in the U.S. Food Processing Industry pp. 1073-1079

- Munisamy Gopinath, Daniel Pick and Utpal Vasavada
- International Entry Mode Decisions by Agribusiness Firms: Distribution and Market Power pp. 1080-1086

- Juan B. Solana-Rosillo and Philip Abbott
- Foreign Direct Investment and Trade in the U.S. Agribusiness Industry: Discussion pp. 1087-1088

- Greg Pompelli
- A Review of Current Evidence on Climate Forecasts and Their Economic Effects in Agriculture pp. 1089-1095

- James W. Mjelde, Harvey S.J. Hill and John F. Griffiths
- Use of El Niño Climate Forecasts in Australia pp. 1096-1101

- Troy Podbury, Terry C. Sheales, Intizar Hussain and Brian S. Fisher
- Trade Policy and the Effects of Climate Forecasts on Agricultural Markets pp. 1102-1108

- Daniel Sumner, Daniel G. Hallstrom and Hyunok Lee
- The Value of Imperfect ENSO Forecast Information: Discussion pp. 1109-1112

- Christopher Barrett
- Consumer Demand for Organic Foods: What We Know and What We Need to Know pp. 1113-1118

- Gary Thompson
- Organic Agricultural Production in the United States: Debates and Directions pp. 1119-1124

- Karen Klonsky and Laura Tourte
- Implications of Organic Certification for Market Structure and Trade pp. 1125-1129

- Luanne Lohr
- Emergence of U.S. Organic Agriculture—Can We Compete? Discussion pp. 1130-1133

- Barry Krissoff
- The Weakening Relationships between Farm and Food Prices pp. 1134-1138

- Michael LeBlanc
- The Transmission of Trends in Retail Food and Farm Prices pp. 1139-1143

- Albert Reed and J. Stephen Clark
- Farm Prices, Retail Prices, and Directed Graphs: Results for Pork and Beef pp. 1144-1149

- David Bessler and Derya G. Akleman
- Heterogeneity in Price Sensitivity and Retail Price Discrimination pp. 1150-1153

- Elizabeth K. Kiser
- Understanding Retail Food Price Formation and Transmission: Discussion pp. 1154-1155

- Catherine Morrison Paul
- The Effects of Information on Willingness-to-Pay Values of Endangered Species pp. 1214-1220

- Jennifer Tkac
Volume 80, issue 4, 1998
- Do Farm Workers Earn Less? An Analysis of the Farm Labor Problem pp. 669-682

- Micha Gisser and Alberto Dávila
- Hysteresis and the Shortage of Agricultural Labor pp. 683-695

- Timothy J. Richards and Paul M. Patterson
- Fads versus Fundamentals in Farmland Prices pp. 696-707

- Barry Falk and Bong-Soo Lee
- Credit Constraints, Farm Characteristics, and the Farm Economy: Differential Impacts on Feeder Cattle and Beef Cow Inventories pp. 708-723

- Peter J. Barry
- Privatization, Market Liberalization, and Learning in Transition Economies pp. 724-737

- Gordon Rausser and Leo Simon
- Export Liberalization and Household Welfare: The Case of Rice in Vietnam pp. 738-749

- Nicholas Minot and Francesco Goletti
- Assessing Efficiency Gains from Individual Transferable Quotas: An Application to the Mid-Atlantic Surf Clam and Ocean Quahog Fishery pp. 750-764

- Quinn Weninger
- The Value of El Niño Forecasts in the Management of Salmon: A Stochastic Dynamic Assessment pp. 765-777

- Richard M. Adams and Stephen Polasky
- Bycatch Control in Multispecies Fisheries: A Quasi-rent Share Approach to the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands Midwater Trawl Pollock Fishery pp. 778-792

- Douglas M. Larson, Brett W. House and Joseph M. Terry
- Factors Affecting the Timing of Purchasing of Butter, Margarine, and Blends: A Competing Goods Analysis pp. 793-805

- Brian W. Gould
- The Effects of Crop Yield Insurance Designs on Farmer Participation and Welfare pp. 806-820

- Steven D. Hanson, Robert Myers and J. Roy Black
- Quantifying the Effects of Sow-Herd Management Information Systems on Farmers' Decision Making Using Experimental Economics pp. 821-829

- James Cox
- Returns to Public Investments in Agriculture with Imperfect Downstream Competition pp. 830-838

- Stephen Hamilton and David Sunding
- The Structure of Multiplant Technologies pp. 839-851

- Robert Chambers
- Recovering Output-Specific Inputs from Aggregate Input Data: A Generalized Cross-Entropy Approach pp. 852-867

- Sergio Lence and Douglas J. Miller
- A Unified Approach to Sensitivity Analysis in Equilibrium Displacement Models pp. 868-879

- George Davis and Maria Cristina Espinoza
- Hall, Darwin C., ed. Advances in the Economics of Environmental Resources: Marginal Cost Rate Design and Wholesale Water Markets, vol. 1. Greenwich CT: JAI Press, 1996, viii + 223 pp., price unknown pp. 880-881

- Gordon L. Carriker
- Padberg, D.I., C. Riston, L.M. Albisu, eds. Agro-Food Marketing. New York: CAB International, 1997, 492 pp., $100.00 (cloth), $50.00 (paperback) pp. 881-882

- Ted Schroeder
Volume 80, issue 3, 1998
- Political Action Committee Contributions and U.S. Congressional Voting on Sugar Legislation pp. 441-454

- Jonathan C. Brooks, A. Cameron and Colin Carter
- CVM-X: Calibrating Contingent Values with Experimental Auction Markets pp. 455-465

- John Fox, Jason Shogren, Dermot Hayes and James B. Kliebenstein
- Estimation of Demand Functions Using Cross-Sectional Household Data: The Problem Revisited pp. 466-473

- Diansheng Dong, J Shonkwiler and Oral Capps
- Estimating the Demand for Calories in India pp. 474-481

- Philip J. Dawson and Richard Tiffin
- The Contribution of Genetic Resources and Diversity to Wheat Production in the Punjab of Pakistan pp. 482-493

- Melinda Smale, Jason Hartell, Paul W. Heisey and Benjamin Senauer
- The Choice of Tillage, Rotation, and Soil Testing Practices: Economic and Environmental Implications pp. 494-511

- JunJie Wu and Bruce Babcock
- Environmental Quality Preference and Benefit Estimation in Multinomial Probit Models: A Simulation Approach pp. 512-520

- Heng Z. Chen and Stephen R. Cosslett
- Employment Stability and the Role of Sectoral Dominance in Rural Economies pp. 521-533

- Chris Fawson, Dawn Thilmany and John Keith
- Impacts of Trade and Macroeconomic Linkages on Canadian Agriculture pp. 534-542

- Lassaad Lachaal and Abner W. Womack
- Bayesian Composite Qualitative Forecasting: Hog Prices Again pp. 543-551

- Jeffrey Dorfman
- Better Confidence Intervals: The Double Bootstrap with No Pivot pp. 552-559

- David Letson and B McCullough
- Food Aid During Conflict: Can One Reconcile Its Humanitarian, Economic, and Political Economy Effects? pp. 560-565

- Frances Stewart
- Food Aid: Is It Development Assistance, Trade Promotion, Both, or Neither? pp. 566-571

- Christopher Barrett
- Does Food Aid Have a Future? pp. 572-574

- Vernon Ruttan
- Food Aid During Conflict: Discussion pp. 575-576

- T. Srinivasan
- From Total Factor to Total Resource Productivity: An Application to Agriculture pp. 577-583

- Frank Gollop and Gregory Swinand
- Shadow Pricing of Good and Bad Commodities pp. 584-590

- Rolf Färe and Shawna Grosskopf
- Should Pollution Reductions Count as Productivity Gains for Agriculture? pp. 591-594

- V. Smith
- Measuring Productivity of Environmentally Interactive Technologies: The Case of Agriculture and the Environment pp. 595-599

- Robert Weaver
- The Sounds of Silence: The Profession's Response to the COGEE Report pp. 600-607

- David Colander
- On Training PhDs in Economics: What Can Economics Programs Learn from Those in Agricultural Economics? pp. 608-615

- Gregory Perry
- Graduate Education in Economics after the COGEE Report: Discussion pp. 616-620

- Arne Hallam
- A Conceptual Framework for the Study of Rural Places pp. 621-631

- Emery N. Castle
- Politics, Culture, and the Rural Academy: A Response to Castle pp. 632-634

- Ronald J. Oakerson
- The View from Economics: Discussion of Castle's Conceptual Framework pp. 635-636

- David S. Kraybill
- The View from Anthropology: Discussion of Castle's Conceptual Framework pp. 637-639

- Sonya Salamon
- A Sociological Perspective on Rural Studies pp. 640-643

- Gene F. Summers and David L. Brown
- Division of the Commons: A Partial Assessment of the New Institutional Economics of Land Rights pp. 644-650

- Jean-Marie Baland and Jean-Philippe Platteau
- Common Property Rights as an Endogenous Response to Risk pp. 651-657

- Jeffrey Nugent and Nicolas Sanchez
- Endogenous Provision and Appropriation in the Commons pp. 658-664

- Alain de Janvry, Nancy McCarthy and Elisabeth Sadoulet
- Determinants of Cooperation and Management of Local Common Property Resources: Discussion pp. 665-668

- Daniel Bromley
Volume 80, issue 2, 1998
- Evaluation of Nonmarket Goods: Recovering Unconditional Preferences pp. 241-254

- Udo Ebert
- Modeling Recreation Demand in a Poisson System of Equations: An Analysis of the Impact of International Exchange Rates pp. 255-263

- Jeffrey Englin, Peter Boxall and David Watson
- Policy Evaluation with Combined Actual and Contingent Response Data pp. 264-276

- Deborah Vaughn Nestor
- Explaining the Choice of Organic Produce: Cosmetic Defects, Prices, and Consumer Preferences pp. 277-287

- Gary Thompson and Julia Kidwell
- Cost Functions and Duality for Stochastic Technologies pp. 288-295

- Robert Chambers and John Quiggin
- Cost Function Estimation under Risk Aversion pp. 296-302

- Rulon D. Pope and Richard Just
- The Forward-Looking Competitive Firm under Uncertainty pp. 303-312

- Sergio Lence and Dermot Hayes
- Domestic Costs of Statutory Marketing Authorities: The Case of the Canadian Wheat Board pp. 313-324

- Colin Carter, R.M.A. Loyns and Derek Berwald
- International Marketing Margins for Agricultural Products: Effects of Some Nontariff Trade Barriers pp. 325-336

- Paul Gallagher
- Compensating for Information Externalities in Technology Diffusion Models pp. 337-346

- Allan Shampine
- Rural Manufacturing on the Crest of the Wave: A Count Data Analysis of Technology Use pp. 347-359

- Fred Gale
- Fringe Benefits Provision by Rural Small Businesses pp. 360-368

- Jayachandran N. Variyam and David S. Kraybill
- Examining Quantity and Quality Effects of Restricting Nitrogen Applications to Feedgrains pp. 369-381

- Joseph A. Atwood and Glenn A. Helmers
- Effects of Insecticide Attributes on Within-Season Insecticide Product and Rate Choices: The Case of U.S. Apple Growers pp. 382-396

- Bryan Hubbell and Gerald A. Carlson
- A Dynamic Economic Analysis of Nitrate Leaching in Corn Production under Nonuniform Irrigation Conditions pp. 397-408

- Steven Vickner, Dana Hoag, W. Marshall Frasier and James C. Ascough
- Option Values to Conservation and Agricultural Price Policy: Application to Terrace Construction in Kenya pp. 409-418

- Alex Winter-Nelson and Koffi Amegbeto
- Interactions between Agricultural and Resource Policy: Comment pp. 419-421

- Giannis Karagiannis
- Agricultural Export Subsidies and Intermediate Goods Trade: Comment pp. 422-425

- Marion Desquilbet and Hervé Guyomard
- Agricultural Export Subsidies and Intermediate Goods Trade: Reply pp. 426-426

- Philip L. Paarlberg
- Kohls, Richard L., and Joseph N. Uhl. Marketing of Agricultural Products. Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice Hall, 1998, 560 pp., $85.00 pp. 427-429

- Donald Snyder
- Krugman, Paul. Pop Internationalism. Cambridge and London: MIT Press, 1996, 221 pp., $22.50 pp. 429-430

- Kristen B. Ward
Volume 80, issue 1, 1998
- Testing Theories of Consumption Behavior Using Information on Aggregate Shocks: Income Seasonality and Rainfall in Rural India pp. 1-14

- Hanan Jacoby and Emmanuel Skoufias
- U.S. Trade Threats: Rhetoric or War? pp. 15-29

- Mylène Kherallah and John Beghin
- Knowledge Capital and Cost Structure in the U.S. Food and Fiber Industries pp. 30-45

- Catherine Morrison Paul and Donald Siegel
- The Production Effects of Agricultural Income Support Policies under Uncertainty pp. 46-57

- David Hennessy
- Individual and Household Willingness to Pay for Public Goods pp. 58-63

- John Quiggin
- Stated Preference Approaches for Measuring Passive Use Values: Choice Experiments and Contingent Valuation pp. 64-75

- Wiktor Adamowicz, Peter Boxall, Michael Williams and Jordan Louviere
- Captive Supplies, Market Conduct, and the Open-Market Price pp. 76-83

- Azzeddine Azzam
- Determination of Focal Pricing Regions for U.S. Fed Cattle pp. 84-95

- Allan M. Walburger and Kenneth Foster
- Exit from the Meatpacking Industry: A Microdata Analysis pp. 96-106

- Donald W. Anderson, Brian Murray, Jackqueline L. Teague and Richard Lindrooth
- Endogenous Commodity Policies and the Social Benefits from Public Research Expenditures pp. 107-115

- Johan Swinnen and Harry de Gorter
- Transport Costs and Smallholder Cropping Choices: An Application to Siaya District, Kenya pp. 116-123

- Steven Were Omamo
- An Analysis of Ill-Posed Production Problems Using Maximum Entropy pp. 124-138

- Quirino Paris and Richard E. Howitt
- Nonparametric Estimation of Crop Yield Distributions: Implications for Rating Group-Risk Crop Insurance Contracts pp. 139-153

- Barry Goodwin and Alan Ker
- Migration of Seasonal Agricultural Workers pp. 154-164

- Jeffrey Perloff, Lori Lynch and Susan M. Gabbard
- Some Productivity-Increasing and Quality-Changing Technology for the Soybean Complex: Market and Welfare Effects pp. 165-174

- Paul W. Gallagher
- Import Restrictions in the Presence of a Health Risk: An Illustration Using FMD pp. 175-183

- Philip L. Paarlberg and John G. Lee
- The Effect of Rental Rates on the Extension of Conservation Reserve Program Contracts pp. 184-194

- Joseph Cooper and C. Tim Osborn
- Testing for Behavioral Objective and Aggregation Opportunities in U.S. Agricultural Data pp. 195-207

- Shon P. Williams and C. Shumway
- Testing Homogeneity in the Linearized Almost Ideal Demand System pp. 208-220

- Adolf Buse
- The Silence Bleating! of the Lambdas: Comment pp. 221-230

- Jeffrey LaFrance
- Dorfman, Jeffrey H. Bayesian Economics Through Numerical Methods: A Guide to Econometrics and Decision-Making with Prior Information. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1997, 117 pp., $49.95 pp. 231-232

- Douglas J. Miller
- Färe, Rolf, and Shawna Grosskopf. Intertemporal Production Frontiers: With Dynamic DEA. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996, 208 pp., $79.95 pp. 232-233

- Lilyan Fulginiti
- Power, Thomas Michael. Lost Landscapes and Failed Economies: The Search of a Value of Place. Washington DC: Island Press, 1996, xiii + 304 pp., price unknown pp. 233-236

- Dennis Fisher
- Rhodes, V. James, and Jan L. Dauve. The Agricultural Marketing System, 5th ed. Scottsdale AZ: Holcomb Hathaway, 1998, 420 pp., $53.95 pp. 236-237

- Ronald A. Schrimper
- Schaffner, David, J., William R. Schroder, and Mary D. Earle. Food Marketing: An International Perspective. Boston: WCB McGraw-Hill, 1998, 509 pp., price unknown pp. 237-239

- Brian Adam
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