American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 74, issue 5, 1992
- The Comparative Advantage of Agricultural Economists pp. 1059-1065

- James P. Houck
- How the Data We Make Can Unmake Us: Annals of Factology pp. 1066-1075

- Bruce Gardner
- Environmental Costing for Agriculture: Will It Be Standard Fare in the Farm Bill of 2000? pp. 1076-1088

- V. Smith
- Economic Issues in Agricultural Research Priority Setting pp. 1089-1094

- George Norton, Philip Pardey and Julian Alston
- Setting Agricultural Research Priorities: Lessons from the CGIAR Study pp. 1095-1100

- Alex F. McCalla and James G. Ryan
- Economic Principles and Incentives: Structure, Management, and Funding of Agricultural Research in the United States pp. 1101-1108

- Richard Just and Wallace Huffman
- Agricultural Research Institutions and Priorities in an Era of Resource Scarcity: Discussion pp. 1109-1110

- W. Burt Sundquist
- Agricultural Research Institutions and Priorities in an Era of Resource Scarcity: Discussion pp. 1111-1113

- Jock Anderson
- Can Nonuse Value Be Measured from Observable Behavior? pp. 1114-1120

- Douglas M. Larson
- Uniqueness, Irreversibility, and the Theory of Nonuse Values pp. 1121-1125

- Charles J. Cicchetti and Louis L. Wilde
- Can Contingent Valuation Measure Nonuse Values? pp. 1126-1132

- Jeffrey K. Lazo, William D. Schulze, Gary H. McClelland and James K. Doyle
- Nonuser Resource Values pp. 1133-1137

- Trudy Cameron
- Environmental Degradation and Economic Openness in LDCs: The Poverty Linkage pp. 1138-1143

- Ramon Lopez
- Environmental Aspects of Economic Relations between Nations pp. 1144-1149

- David Zilberman
- Trade, Institutions, and Preference for Living Marine Resources pp. 1150-1154

- Ivar E. Strand, Nancy E. Bockstael and Robert A. Siegel
- Trade and the Environment: Discussion pp. 1155-1156

- Ernst Lutz
- Agricultural Transition in Russia and the Other Former States of the USSR pp. 1157-1162

- Alexander A. Nikonov
- Stabilization, Sectoral Adjustment, and Enterprise Reform in the Agricultural Sector of Russia pp. 1163-1169

- Karen M. Brooks
- Capital Markets and Financial Issues in Economies in Transition pp. 1170-1173

- Perry L. Patterson
- Transition of Agriculture in the Baltics: Discussion pp. 1174-1175

- Natalija Kazlauskiene
- Capital Markets and Financial Issues of the Czechoslovak Economy: Discussion pp. 1176

- Jiri Tvrdon
- Progress in the Transition Toward Market Economies: Discussion pp. 1177-1178

- Teresa Olko-Bagienska
- A Food Processor's Perspective on Trade and Investment Opportunities in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union pp. 1179-1183

- Richard L. Gady and Robert H. Peyton
- An Operational Perspective on Investment Opportunities in the Former Soviet Union pp. 1184-1187

- Judy T. Ohannesian
- The Central European Economic Transformation: A Review and Outlook pp. 1188-1192

- J. B. Penn
- Agricultural Trade and Investment Opportunities in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union: Discussion pp. 1193-1195

- Michael L. Cook
- Current Information Levels on Food Labels pp. 1196-1201

- Julie Caswell
- Consumer and Producer Responses to Nutrition Label Changes pp. 1202-1207

- Gary A. Zarkin and Donald W. Anderson
- Nutritional Labeling as a Policy Instrument pp. 1208-1212

- D. I. Padberg
- Consumer Response to Changes in Food Labeling: Discussion pp. 1213-1214

- Richard A. Williams
- Consumer Response to Changes Food Labeling: Discussion pp. 1215-1216

- Oral Capps
- Management and Financing of Vertical Coordination in Agriculture: An Overview pp. 1217-1218

- Robert King
- Vertical Coordination, Financial Structure, and the Changing Theory of the Firm pp. 1219-1225

- Peter J. Barry, Sonka Steven T. and Kaouthar Lajili
- Managerial Economics of Vertically Coordinated Agricultural Firms pp. 1226-1231

- Thomas Sporleder
- Financing Vertically Coordinated Agricultural Firms pp. 1232-1237

- Allen Featherstone and Bruce Sherrick
- Management and Financing of Vertical Coordination in Agriculture: Discussion pp. 1238-1239

- Emerson M. Babb
- Vertically Coordinated Agricultural Firms: Discussion pp. 1240

- Sanford Belden
- The New Political Economy of Agricultural and Rural Research: Implications for Institutional Change pp. 1241-1248

- Jerry R. Skees
- The New Political Economy of Extension Education for Agriculture and Rural America pp. 1249-1255

- George R. McDowell
- Implications for Land Grant Universities of the Changing Political Economy of Agricultural and Rural America: Discussion pp. 1256-1258

- James Hite
- Changing Roles of Agricultural Economists and their Institutions pp. 1259-1261

- James T. Bonnen
- The Endowment Effect and the Coase Theorem pp. 1316-1323

- Stephanie Jacques
Volume 74, issue 4, 1992
- Risk Aversion and Price Risk in Duality Models of Production: A Linear Mean-Variance Approach pp. 849-859

- Barry T. Coyle
- Production Risk and Optimal Input Decisions pp. 860-869

- Bharat Ramaswami
- Incorporating Risk Aversion into Dynamic Programming Models pp. 870-878

- Jeffrey A. Krautkraemer, Gerrit van Kooten and Douglas L. Young
- Optimal Dynamic Hedging Decisions for Grain Producers pp. 879-888

- Steve Martinez and Kelly Zering
- Earnings and Mobility of Legal and Illegal Immigrant Workers in Agriculture pp. 889-896

- J. Edward Taylor
- Effect of U.S. Immigration Reform on Labor-Intensive Agricultural Commodities pp. 897-906

- Lewell F. Gunter, Joseph C. Jarrett and James A. Duffield
- Incentives for Protecting Farm Workers from Pesticides pp. 907-917

- John U. Davis, Julie Caswell and Carolyn R. Harper
- On-Site Time in the Demand for Recreation pp. 918-925

- K. E. McConnell
- Measuring Recreation Values with Multiple Destination Trips pp. 926-933

- Robert Mendelsohn, John Hof, George Peterson and Reed Johnson
- A Method for Calculating Profit-Neutral Land Set Asides pp. 934-940

- Carlos Arnade
- Transaction Costs as Determinants of Vertical Coordination in the U.S. Food Industries pp. 941-950

- Stuart D. Frank and Dennis R. Henderson
- Production Subsidy and Countervailing Duties in Vertically Related Markets: The Hog-Pork Case Between Canada and the United States pp. 951-961

- GianCarlo Moschini and Karl Meilke
- Oligopsony Potential in Agriculture: Residual Supply Estimation in California's Processing Tomato Market pp. 962-972

- Catherine Durham and Richard J. Sexton
- Supply Analysis in an Oligopsony Model pp. 973-979

- Zhigang Chen and Rebecca Lent
- Imperfect Competition in Multiproduct Food Industries with Application to Pear Processing pp. 980-990

- Joyce J. Wann and Sexton Richard J.
- Characteristic Supplies and Demands in a Hedonic Framework: U.S. Market for Cotton Fiber Attributes pp. 991-1002

- Bowman Kenneth R. and Don E. Ethridge
- Trading-Day Variation: Theory and Implications for Monthly Meat Demand pp. 1003-1009

- Mark S. McNulty and Wallace Huffman
- Incorporating Data and Theory in Roundwood Supply and Demand Estimation pp. 1010-1018

- Lauri Hetemäki and Kuuluvainen Jari
- The von Liebig Hypothesis pp. 1019-1028

- Quirino Paris
- Estimating the Technology Coefficients in Linear Programming Models pp. 1029-1039

- Bruce L. Dixon and Robert H. Hornbaker
- The Econometrics of Damage Control pp. 1040-1044

- Melanie Blackwell and Pagoulatos Angelos
- Alauddin, Mohammad, and Clement Tisdell. The ‘Green Revolution’ and Economic Development: The Process and its Impact in Bangladesh. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1991, xxiii + 322 pp., $69.95 pp. 1045-1046

- Ian Coxhead
- Avery, Dennis T. Global Food Progress. Indianapolis, in: Hudson Institute, 1991 x+ 268 pp., $19.95 pp. 1047-1048

- Gerald A. Carlson
- Bryant, W. Keith. The Economic Organization of the Household. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990, xiv + 286 pp., $64.50 Cloth, $19.95 paper pp. 1048-1049

- Richard Widdows
- Evenson, R.E. and C.E. Pray, et al. Research and Productivity in Asian Agriculture. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1991, vi + 383 pp., $67.50 pp. 1049-1051

- Greg Traxler
- Hallberg, M. C., Jill L. Findeis, and Daniel L. Lass. Multiple Job-Holding Among Farm Families. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1991, xii + 350 pp., $41.95 pp. 1051-1052

- Lewell F. Gunter
- Johnson, David B. Public Choice: An Introduction to the New Political Economy. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Company, 1991, xii + 372 pp., $27.95 pp. 1052-1053

- Lois Schertz Willett
- Nelson, Robert H. Reaching for Heaven on Earth: The Theological Meaning of Economics, Savage, Rowman & Littlefield, 1991, xxvii + 378 pp., $24.95 pp. 1053-1054

- Paul W. Barkley
- Thore, Sten. Economic Logistics: The Optimization of Spatial and Sectoral Resource, Production, and Distribution Systems. New York: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc., 1991, xi + 348 pp., $49.95 pp. 1054-1056

- Michael S. Kaylen
Volume 74, issue 3, 1992
- Nonparametric Test of the Expected Utility Hypothesis pp. 523-533

- Ziv Bar-Shira
- United States Export Subsidies in Wheat: Strategic Trade Policy or Expensive Beggar-Thy-Neighbor Tactic? pp. 534-545

- Giovanni Anania, Mary Bohman and Colin Carter
- Measuring the Degree of Market Power Exerted by Government Trade Agencies pp. 546-555

- H. Love and Endah Murniningtyas
- End-Use Performance Uncertainty and Competition in International Wheat Markets pp. 556-563

- William Wilson and Todd Preszler
- Research Payoff from Quality Improvement: The Case of Protein in Australian Wheat pp. 564-572

- Thomas J. Voon and Geoff W. Edwards
- Economic Returns to Crop Management Research in a Post-Green Revolution Setting pp. 573-582

- Greg Traxler and Derek Byerlee
- A Nonparametric Analysis of the Influence of Research on Agricultural Productivity pp. 583-591

- Jean-Paul Chavas and Thomas L. Cox
- Environment-Specific Rates and Biases of Technical Change in Agriculture pp. 592-604

- Ian Coxhead
- An Analysis of 1980s Dairy Programs and Some Policy Implications pp. 605-616

- Charles W. Bausell, Scott L. Smith and David Belsley
- Objectives and Constraints of Government Policy: The Countercyclicity of Transfers to Agriculture pp. 617-629

- David S. Bullock
- Economic Rents Under Supply Controls with Marketable Quota pp. 630-637

- Bruce Babcock and William Foster
- Welfare Effects of the National Pseudorabies Eradication Program pp. 638-645

- Eric D. Ebel, Robert H. Hornbaker and Carl Nelson
- On the Design of Agricultural Policy Mechanisms pp. 646-654

- Robert G. Chambers
- Efficient Handling of Probability Information for Decision Analysis under Risk pp. 655-662

- Paul Preckel and Eric DeVuyst
- Capital Gains and After-Tax Internal Rates of Return pp. 663-671

- Lindon Robison and Steven D. Hanson
- Agricultural Bank Portfolio Adjustments to Risk pp. 672-681

- Glenn D. Pederson
- Engel's Law and Linear-in-Moments Aggregation pp. 682-688

- Robert G. Chambers and Rulon D. Pope
- Flexible Demand Systems with Serially Correlated Errors: Fat and Oil Consumption in the United States pp. 689-697

- Steven T. Yen and Wen S. Chern
- U.S. Cigarette Consumption: The Case of Low-Income Women pp. 698-705

- James R. Blaylock and W. Noel Blisard
- Nonlinear Dynamics of Daily Cash Prices pp. 706-715

- Seung-Ryong Yang and B Brorsen
- Futures Markets and Marketing Firms: The U.S. Soybean-Processing Industry pp. 716-725

- Sergio Lence, Dermot Hayes and William H. Meyers
- Macroeconomic Imbalances: A Multiregional General Equilibrium Analysis pp. 726-736

- David S. Kraybill, Thomas G. Johnson and David Orden
- Computer Adoption and Use by New Mexico Nonfarm Agribusinesses pp. 737-744

- Gregory A. Baker
- Productivity Growth in U.S. Agriculture: A Postwar Perspective pp. 745-750

- Dale Jorgenson and Frank M. Gollop
- Contributions of Public and Private Science and Technology to U.S. Agricultural Productivity pp. 751-756

- Wallace Huffman and Robert E. Evenson
- Agricultural Productivity and Sources of Growth in South Asia pp. 757-761

- Mark W. Rosegrant and Robert E. Evenson
- Sources of Agricultural Economic Growth and Productivity: Discussion pp. 762-763

- Zvi Griliches
- Sources of Agricultural Economic Growth and Productivity: Discussion pp. 764-765

- Eldon Ball
- Environmental and Agricultural Policy Linkages and Reforms in the United States Under the GATT pp. 766-774

- Richard Just and Gordon Rausser
- Potential for Environmental and Agricultural Policy Linkages and Reforms in the European Community pp. 775-781

- David Abler and James Shortle
- Environmental Policy and GATT Negotiations: Discussion pp. 782-784

- Jeffrey LaFrance
- GATT and Environmental Policy Reform: Discussion pp. 785-786

- Jason Shogren
- Political Criterion Functions and the Analysis of Wealth Transfers pp. 787-794

- John Beghin and William Foster
- Agricultural Protection in Developing Countries pp. 795-801

- Lilyan Fulginiti and Jason Shogren
- Not Out of the Woods Yet: Challenges for Economics Research on Agroforestry pp. 802-808

- Sara J. Scherr
- Resource Management by West African Farmers and the Economics of Shifting Cultivation pp. 809-815

- Karen Ann Dvořàk
- On Laboring and Lobbying for Lignomics: Discussion pp. 816-817

- Jock Anderson
- Challenges from Agroforestry: Discussion pp. 818-819

- Thomas Reardon
- The African American Farmer: Meeting The Production, Marketing, and Policy Challenges pp. 820-825

- Adell Brown, Magid Dagher and Donald McDowell
- African Americans in Rural Society: Needed Directions in Public Policy pp. 826-833

- Joyce E. Allen and Ralph D. Christy
- African Americans in Rural Society: Discussion pp. 834-835

- Handy Williamson
- Bromley, Daniel W. Environment and Economy: Property Rights and Public Policy. Cambridge: Basil Blackwell, 1991, xi + 247 pp., $47.95 pp. 836-837

- Leonard Shabman
- Christy, Ralph D., and Lionel Williamson, editors, A Century of Service: Land-Grant Colleges and Universities, 1890–1990. Transactions Publishers, 1992, XXV + 166 pp., $27.95 pp. 837-838

- Emery N. Castle
- Grant, Wyn. The Dairy Industry—an International Comparison. Aldershot, England: Dartmouth Publishing Company Ltd., 1991, vii + 128 pp., $52.95 pp. 838-841

- Andrew M. Novakovic
- Hansen, John Mark. Gaining Access: Congress and the Farm Lobby, 1919–1981. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1991, xiv + 265 pp., cloth $38.00; paper $15.95 pp. 841

- Lynn M. Daft
- Paris, Quirino. An Economic Interpretation of Linear Programming. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1991, xiv + 337 pp., $39.95 pp. 842-843

- Lydia Zepeda
- Hillman, Jimmye S. Technical Barriers to Agricultural Trade. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1991, xvii + 199 pp., $28.50 pp. 842

- Dermot Hayes
- Rasmussen, Wayne D. Farmers, Cooperatives, and USDA: A History of Agricultural Cooperative Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Information Bulletin 621, July 1991 pp. 843-845

- Harold F. Breimyer
- Ritson, C., and D. Harvey, eds. The Common Agricultural Policy and the World Economy: Essays in Honour of John Ashton. Wallingford, UK: C A B International, 1991, vi + 344pp., $57.00 pp. 845-846

- Alan J. Webb
- Senauer, Ben, Elaine Asp, and Jean Kinsey. Food Trends and the Changing Consumer. St. Paul: Eagan Press, 1991. × + 385 pp., $39.95 pp. 846-847

- David J. Schaffner
Volume 74, issue 2, 1992
- Public Policy and Constitutional Prescription pp. 247-257

- Gordon Rausser and Pinhas Zusman
- The International Effects of U.S. Farm Subsidies pp. 258-267

- Eric Fisher and Harry de Gorter
- Agricultural Trade Liberalization and Low Income Countries: A General Equilibrium-Multimarket Approach pp. 268-280

- Elisabeth Sadoulet and Alain de Janvry
- Market Interventions, International Price Stabilization, and Welfare Implications pp. 281-290

- S. Devadoss
- The Market for Land and the Impact of Farm Programs on Farm Numbers pp. 291-298

- Howard Leathers
- Taxes, Farm Programs, and Competitive Advantage for U.S. and Canadian Farmers: A Case Study pp. 299-309

- Gregory Perry, Clair J. Nixon and Kenneth J. Bunnage
- Effects of Government Programs on Rice Acreage Decisions under Rational Expectations: The Case of Taiwan pp. 310-317

- Huang C-H
- Supply, Demand, and Effects of Alternative Policies on the U.S. Oats Industry pp. 318-328

- Jon A. Brandt, John R. Kruse and Jackie Todd
- Dynamic Measures of Scope and Scale Economies: An Application to German Agriculture pp. 329-342

- J. Fernandez-Cornejo, C. M. Gempesaw, J. G. Elterich and Spiro Stefanou
- A State-Space Approach to Perennial Crop Supply Analysis pp. 343-352

- Nicholas G. Kalaitzandonakes and J Shonkwiler
- Estimating Duality Models with Biased Technical Change: A Time Series Approach pp. 353-360

- J. Stephen Clark and Curtis E. Youngblood
- Innovations on Family Farms: The Nazareth Region in Israel pp. 361-370

- Dan Yaron, Hillary Voet and Ariel Dinar
- Relationships among Labor, Bullock, and Tractor Inputs in Pakistan Agriculture pp. 371-377

- Farman Ali and Ashok Parikh
- A Stochastic Asset Replacement Model for Rejuvenated Assets pp. 378-387

- G. Scott Smith and Michael E. Wetzstein
- Computerized Analysis of Individual Sow-Herd Performance pp. 388-399

- Ruud B. M. Huirne, Aalt A. Dijkhuizen, Jan A. Renkema and Paul van Beek
- The Supply of Off-Farm Labor: A Random Coefficients Approach pp. 400-411

- Daniel A. Lass and Conrado M. Gempesaw
- Testing for Disequilibrium in the Hired Farm Labor Market pp. 412-420

- James A. Duffield and Robert Coltrane
- Solving Empirical Bioeconomic Models: A Rangeland Management Application pp. 421-433

- Richard B. Standiford and Richard E. Howitt
- Landowner Incorporation of Onsite Soil Erosion Costs: An Application to the Conservation Reserve Program pp. 434-443

- Marie Lynn Miranda
- A Selectivity Model of Household Food Marketing Behavior in Sub-Saharan Africa pp. 444-452

- Stephan Goetz
- At-Home Consumption of Cheese: A Purchase-Infrequency Model pp. 453-459

- Brian W. Gould
- Toward a More Comprehensive Theory of Food Labels pp. 460-468

- Julie Caswell and Daniel I. Padberg
- Evaluating the Integration of Contiguous Discontinuous Markets pp. 469-479

- Roger A. Dahlgran and Steven Blank
- Inter-Firm Differences in Fed Cattle Prices in the Southern Plains pp. 480-485

- Clement E. Ward
- Information Preferences of Ohio Commercial Farmers: Implications for Extension pp. 486-496

- Gary Schnitkey, Marvin Batte, Eugene Jones and Jean Botomogno
- The Application and Economic Interpretation of Selectivity Models: Comment pp. 498-499

- Ayal Kimhi
- Anderson, Terry L., and Donald R. Leal. Free Market Environmentalism. San Francisco: Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy and Westview Press, 1991, xii + 192 pp., $28.95 pp. 500-501

- Glenn Fox
- Caswell, Julie A., ed. Economics of Food Safety. New York: Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc., 1991, ix + 356 pp., $115 pp. 501-502

- Ann Fisher
- Daly, Herman E. Steady State Economics (2nd ed.). Cavelo CA: Island Press, 1991, xvi + 302 pp., $19.95 pp. 503-504

- Tony Prato
- Hamilton, David E. From New Day to New Deal: American Farm Policy From Hoover to Roosevelt, 1928–1933. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1991, xi + 333 pp., $39.95 pp. 504-506

- Anicca C. Jansen
- Hayami, Yujiro, and Saburo Yamada. The Agricultural Development of Japan: A Century's Perspective, New York: Columbia University Press, 1991, xvii + 276 pp., $54.50 pp. 506-508

- K. K. Klein
- Helmberger, Peter G. Economic Analysis of Farm Programs. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1991, xvi + 300 pp., $31.96 pp. 508-510

- Andrew Barkley
- How, R. Brian. Marketing Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1991, xiv + 357 pp., $44.95 pp. 510-511

- John J. VanSickle
- Purcell, Wayne D. Agricultural Futures and Options, Principles and Strategies. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1991, xii + 363 pp., $51 pp. 511-513

- Deborah H. Streeter
- John Sutton. Sunk Costs and Market Structure: Price Competition, Advertising, and the Evolution of Concentration. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1990, xiv + 577 pp., $39.95 pp. 513-515

- John Connor
Volume 74, issue 1, 1992
- Aggregate Sources of Relative Price Variability Among Agricultural Commodities pp. 1-9

- John S. Lapp and Vincent H. Smith
- A Multimarket Bounded Price Variation Model under Rational Expectations: Corn and Soybeans in the United States pp. 10-20

- Matthew Holt
- The Welfare Effects of Deregulatin Producer Prices pp. 21-26

- Robert Fraser
- Productive and Predatory Public Policies: Research Expenditures and Producer Subsidies in Agriculture pp. 27-37

- Harry de Gorter, David J. Nielson and Gordon Rausser
- Sectoral Implications of Farm Program Modifications pp. 38-49

- Ching-Cheng Chang, Bruce McCarl, James W. Mjelde and James Richardson
- The Implicit Value of Corn Base Acreage pp. 50-58

- Joseph Herriges, Jason Shogren and Nancy E. Barickman
- Redistributing Income Back to European Community Consumers and Taxpayers through the Common Agricultural Policy pp. 59-67

- David S. Bullock
- Pesticides and Worker Safety pp. 68-78

- Carolyn R. Harper and David Zilberman
- Preserving Waterfowl Habitat on the Canadian Prairies: Economic Incentives versus Moral Suasion pp. 79-89

- Gerrit van Kooten and Andrew Schmitz
- Cash Crop Production, Food Price Volatility, and Rural Market Integration in the Third World pp. 90-99

- Marcel Fafchamps
- Testing Hypotheses of Functional Structure: Some Rules for Determining Flexibility of Restricted Production Models pp. 100-108

- Paul Driscoll, Jeffrey Alwang and Anya McGuirk
- Another Look at Returns to Agricultural and Nonagricultural Assets pp. 109-119

- Bruce Bjornson and Robert Innes
- Separability in State-Level Agricultural Technology pp. 120-131

- Hongil Lim and C. Shumway
- The Transition of Punjab Agriculture: A Choice of Technique Approach pp. 132-143

- Anya M. McGuirk and Yair Mundlak
- Effects of Irrigation-Induced Technological Change in Bangladesh Rice Production pp. 144-157

- Akhter Ahmed and Rajan K. Sampath
- Damage Control Econometrics: Functional Specification and Pesticide Productivity pp. 158-162

- Catalina Carrasco-Tauber and L. Joe Moffitt
- Impact of Damage Control and Quality of Output: Estimating Pest Control Effectiveness pp. 163-172

- Bruce Babcock, Erik Lichtenberg and David Zilberman
- Nonparametric Measures of Scale and Technical Change for Competitive Firms under Uncertainty pp. 173-176

- Paul R. Flacco and Douglas M. Larson
- Material Productivity in Food Manufacturing pp. 177-185

- Adesoji Adelaja
- Modeling Supply Response with Implicit Revenue Functions: A Policy-Switching Procedure for Rice pp. 186-196

- Dean T. Chen and Shoichi Ito
- Effect of Stock Size and Regulations on Fishing Industry Cost and Structure: The Surf Clam Industry pp. 197-208

- Douglas Lipton and Ivar E. Strand
- Qualitative Forecast Evaluation: A Comparison of Two Performance Measures pp. 209-214

- Christopher McIntosh and Jeffrey Dorfman
- Earnings of Kansas State University Agriculture Graduates: 1978–88 pp. 215-222

- Andrew Barkley
- Political Preference Functions and Public Policy Reforms: Comment pp. 223-226

- Luther Tweeten and Jay Coggins
- Political Preference Functions and Public Policy Reforms: Reply pp. 227-230

- Gordon Rausser and William Foster
- Warren, G. F., and F. A. Pearson. Gold and Prices. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1935, 475 pp., $5.00 pp. 231-232

- Don Paarlberg
- Bardhan, Pranab, ed. The Economic Theory of Agrarian Institutions, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989, 408 pp., $69.00 pp. 232-234

- Lovell S. Jarvis
- Breimyer, Harold F. Overfulfilled Expectations: A Life and an Era in Rural America. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1991, xvi + 300 pp., $36.95 pp. 234-236

- Gerald F. Vaughn
- Committee on Irrigation-Induced Water Quality Problems; Water Science and Technology Board; Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Resources. National Research Council. Irrigation-Induced Water Quality Problems: What Can Be Learned from the San Joaquin Valley Experience? Washington DC pp. 236-238

- David Zilberman
- Hallam, David. Econometric Modelling of Agricultural Commodity Markets. London and New York: Routledge, 1990, 191 pp., $67.50 pp. 238-239

- Joseph W. Glauber
- Just, R. E., and N. Bockstael. eds. Commodity and Resource Policies in Agricultural Systems. New York, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1991, xvii + 387 pp., $98.00 pp. 239-240

- Sandra S. Batie
- Ostrom, Elinor. Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990, xvii + 280 pp., $44.50, $14.95 paper pp. 240-242

- Gene Wunderlich
- Sedjo, R. A., and K. S. Lyon. The Long-Term Adequacy of World Timber Supply. Washington DC: Resources for the Future, 1990, xv + 230 pp., $30.00 pp. 242-243

- William F. Hyde
- Stoeckel, Andrew B., David Vincent, and Sandy Cuthbertson, eds. MacroEconomic Consequences of Farm Support Policies. Durham NC: Duke University Press, 1989, xiii + 381 pp., $57.50, $19.95 paper pp. 243-245

- Tim Josling
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