American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 23, issue 4, 1941
- Foods for Defense pp. 697-711

- John B. Canning
- Fundamental Elements in the Current Agricultural Situation pp. 712-725

- John D. Black
- An Agricultural Policy for Hemisphere Defense pp. 726-742

- Francis A. Linville
- Social Conflicts and Agricultural Programs pp. 743-764

- Kenneth H. Parsons
- Training of Personnel for the Rural Social Sciences pp. 765-770

- M. R. Benedict
- Economics of Joint Costs in Agriculture pp. 771-818

- S. v. Ciriacy-Wantrup
- Conservation—an Objective or an Ideal? pp. 819-832

- Neil W. Johnson
- Recent Developments among Farm Labor Unions pp. 833-842

- Harry Schwartz
- Shape of Total Revenue Curves pp. 843-854

- Adolf Kozlik
- Insurance Aspects of Extra-Risk Mortgage Loans pp. 855-866

- Donald C. Horton
- Development of "Normal" Citrus Fruit Yields by Tree Ages for Use in a Yield Insurance Plan pp. 867-872

- Ralph R. Botts
- Distribution of Farm Benefit Payments pp. 873-877

- O. B. Jesness
- Common Errors in Evaluating Farm Practices pp. 877-884

- George W. Collier
- A Comparison of Graphic and Pearsonian Coefficients of Correlation of Data Drawn from a Noncorrelated Universe pp. 884-888

- Warren C. Waite
- Lewis on Relation of Income to Farm Capital pp. 888-893

- L. J. Norton
- Note on Part-Time Farming pp. 893-895

- C. A. Boonstra
- Family Interest in the Ownership of Farm Land pp. 895-899

- H. W. Hannah
- Merits and Limitations of Some of the Measures of Land Classes pp. 899-903

- R. O. Bausman
- Social and Economic Aspects of Swedish Population Movements, 1750–1933, Dorothy Swaine Thomas. New York. The Macmillan Company, 1941. Pp. 487. $6.00 pp. 907-909

- Conrad Taeuber
- Changing Technology and Employment in Agriculture. John A. Hopkins. Bureau of Agricultural Economics, U.S.D.A. May 1941. Pp. 189 pp. 909-913

- Kenneth H. Parsons
- Technology and Society, S. McKee Rosen and Laura Rosen, New York, The Macmillan Co., 1941. Pp. 474. $3.00 pp. 913-916

- R. S. Kifer
- The Theory of Econometrics, Harold T. Davis. Bloomington, Ill., The Principia Press, Inc., 1941. Pp. 482. $4.00 pp. 916-918

- Holbrook Working
- Planning for America, George B. Galloway and associates. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1941. Pp. xi, 713. $3.00 (trade edition $4.00) pp. 918-920

- O. B. Jesness
- Agricultural Planning, Its Economic and Social Aspects, Carl F. Kraenzel and O. A. Parsons. Montana Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 391, June 1941. Pp. 43 pp. 920-921

- Roy E. Huffman
- Farm Accounting, Donald R. Mitchell, New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1941. Pp. 227, $2.50 pp. 921-922

- Paul Williamson
- Wheat in the Post-Surplus Period, 1900–09, with Recent Analogies and Contrasts, Helen C. Farnsworth, Food Research Institute, Stanford University, 1941. Pp. 221–260, 75 cents pp. 922-923

- D. B. DeLoach
- The American and His Food, Richard Osborn Cummings. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1940. Pp. xi, 267. $2.50 pp. 923-925

- Herman M. Southworth
- Livestock Marketing, Austin A. Dowell and Knute Bjorka. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1941. Pp. x+534. $4.00 pp. 926-927

- Henry H. Bakken
- Economic Trends in Livestock Marketing, Sam H. Thompson, Ames, Iowa. Printed privately by the author, 1940. Pp. 174, $2.50 pp. 927-928

- Paul L. Miller
- Drainage District Organization and Finance 1879—1937, Illinios Tax Commission in cooperation with Work Projects Administration. Survey of Local Finance in Illinois, Volume 7, Chicago, Ill, Illinois Tax Commission, 1941. Pp. 213 pp. 928-929

- Joseph Ackerman
- Lewis F. Garey 1886–1941 pp. 936-937

- H. C. F.
Volume 23, issue 3, 1941
- Control in the Sugar-Cane Industry of South Africa pp. 537-549

- J. M. Tinley and Beatrice M. Mirkowich
- Long-Term Forecasting of Fruit and Nut Production pp. 550-566

- Marion Clawson, Carl P. Heisig and Edgar B. Hurd
- Margarine Legislation pp. 567-583

- W. T. Mickle
- Indexes on a Type-Farm Basis pp. 584-606

- Wilfred Malenbaum
- Sources and Distribution of the Farm Population in Relation to Farm Benefit Payments pp. 607-618

- T. Lynn Smith and Ralph W. Roberts
- Export Subsidies and Agricultural Income pp. 619-631

- Roger S. Nelson
- Expectation and Performance—Related to Conservation and Production Adjustments in the Midwest Dairy Region pp. 632-645

- Raymond P. Christensen
- Mr. Bunce on Time Preference and Conservation pp. 646-649

- R. E. Moody
- A Rejoinder to Mr. Moody pp. 649-651

- A. C. Bunce
- A Reply pp. 651-653

- R. E. Moody
- An Investigation on Complimentarity Relations between Fresh Fruits: A Reply pp. 654-656

- Adolf Kozlik
- Land Classification, Land-Use Areas, and Farm Management Research pp. 657-664

- C. A. Boonstra and J. R. Campbell
- Wheat Yield Insurance pp. 664-667

- Dale E. McCarty
- Correlation Analysis of Farm Land Values pp. 668-671

- James P. George
- Technology on the Farm: A Special Report by an Interbureau Committee and the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, U. S. D. A. August, 1940. Pp. 224+xiii. Ill. with bibl. Superintendent of Documents, $.40 pp. 673-676

- K. H. Parsons
- Family Income and Expenditures, Monroe, Day, and Others, Bureau of Home Economics, United States Department of Agriculture: Plains and Mountain Region, Part 1, "Family Income," and Pacific Region and Plains and Mountain Region, Part 1, "Family Income" and Five Regions, Part 2, "Family Expenditures" pp. 676-678

- Howard R. Bowen
- The Plantation South, 1934–1937, William C. Holley, Ellen Winston and T. J. Woofter, Jr. Works Projects Admin., Div. of Research, Research Monograph XXII, 1940. Pp. xxii+124 pp. 678-679

- J. N. Lipscomb
- The History of Land Use in the Harvard Forest, Hugh M. Raup and Reynold E. Carlson. Harvard Forest Bulletin No. 20. 64 pages. Petersham, Massachusetts, 1941 pp. 680

- Rainer Schickele
- Consumer Representation in the New Deal, Persia Campbell. New York, Columbia University Press, 1940. Pp. 298. $3.25 pp. 681-682

- Margaret G. Reid
- Die Binnen Kolonisation in Italien (Resettlement Policies in Italy), Friedrich Voechting, Kieler Vortraege, No. 64. Institut für Weltwirtschaft, University of Kiel. Gustav Fischer, Jena, 1941. Pp. 27 pp. 682-684

- Rainer Schickele
- Studies in War Economics, International Labour Office, Studies and Reports, Series B (Economic Conditions), No. 33, Montreal, 1941. Pp. 199. $2.00 pp. 684-686

- J. P. Cavin
- Farm Ownership, Tenancy, and Land Use in a Nebraska Community, Robert Diller. University of Chicago Press, 1941. Pp. 192. $2.00 pp. 686-688

- John H. McCoy
- William Allen 1892–1941 pp. 694-695

- J. F. B.
Volume 23, issue 2, 1941
- Some Neglected Aspects of the Wool Duty pp. 399-420

- Frank Whitson Fetter
- An Investigation on Complementarity Relations Between Fresh Fruits pp. 421-433

- Sidney Hoos
- Length of Haul and Farm Commodity Prices pp. 434-445

- Frank L. Barton
- Farmers in a Changing World: The 1940 Yearbook of Agriculture. I pp. 446-450

- Margaret G. Reid
- Farmers in a Changing World: The 1940 Yearbook of Agriculture. II pp. 451-453

- D. O. Hammerberg
- Farmers in a Changing World: The 1940 Yearbook of Agriculture. III pp. 454-455

- L. J. Norton
- Organizational Problems of Agricultural Labor Unions pp. 456-466

- Harry Schwartz
- A Neglected Point in the Economics of Soil Conservation pp. 467-474

- Gunnar Lange
- A Neglected Point in the Economics of the Soil: A Reply pp. 475-477

- Arthur C. Bunce and Walter W. Wilcox
- Migration and Resettlement in the Far Western States pp. 478-482

- Davis McEntire
- Some Aspects of the Food Stamp Plan as Applied to Consumption of Fats pp. 483-492

- Adolf Kozlik
- An Experiment on the Accuracy of Farm Survey Data pp. 492-496

- John A. Hopkins
- Price-Quality Relations in the Cotton Market of Victoria, Texas pp. 496-499

- W. E. Paulson
- Comments on Sampling to Increase the Usefulness of Farm Management Research pp. 499-501

- E. B. Hill
- Population: A Problem for Democracy, Gunnar Myrdal. Cambridge, Mass. Harvard University Press, 1940. Pp. 237. $2.00 pp. 504-506

- James G. Maddox
- Government Spending and Economic Expansion, Arthur E. Burns and Donald S. Watson, Washington, D. C.: American Council on Public Affairs, 1940. Pp. 176. $2.50 pp. 506-510

- R. R. Renne
- Wartime Control of Prices, Charles O. Hardy, Washington, D. C., The Brookings Institution, 1940. Pp. 216, $1.00 pp. 510-512

- Mordecai Ezekiel
- Government and Agriculture, Donald C. Blaisdell. New York, Farrar and Rinehart, Inc., 1940. Pp. 202. $1.50 pp. 512-513

- M. P. Catherwood
- Public Administration and the United States Department of Agriculture, John M. Gaus and Leon O. Wolcott. Chicago. Public Administration Service, 1940. Pp. 534. $4.50 pp. 513-515

- G. H. Aull
- Administrative Decentralization, David Bicknell Truman, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1940, Pp. xvii+211, $2.50 pp. 515-516

- Leon O. Wolcott
- The Economics of War. Horst Mendershausen, New York: Prentice-Hall, 1940. Pp. xiv+314. $2.75 pp. 516-518

- V. P. Timoshenko
- Wheat Subsidization and Exports, the Experience of 1938–39, V. P. Timoshenko, Stanford University, California, Wheat Studies of the Food Research Institute, Vol. XVII, No. 2, October 1940. Pp. 39–99, $1.00 pp. 518-519

- R. E. Post
- Marketing Cooperatives, Donald F. Blankertz, New York, The Ronald Press Company, 1940. Pp. xiv+488. $4.00 pp. 520-523

- Whiton Powell
- American Cooperation, 1940, Charles W. Holman and A. Randall Sanford, Editors, Washington, D. C. American Institute of Cooperation, 1940. Pp. 785, $3.50 pp. 520

- Frank Robotka
- Public Warehousing, John H. Frederick. New York, The Ronald Press Company, 1940. Pp. xii+301. $3.50 pp. 523-524

- Wirth F. Ferger
- Land Tenure Policies at Home and Abroad, Henry W. Spiegel. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press. Pp. vii–xii+171. $3.00 pp. 525-526

- Leonard A. Salter
- Power Alcohol from Farm Products: Its Chemistry, Engineering and Economics, Geoffrey Shepherd and others,—Corn Research Institute, vol, 1, No. 3,—Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station, 1940. Pp. 283–375. Twenty-five cents pp. 526-527

- Harry C. Woodworth
- Accounting for Farm Costs, James William DaVault (Doctoral Dissertation at Columbia University—printed privately by the author) 1939. Pp. 151 pp. 528-529

- Neil W. Johnson
- The American Agricultural Press, 1819–1860, Albert Lowther Demaree. New York. Columbia University Press. 1941. Pp. xxii+430. $4.00. Columbia University Studies in the History of American Agriculture, Number 8 pp. 529-530

- A. D. Stefferud
- Carl L. Alsberg 1877–1940 pp. 535-536

- E. C. V.
Volume 23, issue 1, 1941
- Newly Developing International Situation and American Agriculture pp. 1-14

- O. B. Jesness
- Social Effects of the War and the Defense Program on American Agriculture pp. 15-27

- Raymond C. Smith
- American Agriculture in the New War and Defense Situation pp. 28-36

- John D. Black
- Some Current Problems in Agricultural Credit pp. 37-51

- A. G. Black
- The Function of Credit in Modern Agriculture pp. 52-62

- E. C. Young
- The Function of Credit in Modern Agriculture: Discussion by L. J. Norton pp. 62-65

- L. J. Norton
- The Function of Credit in Modern Agriculture: Discussion by W. G. Murray pp. 65-67

- W. G. Murray
- The Function of Credit in Modern Agriculture: Discussion by Paul Bestor pp. 67-70

- Paul Bestor
- Methods of Wage Determination in Agriculture pp. 71-88

- M. R. Benedict and R. L. Adams
- Changing Structure of Agriculture and Its Impacts on Labor pp. 89-104

- John A. Hopkins
- Changing Structure of Agriculture and Its Impacts on Labor: Discussion by Otis E. Mulliken pp. 104-109

- Otis E. Mulliken
- Changing Structure of Agriculture and Its Impacts on Labor: Discussion by R. J. Saville pp. 109-111

- R. J. Saville
- Future of Cotton in the Economy of the South pp. 112-121

- O. C. Stine
- Future of Cotton in the Economy of the South: Discussion by G. H. Aull pp. 121-124

- G. H. Aull
- Future of Cotton in the Economy of the South: Discussion by C. A. Bonnen pp. 124-126

- C. A. Bonnen
- Future of Cotton in the Economy of the South: Discussion by Claudius T. Murchison pp. 126-130

- Claudius T. Murchison
- Future of Cotton in the Economy of the South: Discussion by Bennett S. White, Jr pp. 131-137

- Bennett S. White
- The Expanding Scope of Agricultural Economics pp. 138-144

- Horace G. Porter
- Reconsideration of Rent Theory as It Applies to Agricultural Land pp. 145-160

- C. H. Hammar
- Institutional Economics in Land Economic Theory pp. 161-170

- George S. Wehrwein
- Institutional Economics in Land Economic Theory: Discussion by C. I. Hendrickson pp. 170-171

- C. I. Hendrickson
- Institutional Economics in Land Economic Theory: Discussion by John Ise pp. 171-172

- John Ise
- Legal Aspects of Land Tenure pp. 173-184

- Marshall Harris
- Effect of Tenure Systems on Agricultural Efficiency pp. 185-207

- Rainer Schickele
- Progress of Tenure Groups pp. 208-216

- Harold Hoffsommer
- Progress of Tenure Groups: Discussion by C. O. Brannen pp. 216-217

- C. O. Brannen
- Orientation of Farm-Management Research to Low-Income Farms pp. 218-232

- Sherman E. Johnson and Donald R. Rush
- Orientation of Farm-Management Research to Low-Income Farms: Discussion by O. R. Johnson pp. 232-236

- O. R. Johnson
- Orientation of Farm-Management Research to Low-Income Farms: Discussion by G. W. Forster pp. 236-237

- G. W. Forster
- Orientation of Farm-Management Research to Low-Income Farms: Discussion by Stanley W. Warren pp. 237-239

- Stanley W. Warren
- Orientation of Farm-Management Research to Low-Income Farms: Discussion by Phillip F. Aylesworth pp. 239-245

- Phillip F. Aylesworth
- Objective Sampling in Estimating Southern Crops pp. 246-255

- D. A. McCandliss
- Problems in Estimating Texas Citrus Fruit pp. 256-265

- V. C. Childs
- Highlights of the 1940 Census pp. 266-271

- Z. R. Pettet
- Highlights of the 1940 Census: Discussion by Trimble R. Hedges pp. 271-274

- Trimble R. Hedges
- Highlights of the 1940 Census: Discussion by T. R. Hamilton pp. 274-276

- T. R. Hamilton
- Status and Appraisal of Research in Farm Tenancy pp. 277-290

- Joseph Ackerman
- Needed Research in Farm Tenancy pp. 291-304

- M. M. Kelso
- Needed Research in Farm Tenancy: Discussion by Karl Brandt pp. 304-310

- Karl Brandt
- Application and Uses of the Graphic Method of Multiple Correlation pp. 311-316

- H. R. Wellman
- Place of, and Limitations to the Method pp. 317-322

- Warren C. Waite
- Notes on the Discussion of the Graphic Method of Correlation Analysis pp. 322-323

- W. J. Working
- Quality-Price Differentials in Cotton Marketing pp. 329-338

- L. D. Howell
- Seasonal Patterns in Tobacco Prices pp. 339-354

- Carl M. Clark
- Seasonal Patterns in Tobacco Prices: Discussion by Roy A. Ballinger pp. 354-356

- Roy A. Ballinger
- Seasonal Patterns in Tobacco Prices: Discussion by S. L. Clement pp. 356-361

- S. L. Clement
- Food Production in Western Europe, P. Lamartine Yates. London: Longmans, Green and Co. 1940. Pp. xv+572. $6.00 pp. 384-386

- Harry Schwartz
- Economic Analysis of the Food Stamp Plan, a special report by the Bureau of Agricultural Economics and the Surplus Marketing Administration, U.S.D.A. by N. Gold, A. C. Hoffman, and Frederick V. Waugh pp. 386-389

- Kaethe Mengelberg
- Monopolistic Competition and General Equilibrium Theory. Robert Triffin. Cambridge. Harvard University Press, 1940. Pp. 197. $2.50 pp. 389-391

- Milton Friedman
- Farm Management. Robert R. Hudelson, New York, Macmillan, 1939. Pp. 396. $1.80 pp. 391-393

- George A. Pond
- The Economic History of Live Stock in Ireland. John O'Donovan, Cork University Press, Dublin, 1940. Pp. 460 12/6 pp. 393-395

- A. A. Dowell
- World Trade in Agricultural Products. Its Growth; Its Crisis; and the New Trade Policies, by L. B. Bacon and F. C. Schloemer. International Institute of Agriculture. Rome. 1940. Pp. vi+1102. $3.00 pp. 395-398

- Asher Hobson
- Cotton Growing in Texas, National Youth Administration of Texas. Austin, Texas, 1939. Pp. 79 pp. 395

- Lippert S. Ellis
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