American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 63, issue 5, 1981
- Economics and International Relations: A Conceptual Framework pp. 767-778

- G. Edward Schuh
- Government and Agriculture Revisited: A Review of Two Decades of Change pp. 779-787

- Dale E. Hathaway
- Agricultural Economics in an Evolutionary Perspective pp. 788-795

- Kenneth E. Boulding
- Funding for Agricultural Economics: Needs and Strategies for the 1980s pp. 796-805

- Bernard F. Stanton and Kenneth R. Farrell
- Funding for Agricultural Economics: Discussion pp. 806-807

- Joseph Havlicek
- Funding for Agricultural Economics: Discussion pp. 808-809

- W. D. Toussaint
- Strategies for Dealing with World Hunger: Post-World War II Policies pp. 810-818

- Wayne D. Rasmussen and Jane M. Porter
- Reflections on the Presidential Commission on World Hunger pp. 819-826

- Walter P. Falcon
- Reflections on the Presidential Commission on World Hunger: Discussion pp. 827-828

- Marcelo Selowsky
- Reflections on the Presidential Commission on World Hunger: Discussion pp. 829-831

- T. Srinivasan
- Toward a U.S. Agricultural Export Policy for the 1980s pp. 832-839

- Alexander H. Sarris and Andrew Schmitz
- Interrelationship Among Export Markets, Resource Conservation, and Agricultural Productivity pp. 840-847

- Earl O. Heady and Cameron Short
- Toward a U.S. Agricultural Export Policy for the 1980s: Discussion pp. 848-850

- Eric Monke
- Interrelationship Among Export Markets, Resource Conservation, and Agricultural Productivity: Discussion pp. 851-852

- Herbert H. Stoevener
- Extension Program Delivery—Past, Present, and Future: An Overview pp. 853-858

- R. J. Hildreth and Walter J. Armbruster
- Changing Delivery Systems for Agricultural Extension: The Extension Teacher—Changing Roles and Competencies pp. 859-862

- Thomas G. Brown
- The Computer—Extension's Delivery System of the Future pp. 863-867

- H. G. Diesslin
- Changing Delivery Systems for Agricultural Extension: Discussion pp. 868-869

- John Holt
- Changing Delivery Systems for Agricultural Extension: Discussion pp. 870

- Harlan Hughes
- On the Power of Macroeconomic Linkages to Explain Events in U.S. Agriculture pp. 871-878

- Bruce Gardner
- Agricultural Land: Adequacy of Acres, Concepts, and Information pp. 879-887

- Michael F. Brewer and Robert F. Boxley
- On the Power of Macroeconomic Linkages to Explain Events in U.S. Agriculture: Discussion pp. 888-890

- Robert L. Thompson
- Agricultural Land: Adequacy of Acres, Concepts, and Information: Discussion pp. 891-893

- Philip Raup
- Commercial Agriculture in Historical Perspective pp. 894-901

- W. W. McPherson and Max R. Langham
- Changes in the Black Community pp. 902-904

- Paul L. Wall
- Impacts of Regulatory Change on Financial Markets for Agriculture pp. 905-912

- Peter J. Barry
- Impacts on Agriculture of Deregulating the Transportation System pp. 913-920

- Marc A. Johnson
- Impacts of Regulatory Change on Financial Markets for Agriculture: Discussion pp. 921-922

- Dean W. Hughes
- Impacts on Agriculture of Deregulating the Transportation System: Discussion pp. 923-925

- Jerry Fruin
- Interrelafionships between Spot and Futures Markets: Some Implications of Rational Expectations pp. 926-933

- Joe H. Dewbre
- Interrelationships between Monetary Instruments and Agricultural Commodity Trade pp. 934-941

- Robert G. Chambers
- Interrelationships between Spot and Futures Markets: Some Implications of Rational Expectations: Discussion pp. 942-943

- James D. Sullivan
- Interrelationships between Monetary Instrmnents and Agricultural Commodity Trade: Discussion pp. 944-946

- Maury E. Bredahl
- The Differential Impacts of Inflation on Southern Plains Farms by Selected Farm Characteristics pp. 947-955

- Francis X. O'Carroll
- Changing Agricultural Prices and Their Impact on Food Prices under Inflation pp. 956-961

- R. C. Kite and J. M. Roop
- Microeconomic Impacts of Inflation on the Food and Agriculture Sector: Discussion pp. 962-964

- Vernon Eidman
- Microeconomic Impacts of Inflation on the Food and Agriculture Sector: Discussion pp. 965-966

- Michael Walden
- Management Information Systems for Local Government pp. 967-973

- Arlo Biere and John Sjo
- Decision Aids for Local Decision Making pp. 974-981

- Gerald A. Doeksen and James R. Nelson
- Management Information Systems for Local Government: Discussion pp. 982-983

- Steve W. Murray
- Management Information Systems for Local Government: Discussion pp. 984-985

- Richard Barrows
- Decision Aids for Local Decision Making: Discussion pp. 986-987

- W. Arden Colette
- Decision Aids for Local Decision Making: Discussion pp. 988-989

- Josef M. Broder
- U.S. Food and Agricultural Research Assessment: Impfications for Agricultural Economists pp. 990-996

- Michael J. Phillips and Dana G. Dalrymple
- Research and the Family Farm: Implications for Agricultural Economics Research pp. 997-1004

- Lee M. Day
- U.S. Food and Agricultural Research Assessment: Implications for Agricultural Economists: Discussion pp. 1005-1007

- Joseph C. Purcell
- Research and the Family Farm: Implications for Agricultural Economics Research: Discussion pp. 1008-1009

- Eldon E. Weeks
- The Conduct of the Survey on the Opportunities for and Status of Women in Agricultural Economics pp. 1010-1012

- Ardelle A. Lundeen and Annette L. Clauson
- A Comparison of the Rank and Salary of Male and Female Agricultural Economists pp. 1013-1018

- Linda K. Lee
- The Women Who Become Agricultural Economists pp. 1019-1024

- Barbara J. Redman
- Evidence on Barriers to the Parallel Advancement of Male and Female Agricultural Economists pp. 1025-1031

- Sylvia Lane
Volume 63, issue 4, 1981
- Common Property Externalities: Isolation, Assurance, and Resource Depletion in a Traditional Grazing Context pp. 595-606

- Carlisle Runge
- Food Product Proliferation: A Market Structure Analysis pp. 607-617

- John Connor
- A Sector Analysis of Alternative Income Support and Soil Conservation Policies pp. 618-628

- W. G. Boggess and E. O. Heady
- Net Investment in Farm Tractors: An Econometric Analysis pp. 629-635

- John B. Penson, Robert F. J. Romain and Dean W. Hughes
- The Economic Feasibility of Crop Residues as Auxiliary Fuel in Coal-Fired Power Plants pp. 636-644

- Burton English, Cameron Short and Earl O. Heady
- Agricultural Export Dumping: The Case of Mexican Winter Vegetables in the U.S. Market pp. 645-654

- Andrew Schmitz, Robert S. Firch and Jimmye S. Hillman
- Simulating the Impacts of Credit Policy and Fertilizer Subsidy on Central Luzon Rice Farms, the Philippines pp. 655-665

- Mark W. Rosegrant and Robert W. Herdt
- Recreational Demands for Maintaining Instream Flows: A Contingent Valuation Approach pp. 666-676

- John T. Daubert and Robert A. Young
- Determinants of Hunter Participation: Duck Hunting in the Mississippi Flyway pp. 677-684

- Jon R. Miller and Michael J. Hay
- Evaluating Returns to Agricultural Research: A Review pp. 685-699

- George Norton and Jeffrey S. Davis
- Impact of Corn Prices on Slaughter Beef Composition and Prices pp. 700-703

- Enrique Ospina and C. Shumway
- Price Variation in Direct and Terminal Markets for Cattle and Hogs: An Illinois Case pp. 704-707

- Mahlon G. Lang and Franco Rosa
- A Disaggregated Analysis of Corn Acreage Response in Kentucky pp. 708-711

- Michael Reed and Steven K. Riggins
- A Preliminary Evaluation of Price Forecasting Performance by Agricultural Economists pp. 712-714

- James C. Cornelius, John E. Ikerd and A. Gene Nelson
- Simplified Measurement of Consumer Welfare Change pp. 715-717

- Dennis C. Cory, Russell L. Gum, William E. Martin and Ray F. Brokken
- Optimal Choices among Alternative Technologies with Stochastic Yield pp. 718-723

- Joseph Yassour, David Zilberman and Gordon Rausser
- Multiple Optimal Solutions in Linear Programming Models pp. 724-727

- Quirino Paris
- Minimizing Mean Absolute Deviations to Exactly Solve Expected Utility Problems pp. 728-729

- Donald Johnson and Michael Boehlje
- Capital Gains versus Current Income in the Farming Sector: Comment pp. 730-733

- John P. Doll and Richard Widdows
- Capital Gains versus Current Income in the Farming Sector: Reply pp. 734-737

- Emanuel Melichar
- Economic Welfare and Food Safety Regulation: The Case of Mechanically Deboned Meat: Comment pp. 738-741

- J. Bruce Bullock and Clement E. Ward
- Economic Welfare and Food Safety Regulation: The Case of Mechanically Deboned Meat: Reply pp. 742-745

- Douglas W. McNiel
- Economic Trade-Offs and the North Carolina Shrimp Fishery: Comment pp. 746

- Ronald N. Johnson
- Economic Trade-Offs and the North Carolina Shrimp Fishery: Reply pp. 747

- James R. Waters, J. E. Easley and Leon E. Danielson
- Projected Replacement Needs for Agricultural Economists: Comment pp. 748-750

- R. A. Schrimper
- Projected Replacement Needs for Agricultural Economists: Reply pp. 751-752

- Ralph T. Schotzko
- Perfect Aggregation and Disaggregation of Complementarity Problems: Comment pp. 753-755

- Antonio Guccione
- Perfect Aggregation and Disaggregation of Complementarity Problems: Comment pp. 756-757

- Quirino Paris
- Downey, W. David, and John K. Trocke. Agribusiness Management. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1981, x ' 459 pp., price unknown pp. 758

- Travis D. Phillips and G. Wayne Malone
- Forster, D. Lynn, and Bernard L. Erven. Foundations for Managing the Farm Business. Columbus, Ohio: Grid Publishing Co., 1981, xii ' 351 pp., $23.00 pp. 758-759

- Richard Perrin
- Kay, Ronald D. Farm Management: Planning, Control and Implementation. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1981, xiii ' 370 pp., $17.95 pp. 759-760

- Luther H. Keller
- Lichfield, Nathaniel, and Haim Darin-Drabkin. Land Policy in Planning. Boston: George Allen & Unwin, 1980, viii ' 321 pp., $39.95 pp. 760-761

- Richard R. Barnett
- Murdock, Steve H., and F. Larry Leistritz. Energy Development in the Western United States. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1979, xix ' 363 pp., price unknown pp. 761

- Richard M. Adams
- Randall, Alan. Resource Economics: An Economic Approach to Natural Resource and Environmental Policy. Columbus, Ohio: Grid Publishing Company, 1981, xiii ' 415 pp., price unknown pp. 762

- Peter Berck
- Redman, Barbara J., and John C. Redman. Microeconomics: Resource Allocation and Price Theory. Westport, Conn: AVI Publishing Co. 1981, ix ' 289 pp. price unknown pp. 762-763

- J. Bruce Bullock
- Thomas-Lycklama à Nijeholt, Geertje. On the Road for Work: Migratory Workers on the East Coast of the United States, Series on the Development of Societies, vol. 7. Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishing, 1980, xii ' 211 pp., $16.00 pp. 763-764

- Robert D. Emerson
Volume 63, issue 3, 1981
- Effects of an Export Embargo on Related Goods: Logs and Lumber pp. 423-429

- A. Clark Wiseman and Roger Sedjo
- Farm Size Evaluation in the El Paso Valley: A Survival/Success Approach pp. 430-437

- James Richardson and Gary D. Condra
- Return Flow Control Policy and Income Distribution among Irrigators pp. 438-446

- Daniel J. Dudek and Gerald L. Horner
- Evaluating the Food and Agriculture Act of 1977 with Firm Quadratic Risk Programming pp. 447-456

- Wesley Musser and Kostas G. Stamoulis
- Forecasting Short-Run Fed Beef Supplies with Estimated Data pp. 457-465

- James N. Trapp
- Portfolio Theory and the Demand for Futures: The Case of California Cotton pp. 466-474

- Peter Berck
- Empirical Analysis of Soviet Agricultural Production and Policy pp. 475-483

- Michael Wyzan
- Multiattribute Utility Analysis: The Case of Filipino Rice Policy pp. 484-494

- Gordon Rausser and Joseph Yassour
- Predicting the Diffusion of Improved Pastures in Uruguay pp. 495-502

- Lovell S. Jarvis
- The Supply and Demand of Marketing Contracts under Risk pp. 503-509

- Steven T. Buccola
- An Interval Approach to Measuring Decision Maker Preferences pp. 510-520

- Robert King and Lindon Robison
- The Potential Role of Multilevel Programming in Agricultural Economics pp. 521-531

- Wilfred Candler, Jose Fortuny-Amat and Bruce McCarl
- The Impact of Increased Alcohol Production on Agriculture: A Simulation Study pp. 532-537

- Steven B. Webb
- Impact of the Farmer-Owned Reserve on Privately Owned Wheat Stocks pp. 538-543

- Jerry A. Sharples and Forrest D. Holland
- Food Demand and Savings in a Complete, Extended, Linear Expenditure System pp. 544-549

- David B. Eastwood and John A. Craven
- Evaluating Price Stabilization Schemes with Mathematical Programming pp. 550-556

- Peter B. R. Hazell and Carlos Pomareda
- Foreign Competition and Trade Policy for the Florida Lime Industry pp. 557-561

- Emilio Pagoulatos, J Shonkwiler and Robert L. Degner
- Induced Innovations and Farm Mechanization pp. 562-565

- Yoav Kislev and Willis Peterson
- The Economic Efficiency of Farmers Growing High-Yielding, Irrigated Rice in India pp. 566-570

- Kaliappa Kalirajan
- The Inverse Relationship between Size of Land Holdings and Agricultural Productivity pp. 571-574

- Vaman Rao and Tosporn Chotigeat
- A General Measure for Output-Variable Input Demand Elasticities pp. 575-577

- Barry C. Field and P Allen
- Capital Asset Pricing and Farm Real Estate: Comment pp. 578-579

- Colin Carter
- Capital Asset Pricing and Farm Real Estate: Reply pp. 580-581

- Peter J. Barry
- Burns, Joseph M. A Treatise on Markets: Spot, Futures and Options. Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1979, 145 pp., $5.25 paper pp. 582

- Allen B. Paul
- Crotty, Raymond, Cattle, Economics and Development. Farnham Royal, Slough: Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, 1980, xv + 253 pp., £18 from CAB pp. 583

- John De Boer
- Fennell, Rosemary. The Common Agricultural Policy of the European Community. Montclair, N.J.: Allenheld, Osmun & Co., 1979, xi + 243 pp., price unknown pp. 584

- Tim Josling
- Franke, Richard W., and Barbara H. Chasin. Seeds of Famine: Ecological Destruction and the Development Dilemma in the West African Sahel. Montclair, N.J.: Allanheld, Osmun & Co., Universe Books, 1980, xvi + 267 pp., price unknown pp. 585-586

- J. G. Ryan
- Frankena, Mark W., and David T. Scheffman. Economic Analysis of Provincial Land Use Policies in Ontario. Ontario Economic Council Research Study No. 18. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1980, viii + 171 pp., $7.50 pp. 586

- Willem van Vuuren
- Friedmann, John, and Clyde Weaver. Territory and Function: The Evolution of Regional Planning. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1980, 240 pp., $6.95 pp. 586-587

- Bruce E. Lindsay
- Halcrow, Harold G. Economics of Agriculture. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1980, xiv, 383 pp., price unknown pp. 587-588

- Anthony P. Stemberger
- Hicks, John. Causality in Economics. New York: Basic Books, 1980, 124 pp., $8.95 pp. 588-589

- Dudley Wallace
- Judge, George G., William E. Griffiths, R. Carter Hill, and Tsoung-Chao Lee. The Theory and Practice of Econometrics. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1980, xxvii + 793 pp., $26.95 pp. 589-590

- Peter Schmidt
- Kada, Ryohei. Part-Time Family Farming: Off-Farm Employment and Farm Adjustments in the United States and Japan. Tokyo, Japan: Center for Academic Publications, 1980 (ISBS, Inc., Forest Grove, Ore., exclusive distributor), xv + 264 pp., $26.00 pp. 590

- Wallace Huffman
- Pearse, Andrew. Seeds of Plenty, Seeds of Want: Social and Economic Implications of the Green Revolution, New York: Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, 1980, xi + 262 pp., $22.50 pp. 591

- Dana G. Dalrymple
- Sanderson, Fred H., and Shyamal Roy. Food Trends and Prospects in India and Ray, Susanta K., Ralph W. Cummings, Jr., and Robert W. Herdt. Policy Planning for Agricultural Development pp. 592

- M. T. R. Sarma
Volume 63, issue 2, 1981
- The Effects of Changing Input Costs on Food Prices pp. 187-196

- R. McFall Lamm and Paul Westcott
- Commodity Price Forecasting with Large-Scale Econometric Models and the Futures Market pp. 197-208

- Richard Just and Gordon Rausser
- The Price-Forecasting Performance of Futures Markets for Live Cattle and Hogs: A Disaggregated Analysis pp. 209-215

- Larry Martin and Philip Garcia
- Farmers' Credit Risks and Liquidity Management pp. 216-227

- Peter J. Barry, C. B. Baker and Luis R. Sanint
- Determinants of Public Services Provision in Rural Communities: Evidence from Voting on Hospital Referenda pp. 228-236

- Rodney D. Fort and Jon B. Christianson
- Estimating Farm-Level Input Demand and Wheat Supply in the Indian Punjab Using a Translog Profit Function pp. 237-246

- Surjit S. Sidhu and Carlos A. Baanante
- Nutritional Adaptations of Linear Programming for Planning Rural Development pp. 247-254

- Peter H. Calkins
- Income and Expenditure for Relatively More versus Relatively Less Nutritious Food over the Life Cycle pp. 255-260

- Laura Blanciforti, Richard Green and Sylvia Lane
- The Impact of Changing Marketing Margins on Farm Prices pp. 261-263

- B. S. Fisher
- Crop Production Costs and Returns on Midwestern Organic Farms: 1977 and 1978 pp. 264-269

- Georgia Shearer, Daniel H. Kohl, Diane Wanner, George Kuepper, Susan Sweeney and William Lockeretz
- Impacts On Farmers of a Computerized Management Decision-Making Model pp. 270-274

- David Debertin, Charles L. Moore, Larry D. Jones and Angelos Pagoulatos
- The Inverse Relationship between Productivity and Farm Size: A Test Using Regional Data from India pp. 275-279

- Anil Deolalikar
- International Farm Prices and the Social Cost of Cheap Food Policies: Comment pp. 280

- Yoav Kislev
- The Value of Unrealized Farm Land Capital Gains: Comment pp. 281-282

- Ross G. Drynan and Ian Hodge
- The Value of Unrealized Farm Land Capital Gains: Reply pp. 283-284

- James S. Plaxico and Darrel D. Kletke
- Estimates of Consumer Loss Due to Monopoly in the U.S. Food-Manufacturing Industries: Comment pp. 285-289

- A. Desmond O'Rourke and W. Smith Greig
- Estimates of Consumer Loss Due to Monopoly in the U.S. Food-Manufacturing Industries: Comment pp. 290-292

- J. Bruce Bullock
- Estimates of Consumer Loss Due to Monopoly in the U.S. Food-Manufacturing Industries: Reply pp. 293-297

- Russell C. Parker and John Connor
- Mitigating the Effects of Multicollinearity Using Exact and Stochastic Restrictions: The Case of an Aggregate Agricultural Production Function in Thailand: Comment pp. 298-300

- Carter Hill, Rod F. Ziemer and Fred C. White
- Mitigating the Effects of Multicollinearity Using Exact and Stochastic Restrictions: The Case of an Aggregate Agricultural Production Function in Thailand: Reply pp. 301-304

- Ron Mittelhammer and Douglas L. Young
- An Economic Evaluation of Alternative Peanut Policies: Delayed Reply pp. 305-308

- W. L. Nieuwoudt
- Reconciling Agricultural Pricing, Environmental, Conservation, Energy, and Structural Concerns pp. 309-315

- Marshall A. Martin
- The Farmer-Owned Reserve: How Is the Experiment Working? pp. 316-323

- William H. Meyers and Mary E. Ryan
- A Framework for Food and Agricultural Policy for the 1980s pp. 324-327

- John A. Schnittker
- A Framework for Analyzing Agricultural and Food Policy in the 1980s pp. 328-332

- Dale M. Hoover
- Reconciling Agricultural Pricing, Environmental, Conservation, Energy, and Structural Concerns: Discussion pp. 333-334

- Allen Grommet
- The Farmer-Owned Reserve: How Is the Experiment Working?: Discussion pp. 335-336

- W. Scott Steele
- Changing Rural Development Data Needs pp. 337-345

- James T. Bonnen and Glenn L. Nelson
- Some Concepts for Measuring the Economic Value of Rural Data pp. 346-352

- J. Bruce Bullock
- Farm Sector Data: Presentation and Improvement pp. 353-360

- Kenneth J. Nicol
- Changing Rural Development Data Needs: Discussion pp. 361-362

- Peter M. Emerson
- Some Concepts for Measuring the Economic Value of Rural Data: Discussion pp. 363-364

- Thomas A. Miller
- Farm Sector Data: Presentation and Improvement: Discussion pp. 365-366

- Richard D. Rodefeld
- The Role of the Multinational Corporation pp. 367-374

- Ray Goldberg
- The Role of Export Cropping in Less Developed Countries pp. 375-383

- Jimmye S. Hillman
- The Role of Land Reform in Economic Development: Policies and Politics pp. 384-392

- Alain de Janvry
- The Role of the Multinational Corporation: Discussion pp. 393-395

- Terutomo Ozawa
- The Role of Export Cropping in Less Developed Countries: Discussion pp. 396-398

- Malcolm D. Bale
- The Role of Land Reform in Economic Development: Policies and Politics: Discussion pp. 399-400

- Daniel Bromley
- Campbell, Keith O., Food for the Future, Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, 1979, x + 178 pp., $12.50 pp. 401-402

- Per Pinstrup-Andersen
- Boris, Constance M., and John V. Krutilla. Water Rights and Energy Development in the Yellowstone River Basin: An Integrated Analysis. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press for Resources for the Future, 1980, xiv+278 pp., $25.00 pp. 401

- Raymond J. Supalla
- Goldberg, Ray A., and Richard C. McGinity. Agribusiness Management for Developing Countries: Southeast Asian Corn System and American and Japanese Trends Affecting It. Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger Publishing Co., 1979, xxv + 643 pp., $17.50 pp. 402-403

- Lowell Hill
- Helmers, F.L.C.H. Project Planning and Income Distribution. Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishing Co., 1979, 295 pp., price unknown pp. 403-404

- Erik Thorbecke
- Hopkins, Raymond F., and Donald J. Puchala. Global Food Interdependence: Challenge to American Foreign Policy. New York: Columbia University Press, 1980, xvi + 214 pp., $20.00 pp. 404-405

- Philip L. Paarlberg
- Jackson, David H. The Microeconomics of the Timber Industry. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1980, xiii + 136 pp., $18.50 pp. 405-406

- W. L. Mills
- Peterson, Trudy Huskamp. Agricultural Exports, Farm Income and the Eisenhower Administration. Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, 1980, xii + 222 pp., $15.95 pp. 406-407

- Lauren Soth
- Schmitt, Bernard A. Protein, Calories and Development. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1979, xxi + 224 pp., price unknown pp. 407-408

- David L. Franklin
- Stevens, Christopher. Food Aid and the Developing World. New York: St. Martin's Press for the Overseas Development Institute, 1979, 224 pp., $22.40 pp. 408-409

- Barbara Huddleston
Volume 63, issue 1, 1981
- An Opportunity Cost View of Fixed Asset Theory and the Overproduction Trap pp. 1-7

- Marc A. Johnson and E. C. Pasour
- Price Distortions in Agriculture and Their Effects: An International Comparison pp. 8-22

- Malcolm D. Bale and Ernst Lutz
- A Multicommodity Analysis of Trade Policy Effects: The Case of Nicaraguan Agriculture pp. 23-31

- Daniel Fajardo, Bruce McCarl and Robert L. Thompson
- Effects of Exchange Rate Changes on U.S. Agriculture: A Dynamic Analysis pp. 32-46

- Robert G. Chambers and Richard Just
- Major Determinants of Ocean Freight Rates for Grains: An Econometric Analysis pp. 47-57

- James K. Binkley and Bruce Harrer
- Rural Financial Market Performance: Implications of Low Delinquency Rates pp. 58-65

- Robert C. Vogel
- The Political Economy of Agricultural Credit: The Case of Bolivi pp. 66-72

- Jerry R. Ladman and Ronald L. Tinnermeier
- Market Intervention Policies for Increasing the Consumption of Nutrients by Low Income Households pp. 73-82

- Richard Perrin and Grant Scobie
- Farm Level Economics of Soil Conservation in the Palouse Area of the Northwest pp. 83-92

- Oscar R. Burt
- A New Analytical Framework for the Fertilization Problem pp. 93-103

- Edgar A. Lanzer and Quirino Paris
- An Economic Analysis of Expenditures on Agricultural Experiment Station Research pp. 104-118

- Wallace Huffman and John A. Miranowski
- Participation in Farm Commodity Programs: A Stochastic Dominance Analysis pp. 119-128

- Randall Kramer and Rulon D. Pope
- The Land Grant Colleges and the Structure Issue pp. 129-134

- Don Paarlberg
- Composite Forecasting: An Application with U.S. Hog Prices pp. 135-140

- Jon A. Brandt and David Bessler
- On Variances of Conditional Linear Least-Squares Search Parameter Estimates pp. 141-145

- Edmund A. Estes, Leroy L. Blakeslee and Ron Mittelhammer
- Simulated Behavior of Fast Food Restaurants under Alternative Cost/Volume Conditions pp. 146-152

- Lynn W. Robbins and Thomas P. Haas
- Measuring the Cost of Time in Recreation Demand Analysis: An Application to Sportfishing pp. 153-156

- Kenneth E. McConnell and Ivar Strand
- Producer Welfare and the Preference for Price Stability pp. 157-160

- Andrew Schmitz, Haim Shalit and Stephen J Turnovsky
- Supply Response and the Dispersion of Price Expectations pp. 161-163

- Rulon D. Pope
- On Implicit Forms of Multiproduct-Multifactor Production Functions pp. 164-168

- Ron Mittelhammer, Scott C. Matulich and D. Bushaw
- Subjectivity in Ex Ante Research Evaluation pp. 169-173

- C. Shumway
- Choices and Consequences: Comment pp. 174-175

- Richard Green and Zuhair A. Hassan
- Choices and Consequences: Reply pp. 176-177

- Richard A. King
- Goodwin, Geoffrey, and James Mayall, eds, A New International Commodity Regime. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1980, 237 pp., $25.00 pp. 178-179

- Jere Behrman
- Guither, Harold D. The Food Lobbyists: Behind the Scenes of Food and AgriPolitics. Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath Co., 1980, 358 pp., $27.95 pp. 179-180

- Leo V. Mayer
- Harl, Neil E. Agricultural Law. New York: Matthew Bender & Co., multivolume set, $60.00 per volume pp. 180

- J. W. Looney
- Paarlberg, Don. Farm and Food Policy: Issues of the 1980s. Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, 1980, viii + 338 pp., $16.50 pp. 180-181

- Joseph D. Coffey
- Penson, John B., Jr., and David A. Lins. Agricultural Finance—An Introduction to Micro and Macro Concepts. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1980, 546 pp., $18.95 pp. 181-182

- Garnett Bradford
- Rausser, Gordon C., and Eithan Hochman. Dynamic Agricultural Systems: Economic Prediction and Control. New York: Elsevier North-Holland, 1979, 364 pp. (volume 3 in a series of volumes in Dynamic Economics: Theory and Applications) pp. 182-183

- Thomas Johnson
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