American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 9, issue 4, 1927
- American Agriculture Needs a New Land Policy pp. 401-420

- Nils A. Olsen
- Agricultural Economics in Europe pp. 421-432

- Asher Hobson
- Forecasting Cattle Prices pp. 433-446

- John A. Hopkins
- The Legal Status of Agricultural Cooperation, by Edwin G. Nourse. New York; The Macmillan Company, 1927. 555p. (Institute of economics. Investigations in agricultural economics.) pp. 447-450

- L. S. Hulbert
- Diminishing Returns in Agriculture, by F. Lester Patton, New York; Columbia University Press, 1926. Pp. 97 pp. 450-451

- Millard Peck
- Industrial Prosperity and the Farmer, by Russell C. Engberg. New York; Macmillan Company, 1927. Pp. 286 pp. 451-452

- J. W. Tapp
- The Rural Industries of England and Wales. 1. Timber and Underwood Industries, by Helen E. Fitzpatrick and M. Dorill Hay, New York; Oxford University Press, American Branch pp. 453

- I. G. Davis
- Recent Publications pp. 454-461

- Mary F. Carpenter
Volume 9, issue 3, 1927
- Forecasting the Price of Wheat pp. 273-287

- Holbrook Working
- The Nature and Measurement of the Elasticity of Supply of Farm Products pp. 288-302

- F. F. Elliott
- Some Recent Changes in Meat and Feed Crop Production pp. 303-317

- L. J. Norton
- The Experience of Kansas With Wheat Pools pp. 318-332

- Joseph G. Knapp
- Our Shifting Agriculture pp. 333-339

- W. E. Grimes
- Agriculture and the Nation's Business pp. 340-345

- L. H. Bean
- The Growth of Economic Research pp. 346-351

- E. W. Allen
- Early Land Holding Practices in Utah, and Problems Arising from Them pp. 352-355

- Lowry Nelson
- The Cost of Marketing Texas Cattle in the Old Trail Days pp. 356-360

- T. J. Cauley
- Canadian Farming Since Confederation pp. 361-367

- J. E. Lattimer
- Balancing the Farm Output, by W. J. Spillman, New York; Orange Judd Publishing Company, 1927. Pp. 126 pp. 368-371

- C. L. Holmes
- Making the Most of Agriculture, by T. Macklin, W. E. Grimes, and J. H. Kolb, Boston; Ginn and Company, 1927. Pp. Vi + 542 pp. 372-374

- G. W. Forster
- Rural Life at the Crossroads, by Macy Campbell. Boston; Ginn and Company, 1927. Pp. X + 482 pp. 374-375

- O. B. Jesness
- The Green Rising, by W. B. Bizzell, New York; The Macmillan Company, 1926. 264 pp pp. 376-377

- Millard Peck
- Farm Population of the United States, by Leon E. Truesdell, Washington; Government Printing Office, 1927. 536 pp. (census monograph VI.) pp. 378-379

- C. J. Galpin
- Recent Publications pp. 380-386

- Mary F. Carpenter
Volume 9, issue 2, 1927
- Agriculture Now? pp. 137-162

- John D. Black
- The Problem of Inheritance in American Land Tenure pp. 163-175

- George S. Wehrwein
- Cotton Futures Markets in Europe pp. 176-191

- A.B. Cox
- Cost of Production, supply and Demand, and the Tariff pp. 192-209

- Henry Schultz
- Joint Cooperative Studies in the Field of Rural Life pp. 210-215

- E.L. Kirkpatrick
- Determination of Rural Standards of Living pp. 216-222

- Elizabeth E. Hoyt
- Objectives and Methods in Rural Living Studies pp. 223-237

- Carle C. Zimmerman
- Production Economics, by John D. Black, New York; Henry Holt and Company, 1926. Pp. 975 pp. 238-242

- Jesse W. Tapp
- The Commerce of Agriculture—A Survey of Agricultural Resources, by Frederick A. Buechel, Ph. D., New York; John Wiley & Sons, 1926 pp. 242-243

- I. G. Davis
- Financial Management of Farmers' Elevators, by Gerald M. Francis. A. W. Shaw Company, Chicago, 1926. Pp. 104 pp. 243-245

- H. C. Filley
- Financing the Livestock Industry, by Forrest M. Larmer, New York; Macmillan, 1926; 327 pp. (Institute of Economics. Investigations in agricultural economics.) pp. 245-246

- Fred L. Garlock
- A National Program of Forest Research, prepared by Earle H. Clapp. (Published by The American Tree Association, Washington, D. C, for the Society of American Foresters, 1926.) pp. 246

- L. C. Gray
- Soil Exhaustion as a Factor in the Agricultural History of Virginia and Maryland, by Avery Odell Craven, Urbana, University of Illinois, 1926. Pp. 179. (University of Illinois studies in the social sciences, V. 13, No. 1, March, 1925) pp. 247

- Mary G. Lacy
- Economies of Production of Grade "A" (Tuberculin-Tested) Milk, by V. Liversage, Agricultural Economics Research Institute, University of Oxford. New York, Oxford University Press, 1926. Pp. 58 pp. 247-248

- Mary G. Lacy
- The Farmers' Campaign for Credit, by Clara Eliot, New York; D. Apple-ton and Company, 1927. Pp. 312 pp. 248-250

- Claude L. Benner
- Research and the Land, by V. E. Wilkins. London: H. M. Stationery Office. 1926. (British Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.) pp. 250

- L. C. Gray
- Recent State Bulletins pp. 251-259

- Mary F. Carpenter
Volume 9, issue 1, 1927
- Rural Depopulation pp. 1-10

- T. N. Carver
- The Farm Problem pp. 11-20

- Frank O. Lowden
- The Outlook for Agriculture pp. 21-52

- E. G. Nourse, T. N. Carver, G. F. Warren, Charles J. Brand, B. H. Hibbard and O. C. Stine
- Land Grant College Curricula pp. 53-64

- F. A. Buechel and C. L. Holmes
- Agricultural Economics Curricula pp. 65-72

- O. G. Lloyd
- The Co-Operative Marketing Association as a Factor in Adjusting Production to Demand pp. 73-81

- H. E. Erdman
- Some Long-Time Effects of Cooperative Marketing pp. 82-93

- Roland S. Vaile
- Some Observations on the So-Called Agricultural Ladder pp. 94-106

- George H. Von Tungeln
- The Agricultural Problem in the United States. The National Industrial Conference Board, New York, 1926 pp. 130-132

- C. L. Holmes
- Taylor, Carl C. Rural Sociology. A study of rural problems, pp. 509. Harpers, 1926 pp. 133

- C. E. Lively
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