American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 90, issue 5, 2008
- Distinguishing Preferences from Perceptions for Meaningful Policy Analysis pp. 1165-1175

- Richard Just
- Wicked Problems and Applied Economics pp. 1176-1191

- Sandra S. Batie
- Smart Subsidies for Conservation pp. 1192-1200

- Gregory M. Parkhurst and Jason Shogren
- Trading Agricultural Payment Entitlements: An Experimental Investigation of Bilateral Negotiations pp. 1201-1207

- Enno Bahrs, Stephan Kroll and Matthias Sutter
- Ex Ante Evaluation of Alternative Agricultural Policies in Laboratory Posted Bid Markets pp. 1208-1215

- Christopher T. Bastian, Dale J. Menkhaus, Amy M. Nagler and Nicole S. Ballenger
- Whispering in the Ears of Princes—Using Experimental Economics to Evaluate Agricultural and Natural Resource Policies: Discussion pp. 1216-1217

- James B. Whitaker
- Mitigating Volatile U.S. Gasoline Prices and Internalizing External Costs: A Win-Win Fuel Portfolio pp. 1218-1225

- Zibin Zhang, Luanne Lohr, Cesar Escalante and Michael E. Wetzstein
- Food Market Effects of a Global Resource Shift Toward Bioenergy pp. 1226-1232

- Benjamin Senauer
- U.S. Comparative Advantage in Bioenergy: A Heckscher-Ohlin-Ricardian Approach pp. 1233-1238

- Ian Sheldon and Matthew Roberts
- Bioenergy in a Global Environment: Discussion pp. 1239-1240

- James A. Duffield
- Climate Change and Future Analysis: Is Stationarity Dying? pp. 1241-1247

- Bruce McCarl, Xavier Villavicencio and Ximing Wu
- Information Value of Climate-Based Yield Forecasts in Selecting Optimal Crop Insurance Coverage pp. 1248-1255

- Denis Nadolnyak, Dmitry Vedenov and James Novak
- Modeling the Potential Impact of Catastrophic Weather on Crop Insurance Industry Portfolio Losses pp. 1256-1262

- Oscar Vergara, Gerhard Zuba, Tim Doggett and Jack Seaquist
- Climate Variability Implications for Agricultural Crop Production and Risk Management: Discussion pp. 1263-1264

- Barry Goodwin
- Models of Interdependent Security along the Milk Supply Chain pp. 1265-1271

- Vicki Bier, Hoa Han and Lorna Zack
- Do Household Attitudes about Food Defense and Food Safety Change Following Highly Visible National Food Recalls? pp. 1272-1278

- Thomas Stinson, Koel Ghosh, Jean Kinsey and Dennis Degeneffe
- The Impact of North American BSE Events on Live Cattle Futures Prices pp. 1279-1286

- Yanhong H. Jin, Gabriel Power and Levan Elbakidze
- Effects of Biosecurity Risk and Food Scare Events on Food Prices and Demand: Discussion pp. 1287-1288

- Amy Hagerman and Bruce McCarl
- The Growing Role of Local Food Markets pp. 1289-1295

- Shermain D. Hardesty
- The Impacts of Local Markets: A Review of Research on Farmers Markets and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) pp. 1298-1302

- Cheryl Brown and Stacy Miller
- Going Local: Exploring Consumer Behavior and Motivations for Direct Food Purchases pp. 1303-1309

- Dawn Thilmany, Craig A. Bond and Jennifer K. Bond
- The Growing Role of Local Food Markets: Discussion pp. 1310-1311

- Debra Tropp
- Spatial Sorting of Immigrants Across Urban and Rural Areas in the United States: Changing Patterns of Human Capital Accumulation Since the 1990s pp. 1312-1318

- Brigitte S. Waldorf, Raymond Florax and Julia Beckhusen
- The Impact of Networks and the Context of Reception on Asset Accumulation Strategies of Latino Newcomers in New Settlement Communities of the Midwest pp. 1319-1325

- Corinne Valdivia, Pedro Dozi, Stephen Jeanetta, Lisa Y. Flores, Domingo Martínez and Anne Dannerbeck
- Recent Immigration and Economic Outcomes in Rural America pp. 1326-1333

- Mark Partridge, Dan Rickman and Kamar Ali
- Recent International Immigrants and Their Impact on America's Rural Communities: Discussion pp. 1334-1335

- Wallace Huffman
- Valuing Risk: Options in California Water Markets pp. 1336-1342

- Kristiana Hansen, Richard Howitt and Jeffrey Williams
- Promoting Groundwater Reform in the Guadiana Basin pp. 1343-1349

- Susan E. Stratton, Leo Simon and Carmen Marchiori
- Using Numerical Methods to Address Water Supply and Reliability Issues: Discussion pp. 1350-1351

- Jeffrey Peterson and Karina Schoengold
- Global Adoption of Convenience Foods pp. 1356-1365

- Megan Sheely
- Report of the AJAE Editors for 2007 pp. 1367-1374

- Jeffrey Dorfman, Erik Lichtenberg, Paul Preckel and Walter Thurman
Volume 90, issue 4, 2008
- Do Overlapping Land Rights Reduce Agricultural Investment? Evidence from Uganda pp. 869-882

- Klaus Deininger and Daniel Ayalew Ali
- An Empirical Exploration of the Population-Environment Nexus in India pp. 883-901

- Haimanti Bhattacharya and Robert Innes
- Water Markets and Third-Party Effects pp. 902-917

- Jean-Marc Bourgeon, K. Easter and Rodney B.W. Smith
- Removing Distortions in the U.S. Ethanol Market: What Does It Imply for the United States and Brazil? pp. 918-932

- Amani Elobeid and Simla Tokgoz
- What Explains the Increased Utilization of Powder River Basin Coal in Electric Power Generation? pp. 933-950

- Shelby Gerking and Stephen Hamilton
- Spatio-Temporal Modeling of Agricultural Yield Data with an Application to Pricing Crop Insurance Contracts pp. 951-961

- Vitor A. Ozaki, Sujit K. Ghosh, Barry Goodwin and Ricardo Shirota
- Spatial-Temporal Model of Insect Growth, Diffusion and Derivative Pricing pp. 962-978

- T.J. Richards, J. Eaves, Mark Manfredo, S.E. Naranjo, C.-C. Chu and T.J. Henneberry
- Indifference Pricing of Weather Derivatives pp. 979-993

- Oliver Musshoff
- Utility in Willingness to Pay Space: A Tool to Address Confounding Random Scale Effects in Destination Choice to the Alps pp. 994-1010

- Riccardo Scarpa, Mara Thiene and Kenneth Train
- Effects on Welfare Measures of Alternative Means of Accounting for Preference Heterogeneity in Recreational Demand Models pp. 1011-1027

- Stephen Hynes, Nick Hanley and Riccardo Scarpa
- The Effects of Exchange Rate Volatility on Agricultural Trade pp. 1028-1043

- Ivan Kandilov
- Point/Nonpoint Effluent Trading with Spatial Heterogeneity pp. 1044-1058

- Jussi Lankoski, Erik Lichtenberg and Markku Ollikainen
- The Gains from Differentiated Policies to Control Stock Pollution when Producers Are Heterogeneous pp. 1059-1073

- David Zilberman
- A Bioeconomic Model of Cattle Stocking on Rangeland Threatened by Invasive Plants and Nitrogen Deposition pp. 1074-1090

- David Finnoff, Aaron Strong and John Tschirhart
- A Principal-Agent Model for Evaluating the Economic Value of a Traceability System: A Case Study with Injection-site Lesion Control in Fed Cattle pp. 1091-1102

- Moises A. Resende-Filho and Brian L. Buhr
- Economic Development Prospects of Forest-Dependent Communities: Analyzing Trade-offs Using a Compromise-Fuzzy Programming Framework pp. 1103-1117

- Emina Krcmar and Gerrit van Kooten
- Forecasting Resource-Allocation Decisions Under Climate Uncertainty: Fire Suppression with Assessment of Net Benefits of Research pp. 1118-1129

- Jeffrey P. Prestemon and Geoffrey H. Donovan
- The Choice of Regulatory Instrument When There Is Uncertainty About Compliance with Fisheries Regulations pp. 1130-1142

- Lars Hansen, Frank Jensen and Clifford Russell
- Property Rights and Natural Resource Management Incentives: Do Transferability and Formality Matter? pp. 1143-1155

- Makiko Omura
- Is War Necessary for Economic Growth? Military Procurement and Technology Development pp. 1156-1157

- Gilad D. Aharonovitz
- Wealth, Welfare and Sustainability: Advances in Measuring Sustainable Development pp. 1158-1159

- Ronald A. Fleming
- From Corn Laws to Free Trade: Interests, Ideas, and Institutions in Historical Perspective pp. 1159-1161

- Carlisle Runge
- The Cost of Fisheries Management pp. 1161-1163

- Ussif Sumaila
- The Moral Consequences of Economic Growth pp. 1163-1164

- Jeffrey Wagner
Volume 90, issue 3, 2008
- Rights-Based Management and Alaska Pollock Processors' Supply pp. 579-592

- Harrison Fell
- Allocating Resources in an Uncertain World: Water Management and Endangered Species pp. 593-605

- Richard Woodward and W. Shaw
- Homogeneity and Supply pp. 606-612

- Jeffrey LaFrance and Rulon D. Pope
- An Empirical Examination of the Timing of Land Conversions in the Presence of Farmland Preservation Programs pp. 613-626

- Nancy Bockstael
- Agricultural Payments and Land Concentration: A Semiparametric Spatial Regression Analysis pp. 627-643

- Michael Roberts and Nigel Key
- A Structural Econometric Model of Joint Consumption of Goods and Recreational Time: An Application to Pick-Your-Own Fruit pp. 644-657

- Carlos Carpio, Michael Wohlgenant and Charles D. Safley
- Bayesian Estimation and Selection of Nonlinear Vector Error Correction Models: The Case of the Sugar-Ethanol-Oil Nexus in Brazil pp. 658-668

- Kelvin Balcombe and George Rapsomanikis
- Women's Access to Credit: Does It Matter for Household Efficiency? pp. 669-683

- Diana Fletschner
- Protecting Watershed Ecosystems through Targeted Local Land Use Policies pp. 684-700

- Christian Langpap, Ivan Haščič and JunJie Wu
- Welfare Impacts of Alternative Public Policies for Agricultural Pollution Control in an Open Economy: A General Equilibrium Framework pp. 701-718

- Madhu Khanna and Carl Nelson
- Generic Product Advertising, Spillovers, and Market Concentration pp. 719-732

- George Norman, Lynne Pepall and Dan Richards
- A Comparison of the Economic Well-Being of Farm and Nonfarm Households pp. 733-747

- Ani Katchova
- Agro-Manufactured Export Prices, Wages and Unemployment pp. 748-764

- Guido Porto
- Do Regional Trade Agreements Increase Members' Agricultural Trade? pp. 765-782

- Jason Grant and Dayton Lambert
- Determinants of Income Growth in Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Labor Markets pp. 783-793

- George Hammond and Eric C. Thompson
- Geographical Indications and the Competitive Provision of Quality in Agricultural Markets pp. 794-812

- Daniel Pick
- Brand Inertia in U.S. Household Cheese Consumption pp. 813-826

- Carlos Arnade, Munisamy Gopinath and Daniel Pick
- Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Patterns: A Segmentation Approach pp. 827-842

- Patrice Bertail and France Caillavet
- Would You Choose Your Preferred Option? Comparing Choice and Recoded Ranking Experiments pp. 843-855

- Alejandro Caparros, Jose Oviedo and Pablo Campos
- Integrated Water Resources Management: Global Theory, Emerging Practice, and Local Needs pp. 856-857

- Kalyan Chakraborty
- Water Institutions: Policies, Performance and Prospects pp. 857-859

- K. Easter
- Reforming Agricultural Trade for Developing Countries (Vol. 1): Key Issues for a Pro-Development Outcome of the Doha Round pp. 859-861

- Michael Reed
Volume 90, issue 2, 2008
- Does Participation in the Food Stamp Program Increase the Prevalence of Obesity and Health Care Spending? pp. 287-305

- Chad Meyerhoefer and Yuriy Pylypchuk
- Tractors on eBay: Differences between Internet and In-Person Auctions pp. 306-320

- Florian Diekmann, Brian Roe and Marvin Batte
- Avocado Pests and Avocado Trade pp. 321-335

- Everett Peterson and David Orden
- The Impact of Regulations on Agricultural Trade: Evidence from the SPS and TBT Agreements pp. 336-350

- Anne-Célia Disdier, Lionel Fontagné and Mondher Mimouni
- Pre-Harvest Price Expectations for Corn: The Information Content of USDA Reports and New Crop Futures pp. 351-366

- Andrew M. McKenzie
- How Reliable Are Hog Futures as Forecasts? pp. 367-378

- Colin Carter and Sandeep Mohapatra
- Incentives to Reduce Crop Trait Durability pp. 379-391

- Stefan Ambec, Corinne Langinier and Stéphane Lemarié
- What Causes Spatial Variations in Economic Development in the United States? pp. 392-408

- JunJie Wu and Munisamy Gopinath
- Risk Rationing and Wealth Effects in Credit Markets: Theory and Implications for Agricultural Development pp. 409-423

- Stephen R. Boucher, Michael Carter and Catherine Guirkinger
- Crop Input Response Functions with Stochastic Plateaus pp. 424-434

- Gelson Tembo, B Brorsen, Francis Epplin and Emílio Tostão
- A Cost Approach to Economic Analysis Under State-Contingent Production Uncertainty pp. 435-466

- Jean-Paul Chavas
- Welfare Effects of Technological Convergence in Processed Food Industries pp. 447-462

- Jun Ruan, Munisamy Gopinath and Steven Buccola
- Choosing Brands: Fresh Produce versus Other Products pp. 463-475

- Yanhong H. Jin, David Zilberman and Amir Heiman
- Decomposing Local: A Conjoint Analysis of Locally Produced Foods pp. 476-486

- Kim Darby, Marvin Batte, Stan Ernst and Brian Roe
- An Incentive Compatible Conjoint Ranking Mechanism pp. 487-498

- Deacue Fields and Walt Prevatt
- Implementable Ramsey-Boiteux Pricing in Agricultural and Environmental Policy pp. 499-508

- Jean-Marc Bourgeon and Robert Chambers
- A System Comparison Approach to Distinguish Two Nonseparable and Nonnested Agricultural Household Models pp. 509-523

- Tadashi Sonoda
- Spatial Dynamics of Water and Nitrogen Management in Irrigated Agriculture pp. 524-539

- Keith Knapp and Kurt Schwabe
- The Problem of Free Riding in Voluntary Generic Advertising: Parallelism and Possible Solutions from the Lab pp. 540-552

- Kent Messer, Harry Kaiser and William D. Schulze
- Differentiation and Synergies in Rural Tourism: Estimation and Simulation of the Israeli Market pp. 553-570

- Anat Tchetchik, Aliza Fleischer and Israel Finkelshtain
- Fair Trade for All pp. 571-572

- David Blandford
- Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Human-Environment Interactions in Forest Ecosystems pp. 573-574

- Susan M. Capalbo
- Social Science Knowledge and Economic Development: An Institutional Design Perspective pp. 574-576

- Rohini Somanathan
- The Agricultural Marketing System pp. 576-577

- James G. Beierlein
Volume 90, issue 1, 2008
- Pesticide Use and Fish Harvests in Vietnamese Rice Agroecosystems pp. 1-14

- Heather Klemick and Erik Lichtenberg
- Traceability, Liability, and Incentives for Food Safety and Quality pp. 15-27

- Sebastien Pouliot and Daniel Sumner
- Was It Something I Ate? Implementation of the FDA Seafood HACCP Program pp. 28-41

- Dominic Mancini and Gregmar Galinato
- Cross-subsidization Due to Inframarginal Support in Agriculture: A General Theory and Empirical Evidence pp. 42-54

- Harry de Gorter, David Just and Jaclyn D. Kropp
- Domestic Support and Border Measures for Processed Horticultural Products pp. 55-68

- Bradley J. Rickard and Daniel Sumner
- Estimating the Degree of Market Integration pp. 69-85

- Paul Fackler and Huseyin Tastan
- Experiments on Damage-Based Ambient Taxes for Nonpoint Source Polluters pp. 86-102

- Jordan Suter, Christian Vossler, Gregory Poe and Kathleen Segerson
- Revisiting Aggregate U.S. Meat Demand with a Bayesian Averaging of Classical Estimates Approach: Do We Need a More General Theory? pp. 103-116

- Henry L. Bryant and George Davis
- Food Stamp Program Participation and Food Insecurity: An Instrumental Variables Approach pp. 117-132

- Steven T. Yen, Margaret Andrews, Zhuo Chen and David B. Eastwood
- The Role of Patent Rights in Mergers: Consolidation in Plant Biotechnology pp. 133-151

- Alan Marco and Gordon Rausser
- Market and Welfare Effects of Second-Generation, Consumer-Oriented GM Products pp. 152-171

- Konstantinos Giannakas and Amalia Yiannaka
- Farmers' Perceived Costs of Wetlands: Effects of Wetland Size, Hydration, and Dispersion pp. 172-185

- John Fox and Jeffrey Peterson
- Recreation Nonparticipation as Choice Behavior Rather Than Statistical Outcome pp. 186-196

- Eric English
- Welfare Impacts of Cross-Country Spillovers in Agricultural Research pp. 197-215

- Sergio Lence and Dermot Hayes
- Land Cover in a Managed Forest Ecosystem: Mexican Shade Coffee pp. 216-231

- Allen Blackman, Heidi Albers, Beatriz ávalos-Sartorio and Lisa Crooks Murphy
- Optimal Land Development with Endogenous Environmental Amenities pp. 232-248

- JunJie Wu and Elena Irwin
- When Should Uncertain Nonpoint Emissions Be Penalized in a Trading Program? pp. 249-255

- David Hennessy and Hongli Feng
- Voting for Environmental Policy Under Income and Preference Heterogeneity pp. 256-266

- Essi Eerola and Anni Huhtala
- Farmers' Health Insurance and Access to Health Care pp. 267-279

- Xiaoyong Zheng and David Zimmer
- From Marx to Mao to the Market: The Economics and Politics of Agricultural Transition pp. 280-281

- John Antle
- Lawlessness and Economics: Alternative Modes of Governance pp. 281-282

- Amitrajeet Batabyal
- Trade and the Environment: Analysis of Reciprocal Interactions pp. 282-283

- Ian Coxhead
- Environmental Protection and the Social Responsibility of Firms: Perspectives from Law, Economics and Business pp. 283-285

- W. Lesser
- The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals pp. 285-286

- Parke Wilde
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